Maytag C31000PAA User manual

User manual
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IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-3 Roastingtips ................................ 10
Broilingtipsandchart, ifequipped.............. 11
CLOCK AND TIMER, if equipped ................. 4
MAINTENANCE ............................ 12-14
USING THE COOKTOP ....................... 5-6
Ignitionsystem 5 Cooktop .................................... 12
............................... Burnergrates................................ 12
Howtolightsurfaceburner..................... 5 Conventionalsurfaceburners,if equipped 12
Selectingflamesize ........................... 6 .......
About the surface burner flame ................. 6 Sealed surfaceburners, ifequipped ............ 12
Adjusting the flame ............................ 6 Proportionalvalve adjustment, ifequipped ...... 13
Cookwareconsiderations 6 Leveling legs ................................ 13
...................... Ovendoor .................................. 13
Canning ..................................... 6
Oven bottom ................................ 14
USING THE OVEN ........................... 7-11 Oven light,if equipped ........................ 14
Ignitionsystem ............................... 7 Lower panel, if equipped ...................... 14
Ovencharacteristics ........................... 7 Electrical connection ......................... 14
Use of aluminum foil ........................... 7
Thermostatknob.............................. 7 CARE AND CLEANING CHART .............. 15-16
Howtoset oventobake or roast................ 7
Preheating................................... 7 SERVICE .................................. 17-18
Ovenracks................................... 8 Howto removerangeforcleaningandservicing . 17
Commonbakingproblemschart ................ 9 Howto obtainservice......................... 17
Bakingtips .................................. 10 Beforeyoucallfor servicechart ............. 17-18
INSTALLER Please leave this The model and serial numbers are found on the ratingplate
manualwiththisappliance, locatedonthe lowerrangefrontframebehindthebroilerdooror
lowerpanel.Use thesenumberswhenrequestingservice.
Besureappliancehasbeen properly ModelNumber:
CONSUMER Tosaveyoutime, Date ofPurchase:
energy and money,read and keep Pleasekeep yoursalesreceiptand/oryourcancelledcheckas
thismanualforfuturereference, proofof purchaseshouldwarrantyservice be needed, Store
Congratulationsonyourchoiceofthis gasrange.Asyou use Should you have any questions about using your newgas
your new range, we know you will appreciate the many appliance, pleasewrite to us at this address:
features that provide excellent performance, ease of
cleaning,convenience and dependability. CustomerAssistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
New features have dramatically changed today's cooking P.O.Box2370
appliances and the way we cook. It is therefore very Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
important to understand how your new gas range operates
BEFORE youuse it for the first time. Be sure to include the model and serial numbers of your
appliance. Foryour convenience, we have provided space
In this Owner's Guide, you will find a wealth of information onthe front cover to record this information.
regarding all aspects of your appliance. By carefully
following the instructions,you will be able to fully enjoy and In our continuing effortto improvethe quality and customer
properly maintain your new range. NOTE: Your appliance satisfaction of our cooking products, we may find it
maynot be equippedwith some ofthefeatures referredto in necessarytomake changesto ourline ofapplianceswithout
this manual, revisingthe Owner's Guide.
Read all instructions before using this Have your appliance installedand properlygroundedby a
qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions.
appliance. Have the installershowyouthe locationof the gas shutoff
The following instructions are based on safety valveand howtoshut itoffinan emergency.
considerationsand mustbestrictlyfollowedtoeliminatethe
potentialrisksoffire,electricshock,orpersonalinjury. Alwaysdisconnectpowertoappliancebeforeservicing.
To ensure proper operation and avoid possible injury or
damage to unit do not attempt to adjust, repair,service, or
WARNING: If the information in this replace any part of your appliance unless it is specifically
manual is not followed exactly, e fire or recommended in this book. All other servicing should be
explosion may result causing property referredto a qualifiedinstallerorservicer.
damage, personal injury or death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other Be sure all packing materials are removed from the
flammable vapors and liquids in the appliancebeforeoperatingit.
vicinity of this or any other appliance. Keepareaaroundapplianceclearandfreefromcombustible
materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and
If appliance is installed near a window, proper precautions
DO not try to light any appliance, should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over
Do not touch any electrical switch; do
Donotleaveanyitemsonthecooktop.The hotairfromthe
not use any phone in your building, ventmayigniteflammableitemsandmayincreasepressure
Immediately call your gas supplier in closedcontainerswhichmaycausethemto burst.
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when
gas supplier's instructions, exposedto heat and may be highlyflammable.Avoidtheir
use orstoragenear anappliance.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plastics away
call the fire department, from parts ofthe appliancethat may becomewarmor hot.
Donotleave plasticitemsonthecooktopasthey maymelt
or soften if left too close to the vent or a lighted surface
- Installation and service must be burner.
performed by a qualified installer, service
Toeliminatethehazardof reachingoverhotsurfacebumers,
agency or the gas supplier, cabinetstorageshouldnotbeprovideddirectlyabovea unit.
areusedinfrequentlyandwhichare safelystoredinan area
,_ subjected to heat from an appliance. Temperaturesmay be
__" ) i _A_AR"II"i_I unsafefor some items, such as volatile liquids,cleanersor
aerosol sprays.
INJURYTO PERSONS Turn offapplianceand ventilatinghoodtoavoid spreading
COULD RESULT the flame. Extinguishflame then turn on hood to remove
_i i smoke and odor.
DEVICES PACKED Usedry chemicalorfoam-type extinguisheror baking soda
I WITH RANGE tosmother fire orflame. Never use water on a grease fire.
Iffire is inthe ovenor broilerpan,smotherby closingoven
INSTRUCTIONS If fire is in a pan on the surfaceburner,cover pan. Never
attempt to pick up or move a flamingpan.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of tipping of the appliance
from abnormal usage or by excessive loading of the oven
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the door, the appliance must besecured by a properly installed
appliancewhen itisinuseor isstill hot.Chilarenshouldnever anti-tip device. If the range is movedfrom the wall, be sure
beallowed to sit or stand onany partof the appliance, the anti-tip device is engaged when the range is replaced.
Look underneath range toverify that oneof therear leveling
Children must betaught that the appliance and utensils in legs is properly engaged in the bracket slot. The anti-tip
itcan behot. Lethot utensils coolin devicesecuresthe rearleveling legtothe floor whenproperly
a safe place, out of reach of small engaged. Also, besure the range is properly re-installed.
children. Childrenshould betaught
that an appliance is not a toy. Do nottouch a hot oven light bulbwith a damp cloth as the
Children should not be allowed to bulb could break. Shouldthe bulb break, disconnect power
play with controls or other parts of to the appliance before removing bulb to avoid electrical
the unit. shock.
CAUTION: Do not store items of
interest to children in cabinets
above an appliance or on the
backguard of a range. Children Always place a pan ona surface burnerbeforeturning iton.
climbing onthe appliance or onthe Besureyou knowwhich knobcontrols whichsurface burner.
appliancedoorto reachitemscould Makesurethe correct burneristurnedonand thatthe burner
has ignited. When cooking is completed, turn burner off
beseriously injured, before removing pan to prevent exposureto burner flame.
