Possible Causes
Recommended Actions
Improper drainage of the load bar
Verify that the fluid line sinkers are at the bottom of the buffer reservoir and that
the tubing in the buffer reservoir is not crimped. If crimping is observed,
straighten the tubing and setup another run.
Odd Lane Failure
Upper wells of the load bar are
not filling properly.
Improper seating of the load bar. Verify that the load bar is not loose.
Check the water reservoir. Replenish the water and verify that the fluid line
sinkers for the tubing are at the bottom of the reservoir.
Verify that the autoloader tips are screwed in until finger tight.
Verify that the fittings above the syringes are finger tight.
Refer to the Checking for Bubbles module to determine the source of the bubbles.
Replace the left or right sample transfer syringe using the change syringe wizard.
Blocks of eight
Alternating pattern of 8
good samples and 8
Sample loading issue
bubbles in the sample transfer
clogged loading tips
Replace the autoloader tips.
Check the capillary positions. Verify that they are sitting in the wells of the load
Load bar assembly
Improper seating of the load bar. Ensure that the load bar fits snugly in the
Block Failure
Clogged loading tips
Replace the autoloader tips.
Load bar assembly
Improper seating of the load bar. Ensure that the load bar fits snugly in the
One side of array affected
Spatial calibration issue
Check the CCD calibration window, refer to the CCD Calibration raman line
intensity should be fairly uniform across the array. If not, open a service call
Missing Lanes Module pn4375410.doc
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