Barcode Handy Terminal/2D code Handy Terminal
Supported OS versions for this manual
• The manual is intended for the following OS versions.
Edition Revision record OS Version
1200B 1200Q 1200QG
1st - 1.00
- -
2nd Enhanced the BHTSettings features (KEY, Display, StartupConfig), and
added the SIP feature.
- -
(Integrated manual edition of the BHT-1200B and BHT-1200Q)
1st Added the BHTSettings features (VGA, WLAN Manager, SQRC, Scanner,
Log Manager and so on)
1.06 1.03
- (skipped) - -
3rd Added the reset menu
Enhanced the BHT Settings features (StartupConfig, Remote Desktop, Log
Enhanced the Device Lock features.
Added the Application Launcher feature
1.07 1.04
4th Added the BHT-1200QWBG features.
- -
5th Added "Multi-press input with timeout" for alphabet input method.
Modified control panel features (Regional settings > Uniscribe default,
Terminal Server Client Licenses)
Enhanced the WLAN Manager profile feature
Enhanced the Application launcher feature
Uniscribe in Regiona and Language Settings is changed
[Notes] As a result, the text layout of the complex text languages (CTL) such
as Thai is changed after OS update.
Refer to Chapter 4, 4.2 Regional and Language Settings for mode details.
1.10 1.07 1.02
6th Added the description related to the CCX support. 1.11 1.08 1.03
7th Added the description related to the alphabet entry mode 2. 1.13 1.10 1.04
8th Trigger release mode is added 1.16 1.12 1.05
9th Added the IE address bar hide function, the wireless communication logging
and the USB setting menu.
1.16 1.12 1.05
10th Added the SessionKeeper. - - 1.05
Added the error reporting property.
Added the feature that backs up OS settings automatically at power-off to
Added the battery charging mode. 1.19 1.19
Modified the BHT backup menu and the Startup Config menu. 1.20 1.20 1.10
Added the following functions and explanations to WWAN Manager.
(1) PPP authentication method selection function ([DataConnection] tab).
(2) Explanation of automatic power restore.
11th Modified the G sensor calibration menu. 1.22 1.22 1.11