Roche cobas s 201 system User manual

User manual
AmpliPrep Instrument
Instrument Manual
Version 4.0
For use with the cobas s 201 system and the AMPLILINK Software,
Version 3.4.2
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Roche Diagnostics
2 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
Publication information
Edition notice
This publication is intended for operators of the COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument.
Some of the tests identified for use with the COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument may not
be approved for use in all countries. Contact a Roche representative for tests that are
commercially available in your country.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in this
publication is correct at the time of publishing. However, Roche Molecular Systems,
Inc. may need to update the publication information as output of product
surveillance activities, leading to a new version of this publication.
Where to find information The Instrument Manual contains all information about the product, including the
o Routine operation
o Maintenance
o Safety
o Troubleshooting information
o A software reference
o Configuration information
o Background information
Software version Revision date Change description
1.0 3.2 March 2007
1.1 3.3 August 2010 Update to Roche Corporate Identity and AMPLILINK Software
version 3.3
1.2 3.3 February 2013 Laser warning adapted
UV-Light is optional
Cleaning procedures updated
Minor improvements
General changes and adaptions
2.0 3.3 September 2014 Support of PDM SW4.0.
3.0 3.4 January 2019 Update to PDM SW4.1 and AMPLILINK Software Version 3.4
Front matter and preface updated and expanded
New safety label on the instrument. Additional safety message
New safety labels for laser transmitter warnings
New service procedure for checking the air system added
Line voltage and line frequency updated
Tip added to storage shutdown
u What is new in Instrument Manual version 3.0 (p. 11)
4.0 3.4.2 January 2020
u What is new in Instrument Manual version 4.0 (p. 11)
Table 1 Revision history
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 3
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
General attention
To avoid serious or fatal injury, ensure that you are familiar with the system and safety
information before you use the system.
r Pay particular attention to all safety precautions.
r Always follow the instructions in this publication.
r Do not use the instrument in a way that is not described in this publication.
r Store all publications in a safe and easily accessible place.
Training Do not carry out operation tasks or maintenance actions unless you have received
training from Roche Diagnostics. Leave tasks that are not described in the user
documentation to trained Roche Service representatives.
Images The screenshots and hardware images in this publication have been added exclusively
for illustration purposes. Configurable and variable data in screenshots, such as tests,
results, or path names visible therein must not be used for laboratory purposes.
Warranty Any customer modification to the system renders the warranty or service agreement
null and void.
For conditions of warranty, contact your local sales representative or refer to your
warranty contract partner.
Always leave software updates to a Roche Service representative or perform such
updates with their assistance.
Copyright © 2007-2020 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. All rights reserved.
License information
AmpliPrep Instrument software is protected by contract law, copyright law,
and international treaties. COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument contains a user license
between F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. and a license holder, and only authorized users
may access the software and use it. Unauthorized use and distribution may result in
civil and criminal penalties.
Open-source and commerc ial
AmpliPrep Instrument may include components or modules of commercial
or open-source software. For further information on the intellectual property and
other warnings, as well as licenses pertaining to the software programs included in
AmpliPrep Instrument, refer to the electronic distribution included with
this product.
This open-source and commercial software and COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument as a
whole can constitute a device regulated in accordance with applicable law. For more
detailed information, refer to the corresponding user documentation and labeling.
Note that the respective authorization is no longer valid according to the
corresponding legislation should any unauthorized changes be made to
AmpliPrep Instrument.
Trademarks The following trademarks are acknowledged:
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Roche Diagnostics
4 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
Feedback Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication fulfills the intended use. All
feedback on any aspect of this publication is welcome and is considered during
updates. Contact your Roche representative, should you have any such feedback.
AmpliPrep Instrument meets the requirements laid down in:
Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October
1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011
on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment.
Compliance with the applicable directive(s) is provided by means of the Declaration
of Conformity.
The following marks demonstrate compliance:
Fluorinated greenhouse gas The product contains a fluorinated greenhouse gas in the hermetically sealed
Lead This product includes an internal constituent containing a Substance of Very High
Concern (SVHC), Lead (CAS 7439-92-1), in a concentration above 0.1% weight by
weight, as identified under REACH and added to the Candidate List.
There is no direct exposure to the substance when the instrument is operated
according to the Instructions for Use.
Complies with the provisions of the applicable EU directives.
For in vitro diagnostic use.
