Oce VarioPrint 6250 Important information

  • Hello! I have analyzed the provided white paper about the Océ VarioPrint 6250. This document describes the features of this high-performance digital printer, particularly focusing on its simultaneous duplex printing capabilities, large media capacity, and software integration options. I am ready to answer any questions you have about the printer and its functionalities.
  • What is Océ Gemini Instant Duplex technology?
    What media types does the Océ VarioPrint 6250 support?
    What are the benefits of using Océ PRISMA software?
Driving Productivity
The Océ VarioPrint 6250
The Keys to Breakthrough Print Performance
White Paper
Executive Summary
Beyond the Triple Threat: Challenges Facing Print Shops
Strategy: Drive Productivity
Duplexing: the Fast Track to Exceptional Productivity
Scenario 1: the need for speed
Scenario 2: three hours uninterrupted
Scenario 3: a complex application
Powering Productivity with the Océ
Software Enables Smooth Integration and Interoperability
Scenario 4: breakthrough performance
Becoming More Productive—a Roadmap
Executive Summary
Intense competition. Demand for immediate results. The steady growth
of digital media. The print industry is in a state of flux and has been for
some time. But even as market consolidation continues and customers
use ink on paper in concert with alternate channels like email and the
Internet, print is an important medium that is here to stay. With
increasing competition for printed pages, how do commercial print shops
and in-plants compete, survive, or even thrive in the new world of print?
Clearly, print providers can no longer rely on the same old solutions to
handle the rising tide of new expectations and requests for increasingly
complex jobs. Personalization is becoming a requirement in more docu-
ments as business shifts from a market-centric to a customer-centric
model. Integrated marketing components are finding their way into
traditionally transactional documents. And customers are looking for
instant turnaround on everything from quotes and proofs to production,
reprints, and delivery.
Efficiency and productivity have taken center stage as critical require-
ments for success, and modern print providers must look beyond
traditional tools, services, and cost-cutting measures to ensure their place
in the future.
In an increasingly multi-channel world, the
pressure is on to transition from existing prac-
tices and perspectives to newer ones that make it
easy to get, track, manage, produce, and deliver
work with greater productivity.
Most print providers do a good job of taking care of business on a day-
to-day basis. However, the difficulties of managing customer
requirements, meeting shrinking print windows, and adapting to change
leave little time to transform processes or capture new opportunities. Yet,
this is exactly what print providers must do to ensure long-term success.
The costs of inefficiencies in high operating expenses, lost opportunities,
customer defection, and diminishing returns are real. At the same time,
the rewards of replacing inefficient processes and equipment with
productive ones can be exponential.
This white paper explores the challenges print providers face and the
critical role that productivity plays in sustaining growth and generating a
competitive edge. It covers the elements of a productive print operation,
keys to productivity, strategies for improvement and advances in digital
printing technology that can position your print operation to run at
peak performance.
Staking a claim in an intensely competitive market is rife with chal-
lenges. Beyond the print professionals triple threat—keeping the
competition at bay, growing volumes, and delivering more value—
commercial printers, quick print/copy shops, and in-plants share a
common list of challenges:
Competition for printed pages as alternative media supple-
ment and in some cases capture traditional ink-and-paper
based applications
Demand for faster turnaround time
Requests for more jobs with shorter run lengths—driving the
transition from offset to digital
Job and application convergence
A requirement for more complex documents with more tabs
and inserts
Increasing emphasis on Variable Digital Printing (VDP),
Print On Demand (POD) quality, and sophisticated
Pressure on margins and budgets as costs rise and competi-
tion intensifies
The need to hire, train, and retain a skilled workforce
Need to grow volumes by providing a rich portfolio of value-
added services
Productivity and efficiency deficits—printers must accelerate
productivity to survive
Constant pressure to generate new business and improve
customer service
Beyond the Triple Threat:
Challenges Facing Modern
Print Operations
Keeping in-plant print room
business an “inside job”
We’ve talked about the universal challenges that affect
commercial print shops and in-plants. But what about the
unique issues that in-plants face serving internal corporate
customers? The typical in-plant operates on a limited
budget as a cost center on the enterprise balance sheet.
With aging equipment and limited resources, many find it
difficult to satisfy internal customers who require more
sophisticated capabilities and faster turnaround. A large
percentage of jobs are still submitted using the “sneaker
network,” on CD, or as paper hard copy.
