IBA ibaAnalyzer Owner's manual

  • Hello, I'm your chat assistant. This document is the user manual for the ibaAnalyzer Interface for File Extraction. I have reviewed the document and am ready to address any questions you might have regarding its use, such as supported file formats, how to set up data extraction, and archiving profiles. Let me know how I can assist you.
  • What file formats are supported for extraction?
    Can I use the file extraction function without an additional license?
    Can I define custom sampling rates for the extracted data?
Interface for File Extraction
Manual Part 5
Issue 8.1
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
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© iba AG 2023, All rights reserved.
The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
and soware. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out, and we do not provide guaran-
tee for complete conformity. However, the informaon furnished in this publicaon is updated
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on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
8.1 08-2023 GUI new, interacvely license-free ts, rm, mm 8.1.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
8.1 3
ibaAnalyzer Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................4
1.1 Target group.............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............5
1.4 Documentaon structure ......................................................................................... 6
2 Introducon ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 File extracon with ibaAnalyzer ............................................................................... 7
2.2 Funcons and applicaon ......................................................................................... 7
2.3 Installaon ................................................................................................................ 7
3 Data Extractor ...................................................................................................................8
3.1 Extractor output ..................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Archive prole assignment ..................................................................................... 11
3.3 Info columns ........................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Modify info columns ............................................................................................... 17
3.4 Computed columns.................................................................................................18
3.5 Diagnosis and nocaon ...................................................................................... 20
3.5.1 Diagnosc log .........................................................................................................20
3.5.2 Nocaons ...........................................................................................................21
3.6 Renumbering ..........................................................................................................22
4 Supportedleformats .................................................................................................... 24
4.1 iba format (.dat le) ............................................................................................. ... 24
4.2 Text le (CSV) .......................................................................................................... 25
4.3 COMTRADE ............................................................................................................. 28
4.4 TDMS ...................................................................................................................... 28
4.5 Apache Parquet ...................................................................................................... 29
4.6 Matlab .................................................................................................................... 32
5 Extraconviathecommandline ..................................................................................... 34
6 AutomacextraconusingibaDatCoordinator ................................................................35
7 Support and contact ........................................................................................................37
4 8.1
About this documentaon ibaAnalyzer
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroup
This manual addresses in parcular the qualied professionals who are familiar with handling
electrical and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A
person is regarded as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possi-
ble consequences and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience
and knowledge of the standard regulaons.
This documentaon addresses in parcular professionals who are in charge of analyzing mea-
sured data and process data. Because the data is supplied by other iba products the following
knowledge is required or at least helpful when working with ibaAnalyzer:
■ Operang system Windows
■ ibaPDA (creaon and structure of the measuring data les)
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
8.1 5
ibaAnalyzer About this documentaon
1.3 Usedsymbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
6 8.1
About this documentaon ibaAnalyzer
1.4 Documentaonstructure
This documentaon describes the funconality of the ibaAnalyzer soware in detail. It is de-
signed both as a tutorial as well as a reference document.
In addion to this documentaon, you can examine the version history in the main menu,
Help – Version history (le versions.htm) for the latest informaon about the installed ver-
sion of the program. This le not only lists the bugs that have been eliminated but also refers to
extensions of the system in note form.
In addion, special "NewFeatures…" documentaon comes with any soware update that in-
cludes signicant new features, which provides a more detailed descripon of the new features.
The state of the soware to which the respecve part of this documentaon refers is listed in
the revision table on page 2.
The ibaAnalyzer documentaon (PDF and printed version) is divided into six separate parts.
Each part has its own secon and page numbering beginning at 1, and is updated independent-
Part Title Content
Part 1 Introducon and Installaon General notes, licenses and add-ons
Installaon and program start
User interface
Part 2 Working with ibaAnalyzer Working with data le and analysis, presentaon
features, macro conguraon, lter design, prefer-
ences, prinng, export, interfaces to ibaHD-Server,
ibaCapture and report generator
Part 3 Expression builder Directory of all calculaon funcons in the expres-
sion builder, including explanaon
Part 4 Database interface Working with data from databases, connecng to
the database, wring iba measurement data to da-
tabases, extracng the data from the database and
analyzing the data.
