Magic Chef CGR1330BDC Owner's manual

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Owner's Guide
For Freestanding and Slide-in Ranges
IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-4 Roastingtips ................................ 12
Broilingtipsandchart,ifequipped.............. 13
CLOCKAND TIMER, ifequipped................. 5MAINTENANCE ............................ 14-17
USINGTHE COOKTOP ....................... 6-7 Cooktop .................................... 14
Ignitionsystem ............................... 6 Burnergrates................................ 14
Howtolightsurfaceburner ..................... 6Conventionalsurface burners,ifequipped ....... 15
Selectingflamesize ........................... 7 Sealedsurfaceburners, ifequipped ............ 15
Aboutthe surface burnerflame ................. 7 Proportionalvalveadjustment,if equipped ...... 16
Adjustingthe flame ............................ 7 Ovenwindow,if equipped ..................... 16
Cookwareconsiderations ...................... 7 Ovendoor .................................. 16
Canning ..................................... 7 Ovenlight,if equipped ........................ 16
Ovenbottom ................................ 17
USINGTHEOVEN ........................... 8-13 Storagedrawer .............................. 17
Ignitionsystem ............................... 8 Lowerpanel,if equipped ...................... 17
Ovenvent .................................... 8 Levelinglegs ................................ 17
Coolingfan, ifequipped........................ 8 Electricalconnection ......................... 17
Useof aluminumfoil ........................... 8
Ovencharacteristics........................... 9 CAREANDCLEANINGCHART .............. 18-20
Oventemperatureknob ........................ 9
Howto setovento bake or roast ................ 9 SERVICEINFORMATION.................... 21-22
Preheating ................................... 9 Troubleshootingchart ..................... 21-22
Ovenracks.................................. 10 How to removerangefor cleaningandservicing . 22
Commonbakingproblemschart ............... 11
Bakingtips .................................. 12 WARRANTY .................................. 23
The modeland serialnumbersarefoundonthe ratingplatelocatedon the
lowerrangefront frame behindthe broiler door or lower panel.Use these
INSTALLERF_easeleave Jestingservice.
CONSU SerialNumber:_,
and/0r your cancelledcheck asproofof
reference. ,servicebe needed.Storethese documentswith
this booklet.
FOR CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE CALL 1-800-688-1120 8113P195-6o
qqOO 7
Readall instructionsbeforeusingthis appliance.
Thank You., for purchasingourcooking
appliance.Tohelpyou obtainthe maximumincooking WARNING: If theinformation inthis
satisfaction,we offerthese suggestions: manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property
[]E_Readthismanualbeforeusingthe appliance,damage, personalinjuryor death.
[_ Reviewallsafetyand cautioninstructions. -Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
I_ ReviewtheTroubleshootingCharton
pages21and22ifservicebecomesnecessary,vicinityof this or any other appliance.
0_=Includethemodeland serialnumbersofyour - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:
ProofofpurchasesuchassalesreceiptDo nottry to light any appliance.
willbeneededforwarrantyservice.Do nottouch anyelectricalswitch; do
Youcan contactusat: not use any phone in your building.
MaytagAppliances Sales Company Immediately call your gas supplier
Attn: CAIRsMCenter from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
P.o. Box 2370 gas supplier'sinstructions.
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
1-800-688-1120 If yOU cannot reach your gas supplier,
Inourcontinuingefforttoimprovethe qualityand call thefire department.
performanceofourcookingappliances,it may be
necessaryto makechangesto theappliancewithout - Installation and service must be
revisingthismanual, performed by a qualified installer,service
agency or the gas supplier,
A, WARNI WARNING: To reducethe risk oftipping ofthe
__. ) NG appliancefromabnormalusageor byexcessive loading
of the oven door,the appliancemust besecuredby a
i properly anti-tip
installed device.
CAUSEINJURIESTOPERSONS,Iftherangeismovedfromthewall,be suretheanti-tip
_i • INSTALLANTI-TIPDEVICES underneathrangeto verifythat one of the rear leveling
PACKEDWITHRANGE. legsis properlyengagedin the bracketslot.
qFOLLOWALLINSTALLATION The anti-tipdevicesecurestherearlevelinglegtothe
The followinginstructionsare basedonsafety Turnoffapplianceand ventilatinghoodto avoidspreading
considerationsand must bestrictlyfollowedto eliminate the flame.Extinguishflamethenturn on hoodto remove
the potentialrisksoffire, electricshock,or personalinjury, smokeandodor.
Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygroundedbya Usedry chemicalorfoam-typeextinguisheror baking
qualifiedinstalleraccordingtothe installationinstructions, soda to smotherfireorflame.Neverusewater ona
Havethe installershowyouthe locationofthegasshutoff greasefire.
valveand howto shutitoff in an emergency. If fire is in the oven or broiler pan,smother by closing
Alwaysdisconnectpowerto appliancebeforeservicing, ovendoor.
Iffire is in a pan onthe surface burner,cover pan.Never
Toensureproperoperationand avoid possibleinjuryor
damageto unitdo not attemptto adjust,repair,service,or attemptto pick upor movea flamingpan.
replaceanypartof yourapplianceunlessitis specifically
recommendedinthis book.All other servicingshould be
referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer.C_LD_.
NEVERleavechildrenalone or unsupervisednear the
appliancewhen it isinuse or isstill hot. NEVERallow
childrento sitor standonany partof the appliance.
Besure allpackingmaterialsare removedfrom the Childrenmust betaughtthat the L----JL L_
appliancebeforeoperating it. applianceand utensils in itcan be
hot.Let hot utensilscoolin a safe
Keepareaaroundapplianceclear andfreefrom place,out of reachof smallchildren.._-_,, _ ,
combustiblematerials,gasoline,and otherflammable Childrenshouldbetaughtthat an ' ,
vaporsand materials,applianceis notatoy.Children _,_i
shouldnotbe allowedto playwith
If applianceisinstallednear awindow, properprecautions controlsor other partsofthe unit.
shouldbetaken to preventcurtainsfrom blowingover
burners.CAUTION: NEVERstore itemsof
interestto childrenin cabinetsabove
NEVERleave anyitemsonthe cooktop.The hotairfrom an applianceor onthe backguardof
the ventmay igniteflammableitemsand may increase a range.Childrenclimbingonthe _._-
pressureinclosedcontainerswhich may causethemto applianceor ontheappliancedoor
burst, to reachitemscould be seriouslyinjured.
Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.Keepplasticsaway
from partsoftheappliancethatmaybecomewarm or hot.AB_ YOUR APP_..E''
Do notleaveplasticitemsonthecooktopas they may ....
meltor softenif lefttoocloseto theventora lighted NEVERuseapplianceas \
surface burner, a spaceheaterto heator
warm a roomto prevent
Many aerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potentialhazardtothe
exposedto heat and maybehighlyflammable.Avoid their userand damageto the
useor storagenear anappliance,appliance. Also, donot
usethe cooktopor oven
Toeliminatethe hazard ofreachingover hotsurface as a storageareafor food
burners,cabinetstorageshouldnot be provideddirectly orcooking utensils.
abovea unit.If suchstorageisprovided,itshouldbe /
limitedto items whichare used infrequentlyandwhich are Do not obstructthe flow of combustionand ventilationair
safelystored inan area subjectedto heatfrom an by blockingthe ovenvent or airintakes. Restrictionofair
appliance.Temperaturesmaybe unsafefor someitems, flowto the burnerpreventsproper performanceand
suchasvolatileliquids,cleanersor aerosolsprays, increasescarbonmonoxideemissionto unsafe levels.
Avoidtouching ovenvent area whileoven isonandfor NEVERheat anunopenedcontaineronthesurface
severalminutesafteroven isturnedoff. Somepartsof theburneror in the oven. Pressurebuild-upmay cause
ventandsurroundingarea becomehot enoughtocause containerto burstresultingin seriouspersonalinjuryor
burns.Afteroven isturnedoff, donot touchtheovenvent damagetotheappliance.
or surroundingareas untilthey havehad sufficienttime to
cool. Usedry,sturdypot holders. Damppot holdersmay cause
burnsfrom steam. Dishtowelsorothersubstitutesshould
WARNING:NEVERuse r--_u___.l_ ._r--_u_ j neverbeusedas potholdersbecausetheycantrail
acrosshot surface burnersand igniteor get caught on
appliancedoorordrawer,if applianceparts.
equipped,as a stepstoolor
seatas this mayresultin Alwayslet quantitiesof hotfat usedfor deepfatfrying
possibletippingof thecoolbeforeattemptingto moveor handle.
appliance,damageto the
appliance,and serious Donotletcookinggreaseor other flammablematerials
injury,accumulatein or near theappliance,hood orvent fan.
Cleanhoodfrequently topreventgreasefrom
accumulatingon hoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoods under
Do nottouch a hot ovenlight bulbwith a damp clothas the hoodturn thefanon.
the bulbcouldbreak.Shouldthe bulb break,disconnect
powertothe appliancebeforeremovingbulbto avoid NEVERweargarments _ _
electricalshock, made offlammablematerial
while cooking.Clothing may
Alwaysplace a panon a surfaceburner beforeturning it igniteorcatchutensil
on.Besure youknowwhich knobcontrolswhich surface handles.
burner.Makesurethe correct burneristurnedon andthat
the burnerhasignited.Whencookingis completed,turn Alwaysplace oven racks inthe desiredpositionswhile
burneroffbeforeremovingpanto preventexposureto oven iscool. Slideoven rack outto addor removefood,
burnerflame, using dry sturdypot holders.Alwaysavoid reachinginto
the ovento add orremovefood. Ifa rack mustbe moved
Alwaysadjust surfaceburnerflameso that it does not while hot, usea dry pot holder.Always turnthe oven offat
extendbeyondthebottomedgeofthe pan.An excessive theend ofcooking.
flame ishazardous,wastesenergyand maydamagethe
appliance,pan or cabinetsabovethe appliance. Use carewhen openingtheoven door.Let hot air or
NEVERleavea surface _ steamescapebeforeremovingorreplacingfood.
cookingoperationunattended _ I PREPAREDFOODWARNING: Followfood
especiallywhen usinga high _ manufacturer'sinstructions.If a plasticfrozenfood
heatsettingor whendeepfat containerand/oritscover distorts,warps, or isotherwise
frying. Boiloverscause damagedduringcooking,immediatelydiscardthe food
smokingand greasyspillovers and its container.Thefood could becontaminated.
spillsas soonas possible.Do
notusehigh heatfor extended
Use panswith flat bottomsand handlesthat areeasily Turnoff all controlsand wait for appliancepartsto cool
graspedand staycool.Avoidusingunstable,warped, beforetouchingor cleaningthem.Donot touchthe burner
easilytippedor loose handledpans.Alsoavoid using grates or surroundingareas untilthey havehad sufficient
smallpans,especiallysmallpans with heavyhandles,as time tocool.
theycanbeunstableand easilytip. Pansthatareheavy
to movewhenfilled withfood mayalsobe hazardous. Cleanappliancewith caution.Usecareto avoid steam
burnsifa wet spongeor cloth isused towipespillson a
Besure utensilis largeenoughto properlycontainfoodhot surface.Somecleanerscanproducenoxiousfumes if
andavoid boilovers.Pansize is particularlyimportantin appliedto a hotsurface.
deepfat frying.Besure panwill accommodatethe volume
offoodthat isto beaddedas wellas the bubbleaction of
Tominimizeburns,ignitionof flammablematerialsand WARNING ....
spillagedue to unintentionalcontactwith the utensil,do TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWaterandToxic Enforcement
over adjacentsurface _ R Actof1986(Proposition65) requirestheGovernorof
Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the
burners.Alwaysturn _ Stateof Californiato causecancerorreproductiveharm,
thesideor back oftheand requiresbusinessesto warn customersof potential
appliance,notoutinto exposuresto suchsubstances.
theroomwherethey Usersofthis applianceareherebywarned thatthe
are easilyhitor burningof gascanresult Jnlow-levelexposuretosomeof
reachedby small thelistedsubstances,includingbenzene,formaldehyde
children,and soot,due primarilyto the incompletecombustionof
Neverlet a pan boildry as this coulddamagetheutensil naturalgasor liquid petroleum(LP)fuels.Properly
andthe appliance, adjustedburnerswill minimizeincompletecombustion.
