Skov BlueControl pig Owner's manual

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant, and I've reviewed the Technical Manual for the SKOV BlueControl Pig controllers, including the production S and L models. This manual details the installation, testing, and usage of these controllers in pig houses. It covers features like light control, feed management, water monitoring, and various testing procedures. I'm here to answer any questions you may have about the controller and its functions.
  • What is the purpose of the Installation wizard?
    What types of light control does the controller support?
    Can feed weighers be shared between multiple controllers?
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual
613241 • 2023-11-24 Software version 8.3
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 3
Product and Documentation Changes
SKOV A/S reserves the right to change this document and the product herein described without further notice.
In case of doubt, please contact SKOV A/S.
The date of change appears from the front and back pages.
All rights belong to SKOV A/S. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
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All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this manual.
Should any mistakes or imprecise information occur in spite of this, SKOV A/S would appreciate being noti-
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Irrespective of the above, SKOV A/S shall not accept any liability with regard to loss or damage caused or
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Copyright by SKOV A/S.
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual
1 Product description ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Work routine ................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Installation guide............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Selecting components............................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Slave relays ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3 View week number..................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Select type of Unit of measurements....................................................................................... 9
3.5 Connecting components........................................................................................................... 9
3.5.1 Installation wizard ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.5.2 The menu Show connection ...................................................................................................... 10
3.5.3 Manual I/O allocation ................................................................................................................. 10
3.5.4 Shared equipment...................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Production ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.6.1 Light control ............................................................................................................................... 11 Light control ............................................................................................................................... 12 Light sensor ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.2 Feed control ............................................................................................................................... 13 Feed........................................................................................................................................... 13 Dry feeding - with two feed lines and feed distribution shutter................................................... 14 Subcircuit ................................................................................................................................... 15 Dry feeding - monitoring of feed chain ....................................................................................... 16 Volume dispenser ...................................................................................................................... 16 Feed weighers ........................................................................................................................... 16 Drum weigher and Weigher 9940 .............................................................................................. 16 Tip weigher ................................................................................................................................ 18 Electronic silo weighing.............................................................................................................. 18 Time controlled weigher............................................................................................................. 18 Supply auger.............................................................................................................................. 18 Silo ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Shared silo ................................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.3 Water ......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.4 24-hour clock ............................................................................................................................. 21
4 Calibration..................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Calibration of light ................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Calibrating light sensor........................................................................................................... 22
5 Testing........................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Testing basis components...................................................................................................... 23
5.1.1 Testing Alarm............................................................................................................................. 23
5.2 Testing optional components: Manual control ..................................................................... 23
5.2.1 Testing production functions ...................................................................................................... 24 Testing light................................................................................................................................ 24 Testing feed relay, silo relay and silo auger............................................................................... 24 Testing the feed demand sensor and cross auger sensor......................................................... 25 Testing water meter ................................................................................................................... 25 Testing the electronic silo weigher............................................................................................. 25 Testing relay for 24-hour clock................................................................................................... 25
5.3 Testing network connection ................................................................................................... 26
6 Service........................................................................................................................................................... 27
6.1 Settings..................................................................................................................................... 27
6.1.1 Production.................................................................................................................................. 27
6.1.2 Network settings ........................................................................................................................ 27
6.1.3 UTC time.................................................................................................................................... 28
6.2 Display ...................................................................................................................................... 28
BlueControl Pig
6.3 Backup ...................................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.1 Backup of historical data............................................................................................................ 29 IMX based CPU module (2 LAN ports) ...................................................................................... 30
6.3.2 SD card and USB stick .............................................................................................................. 30
6.4 Software update ....................................................................................................................... 32
6.4.1 Preparing for a software update................................................................................................. 32
6.4.2 Carrying out the software update............................................................................................... 32
6.4.3 Check after software update ...................................................................................................... 33
6.5 System ...................................................................................................................................... 34
6.5.1 Resetting data............................................................................................................................ 34
7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................... 35
7.1 Troubleshooting shared equipment....................................................................................... 35
8 Technical data .............................................................................................................................................. 36
8.1 Dimensioned sketch ................................................................................................................ 37
9 Functionality ................................................................................................................................................. 38
Technical Manual
BlueControl Pig
6 Technical Manual
1 Product description
BlueControl Pig is a series of one- and two-house controllers designed especially for pig houses. The controller
series are available in several variants. Each of them meets the different requirements for climate and produc-
tion control in each type of production and geographical, and climatic conditions.
