FDC Live Cockpit! 2011
Aerosoft GmbH 2010
Marcus Borg — Program graphics design and development.
Ray Epps — QuickStart Flight development, performance and checklist development
for the DC3 and Fokker 50, and never ending help, advice and support. Ray spent
many long hours collating data we never got to use. Maybe next time?
Peter Gellion — Proof-reading all documentation and context-sensitive help texts.
Scott Hayden — Originator of the idea to implement the checklist functionality
in FDC’s predecessor, S-Combo. Recorded and supplied many of the included
airport ambience sounds. Recorded the sample flightdeck announcement files
and provided a host of great ideas.
Jim Hickman — Provided a lot of input with regard to FDC’s ATC Chatter
feature and did some vigorous testing of it as well.
Jon-Inge Paulsen — User guide and QuickStart Flight documentation.
Paul Riley — QuickStart Flight development, performance file and checklist
development for the King Air 350 and Baron 58, and never ending general
help, advice and support.
Flight deck voice authors
Dave March (voice set #1), Luciano Munha (voice set #2), Bruce Ullyot (voice
set #3), Joe Stringer (voice set #4), Ralph Andrews (voice set #5), Rodger
Podlogar (voice set #6), Marc van de Wetering (voice set #7), Scott Hayden
(voice set #8), Dwight Ellis (voice set #9), Hella van de Wetering (voice set
#10), Rick Schaefer (voice set #11), Hetty Veldman (voice set #12), Bill Russel
(voice set #13), Hani Choucrallah (voice set #14), Ed Green (voice set #15).
Cabin announcement voice authors
Hazel March (UK cabin announcements), Karen Hickman (US cabin announce-
ments), Sandra Virtuani (Spanish cabin announcements).
Beta testers
Ralph Andrews, Jose Manuel Barruezo, Hani Choucrallah, Keith Cocker,
Dwight Ellis, Ray Epps, Mark Gabuzda, Peter Gellion, Scott Hayden, Jim
Hickman, Steve Jones, Jon-Inge Paulsen, John Penkethman, Frank Pezzo,
Robert Pomerleau, Mark Poore, Eugenio Remus, Paul Riley, Rick Schaefer, Dan
Skorynko, Fred Solli, Joe Stringer, Marc van de Wetering
All of whom not only gave their time testing the product, but where also very
keen to suggest ways in which to improve and enhance FDC’s functionality.
Thanks also to...
Kirby Angell (SimVoice) — Kirby provided me with registration facilities to
allow all my voice authors to use his great program SimVoice when recording
the FDC voice sets.
Mike Clark (TecPilot) — for obtaining permission from OneMileUp to include
a selection of their aircraft images in FDC. TecPilot’s web site is www.tecpilot.com.