Part 5 Interface for le extracon Funcons and sengs for extracng data from iba
data les to external le formats
Part 6 Applicaon examples In preparaon
8.1 7
ibaAnalyzer Introducon
2 Introducon
2.1 FileextraconwithibaAnalyzer
The le extracon funcon in ibaAnalyzer is a standard funcon that you can use interacvely
without an addional license. The funcon allows you to extract measurement data acquired
in the iba data le format into standard formats, which in turn can be imported by other pro-
Supported formats are the iba format (*.dat), text les (CSV or ASCII), Apache Parquet,
Matlab (*.mat), COMTRADE and TDMS. For further details, see chapter ì Supported le for-
mats, page 24.
Even aer updang ibaAnalyzer to v8.x and ibaDatCoordinator v3.x, you can connue to use
USB Marx dongles with the licenses ibaAnalyzer-DB or ibaAnalyzer-File-Extract as usual.
2.2 Funconsandapplicaon
The le extracon is an integral funcon of ibaAnalyzer and is acvated during the installaon
of ibaAnalyzer. You can easily extract, transform and load all data in iba data le format (*.dat)
originang from ibaPDA, iba QDR, ibaLogic, ibaScope or third-party applicaons using the
ibaFiles library.
■ Loading measurements from iba data le
■ Transformaon of data or generaon of new virtual signals
■ Extracng data to various formats
■ Automated processing with ibaDatCoordinator
For the usage of ibaDatCoordinator, see the corresponding manual or
ì Automac extracon using ibaDatCoordinator, page 35.
2.3 Installaon
The le extracon funcon is automacally installed and acvated together with ibaAnalyzer.
During installaon, no special steps are required.
8 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
3 Data Extractor
Use the dialog Data Extractor to congure the le extract. You can open the Data extractor
either via the menu Database – Data Extractor or via the corresponding buon on the toolbar.
The Extractor Output tab appears automacally, for further details, see ì Extractor output,
page 10.
On the Extractor Output tab, select the opon Extract to le.
Thereby all registers adjust the respecve sengs to the data extracon into a le.
The following chapters describe the individual tabs of the data extractor with the Extract to le
opon selected.
8.1 9
ibaAnalyzer Data Extractor
All tabs have the following buons:
■ <Extract now>
ibaAnalyzer creates a le based on the current sengs for le extracon. By default, all ex-
tracted lenames consist of the source lename augmented by "_de". If extracon from the
same source le is repeated, the extracted les are indexed starng with "_00".
■ <OK>
ibaAnalyzer saves all current sengs withing the dialog and closes the window.
■ <Cancel>
ibaAnalyzer discards all changed sengs and closes the window.
If ibaAnalyzer opens mulple les in the le group (e.g. from a condional
search using ibaHD-Server), you can apply the extracon to all les contained in
the le group. When you click the <Extract Now> buon, a corresponding dialog
To perform the extracon for mulple les in the le group (2nd opon), you
need the ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract license.
10 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
3.1 Extractor output
The Extractor Parameters tab automacally opens rst when you open the data extractor.
Select the Extract to le opon. Here you can specify the locaon and format of the extracted
The Extract to database opon extracts data into a database, see also part 4, Database Interfa-
ibaAnalyzer automacally saves the extracted les in the specied path. If the directory does
not exist, it is created automacally. Use the <…> buon to browse the le system if necessary.
File extracon creates output les with the same name as the input le and an addional "_de"
sux. If you disable the Add "_de" sux opon, the original lename is used. The lename ex-
tension depends on the desired output format.
Use this tab to specify the output le format. For further informaon, see chapter ì Supported
le formats, page 24.
If you call the analysis with les for an extracon from ibaDatCoordinator , you
have to dene the locaon of the extracted les there. This overwrites the lo-
caon dened in ibaAnalyzer. In case the directory is password protected, you
have to enter the username and password in ibaDatCoordinator.
