Liquid Allocation Program for Continuous Flow User Manual
2 Introduction Rev. July-15
1.2 Product Overview
The Liquid Allocation program allows a FB107 to interface with up to two
meter runs passing liquid hydrocarbon fluids or water. These meter runs
are in addition to the meter runs provided by the FB107 Application
Firmware. The flowing densities (and optionally, base densities) of the
liquid hydrocarbon or water are calculated based on temperatures and
pressures using one or more of the following standards:
API Standard 2540 [Chapter 11.1] (1980) Volume X, Reaffirmed,
October 1993.
The Institute of Petroleum, Petroleum Measurement Paper No. 3,
October, 1988.
API Chapter 11.2.1 – Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons: 0 –
90 Degrees API Gravity Range (1st Edition, August 1984),
Reaffirmed, May 1996.
API Chapter 11.2.2 – Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons: 0.350
– 0.637 Relative Density (60°F/60°F) and -50°F to 140°F Metering
Temperature (2nd Edition, October 1986).
API Chapter 11.2.1M – Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons:
638 – 1074 Kilograms per Cubic Metre Range (1st Edition, June,
1984), Reaffirmed, May 1996.
API Chapter 11.2.2M – Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons:
350 – 637 Kilograms per Cubic Metre Density (15°C) and -46°C to
60°C Metering Temperature (1st Edition, October 1986), Reaffirmed,
March, 1997.
API MPS (Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards) Chapter 11
– Physical Properties Data Section 1, Temperature and Pressure
Volume Correction Factors for Generalized Crude Oil, Refined
Products, and Lubricating Oils, May 2004.
Gas Processors Association (GPA) TP-27, Temperature Correction for
the Volume of NGL and LPG, Section 5, January, 2005.
API MPS (Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards) Chapter 11
– Physical Properties Data, Section 4 – Properties of Reference
Materials, Part 1 – Density of Water and Water Volumetric Correction
Factors for Water Calibration of Volumetric Provers, First Edition,
December 2003.
Meter types can be either differential or linear. The calculation standard
used for differential meters is ISO5167. The calculation used for linear
meters is based on AGA Report No. 11. Volume and mass flow rates and
totals are calculated and stored for both meter types. The program uses
user-defined point types for storing the calculated flow rates and
accumulations. The program’s user-defined point types are also the
location where the configuration parameters reside.
The Liquid Allocation program also supports up to two liquid density
interface points. The liquid density interface points allow for manual
density inputs; density inputs from densitometers; frequency inputs from a