Tamiya 300074563 Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for the Air Compressor Spray-Work Advance and Airbrush Sparmax SX0.3D. This document covers safety instructions, usage, maintenance of devices and proper cleaning methods, and also contains information about pressure adjustment, features and compatibility with other airbrushes. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you may have about these devices.
  • What type of power source should I use?
    How long can I run the compressor continuously?
    Can I use the provided adapter with other devices?
    What kind of paint I can Use with this airbrush and compressor?
|TEM 74559
§PRßU-W0BH l#r.;*ffi
=yJltyü- 71§rt7Z
I aft HEU.- t., üdry&EiEE = ä*i=aä4, < fit 1..
* lc - t* H t h 6 17 -). > oW.W:-,nFnA +' üt
#Ä2.75.B öfFH< fii!L\"
^\ o< -, tx, Qt L+SriEEr6EE r?.o)Z"8d
,5+, <r:t1."
. @ryr&iHBE= riL.??t,-#öäEFf 1...1*€ L<<
Ioarefully read and understand this instruction
manual prior to use. Also read and follow the
instructions supplied with any airbrush used. AThis
symbol denotes safety precautions, which should be
read caretully and adhered to atalltimes.
XKeep these instructions foryour future reference. h-)t,.-7 lEsß)
a9l'*+N)öäri 7. l*X++ad!§AW (7117 v>, aa t \>. :./:,/ )'-. ri, t) r+' :P-,*A
@iE< ?ll*&tli.GH Läu.?< rad,Lr.
a1>-r r'r+l**p^c7 d-1, *tl*ßtf l.rrg Lt L\<; < ti:: L\.
TEanrEEä+är:rL'e^r:, *Er.J r*ti5Et*a ät.HI,r<4äEft ,rä6, =i
&t L<&!\* t" f&@ErnßfEE L\r < /:i: L\.
af'lwaAcTrJt -t**.1>-7 v v +r-gB1:l" +6d) E§l.GE L äL. t'< l: i!i'.
a§;Hä\40'cu_to: ca?t*GE Lä1.<.< t:ü1.. iättl.laaEp^x@EE r.-;, *
aE+?läGELri;L\?<Ei!!r. */.- *Oääää.ä- E5?l:.ra)+L'=r?rä*Eii
l.&8. e€L7:jL.Z.< l:tL'. EiE+Ail:AFBEä r*t
abn't +v*l$. Ac74 7r-. IEX-- i.Z|a5rjr.<</:tr.
alEr- lj{=- ,Eäi.f.Eh<€ELr:rl'r< f:tL'- ti!Dr.:F r-
aEXr - F tg?1,är.<.< l:tL'
ar- Fotlrlr\€ot@€r.r,
atrrrzrFä.Etf <Bä1*- ACVq-J, *t*E#)7lht'7<r2
a€;Ff f.,5\1Eät:€ä rtE6 i.ff trä.+rt L. r=1,h7t<-+}-€^*vci,§<ri
arExT.r- DCJ -ttt, E-*<-8.t.=LiÄtu?< r:t1..
:r - IjäB l,rE?r.r. *EL6lr/., L äL\< < l:-* U&Bd)F.AL.tt)=t
qaaa ) ,t.1:,'!e> | lt B*äL'r< ,at L'.
alaPlaa*)Jrl a E*tzGE L6r.? < ,lür."
-FEd0)=EZ+i/iuti,ä\+ Ltxr, 4bfire*z 4a4 a Lb6, *t"
aEALz30r!{-toilEt*Läl\T <t:-*L\. lot&,ELfräl0-lsr{*2Jrt*€Z<fji!
a83-AiEl < LzA=Efi ,z'< /ai!L'"
aEEät:itt. ^c7 47r-a)- F. J. 2. 1>Jv.r r-*fiq74', +Lls.rlp?H
nrr;r..'äZ=E L<'< /li!L\.
aa.E7 - r -t tt6x LtsL'&ailtLT< /at1.. *1'.#1<üar)Üfit t)&Ha&tifr
Eti- rft7,2<l:*1."
a, f Ee§=. iEiE€@=r\$!&rß.EH Lli!\?< /:ü:r\.
aEiEr:T. €EtE- fi;äö0lcul.oqq".lr&H. R€ L äL\-r < rai! L\.
aqF,q= hL'r.'1*+ *Ä<&,EL<<l.iSL'. fr &LLAf+€Z&L'i 6eE-r-0)ä
tEl.JnIL<. äfi . äEor{Etr:;r.-r-or;+üL<<l:tt..
a=>, >', :,...1r8. AC7 I 7, -IaF'il*€?tr-ättriL\?<ra;!:L\. ättri<t'/,</i
a ßg<D&$'Pfi 5 ,.rer.<' < r:i! L\.
aetaäo)iE<f. g"fltE', -iv l- @,Eä*ffi <rtä*LtL'a<f:isL'
aDo not use compressoraound a open ilame, gäs, orcombustibles.
aDo not disassemble the compressor or AC adapter.
