Tamiya 300074537 Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the provided instructions for the Tamiya Spray-Work HG Airbrush and related air sources. This manual covers important aspects of your new device, from initial setup and safety precautions to detailed procedures for thinning paint, cleaning your airbrush and adjusting various settings for the best painting results. I'm ready to answer your questions regarding the airbrush and accessories.
  • What type of air source is required for the airbrush?
    Is it safe to paint near children or animals?
    What should I do after using the airbrush?
a7 -) - :./ dt;lal\ Lr' ä Llt. aEz4) :L7 - )E
ä\4Jea-d-. t:i.15'Sla6f4o-:/7 v, +'-r.ä.
17 - h:/ h\*frt hT L'ät. Z n6+ a7 -'/F"
LLZ*tf€L'< l:t1..
&fzt7-, = 1> t'Eßtlai)+r4 ^t*. s51
a(PF1 /a 28ülT'1. Bt ntl ZLbifz+ \,'v
JltZ 17 - ^-zXEfr.L?< €31.., -i4q
,No).17 - *-7V lt. äbr6n€e +,6 t) &', a
t;tjä Lz< t:tL,, r:i|g1a7 __>_, v,y v_
l.l*. r7-^-^75\'lrJJE L*t" &t 17-h>Z
tFRt 6Ee a, B\fior7 - h> ffi7 3,v + t >
Ft y l- (lIEM745o6)ä\,zgZ"3-
Your Tamiya Airbrush requires a separately
available air source such as propellant can or air
compressor for opel^ation, Always read and follow
the manufacturer's cautions included with lhe air
source. Joint cap is of type-S, PF-1l8, 28 spec.
Use only a compatible air regulator hose,
*Compatible adapter set may be required when
using a propellant can,
17-',8.tLA7J v-t-tt'v f&.trlt7J v
-2-t^-t'yt=> jr't t-+1 y läER't
äEeE, :L7-/\)v), e4> FELT--) =1:/
l- r.*'4 Lz< fitL\. .taa o)> 7 v'v +r - B
17- ä;ü z5\ f *Eiä 15\ r4 t\L$, 17-r \tv)) I
1 > t'äw) li |rftt*T tfr Ht 4 I:, -> J l"
* :L7 - h > 4 lft nt 6r€e I*, a7 - | \ I v), =
1 > | A* *T r:EE < ti.t t\" (r7 _' = 1 > t-
r.^&t a tH (z 17 - h\ Eä'lö, r7-b\f (
When using with Spray-Work or Basic Compres'
sor Set, use hose connector without air stop
*Use of hose connector with built-in air stop
valve may damage compressor.
*To avoid air leakaqe, use hose connector with
air stop valve when using with propellant air
6-7+t&tfrt 4EI*, r7-€*LäiäL\ii tit
= 4 > lgßo)+r'ra äL?ä', Lö[tut< lii!
L\" ä*+t.r7-75i{lträ8. A*+0)H756\*<
tat)&t" E|--a7-h>OEClt, a7- b\t'E <t'e.
,<L*L\*3-ä.BArlt.=FLZ< fitl'"
Screw air hose onto äirbrush, making sure there
is no leakage of air at connectors. lmproper
attachment of the connector will result in poor
painting results and loss ofairsupply.
7-J V - t - t 1,v l- - ^-'U rr t =>
-1V'vat-t'v !-L4Jifffi,
When lsing wilh Spray-Work or Basic
Compressor Set
Conn6cting air hose <r7-^-^Ot*ffi>
Connecting air hose ,1171V t-rP,Gi)/Jv ti-'V+ (B\Ä)
XSpray-Work HG Air Compressor Bevo
>-lr',t -t,-7 -&+)ti'tjE@U*;Htß*+J 8!"ä;iAt < t:t!'"
