Contents 5
11.10 Time _________________________________________________78
11.10.1 Day light saving time ____________________________________78
11.10.2 Adjusting the current time ________________________________80
11.10.3 Setting time zone _______________________________________81
11.11 Print image data administration __________________________82
11.11.1 Logo display and printing _________________________________82
11.11.2 Change the logo names __________________________________83
11.11.3 Loading print image data from card _________________________84
11.11.4 Delete print image data __________________________________85
11.12 Short code memories __________________________________86
11.12.1 Saving settings _________________________________________86
11.12.2 Display and print saved settings ___________________________88
11.12.3 Delete memories _______________________________________89
11.13 Internal scale
11.13.1 Tare _________________________________________________90
11.13.2 Setting weighing mode ___________________________________91
11.13.3 Switching on and off automatic type of mail endorsement ________92
11.13.4 Rate table update _______________________________________93
11.13.5 Delete all rate tables ____________________________________94
11.13.6 Change local ZIP code for rate calculation ___________________94
11.14 Setting print head standby time ____________________________95
11.15 Setting letter transport run-on time _________________________96
11.16 Modem configuration – adjusting dialing parameters ___________97
11.17 Generate MasterCard ___________________________________99
11.18 Changing the origin ZIP code _____________________________99
11.19 Selecting the user interface language ______________________100
11.20 Account administration extension _________________________101
11.21 Changing phone numbers _______________________________102
12 Maintenance and care ________________________________________103
12.1 Cleaning the ultimail metering system ______________________103
12.2 Changing the ink cartridges ______________________________104
12.3 Adjust the ink cartridges _________________________________109
12.4 Cleaning the print system _______________________________110
12.5 Filling the water tank
12.6 Cleaning / changing the moistening sponge
12.7 Adjust moistening level
12.8 Changing the battery ___________________________________118