Type Charge weight (kg) CO
Global warming
R134a 0.200 0.286 1430
Table 2 Fluorinated greenhouse gas detail
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 5
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Contact addresses
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
1080 US Highway 202 South
Branchburg, NJ 08876
Made in Switzerland
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Sandhofer Strasse 116
68305 Mannheim
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Roche Diagnostics
6 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 7
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Table of contents
Publication information 2
Contact addresses 5
Table of contents 7
Intended use 9
Symbols and abbreviations 9
What is new in Instrument Manual version 4.0 11
What is new in Instrument Manual version 3.0 11
System description
1 General safety information
Safety classifications 17
Safety precautions 18
Safety summary 20
Safety labels on the system 25
Safety information for laser transmitters 27
Disposal of the instrument 28
2 Overview
Housing 31
Technical specifications 32
Installation 34
3 Instrument
Sample preparation overview 41
System overview 42
Covers and panels 43
LEDs 48
Main components 50
Hardware overview 52
4 Operation
Overview 71
Safety information 72
Workf low 73
Setup and operation 74
Removing used consumables 75
Continuous operation 77
Stopping the instrument during a run 79
5 Service
Overview 85
Safety information 86
BOD and EOD procedures 88
General cleaning 89
Regular maintenance 91
Preventive service 102
6 Troubleshooting
Overview 119
Error messages 120
7 Glossary
Index 137
Roche Diagnostics
8 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 9
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Intended use
AmpliPrep Instrument automates preparation of samples for
quantitative or qualitative nucleic acid testing. The COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument is
to be used by laboratory professionals trained in laboratory techniques and by
instruction on the use of the instrument.
This manual is to be used in conjunction with the Operator’s and Instrument
Manuals for the COBAS
Analyzer and the cobas s 201 system Operators
r This manual is only to be used in combination with AMPLILINK Software version 3.4.2.
r This manual is not to be used for applications performed using versions of the
AMPLILINK Software earlier than 3.4.2.
Symbols and abbreviations
Product names Except where the context clearly indicated otherwise, the following product names
and descriptors are used.
Symbols used in the publication
Symbols used on the product
Product name Descriptor
AmpliPrep Instrument
Table 3 Product names
Symbol Explanation
p Start of procedure
s End of procedure
o List item
u Cross-reference
q Tip
Electrical and electronic equipment marked with this symbol are
covered by the European directive WEEE.
The symbol denotes that the equipment must not be disposed of in
the municipal waste system.
Table 4 Symbols used in the publication
Symbol Explanation
Global Trade Item Number
Quantity contained in the package.
Table 5 Symbols used on the product
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Roche Diagnostics
10 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used.
Abbreviation Definition
ANSI American National Standards Institute
EC European Community
EN European standard
IEC International Electrical Commission
IVD In vitro diagnostic
N/A not applicable
REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of
UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Table 6 Abbreviations
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 11
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
What is new in Instrument Manual version 4.0
Main cover When opening the main cover, the instrument is automatically powered off. After
closing the main cover, the instrument is powered on again and initializes.
All instructional information in this publication has been adapted accordingly.
Access protection Access protection has been improved by introducing several safety switches, an
interlock functionality on the power supply, a cover on the syringe unit, and access
protection flaps for SPU loading, reagent loading as well as for the output tube
Lead A REACH statement about lead was added.
u Lead (p. 4)
Sharps, rough edges, and/or
moving parts
A warning statement about sharps, rough edges, and/or moving parts was added.
u Sharps, rough edges, and/or moving parts (p. 20)
Laser class 1 The laser transmitter of the barcode scanner on the rack platform is now classified as
IEC 60825-1 class 1 laser product and is less harmful. Consequently, all warning
statements about the loss of sight due to staring into the laser beam have been
Taq Man
48 Analyze r
All information related to the COBAS
48 Analyzer has been removed from
this publication. The AMPLILINK Software Version 3.4.2 is not compatible with the
48 Analyzer.
cobas p 630 instrument All information related to the cobas p 630 instrument has been removed from this
publication. The AMPLILINK Software Version 3.4.2 is not compatible with the
cobas p 630 instrument.
UV lights The UV lights have been removed from the instrument.
Compatibility o This publication is only to be used for COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument with serial
number 450001.
o This publication is only to be used in combination with AMPLILINK Software
Version 3.4.2.
What is new in Instrument Manual version 3.0
General changes o The publication was updated to PDM software version 4.1 and AMPLILINK
Software Version 3.4.
o The term “data station” was replaced with “control unit.