Meanwhile, many in-plants struggle with requests for jobs
they do not have the technology to deliver, problems
meeting aggressive deadlines, and customer dissatisfac-
tion. These issues together lead to declining print volumes
and difficulty breaking even. Overcoming these challenges
requires print operations to expand service offerings,
accelerate turnaround, and increase service levels while
keeping a tight rein on the bottom line. While many cannot
afford complete overhauls, incremental improvements like
fast digital printers with expanded workflow capabilities
can provide the boost in-plants need to prevent internal
customers from defecting to outside competitors.
For both commercial print shops and in-plants, achieving sustainable
growth demands business process optimization, an expanded service
portfolio, and the ability to accept and turn around more work faster. In
other words, shifting the balance means becoming a trusted service
provider that can offer customers more business value and real solutions
to real problems. It means being willing to rethink the way you do busi-
ness. Offering more print-on-demand capabilities. And being able to
handle complex jobs with color inserts, tabs, covers, scanning, archiving
and professional finishing. For some operations, it may mean stream-
lining and even re-engineering processes and workflow.
In many cases, the best way to achieve these objectives is high-ROI
digital print and workflow solutions that enable you to capture more
printed pages with fewer resources. In a word, the key to surviving and
thriving is productivity. And those print operations that commit the
time, effort, and resources to maximize productivity will be rewarded
with outstanding business performance and positive financial results.
Productivity Defined
So what is productivity? What impact does it have on your business?
And how does your print operation measure up? More importantly, how
can you become more productive and leverage productivity to enhance
your business?
Random House defines productivity as “a generative source of contin-
uing activity.” Wall Street, the ultimate arbiter of economic
performance, sees it as “the efficiency with which output is produced
using a given set of inputs, generally measured by the ratio of output
to input. An increase in the ratio indicates an increase in productivity.
A decrease in the ratio indicates a decline in productivity.”
In the print arena, productivity can be defined as producing more
output using the same amount of resources—a.k.a. doing more
with less.
Strategy: Drive Productivity
Leapfrogging the commercial
print “catch-22”
Commercial print shops face their own set of issues.
Certainly there are exciting opportunities like variable data
printing, which drives higher margins—or web-to-print,
which makes it easier for customers to order printing. But
capitalizing on these opportunities means winning the
constant battle for market share in a mature and increas-
ingly consolidated industry. The byproducts of
consolidation are relentless competitive pressures, down-
ward price trends, and declining operating income.
To win, print shops must change the conversation from
one of print as a commodity to offering added value. To
differentiate their businesses they need to help customers
improve their communications effectiveness and attract
and retain more of their customers. Here’s the catch-22. To
grow revenues, print shops must offer value-added serv-
ices. To offer value-added services, they need advanced
digital technologies. And to fund infrastructure invest-
ments, they need service revenues. Chicken or egg, one
fact is clear. The end game is to entice customers to buy
more products and services—and the only sure way to get
there is with advanced imaging technologies.
A productive print operation is one that can accept and handle a
variety of jobs and turn them around quickly, efficiently, and with
professional quality. A productive print operation is equipped with
print engines, software, and finishing systems powerful enough to
handle a variety of files and jobs. It is staffed with people who know
how to get the job done. It can produce a wide range of jobs quickly at
the lowest possible cost. And it is agile enough to shift gears in an
instant, leveraging intelligent workflow to automate processes, ensure
accuracy, improve customer service and monitor and report on various
aspects of production.
On Becoming More Productive
Here’s the good news. Improved productivity is well within reach and
the right print infrastructure can help you achieve it with a minimum
of effort. The productivity puzzle comprises two interrelated pieces—
print engines and software—that enable a print operation to deliver
more value. While some print engine vendors lock customers into
proprietary hardware and software configurations, others offer workflow
software from dozens of independent companies. However, neither
approach delivers the productivity that print professionals need to
improve performance. Instead, productivity requires open integration
between hardware and software to deliver immediate and long-term
benefits. To become more productive, you need to:
Optimize production processes and equipment to get more out of
the resources you have
Transition to flexible digital equipment that supports the services
your customers want
Implement workflow solutions that streamline processes and inte-
grate with your infrastructure
Maximize speed and productivity to achieve peak performance
using powerful digital devices
Implement systems that enable you to create more work faster,
accelerate turnaround, accommodate a wider range of jobs and
media, and offer more finishing solutions
When it comes to duplex production, the numbers tell an interesting
story. A large proportion of the jobs produced in commercial and in-
plant operations involve duplex applications.
