• Select DISCARD CHANGES to remove the current instrument and lose any unsaved
changes. This option allows you to go through each instrument individually and
determine whether to discard or save changes.
• Select DISCARD ALL CHANGES to remove all instruments and lose unsaved changes.
• Select SAVE to retain any changes made to the instrument for later recall.
• Select CANCEL to close the dialog box and return to the Opus user interface.
ON / OFF SWITCH is located in the top-left corner of an instrument’s rack space,
allowing it to be deactivated, and removed
from memory.
ESSENTIAL CONTROLS are a row of controls just
below the instrument header, and include
volume, pan, mute, and solo.
Use the AUDIO MIDI I/O SELECTORS to determine (starting at the top) an instrument’s
audio output, MIDI Channel Assignment, and MIDI input port.
• The AUDIO OUTPUT SELECTOR controls the
selected instrument’s audio output.
selection of various modes that control the
way in which incoming MIDI is received by
the selected instrument. The various MIDI
channel modes are described in the table
MIDI Mode Description
MULTI This MIDI mode is useful for MIDI guitar controllers by allowing per-note control of Mod Wheel
(CC), Expression (CC) and Pitch Bend by sending those MIDI messages only to the voices on
the same MIDI channel as the controller event.
MPE This MIDI mode stands for “Multi-Dimensional Polyphonic Expression” and is a MIDI standard
developed by the MIDI Manufacturer Association to accommodate a new class of MIDI controllers
like the Roli Keyboard, the Linnstrument, and the EigenHarp. In this mode, each note is sent to its
own MIDI channel, cycling through an allocated block of channels that enables MIDI messages
(restricted to Note On, Note O, Channel Pressure, Pitch Bend and CC) to be sent per-note,
while global MIDI messages like CC (Volume) and CC (Sustain) are applied to all voices, re-
gardless of the MIDI channel they were sent over.
OMNI This MIDI mode sets an instrument to receive MIDI on all channels (-), with Mod Wheel (CC),
Expression (CC) and Pitch Bend modulation applied to notes on all MIDI channels. This is useful
when layering sounds intended to be played together, like when stacking separate string sections
together to create a full string patch.
- Set instruments to receive MIDI on discrete channels (-), with Mod Wheel (CC), Expression
(CC) and Pitch Bend modulation applied to notes on that specific MIDI channel. This is useful
when using Opus as a Multi-Timbral plugin, where individual control is needed.