Exposuretothese substancescanalso beminimizedby
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhenusingoven properlyventingtheburnersto the outdoors.
Only certaintypes ofglass,glass/ceramic,ceramic,or
glazedutensilsare suitablefor cooktoporoven usage
withoutbreakingduetothe suddenchangein
This appliancehas beentestedfor safe performance
usingconventionalcookware.Donot useanydevicesor
accessoriesthat arenot specificallyrecommendedinthis
manual.Donot useeyelidcoversfor the surface units,
stovetopgrills,or add-onovenconvectionsystems.The
useof devicesor accessoriesthatarenotexpressly
recommendedinthis manualcancreate serioussafety
hazards,resultin performanceproblems,and reducethe
life of the componentsofthe appliance.
The electronic clock and timer display will flash when the appliance is first connected to
power or if power is interrupted. The display will stop flashing once the time-of-day clock
has been set.
1. Press the CLOCK pad. 1. Press the TIMER pad. 0:59, or one hour, will appear in
the display.
2.Press and hold the HOUR pad to set the correct hours. The timer will automatically begin counting down in
Tap the pad once to change the time by a single hour. increments of one minute.
3. Pressand hold the MINUTE pad toset the correct2. To set the timer for less than one hour: Press the
minutes. Tap the pad onceto change the time by a TIMER pad then press and hold the MINUTE pad until
singleminute, the desired time appears in the display.Tochangethe
time by a single minute, tap the pad once.
For example: To set the clock for 3:15, press and hold the
HOUR pad until 3 appears in thehours display. Then 3.To set thetimer for more than onehour: Press the
press and hold the MINUTE pad until 15 appears in the TIMER pad then -
minutes display.° Press the HOUR pad, 1:59, or two hours, will appear
in the display.
Press the MINUTE pad until the desired minutes
appear in the display.
NOTE: Two hours is the maximum time that can be
4. When the time has elapsed, 0:00 willappear in the
display and continuousbeeps will sound toindicate the
endof the timing operation,
5.Press the CLOCK padto cancel thebeeps.The current
time ofday will reappear inthe display.
To cancel the timer: Press the CLOCK padand the
display will returnto the currenttime of day.
i !;ii iii _[,
Yourcooktopwillfeatureeitherpilotignitionorpilotless Topreventdamagetothecooktoporpan,never
ignition.Ifthegassupplytotherangeisturnedoff,be operatethe surfaceburnerwithoutapaninplace,neve
sure allcontrolsare set inthe OFF positionbefore allow a panto boildry and neveroperatea surface
re-supplying gasto the appliance,burneron HIGHfor extendedperiods oftime.
Pilot Ignition 1. Placea pan on the burnergrate.
Whenthe rangeisfirst installed,the standing pilotsmay NOTE:Theburner flamemay lift offthe burner head
bedifficultto lightdue to airin the gasline.Tobleed offair and a "roaring"sound may beheardif a pan is not
fromthe line,hold a lightedmatchnextto the burnerand placedon thegrate beforelightingthe burner.
turnthe knobon.Whenthe burnerlights,turnthe knoboff
and proceedasdirected below. 2. Pushin and turnthe knobto the LITEposition.
Tolight pilot:Raisethe cooktopandhold a lightedmatch Pilotlessignitionmodelsonly:A clickingsoundwill
nearthe pilotports.Therearetwopilotports,oneonthe beheardandtheburnerwilllight.Whenoneburneri_
rightsideandoneonthe leftside.turnedon,allignitorswillspark.
Pilotless Ignition
Pilotlessignitionusesa sparkfromtheignitortolightthe 3. Aftertheburnerlights,turntheknobtothe desired
burner.Therearetwoignitorsforconventionalsurface flamesize.
burners.Eachsealedburnerhasitsownignitor.Oncethe Pilotlessignition modelsonly:The ignitorswill
burner lights,turnthe knobto the desired setting.The continueto spark untilthe knob isturnedfromthe LIT
clickingsoundwill notstopuntilthe knob isturnedfrom position.
NOTE:Thesurface burnerwill not light ifthe ignitoris CAUTION:Ifthe flame shouldgo out during a cooking
damaged,broken,soiled orwet. Also,the burnerwill not operation,turn the burner off. If gashas accumulated
lightifthesmall portbeneaththe ignitorisblocked.See anda stronggas odorisdetected,opena windowand
page20for cleaninginstructions,wait 5 minutesfor the gas odor to disappearbefore
relightingthe burner.
Inthe eventofa powerfailure,the surface burnercan
bemanuallylighted.Besure allcontrolsare inthe OFF
position.Hold a lightedmatchto thedesiredsurface
burnerheadthen push inand turnthe knobto theLITE
position.Whenthe burner lights,adjustthe flameto the
desiredflame size.
_i_ ii_ IL i_ !!:i _ _i;"'iI ,_ 'i! ili' _!_ i_"
Usea HIGHflamesettingto quicklybring liquidsto a boil Adjust theflamesize soit /_
or to begin acookingor canningoperation.Then reduce doesnot extend beyond
to a lowersettingto continuecooking.Neverleavefood the edgeofthe cooking
unattendedwhenusing a HIGHflame setting, utensil.This isfor _--,_-,i __
to theappliance,pan,or
_,_._ "-cabinetsabovethe
__ appliance.This alsoimprovescookingefficiency.
Anintermediateflame size is usedto continuea cooking morethan two inches beyondthe grate, restsontwo
grates,ortouchesthecooktopwill causea build upof
operation.Foodwill notcook anyfaster when a higher heatand may result in damageto the theburner grate,
flame setting is usedthan neededto maintaina gentle burnerand cook-top.
boil. Remember,waterboilsatthesametemperature
whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously. Cookware,suchasa wokwitha supportring,which
UseLOto simmerorkeepfoodsatservingtemperatures, to buildupandmayresultindamagetotheburnergrate,
I Foodscookfasterwhenthe cookwareiscovered because
__, more heat is retained. Lower the flame size when
_- cookware iscovered.Thisalso improvescooking
Thecooking performanceisgreatlyaffectedbythetype of
cookwareused. Propercookwarewill reduce cooking
times, uselessenergy and producemore even cooking
results.For best resultsuse a heavy gauge metalpan
If a knob isturnedveryquicklyfrom the HIto the LO witha smoothflat bottom,straightsidesand a tightfitting
setting,the flamemay goout,particularlyif the burner is lid.Selecta material,suchas aluminumor copper,that
cold. Ifthis occurs,turnthe knobto theOFFposition.Wait conductsheat quicklyand evenly.
severalseconds,thenlightthe burneragain.