Océ user research indicates that in produc-
tion environments, some 80 percent of
traditional publishing jobs printed on high-
volume cut sheet devices are printed on both
sides of the page.
These jobs include books, booklets, manuals, reports, letters, course
packs, and catalogs. All are duplex applications that have traditionally
been printed on simplex devices, by passing each page through the
device twice to print on both sides of the page. The result? Inconsistent
quality, more frequent misfeeds and jams during duplex runs, and diffi-
culty meeting deadlines. Compounding the problem, slower, single-pass
cut sheet devices are more costly to own and operate.
Océ Gemini Instant Duplex technology.
A breakthrough in high-speed, duplex digital printing
Clearly, duplexing is a critical component of any print providers
productivity equation. But not all duplexing technologies are created
equal. Given the problems associated with printing duplex jobs on
simplex machines and the fact that most high-volume output is duplex,
wouldnt it make sense to build a single duplex engine?
In fact, duplexing comes in two flavors—dual-pass duplexing on
simplex machines (the de facto standard until recently) and revolu-
tionary Océ Gemini Instant single-pass duplexing, an advance that
represents a watershed moment in professional printing. What’s the
difference between the two … and does it matter?
In answer to the first question—the difference is a quantum leap in
quality, productivity, and reliability. As for the second question, it
matters a lot if you care about reliability, throughput, or time to market.
Despite the fact that most jobs are produced in duplex on high-volume
systems, all other cut sheet digital systems have been designed for less
efficient single-sided printing. In these systems, paper must pass twice
through the print engine and fuse the image at least twice to produce
duplex sheets, creating reliability, speed, and productivity issues. Not so
with Océ single-pass duplexing, which enables print providers to
increase speed and productivity while eliminating overtime, freeing
employees to focus on other work.
Duplexing: the Fast Track to Exceptional Productivity
Consider the Océ VarioPrint® 6250—the world’s most productive
digital duplex cut sheet printing system with the Océ Gemini print
engine. This innovative new technology comprises two imaging
modules encased in a single engine that simultaneously prints both sides
of a sheet of paper to achieve near-perfect registration. The technology
also enables a 70 percent plus increase in output.
Because the images on both sides of the page are transferred and fused at
the same time, less stress is exerted on the substrate and reliability is
exceptional. The combination of single-pass duplex printing and a
fusing temperature well below that of competitive electro-photographic
methods further reduces paper stress and eliminates paper curl. The low
fusing temperature also helps with finishing, by maintaining adequate
levels of humidity within the paper to reduce the risk of jams. Bottom
line—with Océ single-pass duplexing, pneumatic paper feed technology,
a short, straight paper path and lower fusing temperatures, the O
VarioPrint 6250 can handle an impressive range of media.
Print providers benefit from high productivity, greater operational
efficiency and lower printing costs, for more efficient short-run
production of training manuals, technical documentation and other
essential business applications. Duplexed tabs, cost-effective color
inserts, and professional finishing capabilities, like fusion punch and
square fold booklet making, open up an even wider range of work.
Simultaneous duplexing is a revolutionary advance that completely changes the
existing duplex print paradigm. It not only accelerates speed and turnaround, but
also improves reliability and delivers numerous business benefits. More powerful
print engines reduce the total number of devices required as well as the time
required to get jobs out on schedule. At the same time, robust engineering
ensures system durability, which makes for a better long-term investment. And
the good news is that for Océ this is proven technology—Océ first introduced
simultaneous duplexing with its continuous feed Océ VarioStream®9000 series.
This innovative technology launched the next generation of break-
through performance, teaming single-pass duplex technology with the
addition of incremental color.
Harnessing faster speed, more reliable performance, and offset-class
quality, corporate and commercial users can reduce costs, increase prof-
itability, improve productivity, and enhance efficiency, while improving
volume-building opportunities and competitive strength. Simultaneous
duplexing can have a positive impact on business performance, enabling
every print provider to deliver breakthrough results.
