Errata Revision 2.3
June 2005
Errata Documentation
1. TRST# (Test Reset) Pin Is Floating
Note. This erratum only pertains to PCI 9030RDK-LITE boards shipped prior to
October 1, 2003.
On the PCI 9030RDK-LITE board, the TRST# pin is not connected, which could put the PCI 9030
into an undefined state during PCI RST# assertion, precluding normal chip logic operation.
Implementing the following workarounds will put the JTAG state machine into the reset state,
which enables normal chip logic operation.
Workarounds (do one of the following):
1. For board revision 90-0014-001-A:
If JTAG is not used, pull down the TRST# pin by connecting a 5.6K Ohm resistor
between pins 4 and 6 of J2, the JTAG header. Pin 4 is TRST#, and pin 6 is grounded.
2. For all other boards:
If R33 (at the left side of the JTAG header J2) is not installed, populate with a 10K ohm
3. If JTAG functionality is to be implemented, please refer to both the PCI specification and
the JTAG specification (IEEE 1149.1) requirements for the JTAG pins.
2. ISA Connector Footprint Reversed
Note. This erratum only pertains to revision 90-0014-001-A of the PCI
9030RDK-LITE. It has been fixed in all later revisions.
The ISA connector footprint labeling and the ISA connector 5V, 12V, -12V, power and ground
rails are reversed on the PCI 9030RDK-LITE. The A1 and C1 fingers should be on the
component side, and the B1 and D1 fingers should be on the solder side of the RDK. Power is
routed to the ISA footprint, according to the current (incorrect) labeling, as follows:
- 5V is routed to A3, A29, and C16, rather than B3, B29, and D16, respectively.
- 12V is routed to A9, rather than B9.
- -12V is routed to A7, rather than B7.
- GND is routed to A1, A10, A31, and C18, rather than B1, B10, B31, and D18, respectively.
- No other signal connections from the board to the ISA connector footprint exist.
- 1 - PCI 9030/LITE-RDK-ER-P0-2.3