Always adjust surface burnerflame sothat it does notextend
beyond the bottom edge of the pan. An excessive flame is
To preventpotential hazardto the userand damageto the hazardous, wastes energy and may damage the appliance,
appliance, do not use pan or cabinets above the appliance.
appliance as a space
Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
heaterto heat or warm a
room. Also, do not use especially when using a _,.r _ t .,,_
the cooktop or oven as a highheatsetting orwhen
storage area for food or deepfat frying. Boilovers
cooking utensils, cause smoking and
greasy spillovers may
Do not obstruct the flow ignite. Clean up greasy
of combustion and spills as soon as
ventilationair byblocking possible. Do notuse high
the oven vent or air intakes. Restriction of air flow to the heat for extended
burnerprevents properperformanceand increasescarbon cooking operations.
monoxideemission to unsafe levels.
Never heat an unopened container onthe surface burner or
Avoid touching oven vent area while oven is on and for inthe oven. Pressurebuild-up may cause containerto burst
several minutes after oven is turned off. Some parts of the resulting in serious personal injury or damage to the
vent and surrounding area become hot enough to cause appliance.
burns.After oven isturned off,do not touch theoven vent or
surrounding areas untilthey havehad sufficienttime to cool. Use dry, sturdy pot holders. Damp pot holders may cause
burns from steam. Dish towels or other substitutes should
never be used as pot holders because they can trail across
CAUTION: Do not _. ja._ _ J hot surface burners and ignite or get caught on appliance
step stoolto cabinets _ ._ parts.
above. Misuse of Always let quantities of hot fat used for deep fat frying cool
appliance doors or before attempting to move or handle.
drawers, such as
stepping, leaning or _ Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
sitting on the door or accumulatein or near the appliance, hoodor vent fan. Clean
drawer, may result in hood frequently to prevent grease from accumulating on
possible tipping of hoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunderthehoodturnthefan
the appliance, breakage of door, and serious injuries, off as thefan may spread the flame.
Use caution when wearing ! ]rments made of flammable Never leta panboildryas thiscoulddamagethe utensiland
material to avoid clothing ,_ _ the appliance.
fires. Loose fitting or long
hanging-sleeved apparel Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven
should not be worn while cooking bags.
cooking.Clothing may ignite Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, or
or catch utensilhandles.
glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop or oven usage
without breaking due to thesudden change in temperature.
Always placeoven racks inthedesired positionswhileoven
iscool.Slide oven rackout to add or removefood, using dry This appliance has been tested for safe performance using
sturdy pot holders. Always avoid reaching into the oven to conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or
add or remove food. If a rack must be moved while hot, use accessories that are not specifically recommended in this
a dry pot holder. Always turn the oven off at the end of manual.Do notuseeyelid coversfor the surface units, stove
cooking, top grills, or add-on oven convection systems. The use of
devicesor accessoriesthat are notexpresslyrecommended
Use care whenopening the oven door. Lethot air or steam in this manual can create serious safety hazards, result in
escape beforeremoving or replacingfood. performance problems, and reduce the life of the
components ofthe appliance.
PREPAREDFOOD WARNING: Followfood manufacturer's
instructions.Ifa plasticfrozenfood containerand/or itscover
distorts, warps, or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
immediately discard the food and its container. The food Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitforappliancepartstocoolbefore
could becontaminated, touching or cleaningthem. Do nottouch the burner grates or
surroundingareas untilthey have hadsufficienttime to cool.
Cleanappliance withcaution. Usecare toavoid steam burns
ifawetsponge orclothisusedtowipespillsonahot surface.
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily Somecleanerscanproducenoxiousfumesifappliedtoa hot
graspedandstaycool.Avoidusing unstable,warped,easily surface.
tippedorloosehandledpans. Pansthat areheavyto move
whenfilledwithfoodmayalsobe hazardous.
Besureutensilislargeenoughto properlycontainfoodand
avoidboiLovers.Pan sizeisparticularlyimportantindeepfat
frying.Besurepanwillaccommodatethevolumeoffoodthat The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater andToxicEnforcement
isto be addedas wellas the bubbleactionoffat. Act of 1986 (Proposition65) requires the Governorof
Californiato publisha listof substancesknowntothe State
To minimize burns,ignitionof flammable materialsand of Californiato cause cancer or reproductiveharm, and
spillageduetounintentionalcontactwiththeutensil, donot requires businesses to warn customers of potential
extend handles over _ exposuresto suchsubstances.
adjacent surface _
burners. Always turn Users of thisappliance are herebywarned that the burning
panhandlestowardthe ofgas can result in low-level exposureto some ofthe listed
side or back of the substances, includingbenzene,formaldehyde and soot,due
appliance, not out into primarilytothe incompletecombustionofnaturalgasorliquid
the room where they petroleum(LP)fuels. Properlyadjusted burnerswillminimize
are easily hit or incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can
reached by small also be minimized by properly venting the burners to the
outdoors by opening the windows and/or door in the room
children, where the appliance is located.
CLOCK AND TIMER, ifequipped
The electronicclockandtimerdisplaywillflashwhenthe applianceisfirstconnectedto
powerorif powerisinterrupted.Thedisplay willstopflashing once the time-of-day clock
has been set.
1. Pressthe CLOCK pad. 1. PresstheTIMERpad. 0:59,oronehour,will appearinthe
2. Press and hold the HOUR pad to set the correct hours.
The timer will automatically begin counting down in
Tapthe pad once to changethe time by a single hour. incrementsof one minute.
3. Press and hold the MINUTE pad to set the correct 2. To set the timer for less than one hour: Press the
minutes.Tapthe pad onceto change the time bya single TIMERpadthen pressand holdthe MINUTE paduntilthe
minute, desiredtime appearsinthe display.Tochangethetime by
For example: To set the clock for 3:15, press and hold the a single minute,tap the pad once.
HOUR paduntil 3 appears inthe hours display.Then press 3. To set the timer for more than one hour: Press the
and hold the MINUTE pad until 15 appears in the minutes TIMER pad then -
display. Press the HOUR pad, 1:59, or two hours, will appear
inthe display.
Press the MINUTE pad until the desired minutes
appear in the display.
NOTE:Twohoursisthe maximumtimethat can beset.
4. Whenthetime haselapsed, 0:00willappear inthe display
and continuousbeepswill soundto indicatetheendof the
timing operation.
5. Pressthe CLOCK pad to cancel the beeps. The current
time of day will reappear in the display.
Tocancel the timer: PresstheCLOCK padand the display
will returnto the current time of day.
Your cooktop willfeature either pilot ignition or pilotless To prevent damageto the cooktop or pan, neveroperate
ignition. Ifthe gassupply to the range isturned off, be sure the surface burner without a pan in place, neverallow a
all controls are set inthe OFF position before re-supplying pan to boil dry and never operate a surface burner on
gas to the appliance. HIGHfor extended periods of time.
Pilot Ignition t. Place a pan onthe burner grate.