BlueControl Pig is available in the following climate variants:
LPV (Side)
T (Tunnel)
CT (Combi-Tunnel)
N (Natural ventilation)
CE in/out (Central exhaust and Central air intake)
It has light, water, and a 24-hour clock.
The following add-on production software with dry feeding and pig weighing is also available if the production
functionality is requested:
BlueControl Pig production S (small)
BlueControl Pig production L (large)
The controller is operated via a large touch display with graphical views of the ventilation status, icons and
curves, among other things. The pages shown on the display are adapted to the different variants where the
most relevant functions are easily accessible. A wide range of functions such as 24-hour clock, light, water me-
ter, and auxiliary sensor can be named by the user to suit the individual house and functions can be easily rec-
ognized in menus and alarms.
10" and 7" controller display
The displays shown in this manual are from a 10" controller display where the menu overview is shown to the
left in the display. If you use a controller with a 7” display, the menus are shown in the middle of the display.
Using a 7” display you can press the menu headlines at the top
of the display to go back step-by-step in the menus.
If more steps are available that what can be shown, you can
press the 3 dots and select a menu from the appearing list.
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 7
2 Work routine
This technical manual deals with the installation of the controller and is aimed primarily at the technicians and
electricians who will be mounting, installing and testing the controller.
According to current national and in Europe also EU regulations, the installation must be carried out by expert
Note that electrical equipment may not be opened without removing the supply voltage, and only competent per-
sonnel may carry out servicing operations and troubleshooting.
The following checklist indicates the main points of the workflow regarding set up of the controller.
1. Controller.
2. Emergency opening, if applicable.
1. Connect cables according to the circuit diagrams for the emergency opening of the system.
2. Set voltage in the controller.
3. Connect mains voltage to the controller.
4. Select components in the controller menu Installation | Installation wizard by reviewing all the in-
stallation menu items in the Installation wizard.
5. Connect the individual components by means of the controller's menu Installation | Show connec-
tion and the circuit diagrams.
6. Adjust the system.
7. Test the system.
1. Setting and calibration.
BlueControl Pig
8 Technical Manual
3 Installation guide
3.1 Selecting components
There are two ways to install the controller.
At the initial installation: Use Installation wizard which will guide you through all the options of the functions.
If making adjustments to the existing installation: Use the menu Manual installation to go directly to the rel-
evant function.
Select components in the installation menu of the controller.
Installation | Installation wizard or Manual installa-
It is impossible to select more components than there are avail-
able I/O.
Therefore, you must observe that the controller accepts your re-
quests to connect a component.
If missing I/O, you can:
Install extra I/O modules (if these are available).
Uninstall components.
While functions are selected in the set-up menus Installation
and Show connection, all alarms will be delayed. Thus, no
alarms will be generated until 2 minutes after the last change is
completed n the installation menu.
It is indicated as info in the alarm menu for as long as the delay
is active.
However, it does not apply to alarms from CAN bus communi-
cation (I/O modules).
3.2 Slave relays
Using slave relays, the power may be distributed on multiple relays. This is especially useful if the power load is
larger than the max. current of the relays.
For several functions it is possible to select a slave relay which will work in the same way as the master relays -
however, with a delay of up to 1 sec. When the controller is set to Manual, the slave relays will also follow the
master relays.
For heating - when the master is 0-10 V output, the slave relay relay will switch on when the heating is switched
3.3 View week number
View week number View of week number at the top of all pages.
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 9
3.4 Select type of Unit of measurements
Unit of measurements The controller can display the units as both metric and US units.
3.5 Connecting components
The majority of the connection terminals are universal. Therefore, installing different components in the individ-
ual terminals is possible.
When you select a component from the menu Installa-
tion | Manual installation, the controller allocates I/O based on
a list. It means that the house controller selects the first avail-
able I/O on the list and that the components are allocated I/O in
the order they are selected.