Fällure to adhere !o lhese instructions may result in fire, elecirocution, and/or sedous in ury.
alncluded AC adapter is only for use with this ak compressor Never use with oth€r products.
aTo prevent malfunction and/or fke due to ovefteating, do oot use in temperatures or ,ro'C
aDo not use outdoors. l(eep away lrom water, moisture, and dust, as lhsss can lead to
electrccutid orfires.
aDo not touch the .ompressor, AC adaptd, or power cable with wet hands.
aAlways ünli€ the po\dor cabl€ befor€ u§e.
aNewr damage the power cable.
aDo not pull, excessively bend, or place heavy oblects on the power cable.
awhen unplugging lrom a power outlet, always hold ths Ac adaptsr body and not the cable.
aDo not uE compressor if lhe power cable is damaged. Contact your local Tamiya doater tur
aEnsure that AC adapter and DC plug are fully and @nectly plugged in befo.e use.
aswitch otf, disconnecl DC plug, and unplug AC adapter when not using compressor, or
berore perlorming maintenance.
aDo not useror purposes othe.than painting models.
aonly use wiih the included AC ädapter, and wilh power sourc6 specifed on ÄC adäptor.
A crurroH
Failüro to adhsre to these instructions may resutt in damage to the equipment or peßonal
aTum ofi compressor and allow to cool down tor 10-15 minutes alter every 30 minulss of use.
aEnsure adequate ventilation wh€n painhng.
aAlways check AC adapter cable, plug and cornpressor power §witch for damag€ berore use.
aEnsuro that AC adapter, plug and cables ars not in a Position where tfiey can be sl€pped on
or tripped ove. du.ing use. Put away when comPressor is not in use.
aDo not use in an unsaf€ power outlet.
aDo not use or stor€ in direct sunlight, humid condjtions, or in temperature§ below orc.
ause in an environment with clean ajr. Arrbome paint parlicles' etc. may cbg rhe motor coil,
c4sing ovefteating and damage.
aDo not cover comp.essor or AC adapter dunns@, as thia can lsad to ov€ft€ating and
acompressor may becoms hot du ng and aftsr us€.
aAlways place and stor€ compressor on a l€vsl surface.
aAvoid forcetul shaking or shocks.
aDo not paint around srnall childr€n, pets, or food and beverage§.
awearing protective goggles or masks while parnting is recommended.
ffiEftE zlv-z-7 avJv,vü- 7l:t\22 rena z+sss
*&lE*t;flää=* < l:.!t."
,{*E[ffi P,SariE.LHä'ä 1 80 E
xffi ärErFLrirt4E Eore^ä\
*L\tOll* r?1"
E-#*E ,iHtE / 20 4.
74559 SW Air Compressor advance
atE lET" ?,b-.7 -) - :/ lzat\T
t=l,ä'6*fi thZL\6HGa7 -), :/./ t) -x, 17 -) r.,, ) I l, U -Xl!§ Z
ot*Ei.gt. r7-./ttv2 #&trx*MFtäf.let 1 aB- a7-t \ tv)Hi&&W.t)
,rt hl ,U?BGE < rätL\.
* 7a V - 2 -, - d- r.r, a.7 -) > > E EHtärtäl*, #*fr,» a < > |
(1TEM74536) äa1lfB< l'it L\",äf.a7 -)a yä\,r\7ä-tifi 5äL\o?r:
t. a7-), :/7r> t: (lTEM74s39) ääGL\< ratL\" Zo)ht*t>at -71t'
$tFüLraL\t b I 1 > 71., 74 cfFR < EX t\.
*, =+, t 1, -O*a7 -) - rlr, -> a I > fß'tat I /lt*taAftö{tr]*V
N' = \,|*L\*O a.7 -J )' <" t*., 1--' lJtt€ breL\*l#tiör.r sl-" =ätar
7-, 3 1 > l-gß,,0)t-r+r1 Tltst I a OH /a- 2ati zct"
This compr€ssor can b€ ߀d with TamiF HG fl|d Airbrush Ule se.i€s aiörustl€s
without the nsed for ä s€flarately sold cofiEctorjoint. Deta.hable ai stop valv€6 sho.tld
be left atlached io the aiörush during use.
*Connector Joinl ,or Basic Airbrush (ltem 2536) is required when uilg $b
comEessor with th6 Sprey-Work Basic Airbrush. Also use Spray-Wbrt Anbn sh Stand ll
(ltem 74539), as the Basic Aiörush will not fit the aiönrsh hänger inctd6d wiüt ütb
compressor. This will require ße of ttre po{er srf,itch as serEor s tch will not be
*Due to diflering ioint size, this compressor can not be used with TamiF Badg€r
XThis compresor is compalible with PF1l8-24 (S) cor'rnector rhlF-ads.
aa>a v"' t-Lav-a2./ t9l ) dh -tvtr'-z?*#Lgl-"
Nttao,^-7t]lt+ttGbaL\?< titL.
@a7-J -, ltElo &a1.,/ \)ä-t.- LAar63:
xffil]lloa7-)rr<-Hi,/\:/ä-ri ?t.<Laißä6ör*1:
*r*t *tx. a7 -A a rEfrELzL\äII*#Eitä6#7r< ritL."
*, a I > l-lt L7-*JnOar\J). LrärtLöiÄAr*3-"
Oconnect compressor to airbrush viia the hose.
XNevef use hos6s other than thal included in ihis product.
@Best aiörush on hang.r as shown.
NNon-Tamiya aiörush€§ may not rd ihe hanger.
*Reter to instruction manual included wnh aiörush (sold s€parately) betore
*Atlix ioint firmly, €nsuring lh6re are no air leaks.
*r7-lrlf,LAl\j.i li
Lrtr, iYi\rrlrt
*Sot€w in tulv, €nsurins
tlte ao no ai. heks
xa7-ar:., ßtit;\
xAiörush (§old 36pard€ly)
*Screw in rurly, ensuring
thero are no ai. leaks.
h-)r;n.-7li B)
Collod hose (cleai \
EH[ffiT *Efi€criv6 h JaFh o.[y.