When the range isfirst installed,the standing pilots maybe NOTE:Theburnerflame mayliftoffthe burnerheadand a
difficultto light dueto air inthe gasline.Tobleed offairfrom "roaring"soundmay be heardifa panisnot placed onthe
the line, holda lighted match nexttothe burner and turnthe grate before lightingthe burner.
knob on. When the burner lights, turn the knob off and
proceedas directed below. 2. Push in and turnthe knob to the LITE position.
To light pilot: Raisethe cooktopand hold a lighted match Pilotlessignition models only: A clickingsoundwill be
nearthepilotports.Therearetwo pilotports,oneontheright heardandthe burnerwill light.Whenone burneristurned
side and one onthe leftside. on, all ignitors will spark.
3. Afterthe burner lights,turnthe knob to the desired flame
Pilotless ignition models only: The ignitors will
Pilotless Ignition continue to spark until the knob is turned from the LITE
Pilotlessignitionusesa sparkfrom the ignitorto lightthe position.
burner. There are two ignitors for conventional surface
burners. Each sealedburner has its own ignitor located on CAUTION: If theflame should go out during a cooking
theback side ofthe burner.Oncethe burner lights,turn the operation, turn the burner off. if gas has accumulated
knob tothe desired setting. The clicking sound will not stop and a strong gasodor is detected, open a window and
until the knob is turnedfrom the LITE position, wait 5 minutes for the gas odor to disappear before
Inthe eventofa powerfailure, thesurface burnercan be relighting the burner,
manually lighted. Be sure all controls are in the OFF
position.Hold a lightedmatch tothe desired surface burner
headthen push in and turn the knob to the LITE position.
Whenthe burnerlights,adjusttheflame tothe desired flame
Usea HIGHflame setting to quickly bringliquids to a boil or Adjust the flame size so it
to begin a cooking or canning operation. Then reduce to a does not extend beyond
lower setting to continue cooking. Never leave food the edge of the cooking
unattended when using a HIGH flame setting, utensil. This is for _-=._-_
personal safety and to
prevent possible damage
_;_,_, to the appliance, pan, or
cabinets above the
_"_--_ appliance.This also improvescooking efficiency.
Cookware, including canning equipment, which extends
An intermediate flame size is used to continue a cooking morethan two inches beyondthe grate, restsontwo grates,
operation. Food will not cook any faster when a higher ortouches the cooktopwillcause a buildupofheat and may
flame setting is used than needed to maintain a gentle resultindamagetothetheburnergrate,burnerandcooktop.
boil. Remember, water boils at the same temperature Cookware,suchasawokwithasupportring,whichrestricts
whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously, aircirculationaroundtheburnerwillcauseheatto buildup
and may resultin damageto the burnergrate, burneror
Use LOtosimmeror keepfoodsat servingtemperatures, cooktop.
I Foodscookfasterwhentheeookwareiscoveredbecause
_-__ _._-'_ more heat isretained. Lowertheflame sizewhencookware
is covered. This also improves cooking efficiency.
The cooking performance is greatly affected by the type of
cookware used. Propercookwarewillreducecookingtimes,
uselessenergyandproducemore evencooking results.For
bestresults useaheavy gauge metal panwith a smoothflat
bottom,straightsides and atightfitting lid. Selecta material,
Ifa knob isturnedvery quicklyfrom the HI tothe LOsetting, suchasaluminum orcopper,that conducts heatquickly and
theflame maygo out, particularly ifthe burner iscold. Ifthis evenly.
occurs, turn the knob to the OFF position. Wait several
seconds,then lightthe burner again.
Whencanning, use the HIsettingjust untilthe water comes
to a boil or pressure is reached in a pressurecanner, then
reduce to a setting that maintains the pressure or a boil.
A properlyadjustedburnerwith clean portswill lightwithin a
few seconds.Youmay hear a "popping" sound onsome Prolongeduseofthe HIsetting,the useof incorrectcanning
types of gaswhen the surface burner isturned off. This utensils,or the use of impropercanningtechniquesmay
is a normal operating sound of the burner, produceexcessiveheatandresultinpermanentdamageto
On natural gas, the flame will be bluewitha deeper blue
core;thereshouldbenotraceofyellowintheflame.Ayellow NOTE: Foradditionalcanninginformationcontactyour
flame indicates an improper mixture of air/gas. Have a local County Extension Office. Or, contact AIItrista
serviceman adjust the mixture if a yellow flame occurs. Consumer Products Company, marketer of Ball brand
(NOTE:Adjustments are notcovered by thewarranty.) home canning products at 800-240-3340 or write:
AIItristaCorp., Consumer Affairs Dept., P.O. Box 2729,
On LP gas, some yellow tipping may occur.This is normal Muncie, IN 47307-0729.
and adjustmentis not necessary.
Your oven will feature either pilot ignition or pilotless The Thermostat knob is used to select and maintain the
ignition. Ifthe gas supplytothe range isturned off, be sure oven temperature. Push in and turn this knob just to the
all controls are set in the OFF position before re-supplying desired temperature. To provide accurate oven
gasto the appliance, temperatures, do not turn the knob to a higher temperature
and then backto the desired temperature. Turnthis knob to
Pilot Ignition OFF whenever the oven is not in use.
To light oven pilot: When ._" After the oven temperature has
cool, open the broiler door _- ¢_ __', beenset,there willbeabouta 45 _, _
and remove the broiler rack second delay before the burner
and broiler pan. On models ignites.This isnormaland nogas
without a broiling corn- escapes during this delay.
partment, remove the lower ,_
panel. See page 14 for The oven temperature is
instructions on removingthe maintained by cycling the oven
panel, burner on and off. THERMOSTATKNOB
WiththeThermostat knobin theOFFposition,hold a lighted
match to the pilot located at the back of the oven burner.
Oncethe pilot lights, replacethe broiler rack and pan orthe
lower panel. (NOTE: The oven burner is shown with the 1. When cool, position the rack in the oven.
metalflame spreader removed from the oven burner.) 2. Push in and turn the Thermostat knob to the desired
Pilotless Ignition temperature.
Withthistypeofignitionsystem,a globar willlighttheoven Selectinga temperaturehigherthan desiredwill NOT
burner.The ovenwillnotoperateduringa powerfailureor preheatthe oven any faster and may have a negative
if the ovenis disconnectedfrom thewall outlet.NOTE: A effecton bakingresults.
lighted match will not light the burner. No attempt
should bemadeto operateoven duringa powerfailure. 3. Place the food in the center of the oven, allowinga
minimumof 1 to 2-inches betweenthe utensiland the
Whentheoven isinuse,theovenventarea at therearof
Because each oven has its own personal baking thecooktopmay feel warm or hotto the touch. Do not
characteristics,do not expect that your new oven will blockthis area or the vent openingas this may affect
performexactlylikeyourpreviousoven.You mayfindthat bakingresults.
thecookingtimes,oventemperatures,and cookingresults
4. Checkthefoodfordonenessat the minimumtimeinthe
differsomewhatfromyourpreviousrange.Allowa periodof recipe.Cooklongerifnecessary.Cookingtimemayvary
adjustment. If you have questions concerning baking fromoventooven.
results,please referto pages 8, 9, 10 and 18for additional
information. 5. Removethefoodfromthe ovenandturntheThermostat
knobto OFF.