ABOUT THE SURFACEBURNERFME Whencanning,usetheHI settingjustuntilthewater
comestoa boilor pressureisreachedina pressure
Aproperlyadjustedburnerwithcleanportswilllightwithincanner,thenreducetoa settingthatmaintainsthe
afewseconds.You may heara "popping"soundon pressureora boil.
sometypesofgas whenthe surfaceburneristurned
off. Thisis a normaloperatingsoundofthe burner. Prolongeduseofthe HI setting,theuseofincorrect
On naturalgas, theflamewillbebluewitha deeperbluetechniquesmayproduceexcessiveheatandresultin
yellowflameindicatesan impropermixtureofair/gas.
Haveaservicemanadjustthemixtureifa yellowflameNOTE:Foradditionalcanninginformationcontactyour
homecanningproductsat800-240-3340or write:
On LPgas, someyellowtippingmayoccur.Thisisnormal AIItristaCorp.,ConsumerAffairsDept.,P.O.Box2729,
and adjustmentisnot necessary. Muncie,IN47307-0729.
'I '111('[1'11"
, ........ I . :,. '
....... 'I)1.
I , , , , ,,i , , ,, , , ,, , ,,, _,' i,, _ ,,, ;,
Yourovenwillfeatureeitherpilot ignitionor pilotless Theovenventislocatedat thebase ofthebackguardon
ignition, ifthegassupplytotherangeisturnedoff,befreestandingrangesandacrossthebackof theoooktop
sureallcontrolsareset intheOFF positionbeforeonslide-inranges.Whentheovenisinuse,thisarea ma_
re-supplyinggasto theappliance, feel warmor hottothetouch.
Topreventbakingproblems,do not blockthevent
Pilot Ignition openingin any way.Also,donotplaceplasticsnearthe
ventopeningas heatfromtheventcould distortor melt
cool,openthebroilerdoor ....." _ theplastic,
and removethe broilerrack
and broilerpan.On models
withouta broilingCOOLING FAN,ifequipped =
compartment,removetheSlide-inrangesfeaturea coolingfanwhichautomatically
lowerpanel.Seepage17 turnsonwhenevertheovenis setforabroilingor
thepanel, bakingoperations.Whentheovenisturnedoffand has
Withthe OvenTampknobintheOFF position,holda
burner.Oncethepilotlights,replacethe broilerrackand =USE OF ALUMINUM FOIL ....
panorthe lowerpanel.(NOTE:Theovenburnerisshown
withthe metalflamespreaderremovedfromthe ovenDo notcoverthe ovenbottomor an entirerackwith
burner.) foil or placefoil directlyunder cookware.Tocatch
spillovers,placea piece offoil a littlelargerthan thepan
onthe rack belowthe pan. For rangeswith one rack, it
Pilotless Ignition benecessaryto placethe foildirectly underthe utensil.
Withthistypeofignitionsystem,a globarwilllightthe Cuta smallopeninginthe foiltoallowheattothe botton
ovenburner.Theovenwillnot operateduringa power ofthe pan.Thisisespeciallyimportantwhen bakingpie,,
NOTE:A lightedmatchwill not lightthe burner.No
attemptshouldbemadeto operateovenduring a
IO¸¸¸...............= ...."r,,.....' ='i.....i,ii.... ::1
Becauseeachovenhasitsownpersonalbaking1. Whencool,positiontherackintheoven.
performexactlylikeyourpreviousoven,Youmayfindthat 2. Pushinandturnthe OvenTemperatureknobtothe
the cookingtimes,oven temperatures,and cooking desiredtemperature.
resultsdiffersomewhatfrom your previousrange.Allowa Selectinga temperature higher than desired will NOT
period ofadjustment,ifyou havequestionsconcerning preheatthe oven any faster and may have a negative
bakingresults,pleasereferto pages 11,12and21 for
additionalinformation, effecton bakingresults.
3. Placethe food inthe centerof the oven, allowinga
minimumof 1to 2-inches betweenthe utensil andthe
TheOven Temperatureknobis usedtoselectand Whenthe oven isin use,the ovenvent areaat the rear
maintainthe oventemperature.Pushin andturnthis knob ofthe cooktopmay feelwarm or hotto the touch.Do
justto the desiredtemperature.To provideaccurateoven not blockthis areaor thevent openingas this may
temperatures,donot turnthe knob to a higher affectbakingresults.
temperatureandthen backtothe desiredtemperature.
Turnthis knob toOFF whenevertheoven isnotin use.4. Checkthe food for donenessatthe minimumtime in
therecipe.Cook longerif necessary.Cookingtime may
Aftertheoventemperaturehas OFF B_O_L varyfrom oventooven.
beenset, there will beabout a _
45seconddelaybeforethe _._/ 'I "_,.._"5. Removethe foodfromthe ovenand turnthe Oven
burnerignites.ThisisWARM S00Temperatureknob to OFF.
normaland nogas
escapesduringthis 200,\\ _ 4so
delay. 250 I | _ 400
Theoventemperatureis 30o 35o Preheatingisnecessaryforbaking,Topreheattheoven,
oven burneronand off.KNOB temperature andallow 10to 15 minutesfor the oven to
Selectinga highertemperaturewill not shortenthe
preheattimeand may affectbakingresults. Itis not
necessarytopreheatfor roastingor broiling.
!i¸ i ili!! ......ii ' ..............................