;oEI*ritr. *laolg&äTlzoltre;Iu\t L:tt"
r) to)&fr]t t\2-a,av"'+}-ä*ü?nt..{tF?.ä€!fft §L<eE ä€O?r.
2)6llErr5180EUAt., iELL.&EttG"*tLtrfiElr, : ölLrtrL*t"
**@täära6lt. e[ßEFt?+,trttJl§aä riit"
O&EtoElrlprllFlljtLv.*Äü[. (,J<tn. !§o)ßl^. fr!ä2alijä&Itlp tr) . 3tiit. tlärst*tlpit;ü.
J}*tLLl.ä. Ofrtuno)l*zEBLftt ä, ar:?urtz"ltE. äEttrt t6. OättäotEtlt1. *Tä
ärr.lälttE? I" o*t.t,) l <ß,a1, *8. tTtu 7zo{Bo*&*. !p&lE tt1zalfrr4)'I) +*^ho
:Ffir.järüff " O^i[?o)tu&tt.lärßä. O*E*[email protected][tö-iBfrzL\,:L\lä. O§Ital.äIt[5
qr. ät-t+E Eo)tz-r.tirlute. äJU??rBo+6Jat§ati€ä.
altE?t&F-+rralf ät,. E,)eEiättlt8li*i, =i h7r<-,-{7t ä8,<rü!,"
ärdr\äritffi*E ttE[054-283-0003 FH03-3899-3765 0tffi^Hr,Ei§)
a{*4t&fi o)troiEt§ll. ä*är..tiEFL'*l'"
a.@&rulllE*E6?oaärä"f. *t. Etitl@Fi*,jtlL.frL*€rv"
atr<EtE@lel. ttlt*ra
t{ra6t*, ütrl rä?tä
, rBL< 6tti.< rätL\
EE6Cer,\?täO?. lll
$ ör§<ärtr"
tL;5telt. em Bk{}L\*
a t i+äfiiau, ä*-*rr
h,'ätl. BlElElI?äa"+,
* fiIllrt.rlLt.ä:fr.
aAC7§)'-o)DC)-'äa>J'y ü*t.*L er, AC7IJ'-OAE 7.
,d=>+> tL.4L;L7**.t"
@l 4 >74.r'f Xfr L*.!- (oNo)ttl*ä,{{I)
@t \> fi -b'ar.7 -) r.,,,rZ rl:f ta>Ar'rt-b\#'dL, a7 -))../ d-Et
@Efr'&l*l1>74 vAäfrLZ (oFFa)ttltjäfD , Dc.lt)ZrlL. Ac7I
a, - 0)8fr) ), *8X f 7t7 t äEl&L'?< ritL\.
* t \> rj-t a:7-).,äü,t 6t].l-a|"\,*e. t> 1,-71'r,tt&frT t tt L.
I 1 > 74,v +T oN/oF F d11ri.7 < tit t\"
*!ürtħäi< L?6*a?i2?< EtL'"
*30äI)ttO;Effi ff R l* L,l; L\f < l:t L\"
*ffio E tiEEoEL\E t*ä§L/rua < litu. !E*Eiä\E<<€?t, (rr'
*r-,rrfi -7'At.r<trä\,'rgäL. AätLr, L*t.7j<ä\lttS Lz. 4*Eäffi B
:i-7h' B 17 -) - -> 2 ltt L< 1 tj l!. €(Fät E, ;E§äiEL.H LZ< liü1..
XAlways use the conect AC adapter plug type for power outlets in lhs localion ol us€.
(!)lnsert DC plug lully into compressor, and plugAC adapter into power oullet.
OPress power switch to turn on (switctllishts up red when on).
ORemoving the ailbrush from the hanger will start the compressor running. Replacing it
wili stop the compressol
OTum on compressor via tho power switch (lisht willso off), disconnect oc plug, and
remove AC adapterfrom power outlet after use.
*lf an airbrush does nol fii the airbrush hanger, use the power switch to turn on änd ofi,
as sensor switch will not be operational.
*Ensure adequale ventilation when painting.
*Turn ofi compressorand allow to cooldown for10-15 minutes after every 30 minutes
*Avoid painling in humid conditions oron rainy days, as this can cause cloudylinishes
(blushing), ornoistureto build up inthe hose.
*Hose moisture build-up can lead lo your anbrush discharging watsr, and
imperfe.tions in lhe painted surlace. lf the hose shows signs of build-up, disconnect
airbrush from hose and allow to run for ai le6t 1 min 6 to clearmoisture.
Compressor is stopped.
Compressor is runninq.
*, \> i - L. !7 - ) a :2 Z üft B hr:sL\8
e,.U., t -71 t * tt +F3 L.&.t tu"
*t>.,_71,,+t 4Hä\ää,8 ':;Lrl i )i
f; LZ< fii!1l.
*lf an ailbrush does notfl lhe airbnrsh hanger,
tho sensor switch will not be operational.
*Ensure lhat paint does not 9€t onlo the sensor
Lights up red: ON
a> J V', t -.tH,Offi*U I + tV L &t), a7 - ofi ,ZF-'SL* t.
,7 - oühEa <t a rE6HE#r'Iär.E L*r.
a7 - oüh,L t*,<t äi6ärtEEE=+äH t.E L*t-"
L\, tf, L\*-rEtra r7-h\üE <ti|) *-* "
Use ihe dialon the compressorto adjust anpressure.
