Maytag MGR5705BDH User manual

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...... _ _y Pages 1-3
thisappliance. '_i .............................Pages 4-5
receiptand/orcancelledcheckasproofof _i_t'T:'_T_ (00KING
ModelNumber "...................................Pages 6-11
DateofPurchase YOU CALL Page 17-18
In ourcontinuingeffortto ira- '_'-'_,.._.A_AM||. ...................................................Page 19
it maybenecessaryto make
changestotheappliancewith- DE L UTILISAfEUR
1-800-688-9900USAr DE[USUARIO.............................Page 42
Form No. A/02/01 Part No. 8113P298-60 _ , h t t p : / / w w w. m a y t a g. c o m 74005913 Lithe U.S.A.
Read and follow all instructions technicianshowyouthe locationof the Keepareaaroundapplianceclearand
before usingthis applianceto prevent gasshutoffvalveand howto shut itoff freefromcombustiblematerials,gaso-
the potentialrisk of fire, electricshock, in anemergency, line,and otherflammablevaporsand
personalinjuryor damageto the appli- materials.
ance as a result of improperusageof Always disconnectpower to appliance Ifapplianceisinstalledneara window,
theappliance.Useapplianceonlyfor its beforeservicing, properprecautionsshouldbetakento
intendedpurposeas describedin this prevent curtains from blowing over
guide. GENERALIHSTRUCtl0NSburners
NEVERleave anyitemson thecook-
top. The hot air from the vent may
IF THE INFORMATION IN THIS ignite flammable items and may
MANUAL IS NOT FOLLOWED > ALL RANGES _ increasepressureinclosedcontainers
EXACTLY, A FIRE OR EXPLO- CAN TIP AND _ whichmaycausethemtoburst.
SION MAY RESULT CAUSING C A U S E Manyaerosol-typespraycansareEX-
AL INJURY OR DEATH. PERSONS _ may be highlyflammable.Avoidtheir
DO NOT STORE OR USE >1 N S TA L L _ useorstoragenearanappliance.
GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAM- A N T I - T I P _ Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.
MABLE VAPORS AND LiQ- D E V I C E Keepplasticsawayfromparts of the
UIDS IN THE VACINITY OF P A C K E D appliancethat may becomewarm or
THIS ORANY APPLIANCE. WITH RANGE hot. Do notleaveplasticitems on the
WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL > FOLLOW ALL INSTALLA- cooktopas theymay meltor softenif
GAS: TION INSTRUCTIONS left too closeto the vent or a lighted
- Do not try to light any appli- WARNING: To reduce risk of To eliminatethe hazard of reaching
ance. tipping of the appliance from overhotsurfaceburners,cabinetstor-
-Do not touch any electrical abnormal usage or by exces- age should not be provided directly
switch, sire loading of the oven door, abovea unit.If storageis provided,it
- Do not use any phone inyour the appliance must be se- shouldbe limitedto items whichare
building, cured by a properly installed usedinfrequentlyandwhicharesafely
Immediately call your gas anti-tip device, stored in an area subjectedto heat
supplier from a neighbor's fromanappliance.Temperaturesmay
phone. Follow the gas suppli- Tocheckifdeviceisproperlyinstalled, be unsafefor some items,such as
er's instructions, removestoragedraweror broilercorn- volatile liquids, cleaners or aerosol
- If you cannot reach your gas partmentand lookunderneathrange sprays.
supplier, call the fire depart- with a flashlightto makesure one of
ment. the rear leveling legs is properly IN (ASE OFINSTALLATIONAND SERVICE engagedin thebracketslot_Theanti- FIRE
MUsT BE PERFORMED BY A tip devicesecurestherearlevelingleg
QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN, to the floor when properlyengaged. Turnoffapplianceandventilatinghoo¢
SERVICE AGENCY OR THE You should check this anytime the to avoid spreading the flame
GAS SUPPLIER. rangehasbeenmoved. Extinguishflame,thenturnonhood
COOKTOP:Smotherfireor flamein
ApplianceensUremustProperbeproperlyandsafeinstalledOperatiOn:and[0PReVeNTFIRe pan with a lidor cookiesheet.Never
groundedby a qualifiedtechnician.Do ^,,, usewaterona greasefire.
notattemptto adjust,repair,service,or Ur SMOKEDAMAGE OVENDOOR:,ffire,s,o,hsovenc
replace any part of your appliance broiler pan,smother by closingove_
unlessit is specificallyrecommendedin Be sure all packing materials are door.
this guide.Allother servicingshouldbe removed from the appliancebefore
Neverattemptto pick up or move
referredtoa qualifiedservicer.Havethe operatingit.
flaming pan. Do not use water ot
greasefires,usebakingsodaora dry oven vent, surfaces near the vent deepfat fryingcoolbeforeattempting
chemicalor foam-typeextinguisherto opening,ovendoor andareasaround to moveor handle.
smotherfireorflame, doorandwindow.
Do not let cooking grease or other
WARNING: NEVER use appliance flammablematerialsaccumulatein or
tHIrD S_F[[Y door,or drawer,if equipped,asa step nearthe appliance,hoodor vent fan.
stoolor seatas thismayresultin pos- Clean hood frequently to prevent
NEVERleavechildrenaloneorunsu- sibletippingoftheappliance,damage greasefromaccumulatingonhoodor
pervisedneartheappliancewhenit is tothe appliance,andseriousinjuries, filter. Whenflaming foods underthe
in useorisstillhot. Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwith hood,turnthe fan on.
NEVERallowchildrento sit or stand a dampcloth asthe bulbcouldbreak. NEVERweargarmentsmadeof flam-
on anypart of the applianceas they Should the bulb break, disconnect mablematerialor loose-fittingorlong-
couldbeinjuredor burned, powerto theappliancebeforeremov- sleevedapparelwhilecooking.Cloth-
ingbulbto avoidelectricalshock, ingmayigniteorcatchutensilhandles.
anceand utensilsin itcanbehot. Let Alwaysplaceovenracksinthedesired
hotutensilscoolin asafe place,outof COOKING S,_F[[Y positions while oven is cool. Slide
reach of small children. Children oven rackout to addor removefood,
shouldbetaughtthat an applianceis Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburn- usingdry, sturdypot holders.Always
not a toy. Children should not be er beforeturning it on. Be sure you avoid reachingintotheovento addor
allowedto playwith controlsor other knowwhich knobcontrolswhich sur- removefood.If a rackmustbemoved
partsoftheunit. face burner. Make sure the correct whilehot,usea drypot holder.Always
CAUTION:NEVERstoreitems of in- burneristurnedon andthatthe burn- turnthe ovenoffattheendofcooking.
teresttochildrenin cabinetsabovean er hasignited.Whencookingis com- Usecarewhenopeningtheovendoor.
pleted,turnburneroffbeforeremoving Let hot air or steam escape before
applianceor onbackguardof a range.
pan to prevent exposureto burner movingorreplacingfood.
