To test the multiple-clock, multiple-edge, state acquisition 1–34
Set up the equipment 1–34
Set up the logic analyzer 1–35
Connect the logic analyzer 1–37
Verify the test signal 1–38
Check the setup/hold with single clock edges, multiple clocks 1–40
To test the single-clock, multiple-edge, state acquisition 1–45
Set up the equipment 1–45
Set up the logic analyzer 1–46
Connect the logic analyzer 1–48
Verify the test signal 1–49
Check the setup/hold combination 1–51
To test the time interval accuracy 1–54
Set up the equipment 1–54
Set up the logic analyzer 1–55
Connect the logic analyzer 1–57
Acquire the data 1–58
Performance Test Record 3–59
4 Calibrating and Adjusting
Logic analyzer calibration 4–2
Set up the equipment 4–2
To adjust the CRT monitor alignment 4–3
To adjust the CRT intensity 4–5
5 Troubleshooting
To use the flowcharts 5–2
To check the power-up tests 5–15
To run the self-tests 5–16
To test the power supply voltages 5–21
To test the CRT monitor signals 5–23
To test the keyboard signals 5–24
To test the disk drive voltages 5–25
To perform the BNC test 5–27
To test the logic analyzer probe cables 5–28
To test the auxiliary power 5–32
6 Replacing Assemblies
To remove and replace the handle 6–5
To remove and replace the feet and tilt stand 6–5
To remove and replace the cover 6–5
To remove and replace the disk drive 6–6
To remove and replace the power supply 6–7