Turn clockwise lo increase air pressur€ and counteFclockwise to decrease.
Turning the dialto its limit willcut off air supply.
3721559 SW Air Compressoradvance
alF*t4are)ät 4X Dca. 2d rlL. ^c7 § J,-oßfr1-,äa> t> l-
ä'5 +ELr? < rit L\"
aä{üoEirl**EL'lrit?HäE?z< fitL'" .i> -) >'i -2 > t -re to;Bal. *
HfrJ,lE 80*#l ll&E L r:a L\-6 < fit L\.
aAlways remove DC plug and unplug AC adapter from power outl€t before performing
auss a clean, dry cloth to wipe compressor clean. Never us€ benzene, bleach or
E A,E L)E9lE -at*AC7'l a' - o) tLffi 'b\ R1-6 t) * t o
efro AC7.9 )t - O A|r5\t., I. üirzL\:tf"
Specifications differ. This product was shipped wilh the appropdate adapter for the
intended country of sale.
*EtFl*Ac (4ift) 100V (50/60H2) D(tl
t*f€H Lt.il\-6< fäi!11"
This AC adapter is notlor use in Japan. Only use
with powsr sourcas sp€cified on AC adaprer.
Always use lhe corect AC adapter plug type for
power outlel§ in the location ofuse.
Japant,apän spec
AC adapter for use inAC adapter for use in Japan only.
*Use solely with 100v 150/60H2) power
*Push intaband remove plugto change.
t=>J v, it-tt1&e6fto+.-t-,'\0)El-räFr<e *Eä^äLZL.*
t B *Eä\fü< tg;,fä\ä v l'-*f,rE-r-l*EEälBrtL, 45oE{86 Lr;(r:;
, ät" eE€lel9 4 aTtä5. tFEä&,HL\L'&, 'tt'<C<»ä71 \/ +d^
t-tl'st;t t EHreE'Et F-t) * t "
(egl* o)f!üEEtr2L.z»
aE6+. =-r-^7, 720E#*f aElEä\Eul:t -*"
EEo;EEä\lt=<. t6r.iEeiEi€*ottiEä\tft r,r/c&*. (EEaJEEtE!.**l*o
E- t- o4aat &.,F1EtFrä!,raL\t &ä\ffi L\<ciEriä.ä'r. #Ilrlf.tFL
/ct -+.
*jE :,Etl*Ettff ft L,itEätä. üreä't.z,f .z +äoFFt. L?FEääE^z<,tsit
L\" HarE'Ef ä*rLrf6<Er5ä\ä.är*3-" Erätrctr:rL'Eat*, E-r-gl.
E)\iaq l -, XEt T LläEJäEttä\6, *!-" ?ot4ält&Bä:+jLL, 1++1i7t
<-+j-C7,ffi*r.+E-at< fiüt\" *f., F rääaä26, *Er:d;l &?o€ErtrE
lFottlEärtE?"*,6L'Hä', 75.. f":EOr:eL\Eßäi&7 § I -' dla< Lt )8e $
ö, gt Zot*e, §EB16+?6?26*fi{Er9otlsj1. tts.a t ttib!, äto)
?", aitä< l:-*1..
+*zE71o)e&tL<-&f§L.1ftfri§ h< &Lot*. ksflcmtL,l. L/tr'L, ttl*
o)EtiEriJ r.4ä,*Pa ( t\7htD *ioe,tts, *!." TrtI+&o)EEs6ä-,.60
1ks cm, =O.O98MP a l rli t \7h tV)
*1ks cmlttfio.1 Ixt \7htvtn zzt;t $Efllv't"
tEEIX(Powersource)............... AC100V(50/60h2)
xE*E*a)Eä (Xwithin Japan)
tf*ElllaE (Vottage rating) .......... DC12V
ü*3EtE, (Max output pressure) . . *t /approx. 0.20MPa (30PsD
I!§IE5E, (Contjnuous pressure) .. ä /approx. 0.08MPa (I2PSD
giqtüt (AiI output) ................. 10 Umin ( mqfö6 )
iHltl: (Power consumption) ........ 24W
fllrEl (Noiselevel).................. 45db
!=I(weight) .....................-. lt /approx. 0.6k9
*Only use with power sources specified on AC adapter.
(Safety Mechanism)
This product is equipped with a safety m€chanism to prevent the moto. from ovenoading.
When it activates, the compressor will shut down. Determine the cause and correct iL then
wail for a while befors restarting the compressor
(Possiblo causes ofactivation oI sarety mechanism)
aExcessiv€friction/load on moiorbearings.
Continued use in a high temperature environment (compressor should be used in
temporaturos between 0'C and 40'C).
Excessive curront consumption due to motor mallunction.
lf sdy.n€chanism activat€s, switch otf and unplug compr€ssor imm€diat€ly, detsrmine
and clrrect ihe cause. Please wan a wlrile belore attempäng to tum on again. lf ihe
compressor does not reslart after being tumed on again, the motor may b€ ssriously
damaged. Tum off immediately and contact your local Tamiya clealer. Continued operallon
of tfie compressor without correcting rh€ causs of lh€ ovedoad will resuft in r€duced
performance or damage to the compressor, which may not be coverod by the product
7JV-2-2 rEM z4s6s
*ßÄEfe<Lt ü..bLf.frlt.
zo)7i th-$*ar1f.h7t
?-+r-EZ&:ir§T.;.}*L\t 5EA äfif6§ S6f - l.
h- tt*- 7 (Es$ ................ t,500F5 +{i 19803128
Ac7 §4,-.,.,,, "',,...."'. 2,500ts +# 19803129
*atr^r.HLrrt,+ß16&r.iHHfi är[ir<l: är...