Do notcover the oven bottom or an entire rack withfoil
or placefoil directly undercookware. Tocatchspillovers, Preheating is necessary for baking. To preheat the oven,
place a piece of foil a little larger than the pan, on the rack turn the Thermostat knob to the desired temperature and
belowthe pan. Forrangeswith onerack, it will benecessary allow 10to 15minutesfor the oven to preheat. Selecting a
to place the foil directly under the utensil. Cut a small higher temperature will not shorten the preheat time and
openinginthe foil toallow heattothe bottomofthe pan.This may affect baking results. It is not necessary to preheat for
is especially important when baking pies. roasting or broiling.
Yourrangewillfeature oneortwooven racks.Theoven rack Toreplace: Place the rack onthe rack supports and tiltthe
isdesignedwith a safety lock-stop positionto keep the rack frontend ofthe rack upslightly.Slide itbackuntil itclearsthe
from accidently coming completely out of the oven when Iock-stopposition. Lowerthefrontandslidetherackstraight
pullingthe rack out to add or removefood. in. Pullthe rack out to the lock-stop position to be sure it is
positioned correctly and then returnitto its normal position.
CAUTION: Do not attemptto change the rack positions For optimum baking results of cakes, cookies or biscuits,
whenthe oven s hot. useonerack.Positionthe racksothefoodisinthecenterof
theoven.Useeitherrackposition2 or3.
Toremove:Besuretherackiscool.Pulltherackstraightout If cookingontwo racks,userackpositions2and4 forcakes
untilitstopsatthelock-stopposition.331tthefrontendof the andrackpositions1and4 whenusingcookiesheets.Never
rackup andcontinuepullingtherack outoftheoven. placetwo cookiesheetsonone rack.
RACK 5 Fortwo-rack cooking. Usetheupper rackposition
(highestposition) for sidedisheswhen roastingaturkeyonthe lower
rack. 5
,, , ,,,
RACK 3 Usedfor most baked goods on a cookie sheet or
jelly roll pan, orfrozen conveniencefoods.
i ................................
_CK2 Used fo_masting _al of meat; large
effher _be buhdt b_laye_ p_hs) _r _o_ra_
Roasting -- /,,I,/2 _,
RACK 1 Used for roasting large cuts of meat and large Position " J
poultry,pies, souffles, or angel food cake, or for
two-rack baking.
iiiii; i!iii! !iiii!!!iiii!!!!iii!iii!ii !i!! i,i!i! ! ,!iii' iiiiii
Cakesare uneven. * Panstoo close ortouching each other or oven walls. Batter uneven in pans.
Temperatureset too lowor bakingtime too short. Oven not level. Undermixing. Too
much liquid.
Cakehigh in middle. ,, Temperaturesetto0 bigb. Bakingtimet0olong,, OVermixing.:,Toomuch flour. Pans
touchingeach other or 0Yenwaiis: • inc0rrectrackposition.
Cakefalls, Toomuch shortening or sugar. Toomuchor too little liquid. • Temperatureset too low.
Old or too little baking powder. Pan toosmall. =Ovendoor opened frequently. Added
incorrecttype of oilto cake mix. Added additional ingredientsto cake mix or recipe.
Cakes,cookies, biscuits incorrect:ra_kpOsiii0n. Oven doornotci0sedpioperi_i' D00tgasketnoiseaiing properiy
don't brown evenly. 0r properl_attach_ tod_, = nco_e_ useofalumindmfoil. OVennotpreheated Pans
: darkeded;dented or warped: :
F0ropt m_m_esuJts,bake on0ne racklIfbakingcakesontwo racks staggerpans sooneis
not directiy above another.
Cakes,cookies, biscuits Oven not preheated. Panstouching eachother or ovenwails. * Incorrect rackposition.
toobrown on bottom, * Incorrectuseof aluminumfoil. Placed 2 cookie sheets onone rack. Usedglass,dark,
stained warped or dull finish metal pans. (Usea shiny cookie sheet.)
Followcookware manufacturer's instructions for oven temperature. Glassware and dark
cookware such as Ecko's Baker's Secret may require lowering the oven temperature by
i ! i
Cakes don't brown on , IncOtmctr_ck positiGn: ' TemperatUresettoo iew,* Overmixing.* ToOmuc5 qud ,Par]
top. batterir]pan: Oven door openedtoooften:
Excessiveshrinkage. Too little leavening. Overmixing. Pantoo large. • Temperature set toohigh. Baking
time too long. = Pans too close to each other or oven walls.
Cakeshave tunnels, Not enoughshortening. Toomuch baking powder.* Overmixing or attoohigha speed.
Temperatureset too high.
i ....
Cake notdone in * Tempeiature set ice high Pan t0o sma. _Bakingtime to0sh0rt
ff additi0nalingredientswere added tomixorrecipe,expect cookingtimeto increase. =
Pie crustedges too * Temperaturesettoo high. Panstouching each other oroven walls. =Edgesof crust too
brown, thin; shield with foil.
Pies don't brown on Used shinyme_alpansl Temperature settoo ow * ncorrect rackpositi0nl
bottom. * Somef_o_enpiesshouidbe piacedona Cookiesheet; checkpackagedirections.
Pies havesoaked crust, =Temperaturetoo lowat startof baking. =Fillingtoo juicy. Used shiny metal pans.
Use a reliable recipe and accurately measure fresh crisper crust. Usethis typeofpan forpies, piecrusts or
ingredients. Carefully follow directions for oven bread.
temperature and cooking time. Preheat oven if
recommended. * Ifusingoven-proof glassware, ordarkpanssuch as
Baker's Secret reducethe oventemperatureby25°F
Use the correct rack position. Baking results may be exceptwhen bakingpiesorbread.Usethesamebaking
affectedifthewrongrackpositionisused. timeas calledfor inthe recipe.
Topbrowningmaybe darker if foodislocatedtoward AIIowhot airto flowfreely through theoven for optimum
thetopof the oven. bakingresults.Improperplacementof pansintheovenwill
Bottom browningmay be darker if food is located block air flow and may result in uneven browning. For
towardthe bottom of the oven. optimumbrowningand even cooking results:
When using two racksfor baking, allow enough space * Do not crowd a rackwith pans. Never place more than
between the racks for proper air circulation. Browning one cookie sheet, one 13x9x2-inch cake pan or two
andcooking resultswill beaffe_ed ifairflow isblocked. 9-inch round cake pans on one rack.
Cookware material plays an important part in baking * Stagger pans when baking ontwo racks so one pan is
results.Always usethe type and size of pan calledfor inthe notdirectly over another pan.
recipe.Cooking times or cooking resultsmay be affected if * Allow one to two inches between thepan and the oven
the wrong size is used. walls.
Shiny metal pan reflectsheat away from the food, Check the cooking progress at the minimum time
produceslighterbrowninganda softercrust.Useshiny recommendedinthe recipe.Ifnecessary,continuechecking
pans for baking cakes orcookies. For optimum baking
results, bake cookies and biscuits on a flat cookie atintervals untilthe food is done. Iftheovendoorisopened
sheet. If the pan has sides, such as a jelly roll pan, too frequently,heatwill escapefromthe oven;thiscanaffect
browningmay not be even. bakingresultsand wastes energy.
