Kamstrup ULTRAFLOW® 54 - DN150-300 Installation and User Guide

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  • Can ULTRAFLOW 54 be installed at an angle?
    Does ULTRAFLOW 54 require a straight inlet?
    Can I change the power supply for ULTRAFLOW 54?
    Can the flow sensor be separated from the calculator?
Instlltion Guide
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
1 Instlltion 3
1.1 Instlltion ngle of ULTRAFLOW® 54 4
1.1.1 Mounting ULTRAFLOW® 54 in
lifting ring 4
1.2 Mounting of ULTRAFLOW® 54
electronics box 5
1.2.1 Orienttion of flow sensor
electronics box 7
1.3 Stright inlet 8
1.4 Operting pressure 8
2 Electricl connection 9
2.1 Connection to clcultor 9
2.1.1 ULTRAFLOW® 54 nd MULTICAL®,
glvniclly coupled 9
2.1.2 ULTRAFLOW® 54 nd MULTICAL®,
glvniclly seprted 9
2.2 Connection of power supply 10
2.2.1 Bttery supply 11
2.2.2 Mins supply modules 11
2.2.3 Mins supply cble 12
2.2.4 Cble connections 12
2.2.5 Chnge of supply unit 13
3 Exmple of connection of
4 Clcultor with two flow sensors 14
5 Opertionl check 14
6 Accessories 14
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
1 Instlltion
Prior to instlltion of the flow sensor, the system should be flushed.
Correct flow sensor position (inlet or outlet) ppers from the front lbel of MULTICAL®.
The flow direction is indicted by n rrow on the side of the flow sensor.
Note: ULTRAFLOW® 54 my be lifted in the lifting rings only.
Pressure stge ULTRAFLOW® 54
PN16/PN25. See mrking on lbel.
Temperture of medium, ULTRAFLOW® 54
2…150 °C/2…130 °C/2…50 °C. See mrking on lbel.
Mechnicl environment
M1 nd M2 (fixed instlltion with minimum vibrtion nd fixed instlltion with considerble or
high vibrtion level respectively). See mrking on lbel.
Electromgnetic environment
E1 nd E2 (housing/light industry nd industry respectively). See mrking on lbel.
The meter’s signl cbles must be drwn t min. 25 cm distnce to other instlltions.
Climtic environment
Must be instlled in environments with non-condensing humidity s well s in closed loctions
The mbient temperture must be within 5…55 °C.
Mintennce nd repir
The flow sensor is verified seprtely nd cn, therefore, be seprted from the clcultor. It is
permitted to replce the supply nd chnge the supply type. For bttery supply  lithium bttery
with connector from Kmstrup A/S must be used. Lithium btteries must be correctly hndled
nd disposed of (see Kmstrup document 5510-408, ”Lithium btteries - Hndling nd disposl”).
Other repirs require subsequent reverifiction in n ccredited lbortory.
If ULTRAFLOW® 54 is connected vi  glvniclly coupled output module, the flow sensor my be
connected to  Kmstrup MULTICAL® clcultor only.
If other clcultor types re connected, ULTRAFLOW® 54 must be fitted with  glvniclly
seprted output module nd  power supply of its own.
Note: Mke sure tht meter fctors of flow sensor nd clcultor re identicl.
The steel tube between flow sensor housing nd electronics box must not be disssembled.
At medium tempertures bove 90 °C or medium temperture below mbient temperture, the
flow sensor’s electronics box must be mounted vi the enclosed distnce piece. Alterntively, the
electronics box cn be wll-mounted t  distnce of minimum 170 mm from the sensor.
In order to prevent cvittion the bck pressure (the pressure t the flow sensor outlet) t
ULTRAFLOW® 54 must be min. 1.5 br t qp nd min. 2.5 br t qs. This pplies to tempertures up
to pprox. 80 °C.
When the instlltion hs been completed, wter flow cn be turned on. Vlves on the inlet side
must be opened first.
4 Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
1.1 Instlltion ngle of ULTRAFLOW® 54
ULTRAFLOW® 54 cn be instlled horizontlly,
verticlly, or t n ngle.
ULTRAFLOW® 54 is normlly instlled
horizontlly, the lifting rings being verticlly
oriented. The ultr-sound pths in the flow
sensor tube will thus be verticl, which
is optiml in connection with possible
strtifiction of the medium.
