MTI Instruments PBS-4100+ Gen4 Operation and Maintenance Manual

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant that has studied the MTI Instruments PBS-4100+ Operation and Maintenance Manual. This document provides information on the PBS-4100+ portable vibration and balancing system. It covers various aspects of its functionality, including data acquisition, controls, maintenance, and safety guidelines. I am ready to help if you have any specific questions about this system or the contents of the manual.
  • What is the purpose of the PBS-4100+ system?
    What kind of data displays are available?
    Does the system allow data logging?
MTI Part Number 7001-0192
Revision 1.0 Apr 12, 2021
Portable Vibration & Balancing System
Operation and Maintenance Manual
This document discloses subject matter in which MTI Instruments Inc. has proprietary rights and such subject matter shall not, without written
permission of MTI Instruments Inc. be either
(a) used, released, or disclosed in whole or in part
(b) used in whole or in part for manufacture.
This legend shall be marked on any reproduction hereof in whole or in part.
MTI Instruments, Inc.
325 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany, New York 12205 USA
Phone: (518) 218-2550 FAX: (518) 218-2506
MTI Part Number 7001-0192
Revision 1.0 Apr 12, 2021
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PBS-4100+ MTI Instruments 7001-0192
Revision 1.0 Apr 12, 2021
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... i
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. viii
DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ......................................................................................... ix
WARRANTY and EULA ........................................................................................................ xi
SECTION 1: Introduction and General Information ............................................................. 1-1
1-1 Equipment Description ....................................................................................... 1-1
1-1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................... 1-1
1-1.2 Basic Functional Description ......................................................................... 1-1
1-1.3 Hardware Description .................................................................................. 1-3
1-1.3.1 Portable Computer ..................................................................................... 1-4
1-1.3.2 Data Acquisition Unit .................................................................................. 1-4
1-1.3.3 Communications Cable ............................................................................... 1-5
1-1.3.4 Back-Up Software and Engine Parameters .................................................... 1-5
1-1.3.5 AC Power Cord .......................................................................................... 1-5
1-1.3.6 AC Power Adapter ...................................................................................... 1-5
1-1.3.7 Signal Adapter Cable .................................................................................. 1-5
1-1.3.8 PBS-4100+ Manual .................................................................................... 1-5
1-1.4 Data Acquisition Accessories ......................................................................... 1-6
1-1.4.1 Charge Amplifier ........................................................................................ 1-6
1-1.4.2 Interface Cables ........................................................................................ 1-6
1-1.5 Other Accessories ........................................................................................ 1-7
1-1.5.1 Printer ...................................................................................................... 1-7
1-1.5.2 Shipping Cases .......................................................................................... 1-8
1-2 Applications ....................................................................................................... 1-9
1-3 Capabilities and Limitations ................................................................................ 1-11
1-4 Specifications ................................................................................................... 1-11
1-5 Special Tools and Test Equipment ...................................................................... 1-15
SECTION 2: Preparation for Use and Shipment of Panasonic-Based PBS-4100+ Systems....... 2-1
2-1 Unpacking and Inspection ................................................................................... 2-1
2-1.1 Unpacking .................................................................................................. 2-1
2-1.2 Initial Inspection ......................................................................................... 2-2
2-2 Setting Up The System ....................................................................................... 2-3
2-2.1 Input Power Connection ............................................................................... 2-8
2-2.2 Signal Connections ...................................................................................... 2-8
2-3 Preparation for Storage and Shipment ................................................................. 2-9
2-3.1 Storage ...................................................................................................... 2-9
2-3.2 Preparation for Shipment ............................................................................. 2-9
SECTION 3: Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) Controls .............................................................. 3-1
3-1 Using the Data Acquisition Unit Controls .............................................................. 3-1
3-2 Individual DAU Control Tabs ............................................................................... 3-2
3-2.1 About Tab................................................................................................... 3-2
3-2.2 Speed Tab .................................................................................................. 3-4
3-2.3 Vibration Tab .............................................................................................. 3-9
3-2.3.1 Monitor Display ......................................................................................... 3-10
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3-2.3.2 Data Table Display .................................................................................... 3-14
3-2.3.3 Waveform Display ..................................................................................... 3-18
3-2.3.4 Spectrum Display ................................................................................... 3-25
3-2.3.5 Survey Function ........................................................................................ 3-32
