Facebook Companion
ou may remember the days when you would call up a friend or family
member, plan a visit, and then swing by to enjoy a meal and time on the
couch checking out a photo album from the latest vacation. Or you may recall
the days of trying to get your friends to all use the same instant messaging
client so that you could chat about the latest gossip or movie you saw that
week. These social interactions and many more have all changed with the
introduction and adoption of Facebook. When Facebook launched in early
2004, you needed a Harvard-specific email account to join the network. It
then expanded to other exclusive networks and finally opened up to full public
access in September 2006 and currently has more than 500 million users. It
is highly likely that at least one other person you know is a Facebook user. If
you haven’t signed up yet, it is time. If you have but you need direction, follow
along to get started making the most of your account with this popular social
networking service.
Why Is Facebook the Best Social
Network for Me?
You may wonder what other competing social networks exist, and why you
should choose Facebook. Several popular social networking sites are online
other than Facebook, but each has a different main purpose and appeals to a
different audience. The two biggest, aside from Facebook, are MySpace and
Launched in 2003, which, as of this writing hosts an esti-
mated 100 million subscribers, pales in comparison to Facebook’s 500
million plus.
MySpace was one of the first large social networks, but is
much more customizable than Facebook and therefore appeals more to
the creative mind, housing a large number of musicians, comedians, and
fashion designers, whereas Facebook has a fairly standard look and feel.
: Launched in May 2003, this site has a reported user base of
more than 90 million. It is targeted at business professionals and is com-
monly used to make connections through employment history and to
help people find jobs and employers find people to hire. It is much more
about building up a network of associates, rather than Facebook’s main
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