90° 90°
Figure 1
1.1.1 Mounting ULTRAFLOW® 54 in lifting ring
ULTRAFLOW® 54 cn be mounted hnging
from one of the two lifting rings depending on
required flow direction. The enclosed distnce
piece cn be used to secure optiml position
of the electronics box (see prgrph 1.2
”Mounting of ULTRAFLOW® 54 electronics box”,
pge 5)
Figure 2
Figure 3
5Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
1.2 Mounting of ULTRAFLOW® 54 electronics box
At medium temperture below 90 °C nd
t medium temperture bove mbient
temperture, the electronics box cn be
mounted directly on the flow sensor housing vi
the fctory-mounted fitting.
If the flow sensor is verticlly mounted the
cble connections of the electronics box will
be horizontlly oriented. This is permitted. If
the cble connections should preferbly point
downwrds, the electronics box cn be mounted
vi the enclosed distnce piece, which moves
the box pprox. 170 mm wy from the flow
sensor housing. Alterntively,  shorter distnce
piece, which only moves the box pprox. 45
mm wy from the flow sensor housing, cn be
used. The short distnce piece must be ordered
seprtely (6561-332).
Figure 4
At medium temperture bove 90 °C the
temperture is too high for the electronics box to
be mounted directly on the flow sensor housing.
Therefore, the electronics box must be mount-ed
vi the enclosed distnce piece. The
cble connections must lwys point down-
wrds (see prgrph 1.2.1 ”Orienttion of flow
sensor electronics box”, pge 7).
Alterntively, the electronics box cn be wll
mounted s long s the distnce to flow sensor
housing nd pipe instlltion is minimum
170 mm. Figure 5
It cn lso be n dvntge to use the enclosed
distnce piece if the flow sensor housing is
insulted nd the electronics box must be
removed from the insultion.
If the required position of the electronics box
differs from stndrd position, the distnce
piece cn be mounted with the enclosed collr
bnd round the flow sensor housing. However,
plese note tht the cble connections must
lwys point downwrds (see prgrph 1.2.1
”Orienttion of flow sensor electronics box”, pge
7). Figure 6
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
At medium temperture below mbient temperture (typiclly in cooling instlltions), it is
importnt to tke ction to void condenstion in the electronics box.
Therefore, the electronics box must be mounted vi the enclosed distnce piece. The cble
connections must lwys point downwrds (see prgrph 1.2.1 ”Orienttion of flow sensor
electronics box”, pge 7).
Alterntively, the electronics box cn be wll mounted s long s the distnce to flow sensor
housing nd pipe instlltion is minimum 170 mm.
Furthermore, when mounting the electronics box plese mke sure tht the cble connections on
the box re t  higher level thn the cble connection on the flow sensor housing.
By verticl mounting of ULTRAFLOW® 54 in  riser this cn be secured by mounting the distnce
piece by mens of the collr bnd s shown in Figure 6.
If ULTRAFLOW® 54 is mounted horizontlly the electronics box cn be mounted on the distnce
piece by mens of the collr bnd. The distnce piece cn then be turned upwrds until the cble
connections on the electronics box re in  higher position thn the cble connection on the flow
sensor housing. See Figure 7.
Alterntively, the electronics box cn be wll mounted t  suitble distnce to the instlltion
(minimum 170 mm).
Figure 7
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
1.2.1 Orienttion of flow sensor electronics box
Mounting the electronics box, the cble connections must lwys be horizontlly or downwrds
oriented in order to void the risk of wter nd condenstion being led into the electronics box vi
the cbles.
This is especilly importnt in humid environments when ULTRAFLOW® 54 is used s cooling
sensor or if the medium temperture cn become lower thn the mbient temperture.
Furthermore, the steel tube nd wires must in generl hng freely downwrds fter the cble
connections to form  drip nose for dringe of wter nd condenstion.
Mx 90°Mx 90°
Figure 8
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
1.3 Stright inlet
ULTRAFLOW® 54 requires neither stright inlet nor outlet in order to fulfil the Mesuring
Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EU nd EN 1434:2015. Only in cse of hevy flow
disturbnces before the meter will  stright inlet section be necessry. We recommend following
the guidelines in CEN CR 13582.
Optiml position cn be obtined by tking the below-mentioned instlltion methods into
Figure 9
A Recommended flow sensor position.
B Recommended flow sensor position.
C Uncceptble position due to risk of ir
D Acceptble position in closed systems.
Uncceptble position in open systems due
to risk of ir build-up in the system.
E A flow sensor ought not to be plced
immeditely fter  vlve, with the exception
of block vlves (bll vlve type) which must
be fully open when not used for blocking.
