If your rangeis equippedwitha top CLEANING users of this applianceare hereby
cover,do not leaveit downwith the warnedthat the burningof gas can
topburnerson.Turningontheburners Turn off all controls and wait for result in low-levelexposureto some
with the covers down could cause appliance parts to cool before of the listed substances, including
incomplete combustion,or put the touching orcleaningthem. Do not benzene,formaldehydeandsoot,due
burnerout.It is a hazard, touchthe burnergratesor surround- primarily to the incomplete com-
ing areas until they have had bustion of natural gas or liquid
Do not use broiler area to store sufficient time to cool. petroleum (LP) fuels. Properly
utensilsas the ovenburnerandpilot adjusted burners will minimize
may.becomedamaged,orknockedout Touchinga hot ovenlight bulbwith a incompletecombustion.Exposureto
of properalignment, dampcloth couldcausethe bulb to thesesubstances can also be
break.Should the bulb break, dis- minimized by properly venting the
Donotoperatearangethatispartially connect power to the range before burnersto the outdoors.
disassembledor when somepart is trying to remove the bulb to avoid
missingor broken, electricalshock.GREASE
Makesure top burner,ovencontrol Clean range with caution.If a wet Useextremecautionwhen moving
knobs,and toppilot shutoff valve spongeor clothisusedtowipespills thegreasekettleordisposingof hot
(when provided)are all in "OFF"on a hotcookingarea,becarefulto grease.
positionwhile filling the propane/avoid steam burns.Somecleaners
butanetanks, canproducenoxiousfumesifapplied Hot grease is flammable.Avoid
to a hotsurface,lettinggreasedepositscollectaround
Awindoworotherairventshouldbe appliance,rangehood,orventfan.Do
openslightlywhileusingtherange, notleavecontainerofgreasearound
Gasflame consumesoxygen which IMPORTANTSAFETYNOTICE
ANDWARNING acookingappliance.Always let
hasto bereplacedtoassureproper
combustion. TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWater ,,
and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986 . ,
Misuseofappliancedoors,suchas (Proposition 65)requires the __-I
stepping,leaningor sittingon the Governorof Californiato publisha_T_jj_t
theappliance,breakageofdoor,and of California to cause cancer or
reproductiveharm, and requires quantitiesofhotfatusedfordeepfat
seriousinjuries, businessesto warn customersoffryingcoolbeforeattemptingtomove
_==°='_ potential exposures to such sub- or handle.In the event of a grease
stances,fire, DONOTattempt to movepan.
_"Cover pan with a lid to extinguish
__ flameandturn surfaceburneroff. Do
notdouseflamewith water.Useadry
chemical or foam-type fire extin-
quisher, if available, or sprinkle
heavily with baking soda.
STORAGE ABOVE Spillsorboiloverswhich contain
APPLIANCE greaseshouldbecleanedupassoon
To eliminatethe hazardofreaching .aspossible.Ifthey are allowedto
over hot surface burners,cabinet accumulate,theycouldcreatea FIRE
storage should not be provided HAZARD.
directlyabovea unit.
Ifsuchstorageisprovided,it should ALUMINUM FOIL
be limitedto itemswhichare used Use aluminum foil ONLY as in-
infrequentlyand which are safely structed.Improperuseofaluminum
storedinan areasubjectedto heat foilmay causedamagetotherange,
from anappliance.Temperaturesin affectcookingresultsandcanalso
storageareasabovetheunitmaybe resultinshockand/or fire hazards.
unsafefor some items, such as
volatileliquids,cleanersor aerosol