Dark metal pan or a pan with an anodized (dull) If you add additional Ingredients or alter the recipe,
bottomabsorbsheat,producesdarkerbrowninganda expectcookingtimesto increase ordecreaseslightly.
Roastingisthemethodforcookinglarge, tendercutsofmeat fat on top of the roast melts, the meat is basted naturally,
uncovered, without adding moisture. Most meats are eliminating the needfor additional basting.
roasted at 325o1=. It is not necessary to preheat the oven.
Place the roasting pan on either of the two lowest rack The cooking time is determined by the weight of the meat
positions or onthe special roasting position (see page 8). and the desired doneness. For more accurate results, use
a meatthermometer. Insertitsothe tip is inthe center ofthe
thickest part of the meat. It should nottouch fat or bone.
Use tender cuts of meat weighing three pounds or more.
Some good choices are: Beef rib, ribeye, top round, high Remove the roast from the oven when the thermometer
qualitytip and rump roast, pork loin roast, leg of lamb,veal registersapproximately5°F belowthedonenesswanted. As
shoulder roast and cured or smokedhams. the meat stands,the temperature will rise.
Seasonmeat,ifdesired, either before or after roasting. Rub NOTE,: For more information about food safety, call]
intothe surface ofthe roastif added before cooking. USDAs Meat & PoultryHotline at 1-800-535-4555. For/
cooking information write to the National Live Stock and /
Placethe meat fat-side-up on a rack in a shallow roasting Meat Board, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
pan. Placingthe meaton a rack holdsit out ofthe drippings, Illinois60611.
thus allowingbetterheatcirculationforevencooking.As the
Broiling is a method of cooking tender meats by direct How To Set Oven To Broil:
radiantheat.Thecookingtimeisdeterminedbythedistance 1. Place the broiler rack with
between the meat and the oven burner, the desired degree the broiler pan in the I _. _=_
of doneness and the thickness of the meat. recommended position
t- "J
shown in the broiling chart
Broiling requires the use of the broiler pan and insert. The below. Remove broiler rack :::_2._/,_. _"/J,
broiler insert must be in place to allow fat and liquid to drain to when using bottom position.
the pan below to prevent spatters, smoke and flare-ups. If the bottom position is
Improper use may cause grease fires, selected, use mitts and _ __.,-"_'_J-_
For easier clean up, line the broiler pan with foil and spray carefully remove the broiler
the insert with a non-stick vegetable spray. Do not cover the pan from the broiling compartment.
broiler insert with aluminum foil as this prevents fat from 2. Push in and turn the Thermostat knob to BROIL.
draining into pan below. It is possible to broil longer cooking foods such as
Trim excess fat and slash remaining fat to help keep meat chicken at a lower temperature to prevent overbrowning
from curling and to reduce smoking and spattering. Season and reduce splattering. Turn the knob to 400 ° or 450°F,
meat after cooking, rather than BROIL, for low temperature broiling.
3. Follow the suggested times in the broiling chart. Meat
Place the broiler rack in the correct rack position when the should be turned once about halfway through cooking.
broiling compartment is cool. For darker browning, place
meat closer to the oven burner. Place meat further down if 4. Check the doneness by cutting aslit inthe meat near the
you wish meat to be well done or if excessive smoking or center to check the color.
flaring occu rs. 5. After broiling, turn the oven off. Pull the broil rack out and
remove the broiler pan. Store the clean broiler pan and
See Care and Cleaning Chart on page 15 for instructions on insert in the broiling compartment.
cleaning the broiler pan and insert.
BACON Well Done Middle BROILat 400°F
7 to 10 minutes
Pieces Well Done Middle BROILat 40F
30 to 45 minutes
3/4-inch thick Well Done Middle BROIL
14to 18 minutes
HAM SLICE, precooked
1/2--inch _h ack
I 8to _2 minutes
1-inch thick Well Done Middle BROIL
18 to 25 minutes
Upper isthe top rack position; middle isthe lower rack position; bottom is the bottom ofthe broiler corr _artment.
To prevent staining or discoloration, clean cooktop after
each use.Wipe acid orsugarstains assoon as thecooktop Underno circumstances arethe surface burnerassemblies
has cooled as these stains may discolor or etch the tobetakenapartforcleaning. The surface burner assembly
porcelain, can be removed to clean the burner boxarea.
The sealed burner cooktop is designed with two contour The two surface burner assemblies are secured in place
wells tocatch and containspills. Becauseofthisdesignitis during transportation with screws. Once the range is
notnecessaryto liftupthe cooktop to clean underneath,To installed, these screws may beremovedto allow quick and
prevent damage to the gas tubing or cooktop, do not easy removal ofthe burner assemblies.
attempt to lift or remove the cooktop.
Thecooktopfeaturingconventional surfaceburnersliftsup
foreasycleaningofthe burnerboxarea.
Toraisethe "nft-up" cooktop:Whencool,graspthefront
edgeofthe cool(topand gentlyliftup untilthetwosupport
To remove: Allow the burner assembly to cool. Lift up
cooktop.Graspthe burnerassemblyand rotateit slightly
To lower the top: Holdthe frontedge ofthe cooktopand theairshutterendsontheassemblyreleasefromthevalves.
carefullypush back on each supportrod, if equipped,to
releasethenotchedsupport.Thengentlylowerthetopinto To replace: Insert the air shutter ends on the burner
place.Thesupportrodswillslide intothecooktopframe. Besuretosecurethetwotabsonthe burnerassemblyinto
inserted into the slots, the assembly may rockand the
beforecooking.Burnergratesare durable
but may graduallylosetheirshinedue to
usageand hightemperatures. _J_=_._ The porcelainon the burneris durablebut may gradually
When installing square grates, place _ lose itsshineduetousageand hightemperatures.
indentedsidestogetherso straightsides
are at the front and rear. Improper _ _J The sealedsurface burnersaresecuredtothecooktopand
installationof the grates may result in _//\_ are NOT designedtobe removedbythe consumer.
damageorchippingof the cooktop. _ Select models featuretwo special SUPER HIGH SPEED
CAUTION: Donotoperatea surfaceburnerwithouta pan sealed burnerslocatedat the right-frontand left-rear. Use
onthe grate.The porcelainfinishonthe grate may chipI theseburnerstoquicklybringwatertoaboilandwhen using
withouta panto absorbthe intenseheatfromthe burner largerpans. Seeinformationonratingplate,locatedonthe
lowerrange front frame behindthe broilerdooror lower
fame. panel,todetermineifyourappliancefeaturestheseburners.
(Continued next page)
Clean burner cap after each use especially if a spillover
occurs.A soiledburnermay resultin improper ignition or an
uneven flame. When cleaning the sealed surface burner, Some floors are not level For ..._......._ l
usecareto preventdamageto theignitor.If acleaning cloth properbaking, your range must I
should catchthe ignitor, itcould be damaged or broken, be level. Leveling legs are
located on each corner at the
base of the range. Level by I_ _... /
rtso To prevent range from accidenfly tipping, range should be
Igniter secured to the floor by sliding a rear leveling leg into the
anti-tip bracket supplied with the range.
