shared network folders, copying data with,
shared network printers, 199–200
Shared section, Finder sidebar, 141
sharing data
over networks, 264–269
overview, 262–263
using MobileMe, 277–282
with Windows users, 270–277, 303–304
Sharing Only user accounts, 84
Sharing preferences window, 268
Shift key, 14
shortcut keys
applications, 314–315
Finder, 315
miscellaneous, 317
overview, 313
restart and shutdown, 313–314
Safari, 316–317
startup, 313
shortcut menus (contextual menus), 15
Show Addresses button, Mail toolbar, 74
Show Colors panel button, Mail toolbar, 74
Show Fonts panel button, Mail toolbar, 74
Show pop-up menu, Activity Monitor, 241–242
shutting down Macs, 80, 313–314
sidebar, Finder, 141–143, 321
Sidebar button, Finder, 139
Sidebar tab, Finder Preferences, 143
SimpleMovieX video editor, 54
single-link DVI connectors, 188–189, 321
.sit (Stuffit Archive) files, 43, 162
Sites folder
iDisk, 124
user accounts, 29
Skip Large Email Attachments dialog box, 98
sleep mode, 26–27, 68–69, 321
S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and
Reporting Technology), 215–216
Smart Albums, 93, 322
Smart Folders, 160–161, 322
Smart Groups, 41, 322
Smart Mailboxes, 322
Smart Zoom feature, Apple Magic Mouse, 17
smart zooming, 18
.rtf (Rich Text Format) files, 270–271
running Windows on Macs. See also Boot Camp
dual-booting versus visualization, 287–289
overview, 286–287
Parallels Desktop, 305–309
Safari icon, Dock, 4, 70
Safari web browser
bookmarking sites, 77
defined, 321
importing Firefox bookmarks into, 132
importing Internet Explorer favorites into, 131
importing RSS feeds into, 132–133
making appear to be another browser, 34–35
navigating, 76–77
opening sites in new tab, 75–76
overview, 32, 74–75
shortcut keys, 316–317
Safe Boot, 255, 321
Safe Login, 249, 321
Safe Mode, 255–256, 321
scanners, connecting, 194
scheduling appointments, 79
screen shots, 93
scroll bar, 9, 63
with Magic Mouse, 17
with trackpad, 18
search attributes, Spotlight, 157–160
Search box, Finder, 139
secondary boot devices, 224–226, 256
Secondary click check box, Apple Magic Mouse,
secondary user accounts, 223–224
security, automatic login, 81
Selected calendars option, iTunes, 184
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting
Technology (S.M.A.R.T.), 215–216
Send a Calendar via E-mail dialog box, Outlook, 113
Server Message Block (SMB), 264, 322
7-Pass Erase of Deleted Files option, Erase Free
Space Options dialog box, 223
Shared folder, iDisk, 124
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