Kamstrup MULTICAL® 21 Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant, and I've reviewed the provided installation guide for the Kamstrup MULTICAL 21 water meter. This document contains crucial information about installation, operating conditions, and features of the device. I'm ready to answer your questions about the information presented, such as its installation procedures, how to interpret the meter's display, and the significance of different error codes.
  • What is the maximum operating temperature for the hot water meter?
    What does the 'DRY' info code indicate?
    What does the 'RADIO OFF' info code mean?
    What is the recommended torque for a 1" coupling?
ALWAYS use new gskets
(PE or EPDM).
The coupling’s seling
surfce must be clen
nd even.
The piping must be parallel and match the meter.
If you hve  smrt phone you cn enter this QR code nd wtch
our instlltion film online. Or you cn wtch the film on http://www.
If  pipe instlltion is skew to the effect tht the prescribed tightening
torques would be exceeded,  telescopic coupling ought to be instlled.
¾” Mx. 15 Nm
1” Mx. 30 Nm
¾”: Mx. 15 Nm
1”: Mx. 30 Nm
Installation guide
South Africa
Kmstrup A/S • 55121475_A3_ZA_04.2016
Kamstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Skanderborg
T: +45 89 93 10 00 · F: +45 89 93 10 01 · info@kamstrup.com
Customer lbel, e.g. wter compny logo or the meter seril no.
Opticl eye for reding nd configurtion
Grphic flow indictor
Type number
(includes informtion on
meter size, overll length etc.)
Seril no. nd production yer
(with informtion on disply
resolution nd encryption level etc.)
According to SANS 1529
Metrologicl clss of meters 2
Pressure loss: P60
Br code with seril number
Expiry yer of bttery
Temperture clss
Meter size qp
Softwre version nd dynmic rnge
Pressure stge nd protection clss
Approvl cc. to South Africn Bureu of Stndrds
A Recommended wter meter position.
B Recommended wter meter position.
C Used for ’well instlltion’. Air build-up my occur.
D The meter functions optimlly, but the disply is ’upside down’.
1.5 Operating pressure
In order to void cvittion nd secure correct mesurement under
ll circumstnces the operting pressure in the pipe instlltion must
observe the test conditions of OIML R 49, which mens tht the sttic
pressure immeditely fter the meter (downstrem) must lwys be
minimum 0.03 MP (0.3 br).
You must lwys use new gskets in originl qulity. Following gskets
cn be used:
Cold water Hot water
¾” 2 mm EPDM or PE 2 mm PTFE with silicte fill
1” 3 mm EPDM or PE 3 mm PTFE with silicte fill
The flow direction is indicted by n rrow on the side of the meter cse.
During instlltion it must be secured tht the meter is mounted without
mechnicl bis in the connection pipes. The couplings must be
tightened with mximum the following torque:
¾” 15 Nm
1” 30 Nm
If  tight connection cnnot be obtined within these limits, the pipe
instlltion must be corrected in order to remove strins. Alterntively,
 telescopic coupling must be instlled.Such couplings cn be supplied
by Kmstrup A/S.
For seling you cn use the seling wire holes on the lower side of the
threded connections.
Mounting the meter you must mke sure tht the threded length of the
couplings does not prevent proper tightening of the seling surfce nd
tht PN10 or PN16 couplings re used.
MULTICAL® 21 hs  lrge-meshed striner (filter) pre-mounted in the
meter’s inlet connection.
Furthermore,  nonreturn vlve cn be mounted conceled in the
meter’s outlet socket. 2 or 3 mm gskets must be used for mounting.
The non-return vlve must be pressed into the outlet of the meter; the
blck o-ring pointing inwrds in the meter. Press firmly the vlve into
the meter outlet socket until it reches limit stop.
Gasket Gasket
Non-return valve
When the meter hs been mounted in the system neither welding nor
freezing is llowed. Dismount the meter from the system before strting
such work.
In order to fcilitte replcement of the meter, closing vlves should be
mounted on both sides of the meter.
Under norml operting conditions no pipe striner is required in front
of the meter. Non-return vlves must be mounted ccording to locl
1.3 Installation angle of MULTICAL® 21
MULTICAL® 21 cn be mounted t ll ngles nd positions.
Kmstrup A/S recommend tht the disply is mounted so tht it is esy
to red, if possible.
Thus, the meter cn be mounted in  usul horizontl instlltion. It cn
be mounted verticlly in n scending pipe, it cn be mounted t ny
ngle nd it cn be mounted with its disply pointing downwrds, e.g
under  roof.
