Thermo King Precedent™ Generator Bearing Kit 401503 Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation Instructions for the Thermo King Precedent 401503 Bearing Kit. This document provides a detailed guide for replacing generator bearings, including step-by-step procedures, and safety instructions. It also specifies the necessary tools and supplies. I am ready to answer any questions you may have regarding the bearing replacement process.
  • Does bearing replacement require the stator to be removed?
    What should I do if the generator shafts show signs of excessive wear or damage?
    What type of pad should I use to clean the generator shafts?
    What is the torque required for the fan cover screws?
TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A ©2022 Trane Technologies 1
NNoottee:: The following special tools and supplies will also be required, but are not included.
Special Tools and Supplies Required
T25 Torx Driver
Awl or Scribe Tool
Large Flat Bladed Screwdriver
3-Jaw Pullers (small and large)
2043188 Bearing Installation Tool Set
Snap Ring Pliers
5/16” Socket
Plastic or Rubber End Mallet
32 oz. Dead Blow Hammer (or equivalent)
Torque Wrench
2030386 Mobilegrease28 (or equivalent)
Blue Thread Locker
Spray can of degreaser
2020348 Black RTV
Scotch-Brite™ pad (or equivalent)
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: Bearing replacement ddooeess nnoott require the stator be removed. See warning
statement below.
SSttrroonngg MMaaggnneettiicc FFiieelldd!!
SSeeppaarraattiioonn ooff tthhee ggeenneerraattoorr aanndd iittss ssttaattoorr dduurriinngg ddiissaasssseemmbbllyy wwiillll ccrreeaattee aa ssttrroonngg mmaaggnneettiicc ffiieelldd tthhaatt ccaann
iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh ccaarrddiiaacc iimmppllaannttss ssuucchh aass ppaacceemmaakkeerrss aanndd ddeeffiibbrriillllaattoorrss..
Installation Instructions
PrecedentGenerator Bearing Kit 401503
2©2022 Trane Technologies TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A
Step 1: Unit Preparation (All models)
Disconnect all power from the unit before proceeding. Failure to do so can result in serious personal injury or death!
1. Open and remove the Curbside and Roadside doors.
2. Open the Top Door and secure with prop rod.
3. Open the Roadside and Curbside panels.
4. Remove the Bottom Pan from the unit.
5. Remove Generator from the unit.
Figure 1. Gain access and remove generator.
TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A ©2022 Trane Technologies 3
Step 2: Disassembly Procedures
NNoonn--DDrriivvee EEnndd DDiissaasssseemmbbllyy
NNoottee:: The drain hole in the non-drive end plate must be facing up towards junction box later
during the reassembly process. Scribe identifying alignment marks onto the housing and
end plate now to aid in reassembly.
1. Use a T25 Torx bit to remove the three screws securing fan cover
to housing and remove cover.
T25 x3
2. Use a large flat bladed screwdriver and carefully work around
the inside edges of the fan hub until it comes off the splined
3. Note drain hole on top of end plate faces up towards junction
box. Scribe identifying alignment marks onto the housing and
end plate to aid in reassembly.
4. Use a 5/16” socket to remove the four threaded rods from the
4©2022 Trane Technologies TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A
5. Use a large flat bladed screwdriver to separate and remove the end plate from the housing.
BBeeaarriinngg RReemmoovvaall
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DDOO NNOOTT aallllooww ssttaattoorr ttoo ccoommee oouutt ooff tthhee hhoouussiinngg!! The drive end bearing is held
in the end plate by a snap ring and the assembly is press fit onto the shaft. Remove
end plate with a 3-Jaw puller.
6. Use a mallet and a block of wood and strike the shaft just
enough to get the drive end plate out from the housing so a large
3-Jaw puller can grab onto the edges.
7. Use the large 3-Jaw puller and remove the end plate from the
housing. Discard end plate.
8. Use a mallet and a block of wood and strike the shaft just
enough to expose the non-drive end bearing so a small 3-Jaw
puller can grab onto it.
9. Use a small 3-Jaw puller to remove the bearing from the shaft.
TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A ©2022 Trane Technologies 5
Step 3: Shaft Inspection and Cleaning
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DO NOT use steel wool to clean generator shafts. Use Scotch-Brite™ pads (or
1. Clean fan shaft surfaces and thoroughly inspect the shafts
bearing and seal surfaces for damage from overheating, etc.
Bearing and seal surfaces must be smooth.
Note: DO NOT install new bearings if either shaft end show
signs of excessive wear or damage.
2. Thoroughly clean housing where end plates attach.
3. Remove seal and clean end plate.
6©2022 Trane Technologies TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A
Step 4: Bearing Installation and Reassembly
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: DDOO NNOOTT aallllooww tthhee ssttaattoorr ttoo ccoommee oouutt ooff tthhee hhoouussiinngg wwhhiillee iinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee nneeww
DDrriivvee EEnndd
1. Install the new large bearing into the new drive end plate and
secure with the new snap ring.
2. Stand the generator up on its end and place a block of wood
under the shaft as shown.
a. Apply a thin bead of RTV around the sealing surface and
position new drive end plate onto housing.
b. Use the large bearing installation tool and a 32 oz. dead
blow hammer to carefully drive the end plate onto the shaft
until the bearing is fully seated.
Note: Do not attempt to drive the end plate completely flush
onto the housing. This will be done later.
3. With the motor still standing up on its end:
a. Fill up the end plate with grease where the shaft seal goes to
keep the seal lubricated and keep water out.
b. Apply a thin coating of grease around the new lip seal and
install into the end plate followed by the new end seal.
4. Use a 32 oz. dead blow hammer and a small bearing installation
tool to carefully drive the new bearing onto the shaft.
TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A ©2022 Trane Technologies 7
NNoonn--DDrriivvee EEnndd
5. Apply a thin bead of RTV around the outside edges of the end
plate and place the pre-loading washer inside the center of the
6. Correctly orientate the end plate to the housing by using the
marks that were scribed during disassembly.
Important: Be sure the drain hole faces UP when end plate is
7. Use a plastic or rubber ended mallet and tap around the end
plate until it is flush with the housing.
8. Apply blue thread locker to the ends of the new threaded rods
and loosely reinstall into the housing.
9. Use a plastic or rubber ended mallet and tap around the drive
end plate to help seat the plate while tighten rods in a 3-step
increments until reaching 49 in-lb (5.5 N•m).
10. Apply a thin coating of grease around the new seal lip and install
into end plate.
8©2022 Trane Technologies TK 56747-11-IS Rev. A
11. Use a plastic or rubber ended mallet and tap the fan back onto
the shaft.
12. Apply blue thread locker to the 3 screws, reinstall fan cover and
tighten to 44 in-lb (5 N•m).
T25 x3
13. Reinstall key into shaft. Generator is now ready to be reinstalled into unit.
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