Application Sheet
Application: Retherming
Market(s): Schools, institutions, healthcare,
QSR, full service
Product: Ovenable French Fries
Other Suitable
Food Product(s):
Double-breaded, battered, and coated products.
Product Line: CVap
therm & holds
Set Points: Retherm Pre-programmed Channel 4 - Food Temperature 150˚F,
Food Texture 350˚F, Differential 200˚F
Cook time varies - (based on product) 20-25 minutes.
Retherm Pre-programmed Channel 5 - Food Temperature 130˚F,
Food Texture 350˚F, Differential 220˚F
Cook time varies - (based on product) 17-27 minutes.
Retherm Pre-programmed Channel 2 - Food Temperature 170˚F,
Food Texture 290˚F, Differential 120˚F.
Cook time varies - (based on product) 14-25 minutes. Channel 2
should only be used to cook processed/formed mashed potato products,
example: McCain
Smiles & Shapes.
Process: Only bakable fries should be used. Load fries onto bake sheets, allow-
ing a 1-1/2” border to prevent browning patterns. For best results, cook
half loads – 7 to 9 pans (or one standard case of fries). Load approxi-
mately 2-1/2 to 3 lbs per pan. Disperse fries evenly. Product time can
vary, based on preferences in texture, color and consistency. Products
cooked on Channels 4 or 5 should be served promptly upon completion
of cook cycle. Processed and formed potato products rethermed on
Channel 2 may be held in the unit after completion of retherm cycle.
This may make it necessary to cut the cook time by 5%.
DOC070116H Rev 0
rs 1-16-07