Mounting the meter in  downpipe, you must be wre tht the disply
will in tht cse be ’upside down’.
1.4 Straight inlet
MULTICAL® 21 requires neither stright inlet nor stright outlet to meet
the South Africn Ntionl Stndrd SANS 1529-1:2006. A stright inlet
section will only be necessry in cse of hevy flow disturbnces before
the meter.
1 General information
Red this guide before instlling the wter meter.
MULTICAL® 21 is  compct electronic wter meter used for wter
consumption mesurement in the tp wter supplies of homes,
commercil nd industril buildings. The meter is vilble in two
versions for cold nd hot wter respectively.
MULTICAL® 21 is intended for mintennce-free opertion for up to 16
yers, depending on the instlled bttery type.
MULTICAL® 21 is hermeticlly closed, nd it is, therefore, impossible
to service the meter without breking the sel. This mens tht ll
service, including bttery chnge, must be crried out by n uthorized
Kmstrup Service Center.
Certin chnges of configurtion, however, re possible vi the built-in
opticl eye without dismounting the meter from the instlltion. Further
detils pper from dt sheet nd technicl description.
1.1 Permissible operating conditions / measuring
Medium temperture
cold wter meter: 0.1 °C...50 °C
Medium temperture
hot wter meter: 0.1 °C...70 °C
Pressure stge: PN16
Mechnicl environment: M1 (MID) Fixed instlltion with minimum
environmentl clss: E1 nd E2 (MID). Residentil nd
Protection clss: IP68
Climtic environment: 2 °C...55 °C. Condensing humidity.
(indoors mounted in utility rooms nd
outdoors in meter wells). Instlltion in
direct sunlight must be voided.
1.2 Installation requirements
MULTICAL® 21 hs built-in dt communiction, which enbles remote
reding of the meter.
If instlled in pits or bsements the meter must in some cses be fitted
with n externl ntenn in order to secure optimum communiction.
The ntenn must be plced outside pit or bsement.
Prior to instlltion of MULTICAL® 21 the system should be flushed while
 fitting piece replces the meter. Mount the meter with couplings.
Be wre, when instlling the wter meter in existing threded piping,
tht the coupling’s nut must grb t lest two full threds on the meter.
Otherwise, Kmstrup A/S recommends replcement of the couplings.
1.6 Info codes and display
When MULTICAL® 21 leves Kmstrup A/S, it hs been tested nd
verified nd the counter hs been reset.
The number of m3 is displyed by five lrge digits. The smll digits re
decimls fter the point. (or number of liters). A number of info codes
cn be displyed, of which ’DRY’ nd ’RADIO OFF’ will be ctivted nd
flsh upon delivery. Furthermore, the two smll squres in the bottom
right-hnd corner flsh to indicte tht the meter is ctive.
Info code ’DRY’ indictes tht there is ir in the meter, the info code
disppers when the meter is wter-filled.
The info code ’RADIO OFF’ indictes tht the meter is still in trnsport
mode with the built-in rdio trnsmitter turned off. The trnsmitter turns
on utomticlly when the first litre of wter hs run through the meter.
The rdio trnsmitter remins on, nd the info code signl in the disply
switches off.
The flow rrows in the left side of the disply indicte wter flow through
the meter. If the wter is stgnnt, ll rrows will be off.
The tble below describes the different info codes in the disply.
The figure fter the ’A’ sttes how mny times the meter hs been
djusted. In  completely new meter both of these chrcters will be
Lbortories which hve reverified nd djusted or reset the meter must
supply the meter with  lbel with informtion on the current djustment
Info code
flashes in the display
LEAK The Wter hs not been stgnnt in the
meter for minimum one continuous hour
during the ltest 24 hours.
This cn be  sign of  leky fucet or toilet
BURST The wter flow hs exceeded 
preprogrmmed limit for minimum 30
minutes which is  sign of  burst pipe.
TAMPER Attempt of frud. The meter is no longer
vlid for billing purposes.
DRY The meter is not wter-filled.
REVERSE The wter flows through the meter in the
wrong direction.
RADIO OFF The meter is still in trnsport mode with
the built-in rdio trnsmitter turned off.
The trnsmitter turns on utomticlly
when the first litre of wter hs run through
the meter.
■■ (two squre ’dots’) Two smll squres tht flsh lterntely
indicte tht the meter is ctive.