aa*t{t}@EEl.r*FH Lät\<'< lj tt\"
a^ä@iE<Tlt. iettEGE Llrr\t < lät r\"
a*tnE, 4 " F?]Batäffi?ll. tefi l.f€ELär\?</äi311"
a tt..o&*{ültlllEtfl. LfiL\?< f:t l\"
a#F].fl&2t . &&MailE<-r{tt8t}li&ELfiL'Z'<tttl'"
a.L7 -).:./ a=- F tv1)ftffittfr,<ftw?t" tt)-=>,tl'+tztut)^
LZlEo)Et!litlf€H Läua<titL\. *ht,-=7t+r .t) rlLf.L
tr*Rr&L\l.ttüLr< ntL\"
a6*'a)WßäH'] :/aEZ.f ++ tJäLT<titt'. ++ v JE$Tlxa
a:- Frl,r/ l-ätl L?ff E Lt:;!\?< äi: L\" =- l.rt ö\l*E L"€&?
l" * fcü*F@i**rt ä|*3-
a:L7 -J. > t ul*. *r.e 17 -in-^ä&*it 6FEtt. 8r-r7-d).1*
*äärtdötä'ää a ä 2<< t:t l\"
aä*o)F'|t. *ä0)f.örh'Afii*. FtE< 7, +d'flBäLt< tatc'.
I cruloH
aoarctully read and underctand the instructions pdor to use. Read and
follow älso the manufacturels instruclions supplied with the separately
availabb an sourcs (plopsllant cm or air comprcsso4.
ause the aiörush for spray painting only.
aDo not use o. pr€paro lhe aiörush around a name.
aNever paint near children or animars.
aNever paint a peFon.
aventilate while p4nlins and do not painl near iood or dnnk.
aThe aiörush needre h6 a shalp poinl. Careless or inadequate handling
may cause serious accidents. Do not remove the needle and/or its cover
except for maint€nancs. Removal of the needle cover from the airbrush
expo*s the needlewhile painting.
aAttach the cover to lhe paint cup during us€. OrEned cup may cause
aDo-nol remove needle cover while paintins as exposed needle may cause
as{op rhe an supply whon altaching/.emoving the at hose, and duing
disa*mbly ol the 6iörush.
ah is eommended to wear protectve glasses/goggles and mask dunns
<&Hta&f L+'v l^E>
Set contents
Hose connectorwith airstop valve
(r7-iF(t!ä) o)iEtF)
Air sources (available separately)
4ffi1;" -s
.L7 t \rv)t a4 > I'
=fl t,-t+
7-rv-t t
.7>ti, F12) V ,t-
;i "";'.ft;|* compact Ar comp,esso,
.rM^ t6ln a
=- F/rZ l.y/ \-
HG->7V r+, . VX' t:7-h>420D
<a7-t\)V)) =4> l-d)M,*>
Replacing hose connector
with air slop valve
*7.1'' _ 2 Je., F P ^_.-/.,
2->Jv vt-t v lAl€i1€€
ttr7-t=4r l-tzfl L*t"
*When using with Spray-wo* or
Basic Compressor Set, use hose
connector witho!t air stop valve.
Wrvk .'r-,214>r
,."t2 '1r]]ll/ Hose connector
.L7-t\)t1) -1> F
Hose connectorwith airstop valve
* HG1> -l v r t - tp V'. sw-653äff Etärtät*.
17 - t \in ) 3 1 a, l &,IrtR L*t "
*when usins with HG, Revo orSW-653 compressor,
replacement ol hose connectoris not required.
Thinning paint
ä{+d);EgtJ. iFoft ä', Lt < f\- ffi3".ß5 4
i?räf\€i6.t" täÄrj ä f€ ?z;eö ä;E AE Lz < li
i!L'. tl+o^47, i F/veIFi ZfF*tl<'{. 4*:I
o)e8 rJ4)f:loIE&,p5t4- *1+ L & 2T Ab U *
'{. 44Etu zfzJ'z 71'v, i7 It O*ßF"+, ).
/ \7ta-it Lotrt LZ aElgg L'(< fi- 1..