Your rangewill featureoneortwoovenracks.Theoven To replace:Placetherackontheracksupportsandtilt
rackisdesignedwitha safetylock-stoppositionto keep thefrontendoftherackupslightly.Slideitbackuntilit
ovenwhenpullingtherackouttoaddor removefood. rackstraightin.Pulltherackouttothelock-stoppositio
whentheovenishot. IForoptimumbakingresultsofcakes,cookiesor biscu
outuntilitstopsat thelock-stopposition.Tiltthefrontend Ifcookingontworacks,userackpositions2 and4 for
oftherackupandcontinuepullingtherackoutofthecakesandrackpositions1 and4 whenusingcookie
oven. sheets.Neverplacetwocookiesheetsononerack.
RACK5 Fortwo-rack cooking.Usethe upperrack
(highest positionfor side disheswhenroastinga turkey
position) onthe lower rack. 5
RACK4 Usedfor mosttwo-rackbaking.
RACK3 Usedformostbakedgoodsonacookiesheetor
RACK2 Usedforroastingsmallcutsofmeat,large
baking. Roasting -'- //,P7)_'_
RACK 1 Usedfor roastinglargecutsof meatand large Position - j i
poultry,pies,souffles,or angelfood cake,orfor /
two-rack baking.
ROASTING Ifyourrangefeaturestwo racks,placeboth
POSITIONovenracks,oneabovetheother,onthe raised
roastingtallercutsofmeatora largeturkey.
Cakesare uneven. Panstoo closeor touchingeach other or ovenwalls. Batteruneven inpans.
• Temperaturesettooloworbakingtimetooshort.• Ovennot level.Undermixing.• Too
Cakehigh in middle. Temperaturesettoo high.Bakingtimetoo long. • Overmixing.• Toomuchflour.*Pans
touching eachother or oven walls. • Incorrect rackposition.
Cakefalls.• Toomuchshorteningor sugar.Toomuchor too little liquid. Temperaturesettoo low.
• Oldor too little bakingpowder.• Pantoo small.• Ovendoor openedfrequently.• Added
incorrecttypeof oilto cakemix.Added additionalingredientsto cakemixor recipe.
Cakes,cookies,biscuits =Incorrectrackposition.=Ovendoornotclosed properly.=Doorgasketnotsealingproperly
don'tbrownevenly, or properlyattachedtodoor. Incorrectuseof aluminumfoil. • Ovennotpreheated.• Pans
darkened,dentedor warped.
Cakes,cookies,biscuits • Oven notpreheated.• Panstouchingeachother orovenwalls. Incorrectrackposition.
toobrownonbottom. • Incorrectuseofaluminumfoil.• Placed2 cookiesheetsononerack.• Usedglass,dark,
stainedwarped or dullfinish metal pans.(Usea shinycookiesheet.)
Followcookwaremanufacturer's instructionsfor oventemperature. Glasswareand dark
cookwaresuchas Ecko'sBaker's Secretmay requireloweringthe oven temperature by
Cakesdon'tbrown on Incorrectrackposition.• Temperaturesettoo low.• Overmixing.• Toomuchliquid.• Pan
top. sizetoo large ortoo little batter in pan. Oven dooropenedtoo often.
Excessiveshrinkage. Toolittle leavening. Overmixing. Pantoo large.• Temperaturesettoo high.• Baking
timetoo long.° Panstoocloseto each otheror ovenwalls.
Uneventexture. • Toomuchliquid.• Undermixing. Temperaturesettoo low.Bakingtime too short.
Cakeshave tunnels. • Notenoughshortening.• Toomuchbakingpowder. Overmixingorattoo highaspeed.
• Temperatureset toohigh.
Cakenot donein • Temperaturesettoo high. Pantoo small.• Bakingtime too short.
middle. tfadditionalingredientswere addedto mix or recipe,expectcookingtimeto increase.
Pie crustedgestoo • Temperaturesettoo high.• Panstouchingeachotheror ovenwalls.° Edgesof crusttoo
brown, thin;shieldwithfoil.
Piesdon't brownon • Usedshinymetalpans.• Temperatureset toolow. Incorrectrack position.
bottom.Somefrozen piesshouldbe placedona cookiesheet,checkpackagedirections.
Pieshave soakedcrust. ° Temperaturetoolowat start of baking. Fillingtoo juicy. • Usedshinymetal pans.
Use a reliable recipe andaccuratelymeasurefresh Roastingisthemethodforcookinglarge,tendercutsof
ingredients.Carefullyfollow directionsforoven meatuncovered,withoutaddingmoisture.Mostmeatsar
temperatureand cookingtime.Preheatoven if roastedat325°F.Itisnotnecessaryto preheatthe oven.
recommended. Placethe roastingpan oneitherofthe two lowest rack
positionsor onthespecialroastingposition (seepage8).
Usethe correct rackposition. Bakingresultsmay be
affectedifthewrong rack positionisused. Usetender cutsof meatweighingthree poundsor more.
Top browning may be darker if food is located Somegood choicesare: Beefrib, ribeye,topround,high
qualitytip and rumproast,porkloin roast, legof lamb,
towardthetopofthe oven. veal shoulderroastand curedor smoked hams.
Bottom browningmay bedarker iffood islocated
towardthebottomof theoven. Seasonmeat,ifdesired, either beforeor afterroasting.
When usingtwo racksfor baking, allow enough Rubintothe surface ofthe roastif added beforecooking.
space betweentheracksfor properair circulation. Placethe meatfat-side-upon a rack ina shallowroastin(
Browningand cookingresultswill beaffected if air pan.Placingthe meatona rack holds it out ofthe
flow is blocked, drippings,thus allowingbetterheat circulationfor even
Cookwarematerialplaysanimportantpartin baking cooking.As the fat ontopof the roast melts,the meatis
results.Always usethe type and sizeof pancalledfor in bastednaturally,eliminatingthe needfor additional
the recipe.Cookingtimes or cookingresultsmay be basting.
affectedif thewrong size is used.