3-2.3.6 Start Logging Button ................................................................................. 3-39
3-2.3.7 Screen Capture ...................................................................................... 3-42
3-2.4 Setup Tab .................................................................................................. 3-43
3-2.4.1 Identify Engine Function ............................................................................ 3-43
3-2.4.2 Engine Parameters Editor .......................................................................... 3-52
3-2.4.3 System Settings ........................................................................................ 3-82
3-2.4.4 Touch Screen Function .............................................................................. 3-89
3-2.4.5 Login Function .......................................................................................... 3-91
3-2.4.6 Status Function ......................................................................................... 3-92
3-2.5 Tools Tab .................................................................................................. 3-98
3-2.5.1 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 3-99
3-2.5.2 Test Mode .............................................................................................. 3-103
3-2.5.3 Calibrate ................................................................................................ 3-118
3-2.5.4 Update Software ..................................................................................... 3-126
3-2.5.5 Data Viewer ........................................................................................... 3-131
SECTION 4: Maintenance Instructions ............................................................................... 4-1
4-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4-1
4-2 Inspection and Preventive Maintenance ............................................................... 4-3
4-3 Cleaning ............................................................................................................ 4-4
4-3.1 General ...................................................................................................... 4-4
4-3.2 Computer ................................................................................................... 4-4
4-3.3 Printer ........................................................................................................ 4-4
4-4 Battery Information ............................................................................................ 4-5
4-4.1 General ...................................................................................................... 4-5
4-4.2 Battery States and Warnings ........................................................................ 4-5
SECTION 5: Appendix A Glossary of Terms ..................................................................... 5-1
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Figure 1-1: PBS-4100+ Balancing System (typical) ............................................................. 1-2
Figure 1-2: 41CA Two Channel Charge Amplifier ................................................................ 1-6
Figure 1-3: Typical PBS-4100 System Cables ..................................................................... 1-7
Figure 1-4: PBS-4100+ Optional Printer ............................................................................ 1-8
Figure 1-5: PBS-4100+ Shipping Cases ............................................................................. 1-9
Figure 2-1: PBS-4100+ Computer Features ....................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-2: Opened PBS-4100+ Computer ........................................................................ 2-4
Figure 2-3: PBS-4100+ DAU Features and Controls ............................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-4: PBS-4100+ Portable Computer Power Connections ........................................... 2-7
Figure 2-5: PBS-4100+ Communications Connections ........................................................ 2-7
Figure 3-1: PBS-4100+ DAU Touch-Panel Display .............................................................. 3-1
Figure 3-2: DAU About Display ......................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-3: PBS-4100+ DAU Engine Speed Display ............................................................ 3-4
Figure 3-4: PBS-4100+ DAU SPEED display ....................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-5: PBS-4100+ DAU SPEED CPM Option display ..................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-6: PBS-4100+ DAU SPEED HERTZ Option display.................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-7: PBS-4100+ DAU SPEED PERCENT Option display .............................................. 3-7
Figure 3-8: PBS-4100+ DAU Speed Display Settings ........................................................... 3-7
Figure 3-9: PBS-4100+ Speed Display Units Selector .......................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-10: PBS-4100+ Speed Smoothing Selector ........................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-11: PBS-4100+ DAU VIBRATION MONITOR display .............................................. 3-9
Figure 3-12: PBS-4100+ DAU Monitor Display .................................................................. 3-10
Figure 3-13: PBS-4100+ DAU Vibration Monitor Display Settings ........................................ 3-11
Figure 3-14: PBS-4100+ Maximum Vibration Edit Keypad .................................................. 3-11
Figure 3-15: PBS-4100+ Speed Display Units Selector ....................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-16: PBS-4100+ Broadband Smoothing Selector ................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-17: PBS-4100+ Sensor Set Control Button ........................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-18: PBS-4100+ DAU VIBRATION DATA TABLE display .......................................... 3-14
Figure 3-19: PBS-4100+ DAU Vibration Data Table Display Settings ................................... 3-15
Figure 3-20: PBS-4100+ Number of Decimal Digits Selector ............................................... 3-15
Figure 3-21: PBS-4100+ Speed Display Units Selector ....................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-22: PBS-4100+ Broadband Smoothing Selector ................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-23: PBS-4100+ Sensor Set Control Button ........................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-24: PBS-4100+ DAU VIBRATION WAVEFORM display ........................................... 3-18
Figure 3-25: PBS-4100+ DAU VIBRATION WAVEFORM ZOOM Step 1 ................................. 3-19