The same I/O allocation in several controllers – i.e. when the in-
dividual components are connected to the same terminal num-
bers – is ensured by saving the set-up on a USB stick and en-
tering the set-up into several controllers.
3.5.1 Installation wizard
The installation wizard starts automatically the first time you activate the controller. The wizard provides a struc-
tured walk-through of the installation of the controller functions. We recommend that it be used for installation.
It supports the necessary selections and settings to set up the controller.
Choose between:
Installation wizard: A complete installation walk-through.
Manual installation: Installation or adjustment of a specific
function, for example, cooling. A few changes can be saved
Press the buttons in the upper right corner to move one step
forward or backward in the installation.
Press the X in the upper left corner to finish the installation be-
fore completing all steps.
Press Cancel to finish without saving.
Press Confirm to save changes.
Also, see the section Work Routine for an overview of the com-
plete procedure of setting up the controller.
BlueControl Pig
10 Technical Manual
3.5.2 The menu Show connection
When you have selected all the components in the installation menu, the controller will show you where to con-
nect the individual components.
See the menu Show connection for where exactly to connect the individual components.
When a wiring diagram in the Circuit Diagrams and Cable Plans reads "See Show connection", it refers to this
3.5.3 Manual I/O allocation
If you want to determine the I/O allocation for one or more components, you can manually change it under the
menu option Manual I/O allocation.
Select the menu Installation | Manual I/O allocation
and press the component to be changed.
Choose between the listed terminals. Note whether a terminal is
already allocated to another function.
Press the required terminal.
If you use a terminal currently used by another function, the
controller will change the I/O allocation for this function.
In the menu Show connection, ensure that the controller moves
the first allocated function to another terminal.
The controller will change the I/O allocation instantly.
If the I/O allocation can be changed, the controller will accept it.
If the I/O allocation cannot be changed, the controller will reject
it, and the I/O allocation will remain unchanged.
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 11
3.5.4 Shared equipment
Controllers in the same network (see Network settings [}27]) can share equipment such as outside tempera-
ture sensor and outside humidity sensor.
The controller where the equipment is physically connected is called the ‘Master’. The other controllers are
called ‘Clients’.
A climate or production controller may be the’ Master’ of connected equipment while it is also the ‘Client’ of
equipment connected to another controller.
If the connection between the controllers is lost, an alarm appears on both the ‘Master’ and the ‘Client’
Example of shared outside temperature sensor - setup in ‘Client’ controller
Select the menu Techical | Installation | Manual in-
stallation | Climate | Sensors | Temperature sensor
Activate Use shared outside temperature sensor.
Select the controller where the outside temperature sensor is
The name of the controller providing the outside temperature is
shown in the display.
3.6 Production
3.6.1 Light control
The main light can be fitted with a light dimmer.
The light control consists of two different types of light: main light and inspection light.
Light dimmers with relays are used in houses, where the light source used cannot be switched off by means of
the dimmer alone.
Light control
BlueControl Pig
12 Technical Manual
Main light Setting the main light with or without dimmer, with or without relay.
Number of light sensors Setting the number of light sensors.
Light control settings
Light sensor settings Selecting light sensor type.
Main light This is used to name a light source according to function, so that it can be recog-
nized in the menus and alarms.
Light intensity unit Lux or percentage.
Light sensor controlled
Use boost This is used for light fixtures that cannot be switched on unless they start at maxi-
mum power for a short period of time.
Max. light intensity Setting how wide a scale you should be able to adjust the light within. This en-
ables you to adapt the light control to the type of light source used in the house.
The scale can be set from 1-1000 lux and the factory setting is 100 lux.
Inspection light Setting up if inspection light is available or not.
Inspection light settings Duration: Setting an active period and light sources for the inspection light.
Active: Activation or deactivation of inspection light.
Light intensity: When a light source has been installed with a light dimmer, a re-
quired light intensity (lux) for the inspection light can also be set.
Light dimmer boost time Setting the duration of the boost when the light is turned on.