-- _"Portdirectlybelowignitor
Do not place excessive weight on an open oven door or
The surface burner will not light if the ignitor is damaged, stand on an open oven door as, in some cases, it could
broken, soiled or wet. The burner will also not light if the cause the rangetotip over,breakthe door or cause serious
ports, especiallythe small port located directly below the injury tothe user.
ignitor,are blocked.See page 16for cleaning instructions.
When opening the oven door, allow steam and hot air to
escape before reaching into the oven to check, add or
remove food.
Proportionalvalves have anadjustingscrew located inside Do not attempt to open or close the door until the door is
thevalvestem.Valvesthat donothavethisscrewcan notbe completely seated on the hinge arms. Never turn on the
adjusted, oven unlessthe door is properly in place. When baking, be
certainthe door iscompletely closed. Baking results will be
The LOsetting shouldproducea stable flame whenturning affectedifthe dooris not securely closed,
the knob from HIto LO. Onconventional surface burners,
theflameshould be1/8-inch tall orlowerand mustbestable I CAUTION: Hingearmsare springmountedandwill slam I
on all ports on LOsetting. For sealed surface burners, the I shut against the range if accidently hit. Never place I
flameshouldextendtothe outeredgeofthetiponthe burner hand or fingers between the hinges and the front
caponthe LO setting, oven frame. Youcouldbe injured f hingesnapsback.
To adjust: Operate burner on HI for about5 minutesto Toremove lift-off door: When thedoor is cool,openthe
preheatthe burnercap.Turnthe knobbackto LO;remove door to the "stop" position(opened about6 inches) and
knob,and inserta small screwdriverintothe centerof the graspthedoorateach side.Donotusethedoorhandletolift
valvestem. Adjustthe flamesizeby turningthe adjustment the door.Liftupevenlyuntilthedoorclearsthe hingearms.
screwin eitherdirection.
Toreplace door;Graspthedoorateachside,alignthe slots
Theflame mustbeofsufficientsizetobestableonallburner inthedoorwiththehingearms andslidethedoordownonto
ports.Iftheflameadjustmentis needed,adjustONLYonthe thehingearmsuntilitiscompletelyseatedonthe hinges.
LOsetting.Never adjustflamesize ona highersetting.
Protect the oven bottom against excessive spillovers, Ranges that are not equipped with a lower broiling
especiallyacidorsugaryspillovers,astheymaydiscolorthe compartmentwillhave a panel inplace of the broilerdoor.
porcelain.Use the correct size cookingutensilto avoid This panel must be removed to access the rating plate
boilovers.Never placeutensilsor aluminumfoildirectlyon locatedon the lower rangefrontframe. The rating plate
theoven bottom, contains themodel and serial numbers for yourappliance.
,__ To remove panel: Grasp the bottomcorners of the panel.
Then liftthe panelupandawayfromthe range.
To replacepanel:Align thefourslotsonthe panelwiththe
fourscrews on therangefrontframe, Then lowerthe panel
; 2 and push down untilthe panel snaps intoplace.
" 3jJ .pp,,ancee which requireelectrical powerareequipped
with a three-prong grounding plug which must be
pluggeddirectlyintoa properlygroundedthree-hole 120
To remove: When cool,removethe oven racks.Slide the voltelectricaloutlet.
twocatches, locatedateachrearcorneroftheovenbottom,
towardthefrontoftheoven. Liftthe rear edge oftheoven
bottom slightly.Then slide it backuntilthe frontedge ofthe "_
oven bottom clearsthe oven front frame. Removethe oven /-;_
bottomfromtheoven. _
To replace: Fitthe front edge of the oven bottom intothe _
frontframe.Lowertherearof theovenbottomandslidethe
twocatchesback tolockthe oven bottomintoplace.
Always disconnect power to appliance before servicing.
Beforereplacingthe lightbulb,DISCONNECT POWERTO
THE RANGE. Be surethebulbiscool.Donottoucha hot The three-pronggroundingplugoffersprotectionagainst
bulbwitha dampclothas thebulbmaybreak, shock hazards. DO NOT CUT OR REMOVE THE THIRD
Toturn onoven light: Pushintherockerswitchlocatedon
the backguard. Ifan ungrounded,two-hole orothertypeelectricaloutletis
encountered, it is the personal responsibility of the
To replaceoven light: Be surethe bulb iscool. Use a dry appliance owner to have the outlet replaced with a
potholder,to preventpossible harm to hands, and very properly grounded three-hole electrical outlet.
Replacewitha 40watt appliance bulb and reconnectpower
tothe range. Resetthe clock.
Because of the many new cleaning products introduced Non-Abrasive Cleaners - Ben Ami, paste of baking soda
each year, it is not possible to list all products that can be and water.
safely used to clean this appliance.
Mildly Abrasive Powder or Liquid Cleansers - Ajax, Bar-
READ THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS to be keepers Friend, Cameo, Comet, Soft Scrub.
sure the cleaner can be safely used on tHs appliance. Also, Non-Abrasive or Scratchless Plastic or Nylon Scouring
read and carefullyfollowthe manufacturer's directionswhen Pads or Sponges - Chore Boy Plastic Cleaning Puff,
using any cleaning product. Scrunge Scrub Sponges, or Scotch-Brite No Scratch, Cook-
ware or Kitchen Sponge.
To determine if a cleaning product is safe, test a small incon-
spicuous area using a very light pressure to see if the sur- Abrasive Scouring Pads - S.O.S., Brillo Steel Wool Soap,
face may scratch or discolor. This is particularly important for or Scotch-Brite Wool Soap Pads.
porcelain enamel, metal, plastic or highly polished, shiny, or (Brand names for the above c/eaning products are registered
paintedsurfaces, trademarks of the respective manufacturers.)
The following brands may help you make an appropriate Be sure appliance is off and all parts are cool before
selection: handling or cleaning to avoid damage and possible burns.
Glass Cleaners - Ben Ami, Cinch, Glass Plus, Windex. If a part is removed, be sure it is correctly replaced.
Dishwashing Liquid Detergents- Dawn, Dove, Ivory, Joy. To prevent staining or discoloration, clean range
after each use.
Mild Liquid Spray Cleaners - Fantastik, Formula 409.
Baked enamel Soapand water Usea drytowelorclothto wipeupspills, especiallyacid (milk,lemonjuice,fruit,mustard,
or painted Mildliquidcleaner tomatosauce) orsugaryspills.Surfacemay discoloror dullifsoilisnot immediately
Backguardpanels Glass cleaner removed.This isespeciallyimportantfor whitesurfaces.
Broilerdoor Whensurfaceiscool,washwithwarmsoapywater,rinseand dry.Forstubbornsoil,use
Ovendoor non-abrasivecleaningagentssuchasbakingsodapasteorBenAmi.Ifdesired,athin
Rangefrontframe coatofmildappliancewaxcan beusedtoprotectthesidepanels.Aglasscleanercan be
behindbroilerdoor usedtoadd "shine"tothe surface.