F A flow sensor ought not be plced directly
before (inlet side) or directly fter (outlet
side)  pump.
G A flow meter ought not be plced directly
fter  double bend, in two levels.
For generl informtion concerning instlltion see CEN report CEN CR 13582, Heat meter
installation. Instructions in selection, installation and use of heat meters.
1.4 Operting pressure
In order to prevent cvittion the bck pressure (the pressure t the flow sensor outlet) t
ULTRAFLOW® 54 must be min. 1.5 br t qp nd min. 2.5 br t qs. This pplies to tempertures up
to pprox. 80 °C.
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
2 Electricl connection
2.1 Connection to clcultor
2.1.1 ULTRAFLOW® 54 nd MULTICAL®, glvniclly coupled
If ULTRAFLOW® 54 nd MULTICAL® re connected vi output module (Y=1), ULTRAFLOW® 54 is
glvniclly coupled with the MULTICAL® clcultor nd is powered by the clcultor vi the
three-wire signl cble (cble length up to 10 m).
Note: It is not permitted to mount  supply module or bttery in ULTRAFLOW® 54.
11 11 GND (Blue)
99+3.6 V (Red)
10 10 (Yellow)
Tble 1
2.1.2 ULTRAFLOW® 54 nd MULTICAL®, glvniclly seprted
If ULTRAFLOW® 54 nd MULTICAL® re connected vi output module (Y=2 or 3) ULTRAFLOW® 54 is
glvniclly seprted from MULTICAL®.
Note: Flow info cnnot be red.
Digrm 1 – Three-wire connection, MULTICAL® 602/801 vi output module (Y=2).
10 Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
Digrm 2 – Three-wire connection, MULTICAL® 602/801 vi output module (Y=3).
Digrm 3 – Two-wire connection, MULTICAL® 801 vi output module (Y=2).
Digrm 4 – Two-wire connection, MULTICAL® 602-D vi output module (Y=2)
nd externl 24 VDC supply.
If long signl cbles re used, instlltion requires creful considertion. Due to EMC there must be
 distnce of min. 25 cm between signl cbles nd ll other cbles.
2.2 Connection of power supply
If ULTRAFLOW® 54 is mounted with  glvniclly coupled output module nd connected to
MULTICAL®, the flow sensor is supplied by the clcultor. Therefore, the flow sensor must not be
11Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
fitted with  supply of its own.
ULTRAFLOW® 54 my be connected to other clcultors vi the glvniclly seprted output
module only, nd the flow sensor must, therefore, be fitted with  supply module or bttery.
Supply module nd bttery re connected to the two-pole connector of the output module.
2.2.1 Bttery supply
ULTRAFLOW® 54 is mounted with  D-cell lithium bttery with connector. The bttery plug is
connected to the output module.
Optiml bttery lifetime is obtined by keeping the bttery temperture below 30 °C, e.g. by wll
mounting the electronics box.
The voltge of  lithium bttery is lmost constnt throughout the lifetime of the bttery (pprox.
3.65 V). Therefore, it is not possible to determine the remining cpcity of the bttery by
mesuring the voltge.
The bttery cnnot nd must not be chrged nd must not be short-circuited.
The bttery supply my only be replced by  corresponding lithium bttery with connector from
Kmstrup A/S. Used btteries must be hnded in for pproved destruction, f.inst. t Kmstrup A/S.
(See Kmstrup document 5510-408, ”Lithium btteries - Hndling nd disposl”).
2.2.2 Mins supply modules
The mins supply modules re protection clss II nd re connected to the output module vi
 two-pole connector. The modules re powered vi  two-wire supply cble (without erth
connection) through the cble connector of the electronics box. Use supply cble with n outer
dimeter of 4.5-10 mm nd ensure correct dismntling s well s correct tightening of cble
connection (see prgrph 2.2.4 “Cble connections”, pge 12).
Mx. permitted fuse: 6 A
230 VAC
This PCB module is glvniclly seprted from
the mins voltge nd is suitble for direct
230 V mins instlltion. The module includes
 double-chmber sfety trnsformer, which
fulfils double-isoltion requirements when the
cover is mounted on the electronics box. Power
consumption is less thn 1 VA or 1 W.
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3,6 V
Digrm 5
Ntionl regultions for electric instlltions must be observed. The 230 VAC module cn be
connected/disconnected by the district heting sttion’s personnel, wheres the fixed 230 V
instlltion in the min electricl pnel must be crried out by n uthorized electricin.