When light has been installed with a light dimmer, it can turn on using a so-called
boost. It means that it turns on with the maximum intensity and that it then adjusts
according to the setting.
Light active at failure Setting if the light should switch on at power failure.
When installing light you must decide how the function is to re-
act in an emergency situation.
Yes: In case of control failure, the light is on.
No: In case of control failure, the light is off. Light control
Max. luminance Setting luminance (Lux).
Name Naming of light source according to function, so that it can be recognized
in the menus and alarms.
Light sensor controlled Selecting the light sensor control, so that the light sensor adjusts the light-
ing level automatically.
Use boost This is used for light fixtures that cannot be switched on unless they start
at maximum power for a short period of time.
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 13 Light sensor
When using a light dimmer, the light can be controlled by a sen-
The light sensor is also used for alarming purposes.
Select which sensor type to use.
If Other Sensor is selected, it must be calibrated.
3.6.2 Feed control
The production controller supports a dry feeding system with two feed lines, each of which can be extended with
a subcircuit. The two feed lines may share a feed weigher and feed program or have separate feed programs. In
systems that require exact feed supply, volume dispensers may also be used. Feed
Time to empty feed line 1 Setting the time the feed chain must run to empty the chain. The time is set to en-
sure that the chain is not worn unnecessarily.
Time for no feed on feed
stop sensor
Setting the time that the feed stop sensor must be free of feed before the feed
supply starts.
Time for feed on feed stop
Setting the time that the feed stop sensor must be covered by feed before the
feed supply stops.
Run in empty house Usually, the feeding system will not run when the batch status is Empty house. In
houses where the feed system also supplies feed to other sections, you can let
the system run and alarms be active also when the batch status is Empty house.
Use separate feed pro-
For two feed lines without feed separation shutter.
Use two feed programs if feeding is not to take place at the same time for both
feed lines.
Stop feed system if no
feed is supplied
Setting the time when feeding must stop to ensure that the chain does not run
when it is empty.
Status changes into Waiting for feed supply. The feeding is automatically re-
sumed when there is feed in the chain again.
Minimum time to next fill-
Setting the minimum time between a feeding stopping and the next one starting.
The pause should ensure that the animals are not fed too often as this will lower
the productivity.
Note that the settings must be adapted to the times in the feed programs.
BlueControl Pig
14 Technical Manual Dry feeding - with two feed lines and feed distribution shutter
Two feed lines are used in feed systems where it is necessary to increase the feeding system’s capacity or
where there are animals in different age groups, that requires different types of feed.
1. Silo auger
2. Feed weigher
3. Feed separation shutter
4. Feed demand sensor
5. Winch motor
6. Feed stop sensor
7. Volume dispenser
8. Wire/chain system
Figure1: The two feed lines stop based on the input from the feed stop sensor of the feed line.
Different types of feed may be fed to the two feed lines in sys-
tems with two feed lines and a feed separation shutter located
below the feed weigher. The feed is delivered to feed line one
or feed line two, according to the position of the shutter.
If there is no feed separation shutter, separate feeding may be
achieved on the two feed lines by setting up a feed program for
each feed line. See also Feed [}13].
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 15 Subcircuit
In systems where it is necessary to extend the feed line, a subcircuit may be used. The two chains each have
their own winch motor and sensors and run in turns to fill and empty the feeding system.
1. Silo auger
2. Feed weigher
3. Feed demand sensor
4. Hopper station
5. Volume dispenser
6. Feed chain
7. Start sensor
8. Subcircuit winch motor
9. Subcircuit stop sensor
10. Stop sensor
11. Winch motor Feed line
Figure2: Dry feeding systems with subcircuits also have a start sensor to allow the chains to run with an offset.
The settings for the stop sensor are shared by subcircuits.
Time for no feed on sub-
circuit start sensor
Setting the time where the controller monitors that the chain is running. This is
done by monitoring if the feed is removed from the start sensor.
If the chain runs beyond this time, the controller gives and alarm and feeding is
Time for feed on subcir-
cuit start sensor
Setting the time that feed must be at a sensor before the subcircuit is started.
The start offset must ensure that the detection of feed is stable.
