Performance issues have been reported with the AFPInput option under Windows Server
versions from Windows Server 2012 onwards. The issues have been specifically associated
with Windows Servers running Windows Defender, but the performance degradation might also
be encountered when using other Antivirus applications.
Consequently, we recommend that an exclusion be made for the afp2pdf.exe executable file in
your Antivirus application.
The afp2pdf.exe file is stored in a subfolder under the installation folder. If the exact installation
folder name is required, enter the standardized system variable %PROGRAMFILES% in Windows
Explorer and then search for afp2pdf.exe.
Working folders
Working folders for Connect are created and used on a per-user-basis under the respective
user's profile folder, accessible on Windows with the standardized system variable
%USERPROFILE% in the subfolder "Connect". Working folders are:
l%USERPROFILE%\Connect\filestore: This folder will hold non-intermediate files
for the operation of Connect. Files in this folder will be used frequently, but not with a high
frequency. Supervising this folder with a virus protection system should not have too
much of an impact on the speed of the whole Connect suite.
l%USERPROFILE%\Connect\logs: As the name implies, log files are created and
updated here. These log files are plain text files. Virus protection may have an impact on
the speed of the whole Connect suite.
l%USERPROFILE%\Connect\temp: Storage folder for temporary data, usually
intermittent files in multiple folders. Virus protection on this folder and its subfolders may
have a serious impact on the performance of Connect.
l%USERPROFILE%\Connect\workspace: Usually containing settings and helper files
and folders. Supervising this folder with a virus protection system should not have too
much of an impact on the speed of the whole Connect suite.
Database 1
Depending on the components installed, a database instance is created in a folder called
"connect.database" under the Windows system temp folder. This folder is accessible via the
standardized system variable %TMP%. Usually, folders holding such temporary files and folders
should be excluded from a virus protection, because this influences the overall performance of
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