8.1 11
ibaAnalyzer Data Extractor
3.2 Archiveproleassignment
In the Archive prole assignment tab, you can congure archiving proles that dene the sam-
pling rate (me-based or length-based). You then assign the prole to the signals for extracon.
You can congure more than one prole. You can assign only 1 prole to a signal.
To create an archiving prole, at least one data le must be open for extracon.
Select a cell in the Name column and enter a prole name.
It is recommended to use a name that reects the selected sampling rate for the extracted le,
e.g. "10 s" = Size (10) × Mode (Time (seconds)).
In the Size column, enter a mulplier to reect the sampling rate for the extracted data, e.g.,
10 s = "Size (10)" × "Mode (Time (seconds))".
Click in the Mode column and select an extracon mode:
■ For Time and Length modes, you can enter a size < 1 to obtain fracons of the unit under
When entering the fracon factor for values < 1, be sure to enter a period instead of a com-
ma as the decimal separator (e.g., "0.5" instead of "0,5").
■ The *Signal me base mode uses the original me base of the signal or a mulple of it.
Therefore, fracons are not useful here. For example, a temperature measured every minute
does not need to be extracted every 100 ms.
If the me base of the recording signal is 1 ms, the 100 ms prole could also be dened like
this: Size = 100 and Mode = *Signal Time Base.
12 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
■ With the modes Time segments or Length segments, you can dene a xed number of equi-
distant me segments or length segments. For example, Size = 1 and Mode = Time segments
means that only 1 segment value is stored for the enre data channel.
If parts of the source signal are invalid, the extracted segments containing the invalid parts
are empty. If the empty segments are at the beginning or end of the signal, they are not in-
cluded in the extracted data. If the empty segments are located between valid segments, the
extracted data contain corresponding gaps with invalid values.
■ Time, non-equidistant mode is supported only for extracon in text les and extracts
non-equidistant data.
If you enable this opon, all signals that have not been manually assigned to a prole are auto-
macally extracted with the rst prole. However, they are not marked in the signal assignment.
This happens e.g. by the extension of the data les in ibaPDA. This opon can be useful if the
le structure changes over dierent les.
Use this opon to automacally delete proles which have no signals assigned.
8.1 13
ibaAnalyzer Data Extractor
You have to assign signals to the created proles. Select signals to be included in the extracted
data. The extracted signal values are the average values of the source signal values within the
selected sampling rates.
When you enable or disable a module node, you also enable or disable all signals that belong to
that module. You can enable or disable single signals in the opened module node. The selected
signals are always assigned to the marked prole (gray background color). When you change the
prole, the associated selected signals also change. You can assign only 1 prole to a signal.
If you assign a length mode to a me-based signal or a me mode to a length-
based signal, then an error message appears during extracon.
The *Signal me base mode is suitable for me-based and length-based signals.
If the archive prole species signals that are not present in the current analysis
le, they are listed under Channels Not Currently Available.
If you enable this opon, subchannels are created, each represenng the maximum, minimum
or standard deviaon of the source signal values within the selected sampling rates. This opon
can be useful for newly acquired signals.
If the selected sampling rate of the prole is idencal to the sampling rate of the
source signals, these values have no meaning.
14 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
If you do not want to extract the signal over the full duraon, you can dene the start and end
of the prole range here. You can use expressions to calculate the range from your data.
If neither of the two expressions is dened despite acvated opons, the signal is extracted
If the specied expressions cannot be evaluated, an error message appears during the
When exporng videos, only parts of the video may contain important informaon. By provid-
ing a corresponding digital signal, only the parts of the video marked by this signal are extracted
to the le. This procedure helps to save storage space.
Remove all signals from the selected prole.
8.1 15
ibaAnalyzer Data Extractor
3.3 Infocolumns
Use the Info columns tab to extract informaon from the info part (e.g. start me, texts) of the
source le. This data can then be found in the info part of the extracted les.
You have two possibilies to create info elds.
■ Click on the source eld. The eld informaon is transferred to the processing eld (1). Select
the range of characters with the mouse and click on <Apply>. Your selecon is transferred to
the table (2) and the processing eld. The Funcon column shows the character selecon.