Time to empty subcircuit
1 feed line
Time to empty the subcircuit. The feed line does not run during this time.
For alarm settings for chain faults, see also the section Dry feeding - monitoring of feed chain [}16].
BlueControl Pig
16 Technical Manual Dry feeding - monitoring of feed chain
The controller can monitor the feed chain, as well as trigger an
alarm and stop the feeding if errors occur.
A 0-10 V input terminal is required for each type of monitoring.
Monitoring of feed chain errors
Errors are registered via an input provider.
Monitoring of feed chain ceases to operate
If the feed chain stops in the middle of a feed program, it can be
registered via a pulse signal or an input provider. Volume dispenser
Empty volume dispenser 1
Selecting an external button for manual emptying of the dispenser.
It is not possible to empty the volume dispensers while feeding.
Duration for opening/
closing dispenser line
Setting a time for opening and closing of volume dispensers.
Opening and closing takes place immediately after each other in this order:
• Closed
Opens (20 sec.)
Open (2 sec.)
Closing (20 sec.)
The time can be adjusted for each feed line. Feed weighers Drum weigher and Weigher 9940
Weigher mode Select whether the feed weigher is stand-alone or to be shared between several
A feed weigher can be shared either via network or mechanically via shutter con-
For shared feed weigher please see Shared feed weigher with separation shutter
[}17] orShared feed weigher - via controllers in the same network [}16] og
Precise feed consumption at shared feed weigher.
Fill amount weigher Setting the max. quantity of feed per weighing.
Default setting: 20 kg.
Remember to change this to 40 kg for Weigher 9940. Shared feed weigher - via controllers in the same network
These feed weighers: DOL 9940-2, drum weigher or electronic silo weigher can be shared via the
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 17
A feed weigher may be shared by up to 8 controllers, when the controllers are connected to the same network
(LAN) (see Network settings [}27]). The controller with the feed weigher connected is set up as ‘Master’, the
other controllers as ‘Clients’. See the section Shared equipment [}11]. Any silos and silo weighing must be con-
nected to and installed on the ‘Master’ controller.
LAN cable
LAN cable
Cross auger 3
Cross auger 2
Cross auger 1
Each controller must have its own cross auger.
The feed weigher cannot have a feed separation shutter.
When feeding or filling in one livestock house has finished, the feed weigher is release for use in another house.
The status of the feed weigher is displayed in the menu | Program overview card | Feed weigher.
The ‘Master’ controller can show the combined feed consumption for all houses and the current silo content.
Silo deliveries must also be entered in the ‘Master’ controller.
Each controller shows the consumption in the house in question, just as the feed programs are set up in each
individual controller. Shared feed weigher with separation shutter
DOL 9940-2 or drum weigher
A feed weigher can be shared between two controllers. One controller is to be set up as the controlling con-
troller. This means that this controller controls the distribution shutter of the weigher. For this purpose, it uses a
relay. Both controllers use an input (sharing signal) and a relay (request relay) to signal to each other whether or
not they are currently using the feed weigher.
Uses the feed weigher Does not use the feed weigher
Controlling controller Distribution shutter. Relay ON
Distribution shutter position: 10 V
Distribution shutter. Relay OFF
Distribution shutter position: 0 V
Request relay Always ON Off
When feeding is required, turn on
the relay for 10 seconds every 2
Shared signal 0 V. If the second house wishes to
use the weigher, the signal will in-
crease to 10 V for 10 seconds ev-
ery 2 minutes.
The shared signal is 10 V
Signals for shared feed weigher.
BlueControl Pig
18 Technical Manual
In addition, each controller has its own feed demand sensor, cross auger relay, cross auger supply sensor and
silo augers.
Furthermore, a number of silos are installed for each controller.
A shared feed weigher must be calibrated in both controllers (it is possible to copy the calibration value
from one controller to the other). Tip weigher
Tip weigher Setting the required feed quantity for each tip of feed.
Provides an impulse for each portion of feed weighed. Electronic silo weighing
Start by selecting Electronic silo weigher followed by the number of Silos for feed weigher.
Please note that silo weighing boxes must be installed before electronic silo weighing can be selected, see also
the installation menu and the Technical User Guide for the silo weighing box.