* F=et*at6haeEtt" 6€t. Lz< /l* L\"
N4ost jar paints are too thick to spray. The paint
should be thinned until it drips as shown. Use a
mixing jar (not included) to thin paint and stir
using a glass rod, plastic sprue, etc. The paint
thickness suitable for spraying differs according
to the type of paint used, ätmosphere / tempera-
ture conditions etc. Test spray using plastic
sprues or parts scraps and adiust thickness
priorto painting a model.
*Dragram shows roJgh gJrdeires of tl'irnrng
ratio for different paints.
- rh-*Ett)
:L+ I )t*4+\
4*+ : Bg'l
1:1 - 2:3
7 2 U tv7k)ätE4+l
6*t: *#l
**r rr. L\4* ä-f a E r*. ä+läi* ö r. L * f
*The lhinner the paint becomes, the iiner a misl the
Painttlow adjustment
I4 >l2t\ EfrLrd.b\ a+B-f {i5I< E t li&r-(:
4+ä\r-+*f" *da*Eid),*r, äR< &r,
-E, ^Z1;l Z44ffi c7 -Ef' ä@Jz-ttab'
661.)i.'9-t.ä* L*t. *t -lg't .Z4aT
Iirs <4)Z lt1r,b' LE*.EI{*tiEf &tL\T L }
* ,ts:61* E ä €u-'t. -- lir l/z l- v./ {- ä iE äl L S 3-"
a:- Frt: F.i/,/ \-o)'"FlF
=- f tv7 |, / t- t* I 1 >, t \- xl l < Et,Ad)
4 i9 T-{ " z0) i9 rt4*loHäÄä${ti! LzL'
p^z d t äEe ß.0) ?., ä L b 4 L,lE#h\ L+'f
aa7-, ilrl'fEnH
l1> t/ \-Efrt-t:h\Ttra<fiu, 17-f.
E'r-tiB < /. ttta*:'aA *f. *S0kää 8 of$b'L\
'4*E l* 17 -) i t X b're D,E)ttl'aL! f.t! /'6. B
ret\ 0)v., 8 t
) L < < l'e u 3: t "
ri7 2lftaz t.;LLvxx äLz. tHo)eltil Liä
&aH@j;JgzF iE*L* L* i"
*{BlFottt) tV7 t:,2 =>of.ö. l1:,/|,t\-
&tq Lf.fitj - * f.$+fr r. B I L''i l: t' a t*iE+ lt
*:- F/tl. l- y/ {-r*ro aöl€ ALJht}< Lt
* 17 -). -> ^ßT.t7 - ä?)'iiti4i€'rtz." t *t
lr'i. r7- o,Tii=# gt*au *€tu" JTrißlsß r
7 _ ;Ea E h a'ou t \ r V) j6 a 16 t.* f"
(Painting Method)
Pressing and pulling the trigger will start the
painting process. Make sure that the modei is
free from dust. Then spray in one set direction
(ex.leftto right)foran even coating ofpaint. Allow
to drythen repeat several times for best results.
aAdjusting Needle
Trigger movement can be adjusiecl by using the
needle adiusterwhich controls the spray action.
Loosen the needle for a wide spray volume and
ijghten for a line sprayvolume.
aWhen Using Hose Connector
Trigger cannot be pushed down and air will
constantly flow out, but painting can be done by
just pulling the trigger Painting offine areas, may
become difficult as the distance between the
airbrush and the object must becomeveryclose.
*Before painting, loosen the needle and test
spray volume and paint thickness,
*This airbrush uses a double action, no painting
can be doneby only pressing or pulling the trigger
*Do not loosen the adjuster too much as it may
come off from the body.
*The airbrush can adjust airflowvolume but not
air pressure. Use air pressure valve on lhe air
source to adjust pressure.
)A rz ör;EtL/;L\f a{. Lllr r#öLar*t..
*Make surelhere is no äir leakaqe.