Front matter and preface o Front matter and preface have been updated according to the new Roche
Diagnostics standards.
o The following sections were added:
u Where to find information (p. 2)
u License information (p. 3)
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Roche Diagnostics
12 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
u Open-source and commercial software (p. 3)
u Fluorinated greenhous e ga s (p. 4)
u Product names (p. 9)
u Abbreviations (p. 10)
o The company name in the copyright information was adapted:
u Copyright (p. 3)
o The approvals were updated and expanded:
u Approvals (p. 4)
o The content symbol was added:
u Symbols used on the product (p. 9)
Safety The Danger classification was removed:
u Safety classifications (p. 17)
Injuries due to unexpected
movement of parts
o The new safety label was added to list of safety labels:
u Safety labels on the system (p. 25)
o A new caution message was added to the general safety information and to all
service procedures performed with an open main cover:
u Mechanical safety (p. 22)
u Safety information (p. 86)
u Daily maintenance (p. 91)
u Changing environment fan filters (p. 102)
u Replacing gripper O-rings (p. 105)
u Replacing reagent tips (p. 109)
u Replacing syringe assembly (p. 110)
u Shutting down the instrument for storage (p. 114)
Laser transmitter warnings The safety labels for the laser transmitter warnings were replaced. The location of the
safety label for the class 1 laser transmitter was updated:
u Safety labels on the system (p. 25)
Checking the air system New preventive service procedure for checking the air system added:
u Checking the air system (p. 107)
Power requirements The line voltage and the line frequency were updated:
u Power requirements (p. 32)
Shutting down the instrument for
A tip was added to contact Roche Service to perform this task.
u Shutting down the instrument for storage (p. 114)
System description
1 General safety information .............................................................................................................. 15
2 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 29
3 Instrument........................................................................................................................................ 39
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 15
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument 1 General safety information
Table of co nte nts
General safety information 1
In this chapter, you will find information on the safe operation of the
AmpliPrep Instrument.
In this chapter
Safety classifications.............................................................................................................17
Safety precautions.................................................................................................................18
Operator qualification...................................................................................................18
Safe and proper use of the instrument ........................................................................18
Miscellaneous safety precautions.................................................................................19
Safety summary ....................................................................................................................20
Warning messages..........................................................................................................20
Sharps, rough edges, and/or moving parts...........................................................20
Electrical safety.........................................................................................................20
Biohazardous materials...........................................................................................21
Explosion and fire risk ............................................................................................22
Caution messages...........................................................................................................22
Mechanical safety.....................................................................................................22
Reagents and other working solutions..................................................................23
Insoluble contaminants in samples........................................................................23
Evaporation of samples or reagents .......................................................................23
Cross contamination ...............................................................................................24
Notices .............................................................................................................................24
Moving parts.............................................................................................................24
Circuit breakers and fuses.......................................................................................24
Spillage and liquid overflow ...................................................................................24
Safety labels on the system..................................................................................................25
Safety information for laser transmitters ..........................................................................27
Disposal of the instrument..................................................................................................28
Roche Diagnostics
16 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
1 General safety information COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Table of co nte nts
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 17
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument 1 General safety information
Safety classifications
Safety classifications
This section explains how precautionary information is presented in this manual.
The safety precautions and important user notes are classified according to the
ANSI Z535.6 Standard. Familiarize yourself with the following icons and their
Generic safety precaution
r The safety alert symbol by itself without a signal word is used to promote awareness to
hazards which are generic or to direct the reader to safety information provided
elsewhere in the document.
These symbols and signal words are used for specific hazards:
r Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
r Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
r Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to
u For more information about the product safety labels, see Safety labels on the system
(p. 25)
Important information which is not safety relevant is indicated by the following
Indicates additional information on correct use of the instrument or useful tips.
Roche Diagnostics
18 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
1 General safety information COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Safety precautions
Safety precautions
Generic safety precaution
r Particular attention must be paid to the following safety precautions. If these safety
precautions are ignored, the operator may suffer serious or fatal injury. Each
precaution is important.
Operator qualification
Operators are required to have a sound knowledge of relevant guidelines and
standards as well as the information and procedures contained in the Instrument
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Instrument Manuals for the
operation and maintenance of the instrument.
o Leave maintenance, installation, or service that is not described in the Instrument
Manuals to trained Roche Service personnel.
