BLOTZ B28-SF-236 Assembly Instructions

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant that has reviewed the provided instructions for the Power Bank B28-SF-236 model. This document provides a detailed step-by-step guide for assembling the model's wooden pieces, including the walls, lozenges, and saw-blade accents. The instructions also cover painting techniques to make your model visually appealing, including primer and paint color recommendations. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about the construction or painting of the model.
  • What type of glue is required?
    Can I use sandpaper during assembly?
    What kind of primer is suggested?
28mm Power Bank
Please read these instructions fully before starting construction.
PVA or equivalent glue will be required to stick sections together.
Sand paper can be used to gently clean any joints.
A sharp modelling knife will be required to remove sections from the sprue. Please use knives with due care and
remember to cut away from yourself at all times.
During the construction of this model, you may find it convenient to use pegs / elastic bands to hold pieces in
place while you allow glue to dry.
Take the two wall sections, the top lozenge and the
six end pieces from the sprue (shown above).
Glue the walls back-to-back. Turn the top piece over
and attach the walls. Glue the six end pieces into
Guide three of the end pieces into the holes on the
smallest base lozenge along with two of the wall
lugs. Gently align the other three end pieces and the
base should slot into place.
Attach the other two base pieces as shown above.
Take the saw-blade pieces as shown above from the
Starting at one end of the wall, glue the saw-blade
pieces into place. Repeat this for the other side of
the model.
Take the two cap pieces.
Glue them into place as shown above.
The finished model.
Once built, we sprayed our model with a black car undercoat aerosol primer and after that had dried we painted all the
saw-tooth sections with a dark green colour followed by a drybrush of a bright green to pick out the raised edges.
The base and top had the edges carefully highlighted with a pale grey.