Sidepanels NOTE; Donotuseabrasive,causticorharshcleaningagentssuchassteelwoolpadsor
ovencleaners.These productswillscratchorpermanentlydamagethe surface.
NOTE: Neverwipea warm orhotsurfacewitha damp clothasthis maydamagethe
surface and may cause a steam burn.
Broilerpan and Soap and water : I R_e frombroiiing_mpartment _er Us_:Coolthenpouroffgrease. Place soapy
insert ,,P_iC scouringpad ;cioth bve_iri_rt a_ paniI_ s0akto io0sens.oii;Washin_arrn soapywater.USe_apL
Dishwasher ;; ; ;] ;NOTE:EOr_ie iceenup;_pray insert witha nonstickvegetab!ecoatingand line;;
....... bro erpan _th atqm bumfo
] .... ....
Burner box Soapand water Burner box,for cooktops with conventional burners, is located under lift-up cooktop.
Pasteof baking soda and water Clean frequently to remove spillovers. If soil is not removed and is allowed to
Non-abrasive plastic pad or sponge accumulate, itmay damagethe finish.TOcleanremovegrates andsurface burners and
Liquidcleaner cleanwith soap andwater, rinseand dry. (NOTE: Sealed burner cooktop does not lift
Glasscleaner up.)
Chrome drip bowls, Soapand_at_r I Ca_n bowlsa_! each Usewithsoapand water RemQv_S!ul0bornstains Withbaking
ff equpped Pasteof baldngsoda a_ water; s_ paste endplastic scouring pad. To prevent scratching thefin sh, do not use
] NOTEi _t_ _a_p_rrn'ane_tlydi#_lo_ ifexposedt_excessiveheat#___Oilis_tlewed
; ; ; ; ; ; ;; to bakeen_;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Continuousclean Cleaningactionbeginswheneverthe Do not usepapertowels,cloths,orspongesbecausethe ovenwallsare porousand
oven, ifequipped ovenison.The ovenmustbeusedfor particlesofthesematerialswillruboffonthewalls.Brushoffheavysoilwithanylonor
Ovencavity cleaningto take place. Higheroven plasticpad. Rinsearea withclean water only.Do not use anytype of oven cleaner,
temperaturesandlongerbakingtimes cleanserordetergentonthissurface.
(Continued nextpage)
PARTS CLEANING AGENTS I .= ,...,. DIRECTIONS.....,.....' :,..' ...; .,.
Controlknobs Soap andwater Toremoveknobs forcleaning, gentlypullforward.Wash inmilddetergentand water.Do
notsoakknobsin water.Donotuseabrasivecleaningagents.Theywillscratchfinishand
removemarkings.Rinse dryand replace.Turn ON each burnerto see If knobs have
beenreplaced correctly.
Glass --Sce_ aridWater
Ovenwindow PaSte_ bakingsgdaandwate, =stUbbornSOiLwith p_steOfbOEingsoda and waterlRinse w_tha blOthWru_ out in_ear
= Glass cleaner ' ware, Dry. DOnotuseabrash/ematerialsSUChas Scoudngpadslsteel wo01orpowdered;
: =cleaningagents;NOTE: TOaved insidestaining ofOvendoorglasS,do not eve,saturate
= = = _=cloth: = .... , ; , :, ,
Grates Soapandwater Gratesaremadeofporcelain-coatedsteel.Theycanbecleanedatthesinkwithsoapand
Non-abrasiveplasticpad waterorinthe dishwasher.Tocleanbakedonsoil.placeadampsoapypapertowelover
thegrateandletstandfor 30minutes.Use a non-abrasiveplasticpadtoscourstubborn
soil.NOTE: Neveroperateburnerwithoutagrateinplace.Toprotecttheporcelainfinish
onthegratefromexcessiveheat.neveroperatesurfaceburnerwithouta cookingutensil
onthe grate, t is derma for gratesto osetheirshne overaper odoft me.
Metal finishes Soap and water JWa_hwjthsoap,andWatt. Rem0vestub_hSP! inbroiie_com_rtment _avitywithpast_
Broilercomparf- wGl_sscleaner Ofbaking sodaandwater:Use a glassCleanerand aso_ clothto removefingermark_Of
men,cavity paste of bakingsodaandwater smudges OntrimOrhand!e,NOTE: Do notuseovencleaners,abrasmveorcausticagent&
Door handles , N_-abras_ pJastLcpad They w!!I damaget_ finish 0n =tr!mor:hand!e_ ,
, Trimparts i .... i ..... = .... =
Oven bottom Protecttheporcelainenamelovenbottomby(1)usinglargeenoughcookwareto prevent
I believers;(2)placinga pieceofaluminumfoiL,thatisslightlylargerthanthecookware,on
the lowerrack.NEVER placefoildirectlyonthe ovenbottomasfoil may meltontooven
Oven racks Soap andWat't' ,' clean "th soaP, w, te_.Remove,tu'b_m ,j, with,,e_nSingpowder 'Oisoap fd,e,
C!eansihgpowders .... : S_?ing pad. Rinse and dry. NOTE-ff racKs:becOme d ff_Ut tOs_de,a thin 0oat e_
= , P astie,pad = vegetablee onthe u_dersde of therackwi[imake e dingeas or.
........................ soapfiled _eudng pad I = =: =:
Plastic finishes Soapand water Whensurfaceiscool,cleanwithsoapandwater;rinse,anddry.Useaglasscleaneranda
Doorhandles • Non-abrasive plasticpadorsponge soft cloth. NOTE: Never use oven cleaners, abrasive or caustic liquidor powdered
Sackguardtrim Glass cleaner cleansersonplasticfinishes.Thesecleaningagentswillscratchormarrfinish.NOTE:To
Knobs )reventstainingordiscoloration,wipeupfat, greaseoracid(tomato,lemon,vinegar,milk,
End caps fruit juice, marinade) immediately witha dry paper towel orcloth.
_Ba_guard l,ead_[a__eae_,
Innereven &broiler I "_ Oleaner,ovarlon;y SeraPhthe _a_ : : :
doorpanel | * s0ap fi!l_ sc0urirtgpad , :: To "1/2cup hOuSeholda_onia i_, shal!_ glass
Manff°Jdpanel I = ' c0otainetan_ Jeave,ina coid oven 0Vethig_: _e arnmo6iafU_S wiffhelp (e0se_ifi#
• oven cowry I .... burnedongre_ase_food.O_ehcieaherscanb=eUsed6atheporce_ainovendnly:Fdtio_
• Oven bottom _ ....... ..... manufacturer_'d re_i0nS. !_ov_n cteaher=w_ ussd. thoroughly r!n_e oven cavi_ and
. . capillarytU_ whichIslocatedat thetop Ofthe:oVen: .. :
Silicone rubber Soap andwater Washwith soap and water, rinse and dry. Donot removedoor gasket.