Figure 3-26: PBS-4100+ DAU VIBRATION WAVEFORM ZOOM Step 2 ................................. 3-19
Figure 3-27: PBS-4100+ DAU VIBRATION WAVEFORM ZOOM Results ................................ 3-20
Figure 3-28: PBS-4100+ Waveform Display Options .......................................................... 3-22
Figure 3-29: PBS-4100+ Number of Decimal Digits Selection Keypad .................................. 3-22
Figure 3-30: PBS-4100+ Speed Display Units Selector ....................................................... 3-23
Figure 3-31: PBS-4100+ Speed Smoothing Selector .......................................................... 3-23
Figure 3-32: PBS-4100+ Sensor Set Control Button ........................................................... 3-24
Figure 3-33: PBS-4100+ DAU Vibration Spectrum display .................................................. 3-25
Figure 3-34: PBS-4100+ N1 Order Tracking Spectrum display ............................................ 3-26
Figure 3-35: PBS-4100+ N2 Order Tracking Spectrum display ............................................ 3-26
Figure 3-36: PBS-4100+ Vibration Spectrum Display Options ............................................. 3-27
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Figure 3-37: PBS-4100+ Number of Decimal Digits Keypad ................................................ 3-28
Figure 3-38: PBS-4100+ Speed Display Units Selector ....................................................... 3-28
Figure 3-39: PBS-4100+ Spectrum Marker Enabling Keypad .............................................. 3-29
Figure 3-40: PBS-4100+ Spectrum Markers Enabled ......................................................... 3-29
Figure 3-41: PBS-4100+ Spectrum Order Tracking Selector ............................................... 3-30
Figure 3-42: PBS-4100+ Broadband Smoothing Selector ................................................... 3-31
Figure 3-43: PBS-4100+ Survey Function Display .............................................................. 3-32
Figure 3-44: PBS-4100+ Survey Function Vibration vs Time Display ................................... 3-33
Figure 3-45: PBS-4100+ Survey Function Speed vs Time Display ....................................... 3-33
Figure 3-46: PBS-4100+ Survey Clear Function ................................................................. 3-34
Figure 3-47: PBS-4100+ Survey Clear Confirmation Message ............................................. 3-34
Figure 3-48: PBS-4100+ Vibration Survey display options .................................................. 3-35
Figure 3-49: PBS-4100+ Minimum and Maximum Value Entry Keypad ................................ 3-36
Figure 3-50: PBS-4100+ Speed Display Units Selector ....................................................... 3-36
Figure 3-51: PBS-4100+ Survey Trace Selector ................................................................. 3-37
Figure 3-52: PBS-4100+ Broadband Smoothing Selector ................................................... 3-37
Figure 3-53: PBS-4100+ DAU Speed Smoothing Selector ................................................... 3-38
Figure 3-54: PBS-4100+ DAU Vibration Monitor Display ..................................................... 3-39
Figure 3-55: PBS-4100+ DAU Data Storage Dialog Display ................................................ 3-39
Figure 3-56: PBS-4100+ DAU Data Storage Running Display.............................................. 3-40
Figure 3-57: PBS-4100+ DAU Data Storage Ending Display ................................................ 3-41
Figure 3-58: PBS-4100+ DAU Image Storage Complete Display ......................................... 3-42
Figure 3-59: PBS-4100+ DAU Selecting an Engine Type .................................................... 3-43
Figure 3-60: PBS-4100+ DAU Display of Additional Engine Types ....................................... 3-44
Figure 3-61: PBS-4100+ DAU Display of New Engine Type ................................................ 3-44
Figure 3-62: PBS-4100+ DAU Display of Additional Engine Types ....................................... 3-45
Figure 3-63: PBS-4100+ DAU Display of Engine Library ..................................................... 3-45
Figure 3-64: PBS-4100+ DAU Display of Engine Library ..................................................... 3-46
Figure 3-65: PBS-4100+ DAU Display Confirming addition of Engine Type .......................... 3-46
Figure 3-66: PBS-4100+ DAU Directory of Engine Parameters ............................................ 3-47
Figure 3-67: PBS-4100+ DAU Engine Parameter file .......................................................... 3-47
Figure 3-68: Display of Additional Engine Types................................................................ 3-48
Figure 3-69: Display of Added Engine Type to list ............................................................. 3-48
Figure 3-70: Display of Delete Engine Confirmation ........................................................... 3-49
Figure 3-71: Engine ID Number Entry Keyboard ............................................................... 3-50
Figure 3-72: Entering an Engine ID number ..................................................................... 3-51
Figure 3-73: After Engine ID has been entered ................................................................. 3-51
Figure 3-74: Parameter Editor List of Engines Display ........................................................ 3-52
Figure 3-75: DAU Tachometer Parameters Display ............................................................ 3-53
Figure 3-76: Tachometer Symbol Entry Keyboard ............................................................. 3-54
Figure 3-77: Tachometer Type Selector ........................................................................... 3-54
Figure 3-78: Tachometer Ratio Keypad ............................................................................ 3-55
Figure 3-79: Tachometer Pulses Keypad .......................................................................... 3-55
Figure 3-80: Blanking Count Keypad ................................................................................ 3-56
Figure 3-81: Idle Speed Keypad ...................................................................................... 3-56
Figure 3-82: 100% Speed Keypad ................................................................................... 3-57
Figure 3-83: Tachometer Filter Selector ........................................................................... 3-57
Figure 3-84: Tachometer Threshold Selector .................................................................... 3-58
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Figure 3-85: Speed Signal Input Configuration Selector ..................................................... 3-58
Figure 3-86: Speed Averages Selector .............................................................................. 3-59