Children climbing on the appliance flame.
doorto reachitemscouldbeseriously PREPAREDFOOD WARNING:Fol-
injured. Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflameso lowfoodmanufacturer'sinstructions.If
thatit doesnotextendbeyondthehot- a plasticfrozenfood containerand/or
ABOU[ YOUR _PP[IAN([ tom edge of the pan. An excessive its cover distorts,warps, or is other-
flame is hazardous,wastes energy wisedamagedduringcooking,imme-
and may damagethe appliance,pan diatelydiscardthefood and its con-
NEVER use appliance as a space or cabinetsabovethe appliance, tainer.Thefoodcould becontaminat-
heaterto heatorwarma roomto pre-
vent potentialhazardto the userand NEVERleavea surface-cookingoper- ed.
damageto theappliance.Also,do not ation unattended, especially when NEVERusealuminumfoil to coveran
usethe cooktopor ovenas a storage usinga highheatsettingor whendeep oven rack or oven bottom. Misuse
areafor foodor cookingutensils, fat frying. Boiloverscause smoking could result in risk of electric shock,
and greasy spillovers may ignite, fire, or damageto the appliance.Use
Donotobstructtheflowofcombustion Cleanupgreasyspillsassoonaspos- foil onlyasdirectedinthisguide.
andventilationairbyblockingtheoven sible.Donotusehighheatforextend-
vent or air intakes.Restrictionof air edcookingoperations.
flowtotheburnerpreventsproperper- UTENSIL SAF[fY
formanceand increasescarbonmon- NEVERheat an unopenedcontainer
oxideemissionto unsafelevels, on the surfaceburneror in theoven.
Pressurebuildup maycausecontain- Use pans with flat bottomsand han-
dles that are easilygraspedand stay
Avoidtouchingoven vent area while erto burst,resultingin seriousperson- cool. Avoid using unstable, warped,
oven is on and for severalminutes al injuryor damagetotheappliance.
afterovenisturnedoff. Somepartsof easily tipped or loose-handledpans.
theventandsurroundingareabecome Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppot Also avoid using pans, especially
hotenoughto causeburns.Afteroven holdersmaycauseburnsfromsteam, small pans, with heavy handlesas
is turned off, do not touch the oven Dishtowelsorothersubstitutesshould they could be unstableand easilytip.
vent or surroundingareas until they neverbeusedaspot holdersbecause Pans that are heavy to move when
havehadsufficienttimetocool. theycantrailacrosshotsurfaceburn- filled withfood may also be hazard-
ersand igniteor getcaught onappli- ous.
Otherpotentiallyhot surfacesinclude anceparts.
cooktop, areas facing the cooktop, Be sure utensil is large enough to
Alwaysletquantitiesofhotfatusedfor properly contain food and avoid
boilovers.Pan size is particularlyira- CLEAHIH5SAFETY IMPORTAHT SAFETY HOTI(E
will accommodatethe volumeof food ANDWARHIH6
thatisto beaddedas wellasthe bub- Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitfor appli-
bidactionoffat. ance partsto cool beforetouchingor
cleaningthem.Do nottouchthebum-
The California Safe Drinking Water
Tominimizeburns,ignitionoffiamma- er grates or surroundingareas until
and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
bidmaterialsandspillageduetounin- theyhavehadsufficienttimeto cool. (Proposition65)requirestheGovernor
tentionalcontactwith the utensil, do Clean appliance with caution. Use of Californiato publisha list of sub-
faceburners.Alwaysturnpanhandles care to avoid steam burns if a wet stancesknowntothe Stateof Califor-
towardthe side or backof the appli- spongeor clothis usedto wipe spills nia to cause cancer or reproductive
ona hotsurface.Somecleanerscan harm,andrequiresbusinessestowarn
are easilyhitor reachedbysmallchil- producenoxiousfumesif appliedto a customersof potential exposuresto
hotsurface, suchsubstances.
Users of this appliance are hereby
Neverleta pan boildry as thiscould SELF(LEANOVEH warnedthat the burningof gas can
damagetheutensilandthe appliance. " resultin low-levelexposuretosomeof
Followthe manufacturer'sdirections Cleanonlypartslistedinthisguide.Do the listedsubstances,includingben-
whenusingovencookingbags. notclean door gasket.The doorgas- zene,formaldehydeandsoot,due pri-
Onlycertaintypesof glass,glass/ce- ketis essentialfor a goodseal.Care marilytotheincompletecombustionof
ramic,ceramicor glazedutensilsare shouldbetakennotto rub,damageor natural gas or liquid petroleum(LP)
suitable for cooktop or oven usage removethe gasket.Do not useoven fuels. Properlyadjusted burnerswill
without breakingdue to the sudden cleanersof any kindin or aroundany minimizeincompletecombustion.Ex-
changein temperature.Followmanu- partoftheself-cleanoven. posureto thesesubstancescan also
be minimizedby properlyventingthe
facturer's instructions when using Beforeself-cleaningtheoven,remove burnersto theoutdoors.
glass, broilerpan,ovenracksandotheruten-
This appliance has been tested for sils and wipe up excessivespillovers Users of this appliance are hereby
safeperformanceusingconventional to preventexcessivesmokeor flare- warnedthatwhenengagedintheself-
clean cycle, there may be low-level
cookware.Do not useanydevicesor ups. exposureto some of the listed sub-
accessoriesthat are not specifically CAUTION:Donotleavefoodor cook- stances,includingcarbon monoxide.
recommendedin this guide. Do not ing utensils,etc., in the oven during Exposurecanbeminimizedbyproper-
useeyelidcoversforthesurfaceunits, the self-cleancycle, ly ventingthe oven to the outdoors
tion systems.The use of devices or It is normal for the cooktop of the duringthe self-cleancycleto opening
accessoriesthatarenotexpresslyrec- range to become hot during a self- a window and/or door in the room
ommendedin this manualcancreate clean cycle. Therefore,touching the wherethe applianceislocated.
serioussafetyhazards,resultin per- cooktopduringa cleancycleshouldbe IMPORTANTNOTICE REGARDING
formance problems,and reducethe avoided.
PET BIRDS:Neverkeeppet birdsin
life of the componentsof the appli- the kitchen or in rooms where the
ance. fumesfrom the kitchencould reach.
Birdshavea verysensitiverespirator,/
system. Fumes released during an
ful or fatal to birds. Fumes released
due to overheated cooking oil, fat,
margarineand overheatednon-stick
Use to turn on _ Thesizeandtypeofcookwarewillaf-
>- If flameshouldgo outduringa thesurfaceburn- f _ _ fecttheflamesetting.Forinformation
cookingoperation,turntheburn- ers. An infinite/_/" _ I/ "_ \ on cookwareandotherfactorsaffect-
er off. If a strong gas odor is choice of heat(_(/ II II _/ ing flamesettings,referto "Cooking
detected, open a window and settingsis avail-_ [I (I J'_/ MadeSimple".
waitfiveminutesbeforerelighting able from LOW\_._ /[ jj ./ //
theburner, to HIGH. At the ",_ "__"_._. _ Setting Uses
HIGH setting a "-_ / HIGH Usetobringliquidto aboil,
Be sure all surfacecontrolsare detent or notch or reach pressure in a
set in the OFF positionprior to maybefelt. Theknobscanbeseton _ pressure cooker. Always
supplyinggastothe range, orbetweenanyofthe settings, reducesetting to a lower
>- Nevertouchcooktopuntil it has _ heatwhenliquidsbeginto
cooled.Expectsomepartsofthe Graphicsnearthe knobidentifywhich boilorfoodsbeginto cook.
cooktop, especially around the example,burnerthethisknObgraphicCOntrols.showsFOrI'--Q
burners,to becomewarm or hot II
during cooking. Use potholders the rightrearburnerlocation, t._.__) Anintermediateflamesize
toprotectyourhands, is used to continuecook-
SETTING THE CONTROLS ing.Foodwillnotcookany
PILOTLESS IGNITION fasterwhena higherflame
1. Placea panonthe burnergrate, settingis usedthan need-
PiLotlessignitioneliminatesthe needfor > The burnerflame maylift off or LOW ed to maintain a gentle
a constant standing pilot light. Each boil. Water boils at the
sealedburnerhasa sparkignitor.When appearseparatedfromthe portif _ sametemperaturewhether
cleaningaroundthesurfaceburneruse a panis notplacedonthe grate.