Shinymetal pan reflectsheatawayfrom thefood, The cookingtime isdeterminedbythe weight of the mea
produceslighterbrowningand a softer crust. Use andthe desired doneness.Formoreaccurateresults, us,
shinypansfor bakingcakesorcookies. Foroptimum a meatthermometer.Insertitsothe tip is inthe center of
bakingresults,bake cookiesand biscuitsona flat the thickestpart ofthe meat. Itshould nottouch fator
cookiesheet.If the pan hassides,suchas ajelly roll bone.
pan,browningmay not beeven.Removethe roastfromthe ovenwhen the thermometer
Darkmetalpanor a panwith ananodized(dull) registersthe desireddoneness.
a crispercrust.Usethistypeofpanfor pies,pie NOTE:Formoreinformationaboutfoodsafety,call
crustsor bread. USDA'sMeat& PoultryHotlineat 1-800-535-4555.For
Ifusingoven-proofglassware,ordark panssuch cookinginformationwritetotheNationalLiveStockand
asBaker's Secretreducetheoventemperatureby MeatBoard,444 NorthMichiganAvenue,Chicago,
25°Fexceptwhenbakingpiesor bread.UsetheIllinois60611.
samebakingtimeascalledfor intherecipe.
Allow hotairto flow freelythroughthe ovenfor
optimumbakingresults.Improper placementof pans in
the ovenwill blockair flow and may result in uneven
browning.For optimumbrowningandeven cooking
Do not crowda rackwith pans. Neverplace more
thanone cookiesheet, one 13x9x2-inchcakepan or
two9-inch roundcake pans onone rack.
Staggerpanswhen bakingontwo racksso onepan
is notdirectly overanother pan.
Allow oneto two inchesbetweenthe pan andthe
Checkthe cooking progressat the minimumtime
recommendedin the recipe.If necessary,continue
checkingat intervalsuntilthe food isdone. Iftheoven
door isopened toofrequently,heatwill escapefrom the
oven;this canaffectbakingresultsand wastesenergy.
Ifyou addadditional ingredientsor alterthe recipe,
expectcookingtimesto increaseordecreaseslightly.
How To Set Oven To Broil:
1. Place the broiler rack with
Broilingis a method ofcooking tender meats bydirect the broiler pan inthe
radiant heat. Thecooking time isdetermined by the recommended position
distance between the meat and the oven burner, the shown in the broiling chart
desired degree of doneness and the thickness of the below.
meat. _ _._-_-- J__
Lower Broiler Compartment:
Broilingrequiresthe use ofthe broilerpan and insert. The Ifthe bottompositionis
broilerinsert must be in place to allow fat and liquidto selected, use mittsand
drain to the pan belowto prevent spatters, smoke and carefully remove the _ _v//
flare-ups.Improper use may cause grease fires, broiler pan.
For easier clean up, line the broiler pan with foil and spray 2. Push in and turn the Oven Temperature knob to
the insert with a non-stick vegetable spray. Do not cover BROIL.
the broiler insert with aluminum foil as this prevents fat
from draining into pan below. It is possible to broil longer cooking foods such as
chicken at a lower temperature to prevent
Trim excess fat and slash remaining fat to help keep meat overbrowning and reduce splattering. Turn the knob
from curling and to reduce smoking and spattering, to 400° or 450°F, rather than BROIL, for low
Season meat after cooking,temperature broiling.
3.Follow the suggested times in the broiling chart.Meat
Place the broiler rack in the correct rack position when the should be turned once about halfway through
broiling compartment is cool.For darker browning, place
meat closer to the oven burner. Place meat further down if cooking.
you wish meat to be well done or if excessive smoking or 4.Check thedoneness by cutting a slit in the meat near
flaring occurs, thecenter to check the color.
See Care and Cleaning Chart on page 18 for instructions 5.After broiling, turn the oven off and remove the broiler
on cleaning the broiler pan and insert, pan.
7 to10 minutes 6 to10 minutes
1-inchthick MediumMiddle BROIL #4 BROIL
14to20 minutes 15to20 minutes
WellDone Middle BROIL #4 BROIL
16to25 minutes 20 to25 minutes
Pieces Well Done Bottom LO BROIL #3 or#4 LO BROIL
30 to45 minutes 30 to45 minutes
Fillets Flaky Middle BROIL #4 BROIL
8 to 12 minutes 8 to 12 minutes
Steaks, 1-inchthick Flaky Middle BROIL #4 BROIL
10to 15 minutes 12to 15 minutes
3/4-inchthick Well Done Middle BROIL #4 BROIL
14to 18 minutes 15to 20 minutes
1-inchthick Well Done Middle BROIL #4 BROIL
18to 25 minutes 20to 30 minutes
....... _ _ .... _ ...... _'", ....!__ _.......... _'_i__i_,i'ii? _!_ :i .......__.... i_ i, _ i i
i J
Topreventstainingordiscoloration,cleancooktopafter Burnergratesmustbe properly
eachuse.Wipeacidorsugarstainsassoonasthe positionedbeforecooking.Burnergrates
Freestandingrangeswithconventionalgasburnerswill temperatures.
featurea lift-upcooktop.When installingsquare grates,place
Thecooktopdoes NOTlift-upon thesemodels: indentedsidestogether sostraight sides
Freestandingrangewith sealedburner, are atthe front and rear.Improper
installationofthe grates may resultin
Slide-inrangewith eitherconventionalor sealed damageor chippingofthe cooktop,
Toraisethe "lift-up"cooktop:Whencool,graspthe CAUTION:Donot operatea surfaceburnerwithouta
frontedgeofthecooktopandgentlyliftupuntilthetwo panonthegrate.Theporcelainfinishonthe gratemay
supportrods,if equipped,atthefrontofthecooktopsnap chipwithouta pantoabsorbtheintenseheatfromthe
intoplace, burnerflame.
To lowerthe top: Holdthe frontedgeofthe cooktopand
carefullypushbackoneach supportrod,ifequipped,to
if equipped The porcelainon the burner isdurable but may gradually
Underno circumstancesare the surface burner lose itsshinedueto usageand high temperatures.
assembliesto betaken apartfor cleaning.Thesurface
burnerassemblycan beremovedto clean theburner box Thesealed surfaceburners aresecuredto thecooktop
area.and are NOTdesignedto beremovedby the consumer.