*tßrfl|&a A C T rafr'd, n 7r-z't -C ^<ll.$qlt
,&1, L?+i, *riÄ"
; «trff) =+zz-eoro rmfirrEE!.eEH3-7 :
: l*it+tt:n ru t?-r-t zf; !
: (riär,'äälr*i**B) ;
:;mo54-283-OO03 :
: !H03-3899-3765 orffi^EtrEir) :
: *üi8*Bzä6tr'&tol- ärrrEür'oa! .iJ :
i *rdi{,:L:tf^
*4th7r< -
+-c7t E*
afL<ti E*1,
blj<#tL'" 4II?TAMTEA
(QF7ril @tn 7J'ü7;ä
O)lil1u)oU)LU zv-7=rsxo.sD
aeGEür.8!,k**EIzä&3r< r:t1.,
at*u9+@EäLuEE Ltr\<< l:tr\,
a*ltoit<Zll. $irl.&ELliLr?<f:tL\
atLlrr?, .tv FoEäI.E?l8. tlrEeE L,: L\? < ra-i L\.
a^lt-\,)pl*f,rlrlJEtjl. LäL\r < f:tL\.
anlll.ltt2lr. ll€lioiE<?ttailt.EE LrdL'? < r:t!'.
aa7-a r'.,O=- l:lto)*talrfi < E:l<!.. RrrlLzfto)Cr9liBll
ELtr\?< r:tr.'.
a=-tsttrlt\-lZrlLZtE Lljr\?< r:tL\ =- F,rl,.all LtrEElT
t tt&IoX'ltl+,#,*t
aa7-1.->Z5ir*. *.trttr:r- ;t'-^z*69 bßtt. $ta7-0)&
*iErt.6?l!5äEtr«rf -*1..
al*o):|r- Q+olröBA fiia-. l'E'< ^) =,itttEtL?(l:tt'
I crwror
acar€rnry rcad and ütda§tara the hslirrcli,|s prix to us€.
aU!€ tlE *tn $ to. spray pdrihs aü.
aoo nol u.e d p.EEe ltle:iü.rsh do.rld op<t 6-lE.
aN6,r. prilt lE irilrEn ü arü*"
aN6/s. uss lo soray pain on a person.
aV€fiüHs wfil€ pd,rfiE ärd tk, not pain lEr tood q dnnL
aTho aiörush needle häs a srE p po'nt Car€less harEling may caus€
aoo nol r€ re E€db ffi wtile pahthg as epos€d needle nr.y carse
A- aol'tas
zoaT-)-->ß) a.,tafio.3r.l. h.r7dltr7c.Tt 17-) )>zt5llt'0,F-ßr=+1lar7 v.vrr-i.titta:7-11> a-$tirjG
L'<l:ü1." r7-r3.f 21. r7-t\tv):,/ =1> FAStOt"/r47lt. stl7lPF1/a 2aü)V-t 8.f.17-h>ZEqt4*eß. Bt) o
r-7-h>R7t ,+I:.,,l. t v l.(lTEM7a506)rBtZt
Your Tamiya Aiörush @qunes a s€parately available a,r source such as propellanl ajr can or ajr cornpressor for operaöon. Aways read ard
follow the manutectup/s instructions included with the arr source. Joint cap is of type-S, PF-1l8, 28 spec. Use ooly a cornpatible air rcgulator
*ltem 74506 Prcpellant Can Attachment Set (available separately) is required when using a propellant can.
,'\-'./ ) r)>7 V , +, -äEH3-äIEä {r
Replacing hose connector /'r'
with air stop valve // ./
i :t,u,\-'./'r, -:/ 7, * -*- /? 4'+ 2 +t
elr, a7- t \1t ) -./. n :/ f zll*o).L7- ) e
t - t t7 - h>lt:L7 - t ttr) ) 1 I > l- o* *.
,5fF L'< l:i! L'"
When using with Tamiya Basic Compressor set.
or compressors which do not have air supply
cul-off function. use hose connector wrthout air
stop valve. For all other compressors and
propellant air cans. use hose conneclor wlth air
(/ \*@ il:;"il;:
a7-1\lV1, a< > |
tlose connecto.w h an slop varve
Coorlecdng air ho6a
compressor when connecting hose.
)>7t t+,-i-7o+*lilt->7 V rr-O
t7 _Z )LöT h, a*;Z.f6r\*.t. )> 7 V.2 r_ h,
5 o)'f,-1lJ. I 7- +, tt b\r6 t\ ti li-) I I > l- I
O+ r', 7 Z L2lr, LöiÄÄ,t<r':t1..
Screiv arr hose o.rto airbrush. makino $re there
*r7-b'+.fLt!.1 il.L2 L' I L ö,La.rgt.
*Mak€su.ethere is no än bakage.
-,- 77 V-2- rHG1> 2 V.rr-.
vt ttEJ')
,i Spray-work HG Comp.essor
R€vo [ {avaihble sepa6l6ly)
Connecting air hose
*Hofr§erE fi
Thinning paint «zE*+o#no)E+»
Thlnning paint
+ I tv4*l L7 t U tV4++)'P., h -*alsl&b
&1.<r:f L\, lE lga.r*. zh?1,tgElBalä
lät *t. 7, t.) )t*fllt <tt4t+a?-ö. ie=E
ar€ElAFltGL'*l': 4*1a*lt tL<.., h
-*tlfi ,{,t+riEr.tö+t3ä\e<. r}1,1,*l*
frXttfi\lg.<tt - < t )ä.t*t, 7 t I tviEll|tz
o+f58+itrif,EL'?L* ä,,
N,i ,,-trir,- t'4lrl,*F < 8r§BUä\fFz16L\o
?lFE L/dL\?< ljtL\.