/__ _ boilinggentlyorvigorously.
care. If cleaningclothshouldcatchthe 2. Pushin andturnthe knobcounter-
ignitor,itcoulddamageit preventingig- clockwisetotheLIGHTsetting. Usetosimmerfoods,keep
nition. >A clicking(spark)soundwillbe ._ foods warm and melt
heard and the burner will light. _ chocolateorbutter.
If the surface burner does not light, (All ignitorswill sparkwhenany
checkif ignitoris broken,soiledorwet. surfaceburnerknobis turnedto
If clogged,cleanthesmallportbeneath
the ignitorusinga straight pin or soft
bristlebrush. 3.Afterthe burnerlights,turnthe knob A POWERFAILURE
c_ jc,, 1. Hold a lighted match to the
Theignitorwill continueto spark desired surfaceburner head.
untilthe knobis turnedpastthe
LIGHTposition. 2. Push in and turnthe control knob
Po,Ts slowlyto LIGHT.
,O,TBE,OW,_.,,O, 3. Adjust the flame to the desired
> When lightingthe surface burn-
in the OFF position.Strike the
matchfirstand holdit inposition
before turning the knob to
TOPREVENTTHECOOKTOP (SelectModels) > A properlyadjusted burner with
FROMDISCOLORINGOR _} POWER cleanportswilllightwithina few
STAINING: Somerangesfeature BOOST
a highspeedburner, seconds.If usingnaturalgasthe
Cleancooktopaftereachuse. locatedinthe rightfrontposition.This flame will be blue witha deeper
high-performanceburneroffershigher blueinnercone.
> Wipeacidicor sugaryspillsas speed cookingthat can be used to
soonasthecooktophascooled quicklybring water to a boil and for If theburnerflameis yellowor is
asthesespillsmaydiscolorthe large-quantitycooking, noisytheair/gasmixturemaybe
incorrect.Contacta servicetech-
porcelain. *BTUratingswill varywhenusingLP niciantoadjust.(Adjustmentsare
Selectedcooktopsare designedwith gas. notcoveredbythe warranty.)
two contouredwells with removable
porcelaincovereddrippanstocontain SIMMERBURNER WithLPgas,someyellowtipson
spills.(Seepage13forcleaningdirec- theflamesareacceptable.Thisis
tions.) Thisburner is locatedinthe leftrear
position.The simmerburneroffersa essary.
$7_ _'_ -_ lower BTUflamefor delicatesauces
,/__' J_L_'_ _l or meltingchocolate. _ Withsometypesof gas,youmay
heara "popping"soundwhenthe
BURNERGRATES surfaceburneris turnedoff.This
isa normaloperatingsoundofthe
Unlikea rangewithstandardgasburn- The grates must be properly posi- burner.
ers, this cooktop ........... tionedbefore cooking. Improperin-
does not lift-up stallationof the gratesmay result in > If the controlknob is turnedvery
nor is it remov- chippingofthe cooktop, quickly from HIGH to LOW, the
able. Do not flame may go out, particularlyif
attempt to lift [ /_."_f"=_/1 ('k-."R=_/'_ the burneris cold. Ifthis occurs,
the cooMop for _ _1 turnthe knobto the Off position,
anyreason, wait severalsecondsand relight
>- Theflameshouldbeadjustedso
Do not operatethe burnerswithout
SEALEDBURNERS a panonthe grate.The grate'spor- it does not extend beyond the
celainfinish maychip withouta pan edgeofthe pan.
to absorbthe heat from the burner
Thesealedburnersofyour rangeare
securedtothecooktopandarenotde- flame.
Althoughthe burnergrates are dura- ................................................................................
ers are sealed into the cooktop,
boiloversor spillswill not seepunder- ble,theywillgraduallylosetheirshine
neaththecooktop.However,the burn- and/ordiscolor,due to the high tem-
ersshouldbecleanedaftereachuse. peraturesofthe gasflame.
Usefor topbrowningandbroiling.
Bake CANCEl. More+ _er Eiock 1. PressBroilpad.
2. PressMore+or Less- padfor HI
SetClock orLObroil.
Broil ciea_ Less- _Ok '&top Seepage10foradditionalinformation.
lime lime
Useto setserf-cleancycle.
flINCTIOHPADS _ The indicator light on the first FORMODELSWITHA
padwill "dim"slightlyandthein- MANUALDOORLOCK:
> Press,or pressand hold, dicatorlightonthe padyoujust 1. Cbse andlockovendoor.
these padsto enter time, More+ pressedwillbe"fullon."Thislets
oventemperatureortose- you knowthatyou havesetthe 2. PressCleanpad."3:00"willappear
lect HI or LO broil. No SetCIock controlfor twooperations, inthe display.
3. Ovenwill automaticallyclean for 3
beep will sound when Less: For example: If you set "DIM" hours or press More+ or Less-
theoventobakeat350°F ..... padtoselect2 to4 hoursofclean-
Press this pad to cancel and thenseta tlm,ngop- ing.
all operationsexceptthe CANCEL eration, theindicatorlight
TimerandClock. ontheBakepadwill"dim"
and the indicatorlight on
>- Functionpads arethe Bake,Broil, theTimer padwill be"full "FULL-ON"AUTOMATICDOORLOCK:
Clean,Timer,Clock, CookTime, on." 1. Press Clean pad. " : " will
Stop Time and Cancel pads. A The displaywill showthe '_mer appearinthedisplay.
beep will sound whenthese pads operationfor thepadwith 2. PressMore+or Less- pad."3:00"
arepressed, the"fullon"indicatorlight.Pressthe hoursofcleaningtimewillautomat-
> Allfunctionpadsexceptthe functionpadwiththe"dim"indicator icallybeentered.
Cancelpadfeatureanindi- _ lightto recallthatoperation. 3. If more or less cleaningtime is
caterlight, desired, press More+ or Less-
NOTE: If more than 30 seconds padto selecttimes between2 to 4
>- WhenBakeorBroil padis elapse betweenpressing a function hours.
pressed,the indicatorlight Bake pad and a More+ or Less- pad, the Seepages12-13foradditionalinformation.
will turnonto let youknow program will be canceled and the
that the ovenisset forthis display will return to the previous
operation, display. COOKTIME/
Indicator lights on Clean, Timer,
Clock,Cook Timeand StopTime BAKE PAD STOP TIME PADS
pads will flash when the pad is Useforbakingor roasting. Use to programthe oven to start and
pressed.These indicatorlights will 1. PressBakepad. stopautomatically.
stopflashingbut will remainlit once
thefunctionstarts. 2. PressMore+or Less-paduntilthe 1. Press Cook Time pad and enter
correctoventemperatureappears thedesiredcookingtime.