Thinning paint
6*+t*=+175'a#+ChTt,4t aP h = -Et;fEL'< l:i!1.. r7-7traA+-r
Z a4l"+IJ ='t h - 4. .t, l l t A, 7 t U t V *b\ö r) *'r" #*Rt t*. ) v h - R, :L+
t r v* X+, l.effi 'ßätJZ lfrt'&'l " 7, U ) v6*+tärß&616lttä\, #fRl.t*e,ffi iä#l
&*jäöL*t., &f.. _,r r_+t*Fr+ttb\EL,t ö#,*b\+<_ :t+ I)rKldla*tg
b\14< !t*F!|}? < rgtf *'{. 7, t lv4NItZ a + F5 8 ä^1-riJ:* L.-('L & )"
xt:9 r-;lii-- F äf+ lJ etF.t ä L';äDta<164a?fFH L16L'a< /:tL'.
Please use Tamiya paints as this will ensure a top class finish and longevity of
your tools, Painüng widlh varies greatly depending on the kind of paint you use.
There is no problem with spraying of the paints, but for Lacquer, Enamel, and
Acrylic paints, there are different dilution ratios and characteristics. Lacquer,
Enamel, and Acrylic paint all use special solvents but the drying times are
different. Lacquer dries very quickly, Enamel dries slowly, and the drying time
forthe waterbased Acrylic paint is between Lacqu€rand Enamel.
.: oo not use polycarbonate paints as it will be impossible to dissolve when it
Good. /ar/
( *+O;EEä9Fü)
Thinning paint
äFl )EL'
thinner Too thick.
*A21 <XatiIE t t:Lf.l^ l! a r* iE!: ä,
*Sh nqy paintistoolhick *aflä\ L rr /.ä < B L'r)iei: ör Fi6.
*oripp ng paintissuitable
* lFlä ^tr, +'v t 7 tfÄet*t,
*Fillpainr cup and attach cover,
*A*+@^trf €1.;+E L<< r:i.* L'.
*Avoid paint overi ow
How to paint
* +* Eall:4 ) )v7 r'/. > <t "
+E'r*l.E < :4*+örUältffi a1't
z@r.öä*t äl4e'l#Lrifi "'
6a l< 21L')*#ä\Z'gTf"
* a7 -, 3 1, t: IQBo5t*+füt.
E l< /:rt<-a*<-**t
*This anbrush is a double action
type. Push the trigger to conirol
airilow and pull 1o conlrol paint
flow. lt is necessary to both push
and pulllhe triggerto paint,
*When using a hose connector, it
is possible to painl just by pulling
* =- ts 1V7 t t t f-ao 6 b ä (Eb+
ä+tr tJ )äAH,)4*ü LÄn\* < f;'J
Ld' 4(E:a+Erl Lt t<tit)t?:"
*Turn adjusier counterclockwise to
increase spray paini tlow. Turn
clockwise lo decrease,
f.&är, a <U L+&it.1lt*t"
*Gently push down and pull the
triqqer to starl painting,
TAMIYA,INC 74537 HGAi.brush(w/inteqratedc!p)(11057285)
Spray distance
17 -) - v I*, 4*1 Ovr.3H LEl. I ?ZEiE/:;
6ltwFfe7 -) =, t4*f ä+b toiEBt)ä\;1
-&37 t &. t " A Zd 1 / 24 alo ^ i a ä 4*'t a
rEäE:- F/rZ t-- r/ {-xrr467, II >Vt\-
0)B lt L 42^t < L*'r" -or$eDxEt*ttffi to
*r scmb'€G?t rt':'td.6 Rti{t{i6Rää l ä
ä18ä. :- Fr17. F r/ t-XLö<a7-)..,/&
iEJttZA*LtA E B ä 2oi d)EEtEä.5 -€ *
0)4*+ä4t'lült. 48?tteEg*äEt Lz L\ ?LtF
Adjust spray distance äccording to the spray
paint flow. When painting 1/24 car model body,
turn needle adjuster counterclockwise to
increase trigger sensitivity. ln this case, optimal
spray distance is 10 to 15cm. When painting
details or camouflage patterns, turn adjuster
clockwise ancl spray ata close distance.
*r{ fi 0) jE < T llfEfJ 1.6* L ra L.r < lii5 L \"
*üT^fi5äJ< LZ. 6*Lz< f:t1."
