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Error number Error text Description Figure
KMC-522006-16 Timeout holding and cutting device -
Upper limit value exceeded
The control of the cutting device was
terminated because of timeout.
KMC-522008-16 Timeout bundling hook - Upper limit
value exceeded
The control of the bundling hook was
terminated because of timeout.
KMC-522010-16 Timeout winding head - Upper limit
value exceeded
Controlling the winding head was
terminated because of a timeout.
KMC-522012-16 Timeout bundling device - Upper limit
value exceeded
The control of the bundling device was
terminated because of timeout.
KMC-522014-16 Timeout twine retainer - Upper limit
value exceeded
The control of the twine retainer was
terminated because of timeout.
KMC-522016-16 Timeout front feed table - Upper limit
value exceeded
The control of the front feed table was
aborted because of timeout.
KMC-522018-16 Timeout rear feed table - Upper limit
value exceeded
The control of the rear feed table was
terminated because of timeout.
KMC-522020-16 Timeout removal sequence - Upper
limit value exceeded
The removal sequence was terminated
because of timeout.
KMC-522021-16 Timeout automatic folding - Upper
limit value exceeded
Automatic folding was terminated
because of timeout.
KMC-522023-16 Filter monitoring working hydraulics -
Upper limit value exceeded
The differential pressure over the filter
element of the working hydraulics has
exceeded the top limit.
KMC-522025-7 Safety device actuated - Logic fault
The safety device has been actuated.
Operating the machine is not possible.
KMC-522026-7 Safety check 1 has failed Valve Q102
Depressurizing the hydraulic system
- Logic fault mechanics
The safety check 1 for the valve Q102
has failed. Safe operation of the
machine is not ensured.
KMC-522028-7 Blocking of shredding rollers - Logic
fault mechanics
A blockage of the shredding rollers
was detected. The shredding rollers
are switched off.
KMC-522029-16 Overspeed shredding rollers - Upper
limit value exceeded
The rotational speed of the shredding
rollers is too high. The shredding
rollers are switched off.
KMC-522031-16 Timeout support jacks - Upper limit
value exceeded
The control of the support jacks was
terminated because of timeout.