Calculate the Productivity Difference
Productivity is more than a concept. It is a business differen-
tiator that can pay important dividends over the short run
and the long run. Productivity can mean the difference
between turning a job around on time and missing a critical
deadline. It can mean the difference between operating in the
black and floundering in the red. It can mean the difference
between advancing customer relationships and losing print
volumes. Productivity at its best combines people, processes,
and expertise to deliver more customer value. And the right
technology can make or break your business goals.
PrintMaster and the Océ VarioPrint 6250
Given a standard 10-hour day, and printing 132 duplex ledger-size prints
per minute (7,920 duplex prints per hour), PrintMaster can now output
79,200 prints per day—generating more than a 70 percent productivity
increase over the older equipment running at 77 prints per minute. As a
result, PrintMaster can produce its current volume of work in just 7.1
hours and expand its output capacity with just one Océ VarioPrint 6250.
Customers’ jobs are always completed on schedule with offset-like
quality and PrintMaster still has production capacity to accept more
work and drive top- and bottom-line growth.
Scenario 1 - the need for speed
Consider this scenario. PrintMaster is a commercial print shop that has served a loyal roster of customers for 20
years. However, the PrintMaster team began to notice that customers were bringing in more complex jobs and
wanting them faster. They also discovered that with their existing Xerox DocuTech® 6180, they couldn’t always get
the job done on time. PrintMaster looked to Océ and its VarioPrint 6250 to meet its business needs.
Ledger size
duplex prints
per minute
77 prints per
132 prints per
Ledger size
prints per hour
4,620 prints per
7,920 prints per
Prints produced
in a 10-hour day
46,200 prints
per day
79,200 prints
per day
Cannot meet
print window
without additional
Is more than 70
percent more
You have a recurring job that comes in once a month to produce book
blocks for pharmaceutical catalogs.
The book blocks must be printed with a finished size of 8.5˝ x 1
In its maximum configuration, the DocuTech 6180 can hold 5,200
sheets of ledger-size paper. Given the fact that you purchased more
drawers wouldnt it be nice if you could use them all for this print job?
What’s more, printing at a snails pace of 2,310 sheets per hour, limited
drawer capacity and speed on ledger-size paper, the DocuTech 6180
will run out of paper in two and a quarter hours.
In its maximum configuration of 12 drawers, the Océ VarioPrint 6250
can run 13,800 sheets of any size paper up to 12.6 x 19.2 inches in
each drawer—whether they are interposed or not, providing additional
built-in flexibility. Adding high capacity stackers that can hold up to
12,000 sheets automatically delivers finished stacks for every 3,000
sheets output, the Océ VarioPrint 6250 delivers productivity above and
beyond the requirements of the job.
Running uninterrupted for the same three hours as the Xerox
DocuTech 6180 (if it were possible), the Océ VarioPrint 6250 delivers
twice as much output—11,730 vs. 6,930 sheets. Your accelerated print
window just gave you more time. Coffee anyone?
Scenario 2 - three hours uninterrupted
All Uninterrupted Printing is Not Created Equal
Run two digital cut sheet printers uninterrupted for three hours and you’d expect the output to be about equal,
right? Not so. Factor in speed and input and output capacity and the numbers tell a dramatically different story.
Traditional Dual-Pass Duplexing
Requires media to be turned in the printer paper path and
fused twice to print the second side of a duplex document
In most cases, completed sheets per minute when
duplexing decrease by 40-50 percent
More susceptible to inexact registration due to excessive
paper movement that occurs when imaging the front
image separately from the back
More prone to paper shrinkage with two passes
Inconsistent quality because of electrostatic imaging
process and degradation of quality-critical components
like corona wires and developer
Complex paper paths limit the variety of media that can be
run without frequent paper jams.