Ifanindicatorlighton afunctionpad in the display. 2. Pressthe Bakepadandenteroven
islitandyouseta secondoperation: Seepage8 foradditionalinformation, temperature.
- Eitherthecontrolwill not accept 3. Todelaythestartof cooking,press
theoperationor the Stop Time pad and enterthe
timeyouwishthe oventoturnoff.
Seepage11for additionalinformation.
Cancel pads at the same time and
1. PressClockpad. holdfor three seconds. The time of
2. Pressor pressand holdMore+or CLOCKCONTROLLED daywillreappearin thedisplay.
Less- paduntilthecorrecttimeof
dayappearsinthe display. OVEN COOKING BEEPS
The displaywillflashwhen electrical Option1.(defaultoption)Fourbeeps
powerisfirstsuppliedtothe rangeor if at the end of cooking,then, one OFF/SABBATHMODE
therehasbeena powerfailure, beep every 30 seconds for the The oven will automaticallyturn off
Torecallthetimeofdaywhenanother next five minutes or until the after 12 hours, [f you accidentally
functionisdisplayed,presstheClock Cancelpadispressed, leaveit on. Youcan deactivatethis
pad. Option 2. Four beepsat the end of feature,ifdesired.
Clocktime cannot be changedwhen cooking,then,nootherbeeps.
the oven has been programmedfor TO ELIMINATE12HOURTURN
clockcontrolledcooking,self-cleanor Option 3. Four beepsat the end of OFF:
delayedself-clean, cooking, then, one beep every
minutefor the next 12 hours or 1. Pressthe Clockpad and holdfor
untilthe Cancelpadis pressed, threeseconds.
2. Pressandholdthe More+orLess-
Thetimercanbesetfrom oneminute SETTINGCLOCKCONTROLLED pad until8:88 appearsin the dis-
(0:01)up to 9 hoursand 50 minutes OVENCOOKINGBEEPS: play.Currenttimeofdaywill reap-
(9:50). pearinthe displayafterfoursec-
Thetimercanbe used independently 1. PressCookTime andClockpads onds.
ofanyotherovenactivityanditcanbe atthe sametimeandholdforthree
set whileanotherovenfunctionis op- seconds. TORESTORE:Repeatsteps1and2.
erating. THE TIMER DOES NOT > A singlebeepwill sound. 12:00will appearbrieflyinthedisplay
CONTROLTHEOVEN. >_Displaywillshowcurrentoption, followedbythecurrenttimeofday.
1. Pressthe Timerpad. 2. Pressthe More+orLess- padto CONTROLLOCK-OUT
2. PressorpressandholdtheMore+ selecttheoptionnumberyouwish.
or Less- paduntilthecorrecttime The currenttime of day will reap-
appearsin thedisplay, pear in the displayafter foursec-
>- Thetimerwillstartautomatical- onds.
Timer pad will light whenever CANCELCLOCKDISPLAY 1. Press and hold both Stop Time
thetimerisin use. Ifyoupreferthatthetimeofdaynotbe and Cancel pads for three sec-
> Onelongbeepand"End"willbe displayed: onds.
briefly displayedto signal the
2. "OFF" will appear in the display
endofthetimeroperation. TO SET: Press Clock and Cancel
pads at the same time and hold for
the clock and timer functionswill
TOCANCELTIMER:Pressand hold threeseconds,
Timer padfor threeseconds.Timeof operate when Control Lock-Out
daywill reappearinthedisplay. When clock display is not shown, featureis activated.
press Clock pad to briefly recallthe
timeofday,ifdesired. Repeatstep1to deactivate.
OVENTEMPERATUREBAKINGANDROASTING,E_T indicatorwilllight.Theprese-rectedtemperaturewill remain in
Youmay adjusttheoventemperature
ifyouthinkthe ovenisnot bakingcor- 4. Allow8-15minutesfor theovento
rectly.Todecidehowmuchto change _ Youmay find that the cooking preheat.A singlebeepwill indicate
the temperature,set the temperature times and temperaturesvary that the oven has preheated.The
25 degreeshigheror lowerthanyour slightlyfromyouroldoven.This OVENON indicatorwill remainlit
recipe recommends,then bake. The is normal.Every oven has its while the PREHEATindicator will
resultsofthe "test"shouldgiveyou an owncharacteristics, turnoff.
ature. > During some extended oven 5. Placefoodintheoven.
cooking operations,you may > The oven temperaturecan be
TOADJUSTTHE hear a "popping"sound when changedatanytimebypressing
OVENTEMPERATURE: the ovenburnercycles.Thisis theMore+or Less- padfor the
normal, desiredtemperature.If another
1. Pressthe Bakepad. functionis displayed,pressthe
2. Enter550°by pressingMore+pad. > See roastingchartin "Cooking Bake pad, then press the
, MadeSimple"bookletfor rec- More+ or Less- pad to select
3. Pressand holdthe Bake pad for ommendedroastingtempera- newtemperature.
threesecondsuntil00° appearsin turesandtimesandbakingand
thedisplay, roastingtips. 6. Checkcookingprogressatthe min-
............................................................ imumcookingtimeandcooklonger
> Ifthe oventemperaturewaspre-
viouslyadjusted,thechangewill PILOTLESSIGNITION ifneeded.
Your range is equipedwith pilotless 7. PressCancelpadandremovefood
oven temperaturewas reduced
ignition.With this typeof ignitionsys- from theoven.TheBAKEindicator
by15°'thedisplaywillsh°w15° tern, the gas automaticallyshuts off on the Bake pad will turn off, The
4. Pressandholdthe More+or Less- andtheoven will not operate during OVENONindicatorwillturnoffand
pad to change the temperature, a power failure, the time of daywill reappearinthe
Each time a pad is pressed,the A lighted match will not light the display.
temperaturechangesby5°. oven burner. No attempt should be > Ifyouforgettoturnofftheoven,
_The oven temperaturecan be made to operate the oven during a it will automaticallyturn off at
increasedor decreasedby 5 ° power failure, theendof 12hours.If youwish
to35o. to deactivatethis feature,see
5. The time of daywill automatically FORBAKINGAND
reappearin thedisplay. ROASTING OV[ VEt,IT
Itisnotnecessaryto readjustthe oven
temperatureif there isa powerfailure 1. PressBakepad. TheBAKEindica- Whentheovenis in use,neverblock
or interruption.Broilingand cleaning tor on the Bake pad will light,and the vent opening.
temperaturescannotbeadjusted. 000willlightin display. Theovenventislocatedatthebaseof
2. Pressor pressandholdthe More+ the backguard.When the oven is in
or Less- pad to selectoven tern- use,thisareamaybecomehotenough
perature, to causeburns.Do not placeplastics
> 350°willlightwheneitherpadis
ventcoulddistortor meltthe plastic.
canbesetfrom170° to 550°.
3. There will be a four seconddelay OVEH LIGHT
before oven turns on. When the Push the switch on the
oventurnsontheOVENONindica- control panelto turn the
tor will light, and then the PRE- ovenlightonandoff. OVENLIGHT
OVENRACKS RACK ushfirm.yon,,etopsu acoofUsedfor most bakedgoods on a thehalfrackuntilthetabsslideinto
cookiesheetor jelly rollpan, layer theslotsandthe halfracksidearm
cakes,fruit pies, or frozen conve- support rests on the fourth oven
niencefoods, rackguide.