Door gasket
Surface burners . Soapand wate_ = = All _mers: Fere_se0i#lean_g, cleanburnerSea_ timetheco_kt_is use_withWarm
=Conventional Pasteof baking_da a_dWater ceaiburneiandclean.To
,Sealed ..... ] * Plastic_urihg sponge_ _d remove stubbornso j=,Usea dry clothand _ dy abras ve c endear.USecaretOprevent
i M_diyabraeiveci_,n_er _ eaei fro_ cieggingports. _rner m_t =t:)_(Jry_efbre _SSl NO_; YelOWtippi" _ _t
! , = distortionef to@game mayoccurUntilthe bamer iScompletelydry.
= = , _ ea_ burner portswithe stiaightpinOrSmallmete paperC!p.Do notenlarg_ordiStort
: ,= = .... ports;Oonotusea_ddentoetbpfckasltmaybreakoffandctOgporf =ifportsaredogged
, Con_entionai burnerS! De b_rnersin,he ev_ setat !7o_F, : =
'= : : ;= burner,;use_re t0 preventdamaget0the igniteri0cated at,he back of each burner.
Surfaceburne,Wi)lrfct|ight_opedy if !gnitOrisdamaged,broken, soi!ed;orwet When.
clean)ngtrio ports, beSureiOcleadthe port directlybelowtheignitor.
Do not attempt to service the appliance yourself unless
Followthese procedures to remove appliance for cleaning or directed to do so in this manual, Contact the dealer who
servicing: sold you the appliance for service or call us. Our
telephone number is found on the separate warranty
1. Shut-off gas supply tothe appliance, sheet.
2. Disconnectelectricalsupplytotheappliance, ifequipped. If your appliance should require service or replacement
3. Disconnect gas supply tubing to the appliance, parts, contact your dealer or authorized servicer. Be sure to
4. Slide range forward to disengage range from the anti-tip have the model and serial numbers of the appliance
bracket. See the Installation Instructions for location of available. See the front cover of this manual for location of
the bracket, these numbers. Please review the separate warranty sheet
that comes with your appliance to see ifthe service you are
5. Reverse procedure to reinstall. If gas line has been requesting is covered by the warranty.
disconnected, check for gas leaks after reconnection. A
qualified servicer should disconnect and reconnect the Ifyouarenotsatisfiedwiththelocalresponsetoyourservice
gas supply. See the Installation Instructionsfor gas leak requirements, write to Maytag Customer Service, P.O. Box
test method. 2370, Cleveland, TN 37320-2370. Include your name,
address, phone number, the complete model and serial
To prevent range from accidently tipping, range must be numbers of the appliance, the name and address of the
secured tothefloor bysliding rear leveling leg intoan anti-tip dealer from whom you purchased the appliance, the date of
bracket supplied with the range, purchase and details concerning your problem.
If you do not receive satisfactory service, you may contact
WARNING: Possible risks may result from abnormal the Major Appliance Consumer Action Program by letter.
usage, includingexcessive loadingofthe oven doorand of Include the information listed above.
the riskof tip over,should the appliance not be reinstalled:
according to the installationinstructions. Major Appliance Consumer Action Program
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
MACAP (Major Appliance Consumer Action Program) is an
independent agency sponsored by three trade associations
as a court of appeals on consumer complaints which have
notbeen resolved satisfactorily withina reasonable period of
Surface burnerfails to light, a. powersupplynotconnected, a. connectpower,checkcircuitbreakeror
fuse box.
b. clogged burner port(s), b. clean ports with straight pin or small
paper clip. See page 16 for cleaning
c. surface control notcompletely turned to c. turn control to the LITE position untilthe
the LITE position or turned too quickly burner ignites, then turn control to
from the LITE position, desired flame size.
d. powerfailure (pilotlessignition), d. seepage5tolightburnerduringapower
e. on sealedburner models:Burnerwill not e. clean and dry burner head. If brokenor
light ifthe ignitorisdamaged,soiled, wet damaged, call a serviceman.
or ifthe portdirectly belowthe ignitor is
f. burner assembly incorrectly installed, f. see page 12.
I Burner_ameiSu,eva.,
, ,, PROBLEM ' , CORRECT!ON, , ,, ,,
Surface burner flame lifts off port or a. air]gasmixturenotproper, a. callservicemanto adjust burner.
is yellow in color, b. nopan in place, b. always place pan on grate before
NOTE: Liftingofflame is normalforsealed NOTE: Be sure installerproperlyadjusted
burners. Someyellowtippingwith LPgasis range at time of installation.
normaland acceptable.
Surface burner ignitor producing a. controlknobis in the L/TEposition, a. be sure ALL surface burner :control
clicking sound. NOTE: The life of the ignition system knobs are ]n the OFF position or are
maybeshortenedffthekn0bisleftinthe adjustedtothedesiredflame seWng.
LITE position.
Surface control switch iS moist as a b. aliowswitchto:drythehrelightburnerl
[ result ofcleaning=therange. = ....
Oven burner fails to light, a. powersupplynotconnected, a. connectpower,checkcircuitbreakeror
fuse box.
b. powerfailure, b. oven will not operate during a power
c. ovenincorrectlyset. c. See page7.
, .... =
_his is 'anbrrn_!SOundthat occurswithSometypesof gas Whena hot burner isturned 0ft.
Clock and/or oven light does not a. power supply notconnected, a. connect power supply, check circuit
work. breakeror fusebox.
b. bulbmay be loose or burned out. b. tightenor replacelight bulb.
c. malfunctioningswitch, starter or ballast, c, call serviceman to check.
d. malfunctioningclock or loose wiring, d. call serviceman to check.
Moisturecondensation on oven a; _i is'avedear ajarfor Oneortw0 minutest01
window, ifequipped, when oven is in the firs_fewminUteSthe evenis on_ : aJ!ow=moisturetOeecapei:
use. : b, Cloth saturated Withwater is used to b; use a dampcloth to Clean win_w to
Cleanthe WindoWl preventexcesswater fromSeeping
, , , , , , between the panels ofglas-s.,
Baking resultsare not satisfactory, a. oven not preheatedor set atcorrect a. preheatoven 10to 15 minutes
browningistoopale,toodarkor temperature.
isuneven, b. used incorrect rack position b. see page 7
food cooks unevenly, c. incorrect useof aluminum foil c. see page 8
food is underdone or overdone, d. oven bottom incorrectly replaced d. replace oven bottom correctly
e, oven thermostat sensing device is out e. reinstall thermostat sensing device
ofthe holdingclip(s). See Problem Chart on page 9 for
additional information
broil operation, to.meat has toe muchfat : : b: trimfat :
c. sauceappiiedtOo=Saltyormarinadenot e. applysauceduring lastfew r_inutesof==
Cornplete!ydrained :: cooking, ff meathas been marinated;
drainthOrOUghlybefore cooking
= d Soiledbroier pan d. alwayscleanbroilerpan and insertafter
== each use
, e, broilerJosertsovered=withaluminum foil e. nevercover insertWithfoilasthispre-
ventsfat fromdrainingto ,panbelow
f. broilingcompartmentbottomis=soiled f, cleanbroilingcOmpartment
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Maytag C31000PAA User manual

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