On farms with several silos and only one physical silo auger, select Electronic silo weigher common auger.
A stable weighing signal is important to achieve a correctly registered feed consumption, feed supply and silo
Therefore, the following conditions must be considered when installing
Signal cables from the load cells to the load amplifier must be as short as possible. However, all cables
must have the same length.
The signal cable from the junction box to the load amplifier must be as short as possible.
Shielding must be connected at all load cells, in junction box and in load amplifier.
There must be a least 1 meter from the signal cables to the supply / power cables.
CAN bus cables from the load amplifier to the controller must be as short as possible, and shielding must be
There must be a least 1 meter from the CAN bus cable to the supply / power cables.
All load cells must be connected to the same ground.
The silo must “float” in the mechanical mounting.
The silo must not slope more than 1 %.
When using dry feeding and electronic silo weigher as feed weigher, a feed demand sensor and supply
auger must also be installed.
Supply auger must be installed with all weigher types. Time controlled weigher
Feed per second Setting the desired number of kg of feed per second. Supply auger
It is possible to use a supply auger for each feed line.
BlueControl Pig
Technical Manual 19
When an suppy auger sensor is also used, the supply auger will stop when the sensor is covered in feed.
1. Silo auger
2. Feed weigher
3. Feed demand sensor
4. Feed separation shutter
5. Supply auger
6. Supply auger sensor
7. Winch motor
8. Wire/chain system
9. Winch motor
10. Stop sensor
Figure3: Dry feeding system with supply auger
Time to empty supply
Setting the time the supply auger must run after the feed line has been parked to
ensure that the system is emptied. Silo
Electronic silo Surveil-
Selection of electronic silo surveillance. See also the section Electronic silo weigh-
ing [}18].
Empty sensor Selecting a capacitive sensor for recording when there is no more feed in the silo.
The controller stops the silo auger when the silo is empty.
Shared silo Selecting sharing a silo between several houses. See also the section Shared silo
Name This is used to name a silo according to function, so that it can be recognized in the
menus and alarms.
Capacity Setting the maximum capacity of the silo. Used in connection with graphical view on
silo cards and in the management program FarmOnline Explorer Shared silo
The function Shared silo can only be used on farms where the controllers are connected through a LAN network
and where the management program FarmOnline Explorer is used.
A silo supplying feed to several houses should be regulated and shared by the controllers in the various houses.
Thus, when a silo is shared between several controllers, consumption/delivery in one controller is transferred to
the others as a change in the current silo content.
The following common values apply:
1. Silo content The controller automatically reduces the silo content with an amount corresponding to the ani-
mals' feed consumption.
BlueControl Pig
20 Technical Manual
2. The user manually adds the delivered amount of feed delivered to one of the controllers and the other con-
trollers update the silo content automatically. However, the value of the delivered amount of feed is only
available in the delivery log of the controller where it was entered.
3. Tare. The user can change the current silo content. It can be set to any value, but the function is most often
used to ensure that the controller records an empty silo as having a silo content of 0.
The controllers should be on the same LAN network. In the management program FarmOnline Explorer, the
controller should be a part of the same configuration. In this way, they have access to data from each other. See
the section Network settings [}27] for the setup of the controllers in a network and see the FarmOnline Ex-
plorer Technical Manual for creating a configuration. The workflow is as follows:
1. Connect the controllers to the LAN network.
2. Create a configuration in FarmOnline Explorer, where the controllers are included.
3. Create and name the shared silo in one of the controllers.
4. Select the silo in the other controllers.
All silos can be used as shared silo. Silos must be set up in all the connected controllers.
Select Silos for feed weigher to get the desired number of silos.
Select Silo settings to share the silo with another controller.
Create the silo as shared.
Press Shared silo followed by Create silo and choose a name
for the silo.
The name of a shared silo must be unique on the farm to distin-
guish between the silos.
Once a shared silo has been created, select it from the other
controllers to establish the connection between them. You do it
by clicking Attach.
The shared silo appears with the new name.
The silo cannot be shared if electronic silo monitoring or electronic silo has been selected as feed