Engine speed slows down for multiple tray pulls and work-
flows that require duplexing with simplex tabs and
different paper sizes, substantially reducing overall
performance and throughput
Not every drawer supports every form size
Xerographic-based imaging systems require scheduled
maintenance cycles and yield lower recommended
monthly volumes
Constant preventive maintenance cycles require that
backup systems be available during servicing or produc-
tivity will be negatively impacted
High fusing temperatures causes stress on the paper,
paper curl and difficulties in finishing, negatively
impacting printer performance
Many legacy and even some new systems rely on propri-
etary file formats for image and/or job ticket files
Difficulty in fully integrating with other internal or external
software and/or hardware solutions
Océ Simultaneous Duplexing
High-speed performance at 250 letter-size prints per minute;
160 legal prints per minute and 132 duplex ledger-size prints
per minute
Up to 70 percent faster than other devices
Gemini Instant Duplex technology delivers the best paper regis-
tration in the industry at .5mm and front–to-back image
registration of .1mm
Offset-like quality
Quality consistency over long print runs with Océ Copy Press
No developer, no fuser oil or toner waste bottle
Standard resolution of 1,200 dpi, and 141 lpi halftone screen for
crisp lines and sharp graphics
Uninterrupted printing for four hours
No engine slowdown when running heavy media types (tabs,
card stock)
Leading capacity for ledger and oversize media
Up to 12 input drawers, each supporting all paper sizes
Load-while-print, unload-while-print, rip-while-print, so there's
no need to interrupt print runs
Interposing from all drawers with no slowdown in speed
Built for high reliability and low maintenance
Heavy-duty design minimizes stress on parts
Eliminates paper stress, curl, and jams
Supports heavy duty cycles (7.5 million)
No paper turnover when duplexing
No need for high fuser temperature or multiple fuser passing
Open performance and smooth interoperability
Integrates with Océ PRISMA™ and Xerox workflows
Simple preparation with Océ PRISMAprepare™
Support for Xerox DigiPath™ and Freeflow™ with DPlink™, an
integrated software module for the Océ VarioPrint 6250
controller or Océ DPconnect™ a software module for Océ
PRISMAproduction™ servers
Support for Xerox Digipath RDO file format Océ DPconvert™
Can replace or work alongside Xerox devices without changing
How does the Océ VarioPrint 6250 compare to the Xerox DocuTech 6180? Consider this quick view of the merits of revolutionary
Océ simultaneous duplexing vs. dual-pass duplexing
SITUATION: A customer comes into your shop at 4:00 PM with a
request for 1,000 copies of a technical manual with multiple tabs and
inserts, including front and back covers—due before 9:00 AM the next day.
THE JOB: The manual—which must go out with a new software
release—is a 220-page booklet that has nine inserts including front
and back covers, tabs, and other inserts. The customer wants 1,000
copies of the manual for a total of 220,000 pages. Completing the job
productively requires a printer with a minimum of 10 input drawers
or the operator must pre-collate the media to work with fewer drawer
pull options.
The customer would completely miss the print window, because at
180 images per minute (or 90 sheets) the job would take 20.4 hours to
complete. Whats more, the Xerox DocuTech 6180 isnt designed for
this level of complexity, because it is limited to six drawers, even with an
interposer. From a productivity standpoint, some of the inserts would
have to be presorted to work with only six drawers.
Designed-in flexibility enables the Océ VarioPrint 6250 to easily handle
an application of this complexity. Any of its drawers can function as
interposers, so the operator can load each application element in its own
input drawer. In addition, there are still two drawers to spare—thats
two drawers you could load with additional base stock to further
increase productivity. At a speed of 250 duplex prints per minute, the
Océ VarioPrint 6250 can complete the job in 14.7 hours in the first
pass—without any additional equipment or intervention The customer
is at the front door bright and early the next morning, delighted with
the quality and turnaround.
Given the requirements of the job, in a direct face-off with the Xerox
DocuTech 6180, the Océ VarioPrint 6250 is 30 percent more produc-
tive. Only the Océ VarioPrint 6250 can meet the customers
requirements and deliver the application with hours to spare!
Here is another typical scenario. You have a growing commercial printshop that serves some of the area's premier
technology companies producing training and installation manuals. One of your biggest customers needs a manual
produced in record time—a complex application with post-process color interposing, covers, tabs and inserts.
Compare the difference when the manual is printed on a simplex machine and a simultaneous duplex machine.