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazardous
Safe and proper use of the instrument
Personal protective equipment o Be sure to wear appropriate protective equipment, including, but not limited to,
safety glasses with side shields, fluid resistant lab coat, and approved disposable
o Wear a face shield if there is a chance of splash or splatter.
Accuracy/precision of measured
An incorrect measuring result may lead to an error in diagnosis, therefore posing
danger to the patient.
o For proper use of the instrument, measure controls and monitor the instrument
during operation.
o Do not use reagents and consumables that have exceeded their expiration date,
otherwise inaccurate data may be obtained.
o For diagnostic purposes always assess the results in conjunction with the patient’s
medical history, clinical examination, and other findings.
o Each laboratory must verify that instrument and reagent performance meet the
published specifications.
u Some tests have specific result interpretation criteria. For more detailed information,
refer to the Instructions for Use.
Installation o Installation must be performed by trained Roche Service personnel only.
o Leave installation that is not described in the Instrument Manuals to trained
Roche Service personnel. Follow the described installation instructions carefully.
Correct use
Use the COBAS
AmpliPrep Instrument only for preparing liquid samples with the
provided reagents as defined in the test specific Instructions for Use.
Roche Diagnostics
Instrument Manual · Version 4.0 19
COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument 1 General safety information
Safety precautions
Operating conditions o Operation outside of the specified ranges may lead to incorrect results or
malfunction of the instrument (see Technical specifications (p. 32)).
o Use the instrument indoors only and avoid heat and humidity (see Technica l
specifications (p. 32)).
o Make sure that the instruments ventilation openings remain unobstructed at all
o Perform maintenance according to the specified intervals to maintain the
operating conditions of the instrument.
o Keep the Instrument Manual in a safe place to ensure that it is not damaged and
remains available for use. This manual must be easily accessible at all times.
Approved parts Use of non-approved parts or devices may result in malfunction of the instrument
and may render the warranty null and void. Only use parts and devices approved by
Roche Diagnostics.
Miscellaneous safety precautions
Power interruption A power failure or momentary drop in voltage may damage the instrument or lead to
data loss. Perform regularly backups of measurement results. Operation with an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is recommended.
Electromagnetic fields Do not use this device in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic
radiation (e.g. unshielded intentional RF sources), as these can interfere with the
proper operation.
Instrument unused for an
extended period of time
If the instrument will not be used for more than 14 days, it is recommended that the
instrument be primed with deionized water and then with air before turning it off.
u For additional details, see Priming the instrument (p. 98) and Shutting down the
instrument for storage (p. 114)
Relocation and transportation Do not attempt to relocate or transport the instrument. Leave relocation and
transportation to personnel trained or authorized by Roche.
u For additional details, see Disposal of the instrument (p. 28)
Roche Diagnostics
20 Instrument Manual · Version 4.0
1 General safety information COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
Safety summary
Safety summary
This safety summary contains the most important general warning and caution
messages. Additionally, you will find specific safety information at the beginning of
Chapter Operation (p. 69) and Chapter Service (p. 83).
Warning messages
List of warning messages
r Before operating the instrument, read the warning messages contained in this
summary carefully. Failure to observe them may result in death or serious injury.
Sharps, rough edges, and/or moving parts
Personal injury and infection due to sharps, rough edges, and/or moving parts
Good Laboratory Practice can reduce the risk of injury. Be aware of your laboratory
environment, well-prepared, and follow the Instructions for Use. Some areas of the
instrument may have sharps, rough edges, and/or moving parts.
r Wear personal protective equipment to minimize the risk of injury from bodily contact
with such parts, especially in less accessible areas, or while cleaning the instrument.
r Your personal protective equipment should be appropriate to the degree and type of
potential hazard, e.g. suitable lab gloves, eye protection, lab coat, and footwear.
Electrical safety
Electrical shock by electronic equipment
r Do not attempt to work in any electronic compartment.
r Do not remove any cover of the instrument other than those specified in this
Instrument Manual.
r Do not touch any parts of the instrument other than those specified. Especially do not
touch any power supply parts.
r Never remove the middle grounding prong from the power cable or defeat its purpose
by using an ungrounded adapter.
r Installation, service, and repair must only be performed by personnel authorized and
qualified by Roche.
r Observe the system safety labels as illustrated in section Safety labels on the system
(p. 25).
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Roche cobas s 201 system User manual

User manual

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