6©2022 Trane Technologies TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A
Step 4: Bearing Installation and Reassembly
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DDOO NNOOTT aallllooww tthhee ssttaattoorr ttoo ccoommee oouutt ooff tthhee hhoouussiinngg wwhhiillee iinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee nneeww
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1. Install the new large bearing into the new drive end plate and
secure with the new snap ring.
2. Stand the generator up on its end and place a block of wood
under the shaft as shown.
a. Apply a thin bead of RTV around the sealing surface and
position new drive end plate onto housing.
b. Use the large bearing installation tool and a 32 oz. dead
blow hammer to carefully drive the end plate onto the shaft
until the bearing is fully seated.
Note: Do not attempt to drive the end plate completely flush
onto the housing. This will be done later.
3. With the motor still standing up on its end:
a. Fill up the end plate with grease where the shaft seal goes to
keep the seal lubricated and keep water out.
b. Apply a thin coating of grease around the new lip seal and
install into the end plate followed by the new end seal.
4. Use a 32 oz. dead blow hammer and a small bearing installation
tool to carefully drive the new bearing onto the shaft.