clicking links, 36
clubs, 101
CNN, 96, 125
CNN Money, 105
CoffeeCup, 112
combat games, 103
comments, on blogs, 219, 240–241
commercial profiles, Bebo, 141
Communication Tube, 201
company research, 105
comparison page, 14
comparison shopping, 150–151
complexity, password, 74
configuration software, 25
Connect to the Internet wizard, 20–27
connection, Internet
broadband, setting up, 24–25
broadband modems, 17
Connect to Internet Wizard, 20–21
connecting, 28
dialup, setting up, 22–23
dialup modems, 16
disconnecting, 29
Internet Service Provider, 14–15
router configuration, 18–19
security, 30–31
wireless, setting up, 26–27
connections, social network, 132, 138
Consumer Direct, 153
Consumer Product and Safety Commission, 153
Consumer Reports, 153
consumer reviews, 153
Consumer.gov, 153
ConsumerGuide, 153
ConsumerReview, 153
Consumers International, 153
ConsumerSearch, 153
contact list, IM, 199, 206
contacts, social networking, 132
Contacts list, Windows Mail, 175
Bebo, 141
Facebook, 135
MySpace, 137
restricting, 61
social networking etiquette, 144
Content Advisor, 61
content area, browser, 44
Cookie Pal, 59
cookies, 59
Corporate Information site, 105
craigslist, 109, 149, 158
credit, checking, 64
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 112
CyberPatrol, 61
CYBERsitter, 61
bookmark, 48–49
bounce message, 165
Britannica, 98
British Museum, 98
broadband Internet connections, 5, 14, 24–25
broadband modem, 16–17, 25
broadcast only mailing lists, 180
brokerages, online, 104–105
downloading files to computer, 50–51
error messages, 54–55
favorite sites, saving, 48–49
Firefox, 40–41
Internet Explorer, 38–39
overview, 23, 34–37
Safari, 42–43
saving Web data to computer, 52–53
tabs, 44–45
Web forms, 46–47
browsing history, deleting, 70–71
buddies, IM, 206–207
buddy list, instant messaging, 199, 206
Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook,
cable connections, 17
cable port, 17
call waiting, 23
Canadian Consumer Information, 153
cap, bandwidth, 113
capitalization, 178
Career Builder, 109
Career Games, 108
Career Key, 108
Career Planner, 108
Career Zone, 108
CareerJournal, 108
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 112
CataList, 180
CBC in Canada Web site, 96
CBS Web site, 96
Cc field, e-mail message, 167
charges, connection, 14
Charles Schwab, 105
chat rooms, 60, 101, 214–215
chatiquette, 215
chats, IM, 208–213
check box, Web form, 46
checks, 157
child-related sites, 110–111
children, protection of, 60–61
CinemaNow, 125
CinemaReview, 90
classifieds, 158
Classmates site, 143