Xerox DocuTech
Océ VarioPrint
Letter size duplex chapter pages
and 9" tabs
180 duplex prints or 90 sheets per
minute, best case (doesn't take into
account the fact that duplex chapter
pages, simplex printing of tabs and
multiple tray pulls could slow print
speed by up to 15 percent)
250 duplex prints or 125 sheets per
minute. No loss of speed due to
input paper pulls or duplex tab
Letter size duplex
chapter pages and
9" tabs
10,800 prints per
hour or 5,400 sheets
per hour
15,000 prints per
hour or 7,500 sheets
per hour
Total hours to
complete the job
20.4 hours
14.7 hours
Scenario 3 - a complex application
The design of the Océ VarioPrint 6250
represents a major market development. It
combines Océ expertise in feeding and finishing
with an innovative use of print engine tech-
nology. The duplex approach to the print engine
reduces the overall cost of the device. It lowers not
only the capital cost, but also lessens service
requirements since the paper does not need to
recirculate for duplexing.”
Jim Hamilton, Director, InfoTrends Research
Fast, versatile, cut sheet devices provide capabilities ideal for in-plants
and commercial print shops, including the ability to run multiple
substrates and insert pages in a job during production. But many of
these jobs have been too costly to produce on older cut-sheet devices
because of speed or substrate limitations. Today, a faster, more versatile
digital press with state-of-the-art paper handling options and simulta-
neous duplexing can deliver an affordable, comprehensive cut-sheet
solution for a wide range of documents.
Incorporating advanced technology like Océ Gemini Instant Duplex
puts the Océ VarioPrint 6250 in a class by itself when it comes to
productivity. Unlike other devices, it is designed from the ground up as
a duplex printer capable of printing up to 250 letter-, 160 legal-, and
132 ledger-size duplex prints per minute, making it up to 70 percent
more productive than any other device in its class.
Certainly, duplexing is an essential capability for jobs like short-run
books, booklets, manuals, reports, and technical documentation.
But there are other applications that can help drive growth if print
providers can support them—specifically duplex tabs, inserts, and
professional finishing capabilities—all of which are readily supported by
the Océ VarioPrint 6250 system.
The Océ VarioPrint 6250 is designed for non-stop throughput and
superior paper handling too. This means that it supports custom paper
sizes, coated media, duplex tabs, inserts, and preprinted paper stock—
opening up a world of application and revenue-generating
opportunities. As for throughput, it comes standard with four drawers,
each with a capacity of 4,600 sheets. With a maximum configuration of
three paper input modules (12 paper drawers total), operators can load
up to 13,800 sheets of any size at once to print unattended and uninter-
rupted for up to four hours. All input drawers can serve as interposers,
inserting media via a separate cold paper path, eliminating the added
expense and need for dedicated inserter/interposer modules. And
because operators can load paper while the machine is running, it can
print up to 15,840 letter-size (7,920 ledger size) prints per hour with
minimal intervention.
Adding an optional output module of 6,000 sheets—for a total of
12,000 sheets—further increases throughput. Indeed, the O
VarioPrint 6250 has the largest paper input/output capacity for larger
media sizes and supports letter, ledger, oversized and custom size media.
All of this capacity generates productivity increases that enable operators
and print professionals to turn their attention to more pressing business
issues. Whats more, no adjustments are needed because the stacker can
stack any sheet size, in any order.
As for finishing, an integrated finishing interface smoothly connects to
third-party products for more application variety and enhanced back-
end productivity. Users can choose options for stacking, set finishing,
professional square-bound booklet making, perfect/cover binding,
folding, and punching.
Powering Productivity with
the Océ VarioPrint 6250
By enhancing the economics, speed and
productivity of duplex printing, Océ is
changing the balance of power in production
class monochrome printing.”
Andy Plata, Publisher OutputLinks
Of course, robust print engines are just half the productivity equation.
The other is workflow software. Rather than being limited by dated
proprietary software that only runs a certain brand of printers, scalable
print management software delivers a range of benefits while protecting
investments in equipment and software. It supports print engines from
multiple vendors, with job splitting among different machines to balance
loads and capitalize on existing assets. It employs tools architected to
work together from the ground up to support the entire document life-
cycle from creation through production and distribution. And it
simplifies training, eases installation, streamlines day-to-day operations,
and enhances accuracy and reliability. As a result, its easy to expand oper-
ations to accommodate both planned and unanticipated changes.
Océ PRISMA, the industry-leading workflow solution is an integrated
family of adaptive workflow management software that makes work flow
faster and more efficiently in concert with the systems and processes
already in place. Océ PRISMA combines with Océ printers to drive
greater efficiency, automation, and control into the production workflow.
