{block:Source}, 221
{block:Text}, 217–218, 220
{block:Title}, 220
{block:TrackName}, 224
{block:Video}, 219, 225–226
Blogger.com, 15, 16, 117
creating multiple, 27–30
identifying selected, 29
overview, 6, 10
{Body}, 220
body font, theme, 64
bookmarklet, 152–153
brand or product website, 11–12
branding, domain name as tumblog name, 31
caller ID for calling in posts, 155
calling in audio posts, 154–155
{Caption}, 224
Carbon theme, 84
Carte Blanche theme, 85
Cascading Style Sheet. See CSS
Chat post
creating, 55–56
CSS code for, 213–214
e-mailing, 154
HTML code for, 199–200
Tumblr tag for, 219, 223–224
Chunky theme, 72, 73
click-through link, setting for Photo post, 52
coComment, 125
Coda text editor, 162, 163
code fi les for themes. See themes
code snippets (widgets), 144–151
color and typography, your original theme,
{color:Background}, 217, 229–230
commenting the code, 163, 249
comments. See also Disqus
Ask feature compared to, 122–123
Facebook, 125
hosted comment solutions, 124–134
pros and cons of, 123–124
replies, 134–135
company website on Tumblr, 12–13
conditional Tumblr tags, 167, 173, 237, 240–241
contact page, 139
content of Tumblr pages, coding for, 172, 197,
content source fi eld for posts, 36
Creative Commons license for images, 53
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
best practice tips, 249
custom CSS capability, 181, 242–243
designing your original theme
color and typography, 206–208
positioning, 205
post type icons, 210–211
post type styles, 211–215
reset, 206
spacing, 208–210
style tag, 204
Disqus, 183, 238–242
editing theme code, 180–181
li notes, 235
navigation links, 209–210
ol notes, 235
overwriting limits, 172
resources for building, 163,
in Tumblr theme code, 170–171
custom CSS capability, 181, 242–243
custom domain name setup, 31–32
custom HTML for theme, 70–71, 132–134,
Custom Layout page type, 143
custom post URLs, 37
{CustomCSS}, 171
Daring Fireball, 26
Dashboard, 24, 26
date, setting for posts, 36
declaration, HTML document, 168
DEFAULT VARIABLES in theme, analyzing, 169
deleting account button, 26
Del.icio.us, importing to Tumblr, 116
{Description}, 185, 222, 228
DIGG, importing to Tumblr, 117
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