Fundamentals 17
Nortel Business Communications Manager 5.0
Configuration — System
NN40170-501 02.04 Standard
September 2009
Copyright © 2009, Nortel Networks
The list of line numbers for IP trunks must be consecutive. If the available line
numbers are segmented and the necessary number of consecutive line
numbers does not exist, you receive an error. If this occurs, you must remove
other lines in the system and restart line numbering for devices so the lines
numbers are not as segmented and consecutive groups can be obtained for
all devices.
If additional licensing is added later for more IP trunks such that the licensed
number of IP trunks is greater than the currently provisioned number, then the
system will not automatically request additional line numbers for the new
trunks. In this case the administrator must configure the new line numbers to
populate the additional IP trunks. If additional licensed IP trunks are added
and line numbers are reserved such that these additional trunks are covered,
then no additional line numbering configuration operations are necessary.
IP sets and applications configuration
Main unit telephony resources includes a list of IP set DNs and a range of
application DNs. Services assigned to the IP sets or applications device type
are the DNs of these sets or DNs that an application can use respectively.
Application DNs are the DNs assigned to applications such as the CallPilot
DN, the MeetMe DN, or Contact Center skillset DNs.
The ability to assign IP set and application DN services is limited by the
maximum number of DNs for IP sets and applications respectively, and also
by the maximum total number of relocatable DNs on the system.
There may be notes or warnings in the Configuration dialog box to notify the
administrator of the impact of the configuration action. This may include a
recommendation to restart, or that a service may be restarted automatically.
Additional configuration options specify whether or not target lines are desired
for the DNs, and if so a starting public DN, and starting private DN can be
assigned to target lines.
An available target line is one that is currently unassigned to any DN (even a
Hunt Group DN) and has no programmed private or public receive digits
assigned to it. Target line numbers may or may not be consecutive.
Conflicts of public or private line DNs, where the DN is used elsewhere, results
in a failure of the public or private DN assignment to the set in question, but
does not cause the entire request to fail. The sets are configured, but not all
are successfully assigned public or private target line numbers if resource
limitations prevent it.