Océ PRISMA job submission and pre-press solutions simplify job accept-
ance and ticketing and automate time-consuming make-ready tasks. Océ
PRISMA integration tools drive interoperability between Océ and Xerox
workflows, allowing Xerox DigiPath or FreeFlow applications to be sent
to Océ printers without modification, enabling operations to use existing
applications without disruption.
Duplex Print Engines Plus
Flexible Software Equal Productivity
The Océ VarioPrint 6250 does more than help print providers accept
and turn around more print jobs with increasingly complex require-
ments. Its also engineered to make the best use of people and resources
while minimizing the time and expense of maintenance. Using this
highly productive system, corporate and commercial print professionals
can produce more double-sided output in less time, offer higher levels of
service, and decrease their equipment investments, saving costs and
maintenance time by replacing multiple slower units with one Océ
VarioPrint 6250. When a powerful duplex print engine is supported by
scalable servers and workflow/print management software that can accept
and run a broad range of applications, and PDLs, performance makes a
giant digital leap. This combined approach delivers higher levels of
productivity for all types of print providers.
Software Enables Smooth
Integration and Interoperability
Its Monday morning at 9:00 AM and one of your best customers comes
in with a high-priority job that must be finished and delivered at 4:00
PM. Your mission? To print, finish, and deliver 500 copies of a 200-page
booklet—100,000 pages—this afternoon.
The PPO Physicians Guide booklet must be printed and saddle-stitched
to a finished size of 8.5˝ x 11 ˝, using 16 lb. bond, ledger sized paper
stock and a 28 lb. bond pre-printed color cover. Lighter paper stocks were
chosen to reduce mailing weight and associated costs.
Printing 77 ledger-size images per minute or 154 duplex letter-size pages
two-across, the DocuTech 6180 would complete the job in 10.8
hours—completely missing the deadline. Furthermore, the system cant
satisfy the finishing requirement, leaving only one alternative—perfect
binding, which would save time, but add unnecessary cost.
Printing 264 letter-size duplex prints per minute two-across on ledger-
size paper, the Océ VarioPrint 6250 would complete the job in 6.3
hours, in a single shift, well within the print window. With an inline
Watkiss square-fold solution, the system can square-fold and face-trim
the booklet at rated speed, producing a professionally finished book—
more than 70 percent faster. Need it today? Consider it done.
Given the requirements of the job, the Océ VarioPrint 6250 is at
minimum 30 percent more productive than the Xerox DocuTech 6180.
Scenario 4 - breakthrough performance
How Breakthrough Performance Plays Out on the Print Room Floor
Running multi-page books and booklets is bread-and-butter work for many print-for-pay and in-plant
operations. Consider the difference the Océ VarioPrint 6250 system’s simultaneous duplexing capability
makes in this typical application.
Xerox DocuTech
Océ VarioPrint
Prints per minute
154 two across, letter duplex on
ledger-size paper
264 two across, letter duplex on
ledger-size paper
Prints per hour
Total hours to
print job
10.8 hours
6.3 hours
This capability
Ease of use
Delivers these benefits
Print providers can do more in less time, use less equipment, fewer employees
Higher level of service and a shorter time to market
Non-stop productivity for up to four hours
Operators can change paper, toner while printing or between jobs
Generous input/output capacity
Largest paper capacity for larger media
Monthly duty cycles up to 6,000,000 prints per month
Extremely easy to learn and use
Reduces training requirements
Requires fewer people to support the system
Intuitive operator panel indicates when to reload toner, media, etc.
Intuitive job scheduler and planner
Easy paper loading with Océ Paper Logic
Low-maintenance design creates less wear and tear on machine parts
Designed for jam-proof, long-term durability
Backed by best-in-class service
Direct duplex press, double-sheet detection, no static and corona-units
No developer = no print quality changes
Self-cleaning cycles = no wasted toner
Stacker needs no operator size changes Dont have to open the machine to replace tonerIntegration
Support for PostScript, PDF and PCL page description languages
Connectivity with Xerox DigiPath via Océ PRISMA software suite
Five productivity elements set the Océ VarioPrint 6250 apart from other devices:
Becoming More Productive … a Roadmap
Add powerful duplexing digital technology to your print operation and
youre well on your way to breakthrough performance. The question is
how does your print operation measure up? How do you leverage
breakthrough performance to kick your operation into high gear? Start
by identifying your goals and the technology available to meet them.