FreestandingRangeOnly: SelectmodelsfeaturetwospecialSUPER HIGHSPEED
Thetwosurfaceburnerassembliesaresecuredinplacesealedburnerslocatedat theright-frontandleft-rear.Use
duringtransportationwithscrews.Oncethe rangeis theseburnerstoquicklybringwatertoa boilandwhen
installed,thesescrewsmaybe removedtoallowquick usinglargerpans.See informationonratingplate,located
andeasyremovaloftheburnerassemblies, onthelowerrangefrontframebehindthebroilerdooror
__ burners.-_C_
Cleanburnercapafter eachuseespeciallyifaspillover
s_ -_ occurs.A soiledburnermayresultinimproperignitionor
an unevenflame.Whencleaningthe sealedsurface
burner,use careto preventdamageto the ignitor.If a
__ cleaningclothshouldcatchtheignitor,it couldbe
I__ damagedorbroken.Lip
Toremove:Allowthe burnerassemblyto cool. Liftup __ Ignitor
cooktop.Graspthe burner assemblyand rotateitslightly
towardthe leftto releasethetwo tabsonthe assembly.... Portdirectlybelowignitor
Then lift theassembly andpulltoward the backof the
cooktopuntilthe air shutterends ontheassemblyrelease
fromthevalves.Thesurface burnerwill not lightif the ignitorisdamaged,
Toreplaoe:Insertthe airshutterendsontheburner broken,soiledor wet.The burnerwill alsonotlight if the
assemblyoverthe valvesand lowertheassemblyinto ports,especiallythesmallportlocateddirectlybelowthe
place.Besuretosecurethetwotabsontheburner ignitor,areblocked.See page20 forcleaninginstructions
tabsarenotproperlyinsertedintothe slots,theassembly position,allfourignitorswillspark.Oncetheburnerlights
mayrockandtheburnersmaynotlightproperly.) turntheknobtothe desiredflamesize.
__!i___'_¸'! :i¸'i_i ii ii_:__
OVEN_R : : :
Proportionalvalveshave anadjustingscrewlocated Do notplaceexcessiveweightonan openoven dooror
insidethe valvestem.Valvesthat do nothavethis screw standon anopenoven door as, in somecases, itcould
can notbeadjusted,causethe rangeto tipover,break the doororcause
seriousinjuryto the user.
The LOsettingshouldproducea stableflamewhen
turningthe knobfrom HIto LO.On conventional surface When openingthe ovendoor, allowsteamand hot air to
burners,the flameshould be1/8-inchtall or lowerand escape beforereachingintotheovento check,add or
must bestableon all portson LOsetting.For sealedremovefood.
surfaceburners,the flameshould extendto the outer Do not attemptto open or closethe door untilthe doori.,
edgeofthe liponthe burnercaponthe LOsetting, completelyseatedonthe hingearms.Neverturn onthe
oven unlessthe door isproperly in place.Whenbaking,
To adjust:Operateburneron HIfor about5 minutesto becertainthe door iscompletelyclosed.Bakingresults
preheattheburnercap.Turnthe knobbackto LO; removewill be affectedif the door is notsecurely closed.
knob,and inserta smallscrewdriverintothe center ofthe
valvestem.Adjustthe flame size byturningthe CAUTION:Hingearmsare springmountedand will
adjustmentscrewin either direction, slamshutagainstthe range if accidentlyhit. Never
place handor fingers betweenthe hingesandthe
frontovenframe. Youcould beinjuredif hinge snap_
Toremove lift-offdoor:Whenthedooriscool,openth
doortothe"stop"position(openedabout6 inches)and
graspthedoorateach side.Donotusethedoorhandle
Theflamemust beof sufficientsize to bestable onall I__
burnerports.If theflameadjustmentis needed,adjust
ONLYonthe LOsetting.Neveradjustflamesize on a
O_ _INDOW, if_i ....
To protectthe oven doorwindow: To replacedoor: Graspthe doorateachside,alignthe
1. Do not useabrasivecleaningagents suchassteel slotsin the doorwith the hingearmsand slidethe door
wool scouringpadsor powderedcleansersas they downontothe hingearms untilit iscompletelyseated or
mayscratchthe glass, the hinges.
2. Do not hit the glasswith pots,pans,furniture,toys, or
3.DonotclosetheovendooruntiltheovenracksareinTO THE RANGE.Besurethebulbiscool.Donottouch
place, hotbulbwitha dampclothas the bulbmaybreak.
Scratching,hitting,jarringorstressingthe glassmay Toturnon ovenlight: Push_f_
weakenits structurecausingan increasedrisk of in the rocker switch located /,"
breakageata later date. onthe backguardor onthe _ IIFi'LJ....
Toreplace oven light:Besurethe bulb is cool.Usea
drypotholder,to preventpossibleharmto hands,and
Replacewitha 40 wattappliancebulband reconnect
powerto the range.Resetthe clock.
• !
! i i _ ,i
Protectthe ovenbottomagainstexcessivespillovers, Rangesthat do notfeaturea lowerbroilingcompartment
especiallyacid or sugaryspillovers,as they may discolor will have a panel in placeof the broiler door.This panel
the porcelain.Use the correctsize cookingutensilto avoid must be removedto accessthe ratingplate locatedon the
boilovers.Neverplace utensilsor aluminumfoil directlyon lower rangefront frame.The ratingplate containsthe
the oven bottom, modeland serialnumbersfor your appliance.
Toremovepanel:Graspthe bottomcornersofthe panel.
'1'_ Then liftthe panelupand awayfromthe range.
To replace panel: Align the fourslots onthe panelwith
.thefour screwsonthe rangefront frame.Then lowerthe
_ 2 panel and pushdown untilthe panelsnaps intoplace.
....... ....
_.. Somefloors are not level.For _
properbaking,your range
mustbe level.Levelinglegs
To remove: When cool,removethe oven racks.Slidethe are locatedon eachcornerat
two catches,locatedat each rearcornerof the oven the baseof the range. Levelby
bottom,towardthe frontofthe oven.Liftthe rearedgeof turning the legs. )_)
the ovenbottomslightly.Then slide it backuntilthe front
edgeofthe oven bottomclearsthe ovenfront frame.
Removethe oven bottomfrom the oven. To preventrangefrom accidentlytipping, rangeshould be
securedto thefloor by slidinga rearleveling leg intothe
Toreplace: Fitthefrontedgeof the oven bottomintothe anti-tip bracketsuppliedwith the range.
frontframe. Lowerthe rearof theoven bottomandslide
the two catchesbackto lockthe oven bottomintoplace. ELECTR_CONNECTION :
,Applianceswhich requireelectricalpowerare
STORAGEDRAWER equipped with a three-prong groundingplug which
Thestoragedrawerat thebottomofthe rangeis safeand must be pluggeddirectly intoa properlygrounded
convenientfor storing metalandglass cookware.DO three-hole120volt electricaloutlet.