Use oI Tamiya Color painl products is
recommended. when airbru§hing, lacquer,
enamel and acrylic paints may be used, and
each type has its own paint solvent or thinner.
Lacquer paints tend to dry the most quickly,
then acrylic paints, while enamel paints dry the
':'Do not use polycarbonate paints, as paint
solvent or thinner cannol be used after the paint
*T=eßitbhoe*Tf ä+1. Lz< r:t1..
*Guideline mixing ratios for thinning
:t7 -)' ) :,/ t ta i.6,!§/)fr iEä ttt. :E{+d)iE§li J.<i§L\E!-" eQ L L<, t 4U
ätgrfäi5äzTlei.-L*Lr. zf!ä*+1.4*L15,.L';lEl.#*RLr<l:tL'. *i.
E;el.iBltEQr)It+Z; L* Lh. ä*ltllBBFltG?<EEfl tr L<< l:t!'. Z?)EF.',
tj=tF RL- T=r;gßS1.7-a FriSäLr!*ätEz A-tü7 <f:t L,,3llo)747,4 t
tv+n^i4 | t1 r tElla LFl.)tt
Appropriate paint thickness varies according to the type of paant used. Please use
the below examples of thick and thin mixtures as a guideline when thjnning. The
guideline mixing ratios displayed to the left will also be a useful reference. When
thinning, ensure that you use the correct type of paint solvent orthinner, and mix it
littie by little with the paint, testing the paint's consist€ncy on spare plastic model
parts, S€parately-sold spare bottles and pipeltes may also be useful.
«a*+o) Eiqffi)
Thinning paint
ä§ .Etza
7' U tV)y)*,84*+
- v fi-F.Etr+
a+ l tv*4*!
äFl: ärl
1:1 - 2:3 *#fi ,täL.r*a+tä'#äBt<lrätiE?rJ;tf =. eEßaltt 6 J, Ltr?. iah\.-Tt.
*Aim lor a consistoncy thinnerthän that used when brush-pajntjng. L€t painl drip irom the end
ofyour mixing stjck/b.ush. ll it flows in a streäm rather than drops, the mixlure is too lhick.
Pair* fow adrustmont
6H7J ,at a)Flz^h,414+! ,)laLöi
t. II>Vt\-XfrLr6ö\5+äiii.B t< -tt. j?
z4*är?äif E ao)B+, =- t'.rrz l-v,r{-ta
; d €EEd);: i räF<är. -Er7i3:f"
alEä EC? -ftfr 6tß\zJE»5ä)l.D-r.ä
*L*?. * l:-E l.iEA oT ltra<- &)TLtS.h'
LääEffi'iEft EL''6 L *)" _EIilEö T4
*lä\Lr't6JF8,.16U g.d-
a=- t'/ti( 1..r, t-Offi$
=- F/t 1l y/ \-lä4*10)fräfr214fr'{4t,
firXZXt är#eß+, Z Lö-. (r.?t*1.1.
ätä*a?*rttu) r\*x.!-,
*iE .t 6frti4*ta7. t \>t EL:d"LDX. &L
z. 4*lor2t;E,Eä6*iäL*'
***E ttr')tr7t, =>o)fE&t. II>vt\-
äff Lfrliti-rit4{€l J-rä * tÄ.
*:- F,rZ F .v/ {-lär} 6öttaLb.tr7 L*.
L\* ,- ($J6EErfl /so)!t=& Lt ti r:.r, g-f )
(P.inting Method)
lnsert paint into the cup and close cover firmly
before use. Pressing and pulling the lrigger will
start the painting process, Make sure that the
model is free from dust. Then spray ln one set
direction (ex. Ieft to right) lor än even coatlng of
parnt- Allow to dry then repeat several times for
best results.
OUsanE lhe needle adiuster
The needle adiuster regulates the amount ol
paint which is sprayed from the airbrush. Loosen
the needle lor a wide spray volume and tighten
forafine spray volume.
*Before painting, test spray volume and paint
*This double action airbrush requires the lngger
to be simultaneously pushed down and pulled
back to paint- See dhgram to ihe right tor turther
*Do not loosen the adjuster too much as it may
come off from the body.
lot302013TAJ\ YA
How to paint
* **F"tt4 ) tvz ) 2 a ><.t, I 1 > v t l-ZF,t L-r7-ä\. +ärllEBl< ä4++ä\E*a !G
§t äEeH l1> t21 l-4# L ä ä\ 'l E I L\Zrc E fr L\*'.
*This aarbrush is a double action type. Push down the trigger to conhol airf ow and pull back
lo conlrol paint flow. ll is n*essary to both push down and pull back lhe trigger to painl.
6+to)rx-+ S LE
ür.t, 4t'
=- l: tt7.l y t \-
*:::- F tt l-' t \-A66öä (EEtätElr)e4++@äh\, <reD. Le,äl!ö,i+Eq)L»r.<tt
,*t. za t:, & L 'bT t, < t:, I1,vt\-/1+ät.E tr6ä+.»ri<tit)*t
*Tuh nsedle adiuster counterclockwise to increaso spray paint volume. Turn clockwise lo
decrede. lightening lh6 adjusler limits how lar the trigger can be pullod bäck.