Determine your strengths and weakness and understand the gaps
between the two. Devise a simple plan of attack to analyze existing
assets and processes, introduce new technologies, and position your
shop to capitalize on the resulting benefits. Ready to get started? Heres
a short list of what to consider and do.
Analyze the number and types of jobs you produce, costs
and production requirements, turnaround requirements,
overtime hours, downtime of existing equipment
Assess your existing processes and practices and identify areas
of inefficiency
Understand the types of requirements, services, and
capabilities your customers are looking for today or will
want tomorrow. Think variable data printing, tabs, inserts,
and finishing.
Determine what you need to change or add to improve
Look at the equipment you have. If its analog, consider tran-
sitioning to digital equipment. If it’s an aging digital print
engine, figure out how to lower TCO and raise ROI by
replacing it with one or two high-powered duplexing
machines that can deliver more productivity for less
Implement them with document management/workflow
software that automates manual processes and makes it easier
for customers to do business with you
Train employees to use the systems and processes to their
In summary, as long as market pressures like consolidation, demands for
immediate response and the erosion of print pages to alternate media
continue, accelerated speed and productivity are essential to every opera-
tions success. Applying old solutions and outdated technology to solve
new problems and meet new requirements simply wont work.
Securing sustainable growth means adopting innovative technologies
like simultaneous duplexing, implementing digital tools like Océ
PRISMA workflow software, and leveraging a technological advantage
to offer customers more services with the responsiveness they expect.
Driving success means driving productivity, which improves customer
satisfaction and loyalty. For commercial print shops this means being
able to achieve breakthrough business performance to open up new
opportunities to grow volumes and expand services. They can produce
more work in less time, expand their service portfolios with high-
demand capabilities that were not practical before, and increase profit
margins by decreasing costs and lowering overhead.
For in-plant print rooms, driving success means having the resources
and horsepower to prevent internal customers from diverting volumes to
departmental MFPs or external providers. It means being able to accel-
erate turnaround, support increasingly complex jobs, and demonstrate
greater value by changing perceptions and transitioning from internal
cost centers to value-added service providers.
In both environments, its all about productivity. And the Océ trifecta—
revolutionary Océ Gemini Instant Duplex technology, the breakthrough
Océ VarioPrint 6250 digital duplex printer, and scalable Océ PRISMA
workflow software—are built to empower print providers to think and
perform with breakthrough results. Print On!
To learn more, visit www.oceusa.com/breakthrough or call
1.800.523.5444 today.
Printing for Professionals
Océ is a leading provider of digital document management technology
and services. The company’s solutions are based on advanced Océ soft-
ware applications that deliver documents and data over internal
networks and the Internet to printing devices and archives—locally and
around the world. Supporting the workflow solutions are Océ digital
printers and scanners, considered the most reliable and productive in the
world. Océ also offers a wide range of display graphics, consulting and
outsourcing solutions.
Netherlands-based Océ N.V. (NASDAQ: OCENY), with a workforce
of around 24,500 people and pro forma annualized revenues of nearly
$3.7 billion, active in approximately eighty countries, maintains research
and manufacturing centers in the Netherlands, the United States,
Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Romania.
Océ’s North American headquarters is located in Chicago with major
business units in Trumbull, CT; Chicago; New York City; Boca Raton,
FL; Salt Lake City; Coventry, RI; and Vancouver, BC. North American
revenues were $1.7 billion for fiscal 2005, and employment is currently
11,000. For more information about Océ, visit www.oceusa.com.
Outside the U.S., consult www.oce.com.
Commercial Printing Division
5600 Broken Sound Boulevard
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Printed on an Océ CPS Color System 2408-08/07
All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design are reserved. Delivery subject to availability, subject to change for technical reasons. All hardware and
software names are trade names or trademarks of their respective manufacturers. Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright 2006, Océ North America Digital Document Systems.
Océ North America, Inc. |Digital Document Systems |1.800.523.5444 |www.oceusa.com
Corporate Printing Division
100 Oakview Drive
Trumbull, CT 06611