NOTstoreplastic, paperware,food orflammablematerial
inthis drawer.Removedrawerto cleanunder range. I_
Always disconnectpowerto appliancebeforeservicing.
Toremove: Pull drawerout tothe firststop position.Lift The three-pronggroundingplug offersprotectionagainst
upfrontof drawerand pull tothe secondstop position, shockhazards.DO NOTCUTOR REMOVETHETHIRD
Toreplace:Fittherollerslocatedat theendsofthe
drawerglidesintothe railsonthe range.Liftupdrawer Ifan ungrounded,two-holeorothertypeelectricaloutletis
frontand gently pushinto firststop position.Lift up encountered,it isthe personalresponsibilityof the
draweragainand continuetoslide drawerto theclosed appliance owner to havethe outlet replacedwith a
position,properly groundedthree-holeelectricaloutlet.
iii•iii iiii!i i__i_i!_z'_' '__,_.....
, , _" _ "_'_ ,_, _ ,, i" _! !!il i:_ _!_, _, , _ i! _i, _ "il :i'! ;i ,'_ _ _,,
Readandcarefullyfollowthemanufacturer'sinstructions. Abrasive ScouringPads - S.O.S.,BrilloSteelWool
Testa smallinconspicuousarea usingavery light Soap,Scotch-BritePads.
pressureto seeif the surface may scratchor discolor. (Brandnamesfortheabovecleaningproductsareregistered
This is particularlyimportantfor porcelainenamel,highly trademarksoftherespectivemanufacturers.)
polishedor shiny metalor plasticsurfaces,and painted
Glass Cleaners - Bon Ami, Cinch,GlassPlus,Windex.
DishwashingLiquidDetergents- Dawn,Dove,Ivory,
MildLiquidSpray Cleaners-Fantastik,Formula409. Besureapplianceisoffandallpartsarecool
Non-AbrasiveCleaners-DonAmi,pasteof bakingbeforehandlingorcleaning.Thisistoavoid
sodaandwater, damageandpossibleburns.
MildlyAbrasive Powder or LiquidAll Purpose Ifa part isremoved,be sureitiscorrectly
Cleansers-Ajax,BarkeepersFriend,Cameo,Comet, replaced.
SoftScrub, ElcoCleaner Conditioner. Toprevent stainingor discoloration,clean
Non-Abrasiveor ScratchlessPlastic or Nylon applianceafter each use.
ScouringPadsor Sponges-ChoreBeyPlastic
CleaningPuff,ScrungeScrubSponges,or Scotch-Brite
BakedenamelSoapandwater Usea drytowelor clothtowipeup spills,especiallyacid(milk,
or painted Mildliquidcleaner lemonjuice,fruit,mustard,tomatosauce)orsugaryspills.Surface
Backguard Glasscleaner maydiscolorordullif soilisnotimmediatelyremoved.Thisis
panels especiallyimportantforwhitesurfaces.
Broilerdoor Whensurfaceiscool,washwithwarmsoapywater,rinseanddry.
Ovendoor Forstubbornsoil,usenon-abrasivecleaningagentssuchas bakin(
Rangefront sodapasteor BonAmi.Ifdesired,athincoatofmildappliancewa>
framebehind can beusedto protectthe sidepanels.Aglasscleanercanbe
broilerdoor usedto add"shine"tothe surface.
Sidepanels NOTE:Donotuseabrasive,causticor harshcleaningagentssuch
NOTE:Neverwipea warmorhotsurfacewitha dampclothasthis
maydamagethesurfaceandmaycausea steamburn.
Broilerpanand Soapandwater Removefrombroilingcompartmentafteruse.Coolthenpouroff
insert Plasticscouringpad grease.Placesoapyclothoverinsertandpan;letsoaktoloosen
Soap-filledscouringpad soil.Washinwarmsoapywater.Usesoap-filledscouringpadto
Dishwasher removestubbornsoil.Cleanindishwasherifdesired.
NOTE:Foreasiercleanup,sprayinsertwitha non-stickvegetable
Burnerbox Soapandwater Burnerbox,forfreestandingrangeswithconventionalburners,is
Pasteofbakingsoda locatedunderlift-upcooktop.Cleanfrequentlyto removespillovers
andwater Ifsoilisnotremovedandisallowedtoaccumulate,it maydamage
Non-abrasiveplasticpad the finish.Tocleanremovegratesandsurfaceburnersandclean
Liquidcleaner onthesemodels:freestandingrangewithsealedburnercooktop
Glasscleaner andslide-inranges.
1.Cleancooktopwithcaution-if awetsponge Whenburneris cool,remove,cleanwith soap
or cloth is used to wipe spills on ahot & water or place in dishwasherbefore
cookingarea, be carefulto avoidsteam returningtotherange,besureall holesand
burn.Somecleanerscanproducenoxious portsareopenandclearofbakedonfood.To
fumesif appliedto a hotsurface, openholesscrubwithsoap&waterandnylon
2. Tocleanareabelowcooktopliftcooktop brush. Dry thoroughly before returning
andwipecleanwithsoap& warmwater,uniburnerto yourrange.
Whenoveniscool,usea mild,non-abrasive
Canbechippedif misused-useammoniaora Warmsoapy water in a slightly warm oven
commercialcleaner.It issuggestedthat fruit (nothot)-willremovespillsimmediatelyafter
juices,vinegarand otheracidmixturesbe spillover(a finesteelwoolcan beusedon
wipedupimmediately, stubbornareas).
1.Place8oz.glassorenamelcontainerfullof 1. Followdirectionson can of commercial
householdammoniainovenovernightor cleaner.
severalhourspriorto washing(this"will 2.Rinsethoroughlywithonetbsp.vinegarin
loosensoil), onecupof water.
3.Scourstubbornareas. NOTE:Protectmetaltrimwithmaskingtape.
4. Rinsethroughlywithcleanwater. DONOTMIXCLEANINGAGENTS.