WARNING:To reduce the risk of tipping of the appliance
from abnormal usageor by excessiveloading of the oven
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the door,the appliancemust besecured bya properlyinstalled
appliancewhenitisinuseorisstillhot.ChUdrenshouldnever anti-tip device. If the range ismovedfrom thewall,be sure
be allowedto sit or standon anypartof the appliance, the anti-tip device isengaged whenthe range is replaced.
Lookunderneathrangetoverify thatone ofthe rearleveling
Childrenmustbetaughtthat the applianceand utensilsin legs is properly engaged in the bracket slot. The anti-tip
it canbehot. Let hotutensilscool devicesecuresthe rearlevelinglegtothefloorwhenproperly
in a safe place, out of reach of engaged.Also,besurethe rangeis properlyre-installed.
taught that an appliance is not a Do nottouch a hot oven lightbulb with a dampclothas the
toy.Childrenshouldnotbeallowed bulbcould break.Shouldthe bulbbreak, disconnectpower
to playwith controlsor other parts to the appliance before removing bulb to avoid electrical '
ofthe unit. shock.
CAUTION: Donot store items of
interest to children in cabinets
above an appliance or on the Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburnerbeforeturningit on.
backguard of a range. Children Besureyouknowwhichknobcontrolswhichsurfaceburner.
climbingontheapplianceoronthe Makesurethecorrectburneristurnedonandthatthe burner
appliance door to reach items has ignited. When cooking is completed, turn burner off
couldbeseriouslyinjured, beforeremovingpanto preventexposureto burnerflame.
Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflamesothat itdoesnotextend
beyondthe bottom edge ofthe pan. An excessiveflame is
Topreventpotentialhazardto theuserand damageto the hazardous,wastesenergyand maydamagethe appliance,
appliance, do not use pan orcabinetsabovethe appliance.
as a
I__//" . Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
heaterto heatorwarm a I _i_._r_'_; ':
!. j especiallywhen usinga _[ ._.__. i //_
room. Also, do not use i _/_iI_:_L==_:£LI._2;/_--_:/_ highheatsettingor when
the cooktopor ovenas a _ deepfatfrying. Boilovers
storage areafor food or cause smoking and
cookingutensils, greasy spillovers may
Do not obstructthe flow ignite. Clean up greasy
of combustion and spills as soon as
ventilationairbyblocking possible.Donotusehigh
the ovenvent or air intakes. Restrictionof air flow to the heat - for extended
burnerpreventsproperperformanceandincreasescarbon cookingoperations.
monoxideemissionto unsafelevels.
Never heatanunopenedcontaineronthe surfaceburner or
Avoid touching oven vent area while oven is on and for in theoven.Pressurebuild-up maycausecontainerto burst
several minutesafter oven is turned off.Some partsof the resulting in serious personal injury or damage to the
vent and surroundingarea become hot enough to cause appliance.
burns.Afterovenisturnedoff, donottouchthe ovenvent or Use dry, sturdy potholders. Damp pot holders maycause
surroundingareas untilthey havehadsufficienttime tocool. burns from steam. Dishtowels or other substitutesshould
neverbe usedas potholders becausethey cantrailacross
CAUTION: Do not _ _ (=_(=m_ / hot surface burnersand igniteor get caught on appliance
useanapplianceasa "_ _ parts.
above. Misuse of Always let quantitiesof hot fat used for deepfat frying cool
appliance doors or _ beforeattemptingto moveor handle.
drawers, such as
stepping, leaning or Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
sittingon the dooror accumulateinornearthe appliance,hoodorventfan. Clean
drawer,may result in hood frequently to prevent grease from accumulating on
possible tipping of hoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunderthe hoodturnthefan
the appliance,breakageofdoor, and seriousinjuries, offas thefan mayspreadthe flame.