Figure 3-87: Speed Smoothing Selector ........................................................................... 3-60
Figure 3-88: DAU Vibration Channel Parameters ............................................................... 3-61
Figure 3-89: Channel Symbol Editing Keyboard ................................................................. 3-62
Figure 3-90: Channel Sensitivity Editing Keypad ................................................................ 3-62
Figure 3-91: Phase Offset keypad .................................................................................... 3-63
Figure 3-92: Input Coupling Selector ............................................................................... 3-63
Figure 3-93: Full Scale Voltage Selector ........................................................................... 3-64
Figure 3-94: Full Scale Vibration keypad ........................................................................... 3-65
Figure 3-95: Input Units Selector ..................................................................................... 3-65
Figure 3-96: Readout Units Selector ................................................................................ 3-66
Figure 3-97: PBS-4100+Broadband Smoothing Selector .................................................... 3-66
Figure 3-98: PBS-4100+Tracked Vibration Smoothing Selector ........................................... 3-67
Figure 3-99: PBS-4100+ Broadband Component Parameters .............................................. 3-68
Figure 3-100: Broadband Component Symbol Keyboard .................................................... 3-69
Figure 3-101: Filter Type Selector .................................................................................... 3-69
Figure 3-102: Filter Low Frequency Keypad ...................................................................... 3-70
Figure 3-103: Filter High Frequency Editing Keypad .......................................................... 3-70
Figure 3-104: PBS-4100+ N1 Tracked Component Parameters ........................................... 3-71
Figure 3-105: Broadband Symbol Keyboard ...................................................................... 3-72
Figure 3-106: Bandwidth Selector .................................................................................... 3-73
Figure 3-107: PBS-4100+ Component Parameters ............................................................ 3-74
Figure 3-108: C1 Component Symbol Editing Display ........................................................ 3-75
Figure 3-109: Component Type Selector .......................................................................... 3-75
Figure 3-110: Tachometer Number Selector ..................................................................... 3-76
Figure 3-111: Ratio Editing Keypad .................................................................................. 3-76
Figure 3-112: Bandwidth Selector .................................................................................... 3-77
Figure 3-113: Filter Type Selector .................................................................................... 3-77
Figure 3-114: Filter Low Frequency Keypad ...................................................................... 3-78
Figure 3-115: Filter High Frequency Keypad ..................................................................... 3-78
Figure 3-116: Fixed Frequency Keypad ............................................................................ 3-79
Figure 3-117: Bandwidth Selector .................................................................................... 3-79
Figure 3-118: PBS-4100+ Auxiliary Component Parameters ............................................... 3-80
Figure 3-119: FFT Maximum Frequency Keypad ................................................................ 3-80
Figure 3-120: FFT Lines Selector ..................................................................................... 3-81
Figure 3-121: Phase Convention Selector ......................................................................... 3-81
Figure 3-122: PBS-4100+ DAU System Settings Display .................................................... 3-82
Figure 3-123: DAU Name Editing Keyboard ...................................................................... 3-82
Figure 3-124: IP Address Keypad .................................................................................... 3-83
Figure 3-125: IP Address Mask Keypad ............................................................................ 3-83
Figure 3-126: Last Calibration Date Keypad ...................................................................... 3-84
Figure 3-127: Next Calibration Date Keypad ..................................................................... 3-84
Figure 3-128: DAU Date Keypad ...................................................................................... 3-85
Figure 3-129: DAU Time Keypad ..................................................................................... 3-85
Figure 3-130: Administrative Password Keyboard .............................................................. 3-86
Figure 3-131: Customer Information Settings ................................................................... 3-87
Figure 3-132: Customer Name Entry Keyboard ................................................................. 3-87
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Figure 3-133: Customer Address Line Entry Keyboard ....................................................... 3-88
Figure 3-134: Touch-Screen Calibration Display ................................................................ 3-89
Figure 3-135: Touch-screen Calibration Display ................................................................ 3-90
Figure 3-136: Touch-screen Calibration Completion Display ............................................... 3-90
Figure 3-137: Touch-screen Missed Point Display .............................................................. 3-90
Figure 3-138: Password Entry Keyboard ........................................................................... 3-91
Figure 3-139: DAU System Status Display ........................................................................ 3-92
Figure 3-140: DAU Network Status Display ....................................................................... 3-94
Figure 3-141: DAU Sampler Status Display ....................................................................... 3-96
Figure 3-142: DAU Tools Display ..................................................................................... 3-98
Figure 3-143: Troubleshooting Utility Opening .................................................................. 3-99
Figure 3-144: Troubleshooting Not Allowed Warning Message ........................................... 3-99
Figure 3-145: Test Mode Function Main Display .............................................................. 3-103