> Do notattemptto changethe RACK2: 4. Check for proper installation by
rackpositionwhenthe ovenis Used for roasting stoat1cuts of placingyour handon the top sur-
hot. meat,casseroles,bakingloavesof faceof the halfrackand pressing
bread,bundtcakes,custardpiesor downfirmly.
Yourovenhastworacks.Theyarede- two-rackbaking.
signedwitha lock-stopedge. RACK1: TOREMOVEFROMTHEOVEN:
Usedfor roastinglargecutsofmeat When the
TO REMOVE: Pull rack straightout and poultry, frozen pies, dessert oven is cool, _-_I-_ ...._
untilit stopsat thelock-stopposition; souffles,angel food cake, or two- graspthe top
liftuponthefrontofthe rackandpull rackbaking, centerof the-
Usedfor roastingtallercutsofmeat pull upward
or turkey. Place both oven racks, until the back
oneabovethe _' tabs on the " _ "
other, on the rack slide out
raisedsidesof of theovenbackslots.
the oven bet-
TOREPLACE:Placerackontherack tom.
slightly;sliderack backuntil it clears MULTIPLERACKCOOKING:
thelock-stopposition;lowerfront and > Do not use cookware that
slidebackintotheoven. Tworack: extendsbeyondedgeof rack. i
DOnot coveran entirerack with alu. 4. > For bestresults,allowtwoinch-
mlnumfoll orplace foil on the oven es betweenthe panplacedon
bottom. Baking results will be af- NOTE: Neverplace pans directly on the rackandthe ovensidewall.
fected and damage may occur to theovenbottom.
theoven bottom. > When opening the oven door,
HALFRACK allow steam and hot air to
RACKPOSITIONS (SelectModels) escapebeforereachingintothe
ovento removefood.
_ll !J I II 'N OVEN'= support/_ _k / > Use caution when removing
--5 1. Always /_ _ itemsfromthe halfrackto avoid
--4 install half _'_ burns.
--3 rackwhen _. > Carefullyremoveitemsfromthe
--2 oven is _ lower rack to avoid disturbing
--1 cool. Front the halfrack.
2. To install,grasptop center of the
half rack.Alignthe side arm sup- > "HALFRACK"AccessoryKit is
RACK5: portbetweenthetopfourthandfifth availablewhennotincludedwith
Usedfor toastingbreador broiling range. Call 1-800-688-8408to
oven rack guides. Insert the two
thinnon-fattyfoods, tabsonthe backframe ofthe half order.
RACK4: rackintothe slotson theupperleft ........................................................................
Usedfor most broiling and some rearof theovenwall.
FORBROILING TypeofMeat Position* Doneness Time(Min.)**
Bacon 4 WellDone 6-10min.
1. PresstheBroil pad.
Broilindicatoronthe Broil pad BeefSteaks- 1"thick 4 Medium 15-20rain.
willlight. 4 Well 18-24rain.
000will lightinthedisplay Chicken-Pieces 3 WellDone (LOBroil)
>- TheOvenOnindicatorwilllight. 30-40rain.
Therewill be an eight second
delaybeforetheoventurnson. Fish-Fillets 4 Flaky 8-12min.
Steaks,1"thick 4 Flaky 10-15min.
2. Pressthe More+ pad to selectHI
(high)broilorthe Less-padto set GroundBeef-Patties,3/4"thick 4 WellDone 15-16min.
SelectHIbroil for normalbroil- Ham- PrecookedSlice,1/2"thick 4 Warm 8-12min.
ing. PorkChops- 1"thick 4 WellDone 22-26min.
SelectLObroilfor lowtempera- _......................................................................................................................................................................................................
ture broilingof longer cooking *Toprackposition is#5.
foodssuchas poultry. **Broilingtimesareapproximateandmayvarydependingonthemeat.
3. Placefoodintheoven.
4. Turn meat once about half way
5. Press Cancel pad. Removefood
TheOvenOn indicatorwillturn
The Broilindicatoronthe Broil
Timeofdaywillreappearin dis-
([0CK C0NfR0[[ED SETTING THE CONTROLS b. Pressor pressandholdMore+or
FOR CLOCK CONTROLLED Less- pad to enter time of day
OVEN COOKIN6 youwishthe ovento turno,.
OVENCOOKING c.PressClockpad.
1. Pressthe CookTimepad. >Time ofdaywill reappearinthe
> CookTimeindicatoronthe Cook display.
> Highlyperishablefoodssuch as Timepadwillflash. 6. Whenthe oventurnson, the Oven
dairy products,pork, poultry or > 0:00will lightin display. On indicator will light. The oven
seafood are not recommended 2. Pressor pressandhold theMore+ temperaturewill appearin the dis-
for delayedcookoperations, orLess-padto entercookingtime. play.Pressthe Cook Time pad to
recallthe remainingcooktime.
> Clock controlledbaking is not 3. PressBakepad.
> NOTE:It is notnecessaryto set
recommendedfor baked items >Bake indicatoron Bake pad will
a start time. Controlwill deter-
that requirea preheatedoven, light, mine when to turn the oven on
such as cakes, cookies and > 0:00will lightindisplay, basedonthe cooktimeyouset.
4. Pressor pressand hold More+ or 7. Oven will automatically turn off.
Less- pad to enter oven tempera- Fourbeepswillsoundand ENDwill
Clock Controlled Oven Cooking is ture. light in the display. A beep will
usedto turnthe ovenon and off at a
presettimeof day.Thisfeaturecanbe NOTE:Seepswillsound and0:00 sound every 30 seconds for the
usedwith eitheroven cookingor self- willflashindisplayifthe Bakepadis next5 minutes.
cleaning, notpressedwithinfourseconds. > NOTE:Seepage7 ifyouwishto
5. IF YOU WISH TO DELAY THE change the end of cooking
> immediate Start: Oven turns on
immediatelyand automaticallyturns STARTOFCOOKING: reminderbeeps.
offata presettime. (ifnotskipto #6) 8. Press Cancel pad and beeps will
a. PressStop Timepad. stop.Removefoodfromoven.
> Delayed Start: Delaysthe start of
cookingor cleaningand automati-
callyturnsoffata presettime.
Cooktimecanonlybe setfor upto 11
Theclockmustbefunctioningand set
at thecorrecttime of dayfor this fea-
tureto operatecorrectly.
outside of gasket) and around the of metalpartsexpandingandcontract-
openingin the j .._ / //_y p ing.Thisisnormalandwillnotdamage
door gasket I_ oven.
>- It isnormalforpartsofthe rangeto with a non-
becomehot duringacleancycle, a b r a s i v e
Avoidtouchingcooktop,door,win- as BonAmior
dow,or oven vent area during a detergent and About one hourafter the end of the
cleancycle, water.Theseareasarenotexposedto clean cycle, the LOCKindicatorlight
cleaningtemperaturesand shouldbe willturn off.Atthis point,thedoor can
>- To preventdamageto oven door, cleanedtopreventsoilfrombakingon beopened.
do not attempt to open the door duringthecleancycle.
whenthe LOCKindicatorwordis Somesoilmayleavea lightgray,pow-
displayed, deryashwhichcanberemovedwitha
To preventdamage,do not clean or dampcloth.Ifsoilremains,it indicates
Donotusecommercialovenclean- rubthe gasketaroundthe ovendoor. that the clean cycle was not long
ersonthe self-cleanovenfinishor Thegasketisdesignedto sealin heat enough.The soilwill be removeddur-
aroundanypartoftheovenasthey duringthecleancycle. Jngthe nextcleancycle.
willdamagethefinishor parts.