*4*-{ aäf. 6 1:7 -a - rälo-1 5ott ätlL
I 1., Vt \-A$Lt t trU) <.) L+iiL.1E *;.
*Gfltly pu§h down and pull th€ trigger to slart
l4 >vt \-
t*'te*1, : lP #Eö&,JE.B.EF3-7 7480t Spamax Aiörush SX0.3D
*^ioiE< -r(,ßr'rl.A* LäLia < ätL'"
*Br,^nä&< La, 6*L?< ra-*1."
*ffi oE.iESotL\ErJ4*ltiErrsL j )" !E
*Eäre<<6r. +ä\sf rlu, 5/i. Eä\äL.E
riI\;ä\Ht5t<. ;n - '.,ü?t,Ft<tj rJ äf
*,\7 _ t:, 1 \, _ +7 Elx ältn a{tr:.1.r < /i
tL' " 7 -7A,r' b\*t T 4flro)F"ät ts., tt.
*4*!h.v ) t ttbt 411 + !, Jä-ü7 <f;t
L\.lEtH+ " vAEEha t4|+ä\atf,irz. ,9,i,
*6*t)hät6e,)H,l I -l uaa a > l'a C Z L
zß8,äää\i5x1tiLl&) r.,t*L* L* f "
* Never work near an open tlame.
*Make sure there is adequale ventilation.
*Avoid painting on windy. rainy orhumid days.
iDo nrli Jse a harr dryeror heater iordrymg parnt.
*Always attach paint cup cover to prevent
unforeseen accidents.
*Use ol an apron is recommended to proteci
Spray palntlng caulions
Cloaning alter use
Spray painting cautions
*'*F,0)6 äEFfr7t 1ßr .E*LaL\,
*Keep away from opsn llames.
«rA']h'r-iL'§, ,o+^n»
Cleaning internalparts and paint cup
*,1*) 7.i e t Pz a$El.4alD'i{]äi C
,iä<. E tr larlüütl li< < r:jr.J t ?
*Use of paint booth is rccommended (available
4*lf, t<ri4Ho);f;iä L?< l:tr.. ,l
i 4 L,'4ttlb\L7 -) 2 rO+-rE*?"fEHa
tr:e<l-i, *-l
4*'&tti < t l&1 r.4H Z h', 7 b' aW, ü L
*.'l ;a ,'./ 1=taflh vad)ä'+tlfr*Wr:i
t. i a+. 17 -).',/, t) - + -ä4flh', 7 L.
xn. e'q+ a-t7äLa>*t- =-ttt7.l rt\-
äL.2lJL.*z,"fOädä. =- F /rr,r i-ä,Ez".i.-*
t*-f l1>Vt\-z* Lh**O;(,Bl< ä.
17-b\;lH,],r7itL. t Jrli r. Jfivt äsiiftL
Et -o)+F*ät*Etlr;EL. t A,"'46o2
.) -, - n;i,1rd<tt-f.a17 <t i;-Afr
trtü a7 -) ) > t t) -', - ä *etÄ* \+ tLi a,
tZ)./ lrVO+^*1,
4=liA?f.5li t :t'a7-7. i, l - +-
ä..firi. :- l'/r15./ \-^rd a7 -a & Lrah\ B,
,-->2 Lä.t. ^t ,/A)vht\-&rlL- rat
. :L7 -). r, | ) - + lrJtr/t,f TE, 1..{rJL',.
äryrrf L<<ra-+1."
*:a*+E[l.t LÖr*< r:. ?1ts r. 2-s{ir)ai+
*=- Frro)iE*ll+rZL\Z$är, Pf <. *,'
f E?to?.. Er*L'r.arrrlittL(< ,ltL.
*;ft ;+8. A*l+-t.r7+,ü'oi(45/.r)öaäFl
ä\ft U& Lä!-. ErtEll.-r.BtL.&, (.ilEL?
* t : 1,. a7 -7 - al, ) -, - tttiö I - h - 01
*1 @ ;i i? l.f€ :- r* r.(ä E li L ) E h' ö, * I
etfl*r ta
*i^l4+.1 v7ALrat v kb'{
äe. +@r§*lnrfr ItH LTE rlä
tTo aEid spillinq ihinner, always
close cos tully while cleanins.
=- f tVht \-
Cleaning nozzle
*=- F/r@ j #tiEri Lz< r:tL\"
*Take the utmosi cars notto damage nesdle.
Cl6en elrbrurh lmm€dietely afte. use.
t,Cl..nlng lmid..nd paint cup:
Pour oul unussd paint, and wipe inside oI cup
using cloth. Fill cup with appropdate painr thinner,
clo§6 cover, and fully loosen ne€dle adiuster. Cover
tip ot nozzle wi$ fingDr as sho{vn in illustration and
pull bigger back to fiush ai. and clean irsile ol cup.
R€poat thb 2-3 times untjl clean oI all colo(. Finally,
wips off paint fro.n body using paint lhinner and
cbt l.
I Closning nozzle:
Romor,g €xteflEl nozre correr, ard wipe ofi painl
ftom nozde uling thinner and an old brush.
ttol6an nozzle during &örushng it pahl flow is
*Th6 lip of th€ ne€dle is sharp so please take
n€ce§sary p.eca.niofl s wtleo hardlingr
*Pairn thinner nray fly rnrough air-hole in cor/er-
Hold airbaus*r a Bel6 dstance aw.ay frcm €y€s and
morilh wtt€o deaning.