Figure 3-146: Tachometer Test Initial Display ................................................................. 3-104
Figure 3-147: Long Tooth Tachometer Display ............................................................... 3-105
Figure 3-148: Tachometer Test Sampled Data Display ..................................................... 3-106
Figure 3-149: Tachometer Test ZOOM Display ................................................................ 3-106
Figure 3-150: Frequency Spectrum Display of Long tooth Tachometer Signal .................... 3-107
Figure 3-151: Tachometer Conditioner Control Display .................................................... 3-108
Figure 3-152: Odd Tooth Tachometer Signal .................................................................. 3-110
Figure 3-153: Pulses per Revolution Keypad ................................................................... 3-111
Figure 3-154: Blanking Count Keypad ............................................................................ 3-112
Figure 3-155: Peaks in a Tachometer Generator Signal ................................................... 3-113
Figure 3-156: Edges in a Tachometer Signal ................................................................... 3-113
Figure 3-157: ICP Power Control Display All Off ........................................................... 3-114
Figure 3-158: ICP Power Control Display ........................................................................ 3-114
Figure 3-159: Input Coupling Control Display All AC ..................................................... 3-115
Figure 3-160: Input Coupling Control Display Two DC .................................................. 3-115
Figure 3-161: Data Sampler Control Panel ...................................................................... 3-116
Figure 3-162: Serial Port Test Control Panel ................................................................... 3-117
Figure 3-163: PBS-4100+ DAU Calibration Utility ............................................................ 3-118
Figure 3-164: PBS-4100+ DAU Calibration Factors Viewer ............................................... 3-124
Figure 3-165: PBS-4100+ DAU Calibration Factor Keypad ................................................ 3-124
Figure 3-166: PBS-4100+ DAU Calibration Reset Warning ............................................... 3-125
Figure 3-167: PBS-4100+ DAU Calibration Factor Reset Confirmation ............................... 3-125
Figure 3-168: Update Software Function Controls ........................................................... 3-126
Figure 3-169: Access Denied Message ........................................................................... 3-126
Figure 3-170: Control Software File Display .................................................................... 3-127
Figure 3-171: Successful Software Upgrade Message ...................................................... 3-127
Figure 3-172: Troubleshooting Software File Display ....................................................... 3-128
Figure 3-173: Successful Troubleshooting Software Upgrade Message .............................. 3-128
Figure 3-174: Engine Library File Display ........................................................................ 3-129
Figure 3-175: Successful Engine Library Upgrade Message .............................................. 3-129
Figure 3-176: DAU Software Version List ........................................................................ 3-130
Figure 3-177: DAU Data Viewer File List Display ............................................................. 3-131
Figure 3-178: DAU Data Viewer File List Display Updated ................................................ 3-131
Figure 3-179: File Sorting Method Selector ..................................................................... 3-132
Figure 3-180: Warning Message to Confirm File Deletion ................................................. 3-132
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Figure 3-181: List of Saved Data on USB Memory Device................................................. 3-133
Figure 3-182: Saved Spectrum Data from USB Memory Device ........................................ 3-133
Figure 3-183: List of Saved Calibration Data ................................................................... 3-134
Figure 3-184: List of Saved Data on USB Memory Device................................................. 3-134
Figure 4-1: DAU Component Location Guide ...................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-2: Battery Status Indications ............................................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-3: Battery Status Page ........................................................................................ 4-6
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Table 1-1: PBS-4100+ Major Components ......................................................................... 1-3
Table 1-2: PBS-4100+ Engine Parameter Set Part Numbers ............................................... 1-10
Table 1-3: PBS-4100+ Specifications ............................................................................... 1-12
Table 1-4: Equipment Required to Test/Calibrate the PBS-4100+ ....................................... 1-15
Table 2-1: PBS-4100+ DAU Front Panel Components ......................................................... 2-5
Table 4-1: Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Intervals ............................................... 4-3
Table 4-2: Battery States and Warnings ............................................................................ 4-7
Table 4-3: Additional States and Warnings ........................................................................ 4-8
PBS-4100+ MTI Instruments 7001-0192
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Apr 12, 2021
Release of 4th generation PBS-4100+ unit.
- Manual format was updated (while maintaining the same
structure and organization)
- All WinPBS-related instructions were moved to separate
document number 7001-0191.
- Added section to Maintenance chapter of manual to address
battery concerns.
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PBS-4100+ MTI Instruments 7001-0192
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(Revision 1.0 Issued 9-28-2018)
The Warranty and End User License Agreement below is subordinate to any Warranty or End User
License Agreement that appears in the Terms and Conditions of Sales document. Should any conflict
arise between this document (MTI Instruments Technical Manual) and the Terms and Conditions of Sales
document, the Terms and Conditions of Sales document shall prevail.
Limited Warranty & Disclaimer
Seller warrants that the equipment supplied to buyer conforms to seller’s specifications for such
equipment at the time of manufacture, unless other specifications have been agreed with buyer in writing.