If theovenrackswereleftin theoven
Wipe up excessgreaseor spillovers anddonotslidesmoothlyafteraclean
Theself-cleancycleusesabovenormal from the oven bottom to prevent cycle,wipe racksand embossedrack
cookingtemperaturesto automatically excessivesmoking,flare-upsor flare- supportswith a smallamountof veg-
cleanthe entireoveninterior, ingduringthecleancycle, etableoiltorestoreeaseofmovement.
It is normalfor flare-ups,smokingor
flamingto occur duringcleaningif the Wipe up sugaryand acidic spillovers Finelinesmayappearinthe porcelain
oven is heavilysoiled. It is better to such as sweet potatoes,tomato or resultingfromtheheatingandcooling
milk-basedsauces.Porcelainenamel ofthefinish.Thisisnormalandwillnot
cleantheoven regularlyratherthanto
is acid resistant,not acid proof. The affectperformance.
wait until there is a heavy build-upof
soilintheoven. porcelainfinishmay discolorif acidic
spillsare notwipedup priorto a self- A whitediscolorationmay appearafter
During the cleaning process, the cleancycle, cleaningif acidicor sugaryfoodswere
notwiped up beforethe clean cycle.
kitchenshouldbewellventilatedto help This discolorationis normal and will
eliminatenormalodorsassociatedwith DURINGCLEANCYCLE NOTaffectperformance.
cleaning. When the LOCKindicatorlights, the
door cannot be opened. To prevent
damageto door, do not force door
BEFORE SELF-CLEANING openwhenthe LOCKlightisilluminat-
Turn offthe ovenlightbeforecleaning ed.
as the light may burn out during the
cleancycle. Somesmokeandodor maybedetect-
ed the first few times the oven is
Removebroiler pan, all pans and the cleaned.Thisisnormalandwilllessen
oven racksfrom the oven. The oven in time.Smokemayalsooccurif oven
racks will discolor and may not slide is heavilysoiledor if broilerpan was
easilyaftera self-cleancycle, leftin oven.
SETTINGTHECONTROLS 7, About one hour after the clean > Forburnedonsoils,removegrates,
FORSELF-CLEAN cycleends,the Lockindicatorlight placeonnewspapersandcarefully
willturnoff. Theovendoorcanbe spraywith commercialovenclean-
_ opened. (Select models - move er. (Do notspraysurroundingsur-
doorlockleverto leftto unlock.) faces.) Place in plastic bags for
several hours or over night.
TO CANCELCLEANCYCLE: Wearing rubber gloves, remove
NOTE:Theseinstructionscoverauto- from bags. Wash, rinse, dry and
maticlockandmanuallockmodels. 1. PressCancelpad. replaceoncooktop.
1. Closeovendoor. 2. If Lockindicatoris NOTlit, unlock
(select models) and open oven CLOCK AND CONTROL
2. Move door lock lever right to the door. If Lock indicatoris lit, allow
lockedposition.(SelectModels) oven to cool aboutone hourthen PADAREA
3. PressCleanpad. unlock(select models) and open >- To activate "Control Lock-out"for
ovendoor. cleaning,seepage7.
> .....--.-- or 3:00willlightindisplay.
>- Wipewitha dampclothanddry.
> CLEANlightwillflash.Onselect (LEANING PR0(EDURES
modelsLOCKindicatorwordwill > Glass cleaners may be used if
sprayedon a cloth first. DO NOT
appear, spray directlyon control padand
> If dooris not closedor locked, display area.
beepswill sound and "dr" will
appearindisplay. >- Be sure applianceis off and all CONTROLKNOBS
4. PressMore+orLess-padto select parts are coolbeforehandlingor > RemoveknobsintheOFFposition
cleantimeor changecleantime. cleaning.Thisis to avoiddamage by pullingforward.
> Oven is preset to clean for 3 and possibleburns. > Wash, rinse and dry. Do not use
hours.Or, > To prevent staining or discol- abrasive cleaningagents as they
> Select2 hoursfor lightsoilupto oration,cleanapplianceaftereach mayscratchthefinish.
4 hoursfor heavysoil. use. > Turnoneachburnertobesurethe
>- If a partis removed,be sureit is knobs have been correctly re-
5. IF YOU WISH TO DELAY THE correctlyreplaced, placed.
to #6):
b. Press More+ or Less- pad to Nevercover insertwith aluminumfoil
selectthe time of day youwish asthispreventsthefatfromdrainingto Porcelain enamel is glass fused on
theoventoturnoff. thepanbelow, metalandmaycrackor chipwith mis-
use.It isacidresistant,not acidproof.
c. PressClockpadandtimeofday > Placesoapy clothover insertand Allspillovers,especiallyacidicor sug-
will reappearindisplay, pan;letsoakto loosensoil. ary spillovers, should be wiped up
d. PressStop Time pad to recall >- Wash in warm soapy water. Use immediatelywith a drycloth.
soapfilled scouringpad to remove > Whencool,washwithsoapywater,
thetimeyouset. stubbornsoil. rinseanddry.
6, Whentheoventurnson: >-Broiler pan and insert can be
Neverwipe off a warm or hot sur-
TheOvenOnindicatorwilllight, cleanedin dishwasher, face witha dampcloth. This may
> The Lock indicator will light BURNER GRATES causecrackingor chipping.
when oven heatsto 400°F on > Wash grates with warm, soapy > Neveruseovencleaners,abrasive
orcausticcleaningagentson exte-
modelswithamanualdoorlock. water and a nonabrasive,plastic riorfinishof range.
>- Door cannot be openedwhen scrubbingpadorinthedishwasher.
Lockis displayed. For stubborn soils, clean with a
soap-filled, nonabrasive pad or
spongeand a commercialCooktop
|2 CleaningCreme.*(Part#20CO001.)**
> Avoid usingexcessiveamountsof >- When cool, clean with soap and
Porcelain may craze if overheated.
water which may seep under or water,rinseanddry.
Thisis normalandwill notaffectcook-
behindglasscausingstaining. > Use a glass cleaner and a soft
> When cool,wash after each use, > Washwith soap and water.Rinse cloth.
rinseanddry topreventstainingor with clear water and dry. Glass NOTE:Neveruseovencleaners,abra-
discoloration.Maybewashedinthe cleanercan beusedif sprayedon sive or caustic liquid or powdered
dishwasher, a clothfirst, cleanserson plastic finishes. These
> Donotuseabrasivematerialssuch cleaningagentswillscratchormarfin-
> To clean heavy soil, soak in hot
sudsywater,thenusemildabrasive as scouring pads, steel wool or ish.
cleanersuchas SoftScrub*. powdered cleaners as they will
scratchglass. NOTE:Topreventstainingor discolor-
> For burnedon soil, removefrom ation, wipeup fat, greaseor acid (to-
range, place on newspapersand METALFINISHES mato,lemon,vinegar,milk, fruitjuice,
carefully spray with commercial TRIMPARTS marinade)immediatelywitha dry pa-
oven cleaner.(Do not spray sur- per towel.