■ Double-click on the source eld. The eld informaon is completely transferred to the table
(2) and the processing eld (1).
You can rename the Column name manually. Column type species the data type and is always
"char" for le extracon. You can change the character range of the Funcon in the processing
16 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
You can also select a group of characters from the contents of the info eld.
Click the rst required character, drag the selecon to the last required character.
Click on <Apply>.
The excerpt from the source string is transferred to the column eld.
If you enable this opon, all characters from the selected start point to the end of the info eld
are selected.
By default, ibaAnalyzer also extracts custom info elds (formerly called technostring). However,
these custom info elds can contain sensive informaon. If you enable the Remove custom
info elds opon, these info elds are not extracted, but only the info elds that you have
dened under Info columns or Computed columns.
This opon is relevant only for the extracon to databases.
8.1 17
ibaAnalyzer Data Extractor
3.3.1 Modifyinfocolumns
Using the buons on the side you can change the order of info columns or import or export in-
formaon about the columns.
Add line Adds a new empty line above the currently selected
Delete line Deletes the currently selected line.
Move line up/down Moves currently selected line up/down.
Import info le Import info column informaon from text le. The
"Open text le" dialog appears.
Alternave: Right-click on the table header and select
Export info le Export info column informaon to text le. The "Save
text le" dialog appears.
Alternave:Right-click on the table header and select
18 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
3.4 Computedcolumns
Use the Computed columns tab to specify operaons for individual signals. These operaons
create one value for the associated signal (e.g. the average, maximum, or minimum of all the
data in one signal).
Add the desired signal to the table either by double-clicking on the signal or using drag & drop.
The column Column name inially contains the name of the source signal, which you can
change manually.
The Expression column inially contains the channel number of the source signal. You can either
enter an expression or use the <fx> buon to open the expression builder. The result of the ex-
pression should be a signal value.
If you do not use an operaon or group funcon for Expression, then ibaAnalyzer automacally
extracts the average (AVG) from the signal data.
The X column automacally shows the x-axis mode of the source signal (me-based or length-
You can edit the calculated columns in the same way as the info columns, see ì Modify info
columns, page 17.
8.1 19
ibaAnalyzer Data Extractor
At dierent places in ibaAnalyzer, you can dene and manage logical expressions. This buon
creates a group of logical expressions from the dened computed columns. You can then man-
age the created logical expressions via the Logical signals dialog. When renaming or moving the
expressions, all references to them are automacally adapted.
If you have already used the same expressions or the same names elsewhere in ibaAnalyzer and
they are not yet grouped, you can select how you want to proceed with these expressions: ig-
nore, overwrite other expression or replace this expression with the other one.
You can also use text signals in computed columns. A column with the name of the text signal
and its rst value is then created in the le.
If you want to extract a specic value from a text signal with several values in the data le, you
have to select this value explicitly using a suitable signal expression.
Example: Selecon of the third value (counng starts at 0)
"XCutRange([text channel], XFirst([text channel],2), XFirst([text channel],2) + 0.01)"
20 8.1
Data Extractor ibaAnalyzer
3.5 Diagnosisandnocaon
In a producon environment it is necessary to monitor automated processes, to log processing
informaon for diagnosc purpose and to generate nocaons.
3.5.1 Diagnosclog
The diagnosc log is useful for checking progress when automac extracon is operang (e.g.
triggered by the ibaDatCoordinator). If you select a log mode, ibaAnalyzer creates a log le and
updates it with each extracon.
■ None: ibaAnalyzer does not create log les of the extracon.
■ Brief: The log le only contains the lenames of the extracted les.
■ Detailed: The log le contains the lenames of the extracted les and individual channels.
Enter the path and the name of the log le. If you did not select a daily log, the default lename
is e.g. DataExtractorLog.txt.
Use the <…> buon to browse the le system if necessary.
ibaAnalyzer creates a log le for each day, e.g. DataExtractorLog_23_02_2023.txt.
Open the selected log le in Notepad and edit it as needed.