This is buyer’s exclusive warranty. Seller disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but
not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This warranty and
disclaimer apply regardless of whether the equipment is used singly or in combination with other products
or equipment or in any process. In the event of any breach of this warranty, seller will, at its option, either
replace or repair the defective equipment or refund an equitable portion of the purchase price paid for
such defective equipment. This is buyer’s exclusive remedy for non-conforming products, product defects
or otherwise. Buyer must provide written notice to seller of any claimed defect within one (1) year after
date of delivery.
End Users Licensing Agreement
This End-User License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual
or a single entity known as "Customer" or “Buyer” or “original Customer”) and Mechanical Technology,
Inc./ MTI Instruments Inc. ("MTI" or “Seller”), which owns proprietary computer software related to the
use and operation of equipment sold to Customer pursuant to Terms and Conditions of Sale to which this
Agreement applies (collectively known as "Software"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the
Software or any Software Updates, Customer agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If
Customer does not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install, copy, or use the Software,
including all Software Updates that Customer received as part of the Software (each, an "Update"). By
installing, copying, or otherwise using an Update, Customer agrees to be bound by the additional license
terms that accompany such Update.
1. Intellectual Property Rights
All title and copyrights in and to the Software (including but not limited to any software
components, product documentation and associated media, sample files, extension files, tools
and utilities, miscellaneous technical information, collectively referred to herein as the
"Software"), and any copies of the Software, are owned by Seller .The Software is protected by
United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions and may contain Seller’s trade
secrets. Therefore, you must treat the Software like any other copyrighted or confidential material,
except that Customer may either (i) make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival
purposes, provided Customer reproduces and includes MTI copyright and trademark notices
contained on the original media and/or labels on such backup copy, or (ii) transfer the Software to
a hard disk, provided Customer keeps the original solely for backup and archival purposes.
Customer may not copy the printed materials accompanying the Software. The Software is
licensed, not sold and title to the Software will be retained by Seller.
2. Grant of License
MTI grants the original Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, license to use the Software
for internal purposes only and limited to its use and operation in connection with use and
operation of the equipment sold to the original Customer by MTI to which the Software applies to
Customer by MTI.
PBS-4100+ MTI Instruments 7001-0192
Revision 1.0 Apr 12, 2021
3. Other Restrictions
a. The Software is the sole and exclusive property of MTI, including all applicable rights to
patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets and is provided for the original Customer's sole
use for the purposes of this Agreement and will be held in confidence and safeguarded from
unauthorized disclosure or use.
b. Customer will not remove any designation mark from any supplied material that identifies such
material as belonging to or developed by MTI. Customer agrees not to disassemble, decompile,
reverse engineer or otherwise reduce the Software to perceptible form.
c. Customer may not rent, lease, sublicense or otherwise redistribute the Software.
d. The licensing term of the software effectively begins on the initial date of delivery to the original
Customer and terminates when the original Customer ends ownership of the software or the
equipment that the software operated with. This license is granted exclusively to the original
purchasing Customer and will become voided if or when the Software or the equipment the
Software originally operated with becomes sold, rented, leased, or otherwise redistributed.
e. The license can be transferred only by written authorization from MTI Instruments.
f. Customer may use or transfer the Updates to the Software only in conjunction with Customer's
then-existing Software. The Software and all Updates are licensed as a single product and the
Updates may not be separated from the Software for use at any time.
g. Customer may not repackage, reverse engineer, decompile or modify the Software.
4. Limited Warranty
Seller warrants that the software is free from any material defect which prevents the software
from being installed for use with the equipment for which it is intended to be used.
a. No other warranties. The warranty applicable to equipment sold pursuant to the terms and
conditions of sale to which this rider is attached shall not extend to the software. Once installed,
the software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by
applicable law, MTI disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any warranty
against infringement, with regard to the software.
Customer’s exclusive remedy for breach of the limited warranty shall be correction or
replacement of the software at MTI’s option.
b. No liability for damages. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall
MTI be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of
business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss)
arising out of the use or inability to use the software.
PBS-4100+ MTI Instruments 7001-0192
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SECTION 1: Introduction and General Information
1-1 Equipment Description
1-1.1 Purpose
The PBS-4100+ Portable Balancing System (see Figure 1-1) is used to perform trim balance and
vibration diagnostics on all types of gas turbine engines and rotating machinery. It has been
designed as a rugged, portable instrument for use on the flight line, in engine test cells, in
power plants and on the factory floor.
A key reason for using the PBS-4100+ system is to reduce the amount of time required to
perform vibration analysis and trim balancing of gas turbine engines and rotating machinery.
This in turn improves engine/machinery quality, saves engine running time, fuel, labor, and
improves overall equipment availability rates.
When combined with MTI’s WinPBS software, the PBS-4100+ saves time by incorporating
features such as automatic data collection, stored engine parameters, and a Balancing Wizard
that guides users through the balancing process. Balancing can be done using stored influence
coefficients for "one-shot" balancing that automatically calculates specific balance solutions,
complete with manufacturers’ part numbers for balance weights and specific instructions about
balance weight mounting locations.