> Washwithsoapandwater,a glass
bag and allow to soak several cleaner,or mildliquidsprays,such
hours. Wearing rubber gloves, asFantastik*or Formula409". SEALEDGASBURNERS
removefrom bag,wash, rinseand > Topreventscratchingor dullingof
> Clean frequently.Allow burnerto
dry. thefinish,do not usemildlyabra- cool. Cleanwith soap and plastic
sive, abrasive, harsh or caustic scouring pad. For stubborn soils,
ENAMEL(PAINTED) cleanerssuchas ovencleaners, cleanwith a soap-filled,nonabra-
SIDEPANELS,STORAGEDRAWER, sivepadanda cloth.Tryto prevent
DOORHANDLES& LOWERPANEL OVENINTERIOR the cleanerfrom seepinginto the
> Followinstructionsonpages12-13 gas ports as this will affect the
>- Whencool,washwithwarm,soapy
water,rinseand dry. Neverwipea for Self-CleaningOven flame.If thecleanerdoesenterthe
warmor hot surfacewith a damp ports,cleanwithasoftbristlebrush
clothasthis maydamagethe sur- OVEN RACKS or a straightpin,especiallythe port
faceandmaycausea steamburn. > Cleanwithsoapywater, belowtheignitor.Donotenlargeor
> For stubbornsoil, use mildlyabra- >- Removestubbornsoilwith cleans-
sive cleaningagentssuch as bak- ing powderor soap-filledscouring > Becarefulnottogetwaterintoburner
ingsodapasteor DonAmi*.Donot pad.Rinseanddry. ports.
useabrasivecleanerssuchassteel Racks will permanentlydiscolorand
may not slide smoothlyif left in the
productswill scratchor permanent- oven duringa self-cleanoperation.If
lydamagethesurface, this occurs, wipe the rack and
NOTE:Usedry towelor clothto wipe embossedracksupportswith a small
up spills, especiallyacidic or sugary amount of vegetable oil to restore
spills.Surfacemay discoloror dull if ease of movement, then wipe off
soilisnotimmediatelyremoved.Thisis excessoil.
Disconnect power to range 1. Do not use abrasive cleaning
beforereplacinglightbulb. agentssuchas steelwoolscouring
Usea dry potholderto prevent pads or powdered cleansers as
Donotplaceexcessiveweighton possibleharm to handswhen theymayscratchtheglass.
or standon an openoven door. replacingbulb.
Thiscouldcausetherangetotip 2. Donothittheglasswithpots,pans,
over,breakthedoor,orinjurethe > Be sure bulb is cool before furniture,toysor otherobjects.
user. touchingbulb.
3. Donotclosethedooruntiltheoven
_- Do not attemptto openor close > Do not touch hot bulb with a racksare inplace.
doororoperateovenuntildooris dampcloth as this may cause
properlyreplaced, thebulbto break. Scratching,hitting,jarringor stressing
the glass may weaken its structure
> Never place fingers between causingan increasedriskofbreakage
hinge and front oven frame, ata laterdate.
Hingearmsare springmounted. _uL_COVE_
If accidentallyhit, the hinge will __-_ _-_ 1
slam shut against oven frame LEVELINGLEGS
RETAINER > Besurethe anti-tipbracketse-
1. Whencool,openthe ovendoorto TO REPLACEOVENLIGHTBULB: cures oneof the rear leveling
thefirststopposition(openedabout legsto the floorto preventthe
fourinches). 1. Whenoveniscool,holdbulbcover rangefromaccidentallytipping.
2. Graspdoorat each side. Do not cover.NOTE:Bulb cover will fall
Therangeshouldbeleveledwhen in-
usethe doorhandletoliftdoor. if not held in place while remov-
stalled. If the rangeis not level,turn
3. Liftupevenlyuntildoorclearshinge ing wireretainer, the plastic leveling legs, located at
eachcornerof the range,
arms. 2. Removebulbcoverand lightbulb. untilrangeislevel. _'1_
TOREPLACE: 3. Replacewith a 40-watt appliance
, ras 0oo
ateachside. 4. Replacebulbcoverandsecurewith
wireretainer. _ r _ANTI_TIPBRACKET
2. Align slots in
thedoorwiththe hingearmsonthe 5. Reconnectpowerto range. Reset LEVELINGLEG
range, clock.
3. Slidethedoordownontothe hinge
arms until the door is completely
seatedon the hinges.Pushdown
on the top cornersof the door to
completelyseat door on hinges.
NOTE:Theovendoorona newrange
mayfeel "spongy"when it is closed.
Thisis normaland will decreasewith
CONNECTION When cool, remove the oven racks.
Slidethe two catches,locatedat each
Appliances which require electrical rearcornerof the ovenbottom,toward
> Donotstoreplastic,paperprod- power are equipped with a three- the frontof theoven.
pronggroundingf_-_-___ Lift the rear
ucts,foodorflammablemateri- plug whichmust edge of the /_-_-j,_
als in thisdrawer.The drawer bepluggeddirect-
oven bottom _ _,J
maybecometoowarmforthese ly into a properly slightly, then (_17_0-_
itemswhentheovenisin use. grounded three- slide it back II_,,F_ _11
hole120voltelec- until the front_Thestoragedrawercanberemovedto tricaloutlet.
allowyoutocleanundertherange, edge of the II_J/ ,b3 /_ll
Alwaysdisconnectpowerto appliance oven bottom /_" -- 'Jr3" "_1/
TOREMOVE: beforeservicing, clears the
1. Emptydrawerandpullouttothefirst The three-prong grounding plug ovenfrontframe.Removeovenbottom
stopposition, offers protectionagainstshock haz- fromoven.
ards. Donot cut or removethe third
2. Liftupthefrontofthedrawer, grounding prong from the power
cord plug. Fit the front edge of the oven bottom
3. Pullouttosecondstopposition, into the oven front frame. Lower the
If an ungrounded,two-hole or other rear of the oven bottomand slide the
4. Graspsidesand liftdrawerup and type electricaloutlet is encountered,it twocatchesbackto lockthe ovenhot-
out. is the personalresponsibilityof the tomin place.
appliance owner to have the outlet
TOREPLACE: replaced with a properly grounded REMOVAL OF GAS
1. Fittheendsofthedrawerglidesinto APPLIANCE
therailsin the range. OVENBOTTOM Gasapplianceconnectorsusedtocon-
nectthis applianceto the gas supply
2. Lift up front of drawer and gently Protectoven bottomagainstspillovers, are notdesignedfor continuousmove-
pushintothe firststopposition, especiallyacidic or sugary spills, as merit.Onceinstalled,DO NOTrepeat-
theymaydiscolortheporcelainenamel, edlymovethis gasappliancefor clean-
3. Liftdrawerup againand pushuntil Use the correct pan size to avoid ingor to relocate.Ifthis appliancehas
drawerisclosed, spillovers and boilovers. Never place to bemovedand/orremovedfor servic-
utensilsor foildirectlyon theoven bot- ing,follow the proceduredescribedin
tom. the installationinstructions.For infor-
The ovenbottommay be removedfor mation contact Maytag Customer
easiercleaning. Serviceat 1-800-888-9900.