*ffioB]);EF4IEL'E IJ4lttti$rt* L I ). 4
*Eb\E<<{)6-8 (h)U) b;öt)&f; *$tu"
*/r, Er\täL'!9äßatä\H1ä3-< |;, *f.
*^\+- F ;.{t-]);H,qi*=tä*}ZE Rf i4ä
-8ll Lr*L\t< lrüt\" J-7+ , th\-Blt<*
*:t7 -) 2 -> Itfi&Pf'i"T t. ä LLfzr't 4L
*4!t47l t Jtzlt6f +\' tJä.tt7<fitt'.
+ ! t J E,t +'La La*!h\a tett?,,9,b&ä*ft l.
-rabtr*-q "
*Neverwork near an open flame.
*[4ake sure there is adequate veniilation.
*Avoid painting on windy, rainy or humid days.
*Do nol use a hair dryer or hearer tor dryirg
*Precision parts inside. Do notsubjectto shock.
*Always attach paint cup cover to prevent
unforeseen accidents.
Spray painting cautions
Cleaning after use
1+a&ß- t<I.+^tLz Lz<f:tr'. fiE3'ät.
4*I ti a7 -) -, o + <. El * ??f&Eo),F tr {. t6
,*2f.6*4t h v Jb'4w., ULz, titr6t7-r v
t | -+-Z ^*1". + "'rJ tt L*.t. =- f: trTl-
,.y/ t_äl\r,J!\*z:ktaö. :_ F/rr,'{_ä+EE
-r.nillf*:-, I > vt \-E#Lf.t.*.t\2ttt,
Lll< L, :L7 - ti;h,r tr fil.ütAL<.**t" i6BE
oa7-). ->' t) -' -ti\)Etaz < aoT, h.t J
,)+9älgzz. *f LL.r7 -).'./ t t) - + -z
h t a lz ^l1Bq)ftj+ C*.t " z 1XF+Z *Et*t)
ELar-) -'r tt) - +-h\:Ehri<ti fibn
JTt" X'i 1a)Et1|ä:t7 -)t:,/ tt) -+ -z
*ari*tf.-4 , './ 14 2',n3*, * f.
4E LLe - f.äl.t - P. 17 -). r t U - + - X
{-lt , =- Ft,ht \-6)Z17-XfrLtlitatt)-
=:.2, L*.t. ^t ./ ^ )v h t \-z ßt L, t.!.
.17-)-'./t t)-r-& {iltf.eZ"E U lifiL't
aHt,xu Ltl" 41€+. 6*lo)Htä\* < ri,
r. r. r,stto)4*1ä\4-+H LtrlrfjäLti Lf:ä
*t t) -- >rL*iLL\ +lJf€brEL\( < l:i!L\"
t =l .a7-).'.,, t) - f - tJ if iäJ: ö\i4 t'letä,
*-- Fi t@ftiHl*iH< &/:\rr)f<, * l.,äF-6
f 0)2., Rrt&r'r.rtfä;täL?< /' f L\. +rr i/
7+,üoi(+5i)ä.4äFlä\tE{,f Ht - L i\ö u
*.d' Etl.tr ti^5är'& ) l.;iit Lz< li-+L\"
* t = F - a7 -). :./ t t) - + - ltlü t - h - o) I
)Fl@i+i*lrt€iäL\(&[Et e )Ee f\6, &t "
*leffi't*l*, a>-J r'v t- AEiß.71't +Etnr, :)
>+z> f*.fzLtgjlFlt69trcz L7 <fit L,. 17-h
> X Ifr.H Cf.t+e B. 17 - h > H7 t t, I > F t h
Clean airbrush immedialely afler use.
Ocleaning inside and airbrush cup: Pour out
unused paint, and wipe inside of cup using cloth.
