T he follo wing list contains safety infor mation
specific to T oro products and other safety
infor mation y ou m ust kno w .
• Become familiar with the safe operation of the
equipment, with the operator controls , and
safety signs .
• Use extra care with g rass catc hers or other
attac hments . T hese can c hang e the operating
c haracteristics and the stability of the mac hine .
• F ollo w the man ufacturer’ s recommendations
for adding or remo ving wheel w eights or
counterw eights to impro v e stability .
• Do not use a g rass catc her on stee p slopes . A
hea vy g rass catc her could cause loss of control
or o v er tur n the mac hine .
• Slo w do wn and use extra care on hillsides . Be
sure to tra v el in the recommended direction
on hillsides . T urf conditions can affect the
mac hine’ s stability . Use extreme caution while
operating near drop-offs .
• K ee p all mo v ement on slopes slo w and
g radual. Do not mak e sudden c hang es in
speed, directions or tur ning .
• T he g rass catc her can obstr uct the view to the
rear . Use extra care when operating in rev erse .
• Use care when loading or unloading the
mac hine into a trailer or tr uc k.
• Nev er operate with the disc harg e deflector
raised, remo v ed or altered, unless using a g rass
catc her .
• K ee p hands and feet a w a y from mo ving par ts .
Do not mak e adjustments with the engine
r unning .
• Stop on lev el g round, diseng ag e dri v es , c hoc k
or bloc k wheels , shut off engine before lea ving
the operator’ s position for any reason including
emptying the g rass catc her or unclog ging the
c hute .
• If y ou remo v e the g rass catc her , be sure to
install any disc harg e deflector or guard that
might ha v e been remo v ed to install the g rass
catc her . Do not operate the mo w er without
either the entire g rass catc her or the g rass
deflector in place .
• Stop the engine before remo ving the g rass
catc her or unclog ging the c hute .
• Do not lea v e g rass in g rass catc her for
extended periods of time .
• Grass catc her components are subject to w ear ,
damag e and deterioration, whic h could expose
mo ving par ts or allo w objects to be thro wn.
F requently c hec k components and re place
with man ufacturer’ s recommended par ts , when
necessar y .
Safety and Instructional
Safety decals and instr uctions are easily visible to the operator and are located near any
area of potential dang er . R e place any decal that is damag ed or lost.