Another advantage of the complete PBS-4100+ package is that it gives the user a set of “tools”
to perform vibration diagnostics. These tools can be used to determine whether trim balancing
is appropriate and to identify potential engine mechanical problems.
1-1.2 Basic Functional Description
The PBS-4100+, when combined with the MTI WinPBS software, is a complete engine vibration
analysis and balancing system. It has been designed for use on the flight line and in engine
test cells, and the system contains a number of features to make the task of engine vibration
testing as fast and easy as possible. With the PBS-4100+ system users are able to:
Perform vibration surveys of engine accelerations and decelerations. During
each run, vibration data from all channels are acquired and displayed.
Monitor overall and synchronous components. During all engine runs,
users can easily monitor total vibration levels, and important vibration
components to aid in diagnosing vibration-related problems.
Acquire vibration signal spectrum data. Using this data, users can pinpoint
the sources of vibrations within the engine for a fast and accurate diagnosis.
Trim balance engines. The WinPBS software’s
Balancing Wizard
users through the process of balancing engines using trial weight or stored
influence coefficient methods.
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Store valuable engine data. All of the data that the PBS-4100+ system takes
can be stored for printing and review in the future. All stored data can be easily
sorted, displayed and printed.
To start testing an engine, the operator must first select the specific engine type from a list
displayed on the computer screen of the PBS-4100+ laptop running the WinPBS software, or by
selecting the specific engine file on the DAU’s touchscreen display. The operator's selection
directs the PBS-4100+ system to take engine specific data from the "parameters file" to control
how the PBS-4100+ takes engine data and displays it for the user. The parameter files and the
PBS-4100+ software are stored on the hard disk of the PBS-4100+ system computer.
After the engine has been selected, and the monitoring software has started, the PBS-4100+
continually collects speed and vibration data from the engine under test. This data can be
displayed in graphical or tabular form. When vibration levels demand balancing, the PBS-
4100+’s companion WinPBS software’s
Balancing Wizard
guides the collection of engine
data, and calculates a balance solution. Balancing solutions are graphically displayed to show
the specific balance plane holes in which weights should be installed to reduce engine
vibrations. Balance solutions also include the size and part number of weights to be installed.
A record of each balance run is automatically stored and can be printed to provide a historical
record when desired.
Figure 1-1: PBS-4100+ Balancing System (typical)
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The PBS-4100+ has been designed to operate using either aircraft power or a ground power
source. Input power control circuits feature an autosensing/autoswitching function, which
avoids the risk of equipment damage due to improper power selection. Input power can be
either 115 or 230 VAC (+/- 10%) and 50, 60, or 400 Hz (+/- 10%).
The PBS-4100+ uses input data signals that are generated by one or more vibration pickups
mounted on the engine. Some engines have built-in vibration pickups, whereas other engines
require the installation of temporary pickups for ground test. The PBS-4100+ also requires an
engine speed signal for balancing tasks done through the WinPBS software. This can come from
a built-in speed pickup (when present) or from a ground test tachometer.
Specially designed cable sets are used to connect the PBS-4100+ to the appropriate vibration
and speed pickups on a particular engine type. Examples of ways in which the cable set are
designed to connect to pickups include:
Engines mounted on aircraft
Connect direct to pickups mounted on the engine
Connect to pickups via engine wiring
Connect to pickups via aircraft vibration monitoring (AVM) system
Engines mounted in a test cell
Connect directly to pickups mounted on the engine
Connect to pickups via test cell wiring
These specially designed cable sets are available for almost all commercial engine/aircraft
combinations. Contact your MTI representative for details concerning your specific needs and
1-1.3 Hardware Description
The PBS-4100+ system is comprised of a Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) and a portable computer
with the
PBS for Windows
(WinPBS) software installed. The computer is typically a “laptop
style portable computer, although other configurations are available.
Major components of the PBS-4100+ are illustrated in Figure 1-1 and listed Table 1-1. Further
description of the major components is provided in paragraphs 1-1.3.1 through 1-1.3.8.
Table 1-1: PBS-4100+ Major Components
Figure 1-1
Index Number
Part Nomenclature
PBS-4100+ Portable Computer with WinPBS software
Power Adapter & Cords for computer
Signal Adapter Cable
Computer to DAU Communications (Ethernet) Cable
PBS-4100+ Data Acquisition Unit
PBS-4100+ Operation and Maintenance Manual
PBS-4100+ MTI Instruments 7001-0192
Revision 1.0 Apr 12, 2021
For each PBS-4100+ system, the computer and the DAU are a matched set. Although a specific
individual computer may work with more than one DAU, and vice versa, MTI does not represent
that this will generally be true. Problems are especially likely to occur if a computer is
substituted for a computer of a different brand and if incompatible software versions exist on
the DAU and the computer. Each computer and its associated DAU are assembled, inspected
and calibrated as a single system at the factory.