Fillcup with appropriate paintlhinner, cap cup, and
fully loosen needle adjuster. Cover tip ol nozzle
with finger as shown in illustration and pull trigger
to back flJsh air and clean inside of cup. Repeat
thrs 2-3 trmes untrl clean of all color. Finally. wipe
ott paint from inside of cup and nozzle using paint
Maintenance of airbrush
(pI*,1ü rtEEgE)
Spray distance
O4#l@4tH LEä\4t.$AF
Wide spray volume
2cm *A4efäää@tFE* locrn
OA*+o4.ü Lää.')16L\t t&
2cn *4 ta+kLaw# locm
*4#lb\tc1rätBäl*[I*H Ltä\ttäää'. i6öt t €7"t. Ei"f ti*E75\35?<
*Spraying too close or too much will result in dripping. On lhe other hand, spEying too lar
away or too little may cause uneven linish,
Spraypainting cautions
*4 ) ^ta l:2l€c7l&51:+ä;tE L* L *;"
* Use of paint booth isrecommended (nol included).
*'r5."aö äl9,Ffirtätgit t.4* L ti L'.
*Keep away rrom ilame sources.
<8Nh'r-1L g'o)+^t1>
Cleaninq internal parts and paint cup *AAörE *,( 15' Ba l*;f i*örE ** t. t:j
,J *8" ä{+ltlJ9al.;t;3L<< f:;!L\
*ll paint congeals, at will be dirficult to
dissolve. lmmediately clean after use.
*+'Y'tJtLrat'T hgt4L,
+@täÄrlöfr ü& L?rB,, E;5?
0)r;iEL* Lr ä.
*To avoid spilljnq thinne., \
always cover cup wh ile cleaning. -t
Cleaning nozzle
*=- F/r@itt*r.;tE L<< r:tL\.
*Tale lhe utrnosl care not to damage needle,
aoleaning nozzle: Bemove external nozzle
cover, and wipe off paint from nozzle using
thinner and an old brush. Clean nozzle dunng
a:rbrushing if paint flow is unstable.
*The tip of the needle is sharp so please take
necessary caution when handling. Also, paint
thinner may fly through air-hole in cap. Hold
airbrush a safe distance away irom eyes and moulh
when cleaning.
*Always turn off compressor and disconnect
power source after use. After using propellant
can, remove air regulatorfrom it.
Mäint€nance ot airbrush
:t7-/\|V)) = 1> FZ ryr 4 LZä'ä'lF*äte
ö*:l =- lj, iEä91'La t | - => r' Lt t.
O:- triro&9$La*84$"ä.t:
*-- l.rritti< 6F4Z\ Jtt#,*fE< üörrPtt.
d)aryr+&L\l.ll+äilFL?<1F:tL\" =- Fr,
tJ tä\?Z L *) Lf€E?& ra <4 t) * l'"
I 1 > rt \-d1787 7y 7 -7TEEL, t 1 >
v t \-ti+.ktJzBt4r\ +a t L*.'1. t \-> +, z
^L. :: -ts)t 7l ,Ja.)t+4ö, =-||VE+E
^t t.l. 17 -) - :/ t t) - +-&*ar;Ä*tr.
fi z"-- F/, t..lrJä L'lälc+äitä&??< lii!Lr.
=- FrräFf €t*. +ffiä#,fleL'Al t.;täL
?< liüL'. :- F,tä\./ 71v1.8< lf.if.FfiT-
-l:tr7l- raleäLö'"t.
a/ Ttro)w.DtILL.t\z
,/ 7 t, tt i,) *ßh tz../ - tVqlti\64 *'rT t, 4t b,
aigb\?*rf.r. tf tlä\ tr *t li r', f. Hlxtf lJ9l
täL\?< /itL\ tö-ä1€dtl?,8ätl-- F/,
ätl Ll'$i9<tj.7:;L\*t.,/ 7lrttl.lBat>
+XlF zW.U+L*.t"
Disassemble and clean airbrush thoroughly after
disconnecting hose connector.
