Tachometer Signal Viewer Software
MTI Instruments 7001-0013
Revision 1.1 – December 7, 2012
The Tachometer Signal Viewer Software package features a series of different functions
designed to allow users to view, analyze and re-format acquired tachometer data from other
systems. These systems, such as the TSC-4800A have the capability to sample speed signals
using a high speed A/D converter and save the raw data in a special format. These files are
saved with the DAT extension, and are typically saved with labels such as:
The Tachometer Signal Viewer Software allows users to:
View the Speed Signal – The Tachometer Signal Viewer Software
package presents an oscilloscope-like view of the raw data signal.
View the conditioned Output pulses – The tachometer signal
conditioning card that produced the DAT file also produces a conditioned
output pulse for every cycle of the speed signal, or for every revolution of
the engine, depending upon the nature of the speed signal and the
programming of the conditioner card. The Tachometer Signal Viewer
Software package presents an oscilloscope-like view of the conditioned
output pulses along with the raw data signal.
ZOOM for improved viewing and analysis of the data – The
Tachometer Signal Viewer Software permits zooming into the data for
clearer views of individual cycles of the speed signal. Forward and
reverse zooming is supported.
Convert the Data files to WAV files – The Tachometer Signal Viewer
Software also supports conversion of the DAT file into a WAV file. The
WAV files can then be played on an audio player to provide “simulated
speed signals for testing other system components or new conversion and
detection algorithms.
Play converted WAV files – The Tachometer Signal Viewer Software
also includes a special WAV file player that allows continuous looping of
WAV files. This can be used to provide a non-stop stream of audio data
which is useful for system testing.
Convert the Data files to TEXT files – The Tachometer Signal Viewer
Software also supports conversion of the DAT file into a TEXT file. The
TEXT files can then be analyzed and graphed by using other programs
such as Microsoft EXCEL.
The following sections describe how to use each of the capabilities of the Tachometer Signal
Viewer Software package.