12 Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
24 VAC
This PCB module is glvniclly seprted from
the 24 VAC mins supply nd is both suitble
for industril instlltions with joint 24 VAC
supply nd individul instlltions, which
re supplied by  seprte 230/24 V sfety
trnsformer in the min electricl pnel. The
module includes  double-chmber sfety
trnsformer, which fulfils double-isoltion
requirements when the cover is mounted on
the electronics box. Power consumption is less
thn 1 VA or 1 W.
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3,6 V
Digrm 6
Ntionl regultions for electric instlltions must be observed. The 24 VAC module cn be
connected/disconnected by the district heting sttion’s personnel, where-s the fixed 230/24 V
instlltion in the min electricl pnel must only be crried out by n uthorized electricin.
Note: This module cnnot be supplied by 24 VDC (direct current).
230/24 V, sfety trnsformer
The 24 VAC module is specilly suited for
instlltion together with  230/24 V sfety
trnsformer, e.g. type 66-99-403, which cn be
instlled in the min electricl pnel before the
sfety rely. When the trnsformer is used the
totl power consumption of the meter incl. the
230/24 V trnsformer will not exceed 1.7 W.
Figure 10
2.2.3 Mins supply cble
ULTRAFLOW® 54 is vilble with mins cble
H05 VV-F for either 24 V or 230 V (l=1.5 m):
Figure 11. Mins cble (2 x 0.75 mm²), mx. 6 A fuse.
”H05 VV-F” is the designtion of  strong PVC mntle, which withstnds mx. 70 °C.
Therefore, the mins cble must be instlled with sufficient distnce to hot pipes etc.
2.2.4 Cble connections
Cble dimension of connections: 4.5…10 mm
Tightening torque: 4 Nm
Note: If ULTRAFLOW® 54 is mounted with  glvniclly coupled output module, or if  glvniclly
seprted output module is used in combintion with bttery supply the unused cble
connection must be seled off s shown in Figure 12.
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
2.2.5 Chnge of supply unit
The supply unit of ULTRAFLOW® 54 cn be chnged from mins supply to bttery or vice vers s
the needs of the supply compny chnge. Thus, it cn be n dvntge to chnge mins supplied
meters to bttery meters in buildings under construction where the mins supply cn be unstble
or periodiclly missing.
Plese note tht the supply type of some ULTRAFLOW® sensors ppers from the lbel. If the
originl supply type is chnged, it will no longer be in ccordnce with the lbel.
3 Exmple of connection of ULTRAFLOW® 54 to MULTICAL®
ULTRAFLOW® 54 with glvniclly coupled
output module (Y=1), powered by MULTICAL®.
Note: Instlled plug in the unused rightmost
connector of the electronics box.
Figure 12
ULTRAFLOW® 54 with glvniclly seprted
output module (Y=2) nd 230 VAC supply of its
Figure 13
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ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
4 Clcultor with two flow sensors
MULTICAL® 602/801 cn be used in vrious pplictions with two flow sensors, e.g.
lek surveillnce or open systems. When two ULTRAFLOW® re direct connected to one
MULTICAL® 602/801,  close electric coupling between the two pipes ought to be crried out s 
min rule. If the two pipes re instlled in  het exchnger, close to the flow sensors, however, the
het exchnger will provide the necessry electric coupling.
Forwrd nd return pipes re closely electriclly coupled
No welded joints occur
In instlltions where the electric coupling cnnot be crried out, or where welding in the pipe
system cn occur, one ULTRAFLOW® must be mounted with  glvniclly seprted output
module nd lso  supply of its own.
Forwrd nd return pipes re not necessrily closely coupled
Electric welding* cn occur
* Electric welding must lwys be crried out with the erth pole closest to the welding point.
Dmge to meters due to welding is not comprised by Kmstrups fctory gurntee.
5 Opertionl check
Crry out n opertionl check when the complete meter (flow sensor nd clcultor) hs been
instlled nd connected. Open thermo regultors nd vlves to estblish wter flow through
the instlltion. Activte the top key of the clcultor nd check tht the displyed vlues for
tempertures nd wter flow re credible vlues.
6 Accessories
Order number Description
5000-333 2.5 m silicone cble (3-wire)
5000-259 5 m silicone cble (3-wire)
5000-270 10 m silicone cble (3-wire)
6561-332 Short distnce piece
Tble 2
15Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017
ULTRAFLOW® 54 · DN150-300
Kmstrup A/S • 5512887_C1_GB_01.2017