aHow to disassemble and remove needle:
Periodically remove needle and wipe off paint
using paint thinner and cloth. Needle änd nozzle
are very delicate, so take extreme care not to
*Take care not to damage needle tip and
remove balance weight. Loosen needle chuck
screw and pullout needle. During this procedure,
holding trigger using adhesive tape is
recommended. When inserting needle, gently
seat into the nozzle by pressing forward and
secure in place by tightening needle chLrck
lrHow to remove nozzle: Nozzle can be removed
using nozzle wrench. Avoid frequent removal of
nozzle as it may damage coatrng and resull rn air
*-- F/r,J+i*äßär*gffiL\t ö. tt4f€r'
nu i.{ifS,ti@i}En\,}e?A Sl.iCa}n"
äHii- fiEt.+sLi *d. -/1r4.:-Frt75i
gi.aFfi*<€L)Äaf 3
*Extra care should be taken when maintain-
ing needle lip. G€ntly seat needle inlo nozzle
and do not plsh iniorc bly.
*Oli*1x!loi<'trä\ä r. tr t * A
*Make sure ihat the indenlat'on on the trigger
races backwards upon assembly.
Exploded view
\-jo' -u
c g---(!,
:-f: tjr ! t./ \-/ Ne€dle cover
'i ,./ Ttrh t \-/Nazte covet
l1),/ 7)rl Nazzle
!r/it7t /Balanceweight
.'ti:- F/t,Z Fyl\-
A:E7 -'> =4 > l/ Hose connector 17407014
,A!7-t\trJr=<>F 17807015
Hose connector Vair stop valve
'ltti4>l-OU>tlZl6) 19807064
Hose connector o-nngepcs)
@)+1,,JlPaintcupcover 17807018
{, L 7tl Nozzle wrench 17807019
3)r12>t\-lTnssq 17807195
iA= ts)vt+ tr/Needtechuck 17807196
A=-P)v7Jt>, 17807008
Spring stopper
O)=-l:tV7l- ta7,
Needle chuck screw
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:. (xzi<'rt-ctz l-vz> :
: http://tamiya.com/iapan/cuslomer/cs top.hlm :
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* lfrffitJz1ogt4..1 rJtQlr.OLa)Vi" ,älrfili &t r;
,:r.lt l:t:<-,2h 6,,& d O'a i l,F</:Ä l '
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:- irrutli- . . . . . . . . . .410F! ( l9oF) 17807001
./ TtVht\-.. ... ......7s6P1t 720F!. 17807002
,, 7 Jr.................. 1,596tsit,5208) 17807003
,1'., VtI ........... 1,050F3 i r.000E). 17807195
=- F)V+r'! t " 819F9( 780P1)-17807196
=_ F |VTJl tr.......315ts1 r00j3i.17807008
7) U > t 7 l-,v t \-.....578ts( 5508)- 17807009
=- F)V7I tJ^r.. ..315ts( r00Er'17807010
:- F/t....... .........7O4g\ 67an\ 17407011
t\-2t-......... - ... 1,l55Ef ,rooB) 17407153
:- t rt,7' t y./{-.. ....7a88( 750E) 17807197
:E7 )a1>l- ... ....6518{ 6208) 17807014
17-,\JV) ) 11> 1..1,281t5(r.2208) 17807015
t e 1 > tsot) > rt2IE\...231[9( 22oE). 19807064
+<,1 .... ....." 68381 t'soFl) 17807üa
,>J........... ..... .2318( 2208) 17807019
;fi!881 ............. ....2318( 2208r' 11057285
17807001. ..... ... ..... ....Needle Cover
17807002............ ...... ....No221e Cover
1 7407003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nozzle
17807195. . . . . . . . . ....................Tigger
17807196... .... ....... .....Need|e Chuck
17807008... ..... . .... ..Needle Spring
17807009. ........ ..... .Spring Stopper
17807010.... ...... ... ...Need1e Chuck Screw
'17807011............'.,..... Needle
17807153.... ...... .. .... .Ba|anc€ Weight
17807197.... ........... ..... Need|e Adjuster
17807014................ ...... Hose Connector
l7807015.... .Hose Connector dAir Stop Valve
19807064.... . . . . Hose Connector Oiing(zpcs)
1780701a.... ..... ... .....Paint Cup Cover
17807019.........................No221e Wrench
1 1 057285 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructions
rEM 74537