*Do not use Tarniya Aiörush Cleäner to c-lean
paht3 tDan other mätuffirers,
Stodng airüoh rftar use
t \r>.r-X^L, =- t: tVTt-., 7 i-rälföz.
=- lj,Lasmuä3ltr§=. -t.EL*,." :- l.
tt'$,/ / tt|,tE< \f.)t rt'e=- l: tt7l v7*
, \A > +, - O=- l: tt7 l- yrt-äL\rldL\lik}
äö lttdöt!ät*n< L*)o)z.afr) , t\-
>t-z*fit wu litt*-t, II>vt\-dt\)
t{L\liilli-*lr. :- l' /17 l-,, t \- x ö. <, Lffi
b7 t\ t *.t. i 4 t, 1 > v t \- h;r$ L t t\4 t
i4b\&,u*t, a r ä\rtFloEtr.H LEä\E^o
rfFrrr-" ao))tt,ü?l*EL*f"
y.Et I I >Vt\-di8tlz-- ljrrä\tr < öt-
,ä'IltäL*n ,frilä\4+tltit/ /)vt =- t:
1 l, $ @837 Ü h'ts. < ts )z L s ) r)rF i*i+r5'ä
I " r" fr ü8+t*ä E 15 * t. I 1 > V t \- X t tr,
:- F,rä\tr< äz)ätrtIäLr< rtL."
OAdiwting neodle
Remove balance weight, loos€n needle chuck
and pull needle out smm before reinserling.
Tighten neodle chuck when needle reaches
aPreperlng thr aiörush lor sloräge
Fully loos€n ne€dle adiuster rvithod removing
,Iom aiörush, and attach balance rwight Pull
trigger back tully and slowly tiglrten needle
adiuster. Stop lghrenng wtl€fl ttte tsigg€r begir6
to move lorwards (this signifies that äi€ pärnt
spray volume a5 al ils largest setünq).
ll tho aiörush is nol properly cle-aned. the needle
can stic!.Ihq ne! day alter U§C.pr!s! de!! tlf=e
Ei{rgor and co.rfirn fhat fte node and needh
move. ll lhey do rlol nrove, repeat cleaning
procedure. Afler cleaning as complete, check
needl€ movement periodi(rv
* l+ L L.rXEllr t r-4"\- rä- E< r.tr..
*Vlsil the Tamifa homepage at
http://www.tamiya.com lor a more detailed
*atru -torlttll LL.Er
öötrzt ü LtraeBE
är7.9 ?-r- E 11.älil'
61rt< t:31.
*ll you have any qucstions
about or requr€ replacefironi
päns lor üris product. pl.e!.
Explodad view
'o0 conräcl your local Tähry.
Sloring airbauah attoa us€
:.- f tt7 l. ,1*t
Trlxp. t\-r.r-
=- i:r1,7. F y/ \-
, :- F rrtl i-/ f|€.d. @€
t ,/ 7)Lht\-/ l@ cale.
: tF+- , 7/ Panlcuo cov€.
. =- f ttTl .7 ri
a r\->r-l A&t.§ ,,e4ln
, ..- tstr7t.r t\-
H@ cqnecis w/r siop rdt a
!:L7-t - 1> l-l tl/jß. cgrcc,,c,
For us6 in Japan onlyl
*S#Zt< L/. tl. atrL
r.,ß. xo)77, h-b'tt
atlt rr.r?-+,-Eln
AIE<-riltl,'/./at, gt,
*t. \*h7r--r-{
ärzo)t)z< x*\t 4z 2
äatEt EL< rrg+1,
Abt< r.3L'
r ü{tEEd)-!lE}
*fEEO1LÄ[email protected] O | ) 7 t Z 1r+ t
rrEM*Ii. zr-,t,. lt&8. ts&{. sgr-
F. §It4?a:l^<,r.tL. hi ,\{ltrlll.
ir*iaiä*B+J Ji I t L.tr rr f . trE §q.
00810 9l]18. '0^=t ll t:l'?rifi <
. f.§;lF@!:FJE;*
/i-v+taErizftBtt+ü§ (3rsts) r-a
iELrttirttlar- lg*hrat-Ä,\- rl t ä
+Jltlr.*äa itttäErrc't Lit
) r=tb- td)agn;t
, =a fi- l 2i:*tF-d,ra- ftell-f f ää
titlo)traBr!rtL:arEt r ilal3tää
thlr.j-l^,\-r* rSqlru'/.Lt t" :***xää:
a7-)UTSXO3D When purchasing replacement pads, pleas€
take or *nd this fom to your local Tamiya
deäler $ thät the parts .equired cao b€
corectly identified. Please note lhal
specifications, availability and price are
subject to change without notice.
ITEM 744fi aFTER iraRKET sERvrcE oARD
*frrrifitrl20r3rt:ro, jAl/Ld)Lr)_a_t,,'l Jll'lr:Ir) 4
t:t_al'l:l: <: Cn\la0 ä tld)'a: r',ß< /:: I '
flff4 #i löll rlr !4 gitrü:-f'
:- Frt/r,/l-... ........4208 400fl . 17807235
/ xtvh t\-.............483Ft 160.. 17E07236
4'J+ \,.t )......... - - -.504Ft 430-'t7807246
tTEl\4 74801
Ns€dle Cove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 7807235
Nozrle Cover'.... '''''' ... ''' 17807236
Paint Cup Cover'..... ..... . . . . . . . . .178072216
ZAü Sparmax Aiörush SX0.3O