Accessory items such as signal conditioners, adapters, cables, etc., are available to assist in
interfacing with the engine under test. Accessory items are described in paragraph 1-1.4.
Some variations in equipment supplied may occur due to the use of alternate vendor items.
1-1.3.1 Portable Computer
Illustrated in Figure 1-1, item 1, the computer is a commercial off-the-shelf laptop unit
(variations are possible, depending on customer requirements). Specifications vary depending
upon options selected by the customer, but the typical computer configuration is described as
CPU: Modern Intel Core Processor
RAM: 4 Gigabytes minimum
Disks: SSD 128 Gigabytes minimum
CD-R/W Drive
Ports: 10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN
Wireless LAN (802.11a/b/g/n)
USB Ports
Operating System: Windows 10 Professional (64-bit English)
Each system also includes an AC power adapter, plus a nylon carrying case is included with
each portable computer for protection and carrying convenience.
1-1.3.2 Data Acquisition Unit
Illustrated in Figure 1-1, item 6, the DAU contains the electronic circuitry that receives and
processes signals generated by the engine speed transducers and vibration pickups. After
converting these signals, the DAU transmits the resulting data to the portable computer. The
standard DAU provides two tachometer input channels and four vibration channels. The PBS-
4100+ DAU also features a full color touch panel that displays current engine speeds, and can
also be used to display vibration data, system settings and system diagnostic procedures.
AC power is supplied to the DAU via a built-in power cord (Figure 1-1 item 5). Inside the DAU,
the AC power is distributed to the internal DC power supply. The internal power supply satisfies
the DC power requirements of the DAU, plus the 12 volt DC power required for accessories such
as external charge amplifiers.
A cushioned nylon carrying case is included with each DAU. These cases have been designed
to provide easy means of carrying the DAU and to protect it during shipment. However, prior to
operation, the DAU must be removed from the carrying case to ensure that adequate cooling is
provided for the internal circuitry of the DAU.
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Not illustrated in Figure 1-1, is the lid for the DAU. This lid is attached to the DAU via quick
release latches that allow the lid to be completely detached from the DAU. Normally the lid is
taken off during system set up and can remain off during system operation.
1-1.3.3 Communications Cable
Illustrated in Figure 1-1, item 4, the communications cable is a 10 foot long CAT5 cable with
easy release connectors on each end. This cable is used to make the communications link
between the computer and the DAU.
1-1.3.4 Back-Up Software and Engine Parameters
Please contact MTI Instruments support for back-up software or engine parameters.
1-1.3.5 AC Power Cord
Illustrated in Figure 1-1, item 2, this cable is used to connect the laptop to an AC power source.
1-1.3.6 AC Power Adapter
Illustrated in Figure 1-1, item 2, the AC power adapter is a modular power supply that is used
to convert AC power to DC power for the system computer.
1-1.3.7 Signal Adapter Cable
Illustrated below, the signal adapter cable is supplied to allow users of existing PBS-4100
accessory kits to interface directly with the new front panel connectors of the PBS-4100+ DAU.
Signal Adapter Cable
Connect this
end to DAU
This end mates
with PBS
Adapter Cable
ALT B connector
1-1.3.8 PBS-4100+ Manual
Illustrated in Figure 1-1, item 8, this manual provides complete operational and maintenance
instructions concerning your PBS-4100+ system.
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1-1.4 Data Acquisition Accessories
The items shown in Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3 illustrate some of the system accessories that are
available to complement your PBS-4100+. These items are briefly described in paragraph 1-
1.4.1 and 1-1.4.2. For additional information about the full line of PBS accessories, contact MTI
Instruments, Inc.
1-1.4.1 Charge Amplifier
Illustrated in Figure 1-2, the charge amplifier converts charge-mode signals from engine
accelerometers to voltage-mode signals. Depicted is a 2-channel unit, which can convert the
signals from two accelerometers simultaneously. Four (4) channel units are also available in a
similar style product. Conversion of accelerometer signals to voltage-mode provides greater
immunity to noise and allows signals to be reliably transmitted over greater distances. The
charge amplifier is normally installed at the engine. It is not needed if another charge amplifier
is already present (as part of test cell equipment) or where velocity probes are used instead of
Figure 1-2: 41CA Two Channel Charge Amplifier
1-1.4.2 Interface Cables
The PBS-4100+ cabling system has been carefully designed to minimize our customers
investment in cables yet provide them with maximum flexibility. More than 100 different cables
have been designed to accommodate most commercial and military aircraft/engine
configurations. Figure 1-3 illustrates three very common and essential cables; two different
engine interface cables, and a PBS jumper cable.
An engine interface cable (EIC), with appropriate jumpers at each end, carries signals from the
engine directly to the PBS-4100+. It contains four pairs of twisted-pair conductors, with
shielding on each pair. One of these pairs is normally reserved to provide 12V DC power to