9. TighTen all assembly hardware
Once the handrails and display rail have
been installed, tighten all the hardware.
10. insTall disPlay rear hOusing
Fasten the back half of the console assembly
to the display rail using the screws supplied
with the console.
11. COnneCT Cables TO COnsOle
Connect the appropriate wires coming out
of the mast to the correct locations, please
reference the console wiring guide (Doc
620-8387) contained in the console box.
12. seCure disPlay
Secure the front half of the console assembly to the
back half using the screws supplied with the console
taking care not to pinch any wires and ensuring that
the rubber console grommet has a good seal.
Document #620-8381 - Revision A
13. POsiTiOn grOmmeTs
Dislodge the rear step shroud from the TreadClimber
base and move the handrail grommets up the
15. mOunT COrner shrOuds
Mount the left & right corner shrouds and secure them in
place by installing the corresponding four phillips head
screws to each shroud at the circled locations.
o #8 x1.25” Phillips Pan Head Thread Tap Screw
14. insTall rear shrOud
Mount the rear shroud to the TreadClimber base and secure it in place by installing the corresponding ve phillips
head screws to the top and lower sections at the circled locations.
o M5x0.8-16mm Phillips Pan Head Machined Screw
o #10-24x1/2” Phillips Pan Head Thread Tap Screw
16. mOunT sTeP shrOud
Mount the rear step shroud and wedge the
left & right handrail grommets into place. Secure the
rear step shroud by installing the corresponding ve
phillips head screws at the circled locations.
o M5x0.8-16mm Phillips Screw (Location – A)
o #10-24x1/2” Phillips Screw (Location – B)
17. insTall alTernaTOr shrOud and grOmmeT
Install the front alternator shroud and secure it
in place by installing the corresponding two phillips
head screws at the circled locations.Wedge the neck grommet
etween the alternator shroud and neck mast.
o #8-0.75” Phillips Pan Head Thread Tap Screw
19. insTallaTiOn COmPleTe Perform final testing:
1. Auto-calibrate the unit
2. Test fans
18. insTall rear feeT
With two or more people, have one person care-
fully tilt the assembled TreadClimber at an angle
by pushing up at the center of each handrail while
the second person installs the rear stabilizing feet.