To preventrange from accidentlytip-
PARTORALLOFAPPLIANCE > Checktheoventemperatureselected. > Foodtooclosetoflame.Seepage10
DOESNOTWORK. Makesureovenis preheatedwhen formoreinformation.
recipeor directionsrecommendpre- >- Broilerinsertcoveredwithaluminum
> Checktobesureplugissecurelyinsert- heat, foil.
edintoreceptacle. > Checkrackpositions.Seepage9. > Excessfatnottrimmedfrommeatprior
> Checkorre-setcircuitbreaker.Checkor >- Usecorrectpan. Darkpansproduce tobroiling.
replacefuse. darkbrowning.Shinypans produce > Asoiledbroilerpanwasused.
> Checkpowersupply, lightbrowning.See"CookingMade
> Checkif surfaceand/orovencontrols Simple"bookletfor moreinformation
havebeenproperlyset. Seepages4 onbakeware. OVENWILLNOT SELF-CLEAN.
and8. > Checktheuseoffoilintheoven,Nev- > Checkto makesurecontrolsareset
> Checkif ovendooris unlockedaftera erusefoiltocoveranentireovenrack. properly.
self-cleancycle.Seepage13, Placeasmallpieceoffoilontherack > Checktomakesurethecycleisnotset
> Checkifovenissetforadelayedcookor belowthepantocatchspillovers, fora delayedstart,
cleanprogram.Seepages11and13. > Checkpanplacement.Staggerpans > Checkifdoorisclosed.
TOLIGHT. > Makesuretheovenventhasnotbeen PROPERLY,
> Checkto besureunitisproperlycon- > Checktomakesurerangeislevel. >- Longercleaningtimemaybeneeded.
nectedtopowersupply. > Excessivespillovers,especiallysugary
> Checkforablowncircuitfuseoratripped BAKINGRESULTSDIFFERFROM andoracidicfoods,werenotremoved
maincircuitbreaker, PREVIOUSOVEN. priortotheself-deancycle.
> Checktobesureburnerportsorignition
portsarenotdogged.Seepage4, > Temperaturesoftenvarybetweena OVENDOORWILL NOTOPEN
> Checktobesureignitorisdryandclick- age,theoventemperatureoften"drifts" AFTERSELF-CLEANCYCLE.
aged,soiledor wet.If ignitordoesn't andmaybecomehotterorcooler.See > Oveninterioris stillhot,Allowabout
click,turncontrolknobOff. page8forinstructionsonadjustingthe onehourfortheoventocoolafterthe
oventemperature, completionofa self-cleancycle.The
THE FLAMEIS UNEVEN. NOTE:It is not recommendedto doorcanbeopenedwhentheLOCK
adjustthetemperatureifonlyoneor indicatorwordisnotdisplayed.
>- Burnerportsmaybeclogged, tworecipesarein question.
> Flamesettingmayneedtobeadjusted, MOISTURECONDENSATION
LIFTSOFF PORTS. > Checkovensetting.Seepage10.
> Thisisnormalwhencookingfoodhigh
> Checkrackpositions.Seepage9. inmoisture.
> Checktobesureapanissittingonthe
grateabove. > Aluminumfoil was incorrectlyused, > Excessivemoisturewas usedwhen
Neverlinethebroilerpaninsertwith cleaningthewindow.
> Thisisnormalforanewrangeandwill
cleancyclewill "burnoff' the smells
> Turningona ventilationfanwillhelp
Thisis calleda faultcode.If a fault
sound,pressthe Cancelpad.If the
inga cleancycle.PressCancelpad
FulloneYearwarranty-PartsandLabor WHATI$HOT(OVERIDBYTt_sE w_utles:
1. Conditionsanddamagesresultingfromanyofthefollowing:
chasedate,anypartwhichfails in normal a. Improperinstallation,delivery,ormaintenance.
homeusewillberepairedor replacedfreeof b. Anyrepair,modification,alteration,oradjustmentnotauthorizedbythe
charge, manufactureroranauthorizedservicer.
LimitedWarranties-PadsOnly c. Misuse,abuse,accidents,orunreasonableuse.
SecondYear- Afterthe firstyearfromthe d. Incorrectelectriccurrent,voltage,orsupply.
e. Impropersettingofanycontrol.
realhomeusewillberepairedor replaced
free of chargefor thepart itself,with the 2. Warrantiesarevoidiftheoriginalserialnumbershavebeenremoved,altered,
ownerpayingallothercosts,includinglabor, orcannotbereadilydetermined.
mileageandtransportation. 3. Lightbulbs.
ThirdThroughFifthYear- Fromtheoriginal 4. Productspurchasedforcommercialorindustrialuse.
purchasedate,partslistedbelowwhichfailin 5. Thecostofserviceorservicecallto:
normalhomeusewillberepairedorreplaced a.Correctinstallationerrors.
freeof chargefor the partitself,with the
ownerpayingallothercosts,includinglabor, b.Instructtheuserontheproperuseoftheproduct.
mileageandtransportation, c.Transporttheappliancetotheservicer.
>- ElectronicControls 6. Consequentialorincidentaldamagessustainedbyanypersonasaresultof
ThirdThroughTenthYear- Fromtheorigi- anybreachofthesewarranties.Somestatesdonotallowtheexclusionorlim-
nalpurchasedate,partslistedbelowwhich itationof consequentialorincidentaldamages,sotheaboveexclusionmay
failinnormalhomeusewillberepairedor re- notapply.
theownerpayingall othercosts,including
labor,mileageandtransportation. If f0U I EI}SI I VI(E
> SealedGasBurners
! Callthedealerfromwhomyourappliancewaspurchasedor callMaytag
CanadianResidents AppliancesSalesCompany,MaytagCustomerAssistanceat 1-800-688-
Theabovewarrantiesonlycoveranappliance 9900,USAtolocateanauthorizedservicer.
installedinCanadathathasbeencertifiedor ! Besureto retainproofofpurchasetoverifywarrantystatus.RefertoWAR-
listedbyappropriatetestagenciesforcompli- RANTYforfurtherinformationonowner'sresponsibilitiesforwarrantyser-
ancetoaNationalStandardofCanadaunless vice.
transferofresidencefromtheUnitedStatesto ! Ifthedealerorservicecompanycannotresolvetheproblem,writetoMaytag
Canada. AppliancesSalesCompany,Attn:CAIR®Center,P.O.Box2370,Cleveland,
TN37320-2370,orcall1-800-688-9900U.S.A.,or 1-800-688-2002Canada.
andCanada- PartsOnly 1-800-688-2080.
NOTE:Whenwritingor callingabouta serviceproblem,pleaseincludethe
tailpurchase,anypartwhichfailsin normal
homeusewillberepairedor replacedfreeof followinginformation:
chargeforthepartitself,withtheownerpay- a.Yourname,addressandtelephonenumber;
ingalt othercosts,includinglabor,mileage b.Modelnumberandserialnumber;
andtransportation, c.Nameandaddressofyourdealerorservicer;
Thespecificwarrantiesexpressedaboveare d.Acleardescriptionoftheproblemyouarehaving;
theONLYwarrantiesprovidedby themanu-
facturer.Thesewarrantiesgiveyouspecific e.Proofofpurchase(salesreceipt).
legalrights,andyou mayalsohaveother ! User'sguides,servicemanualsand partsinformationareavailablefrom
rightswhichvaryfromstatetostate. MaytagAppliancesSalesCompany,MaytagCustomerAssistance.
0 MAYTAG 403 West Fourth Street North P.O. Box 39 Newton, Iowa 50208