iD H250

Barco iD H250 Installation guide

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DVI HDCP Input Kit
Installation manual
iCon H250/ H500, iD H250/H 500, NH-12, Ga laxy NH-12
Barco nv Presentations
Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne
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Printed in Belgium
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Table of contents
1. Safety................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Safety warnings....................................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1 DVI HDCP input board ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 DVI HDCP input board Kit. ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Assembling the DVI HDCP input bo ard. . . . . ......................................................................................... 6
3. Installation in the NH-12 and in the Galaxy NH-12............................................................ 9
3.1 Installing an optional input layer . .................................................................................................... 9
4. Installation in the iCon H250/H400/H500 and in the iD H250/H500 .......................................13
4.1 Removing the PMP..................................................................................................................13
4.2 Removing the input module ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Replacing the DVI / D15 input....................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Installing the DVI HDCP input layer .................................................................................................17
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Table of contents
2 R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
1. Safety
1.1 Safety warnings
WARNING: This p rocedure is intended for use only by BARCO authorized technicians.
WARNING: Be sure that the p rojector is powered dow n an d that the power cord is removed from the w all
outle t.
Wait until the projector is cooled down before starting the procedure.
CAUTION: Wear a wrist band which is connected to the ground w hile handling the electrostatic discharge
sensitive parts.
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008 3
1. Safety
4 R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
2. Introduction
DVI HD CP input board
DVI HDCP input board Kit
Assembling the DVI H DCP input board
2.1 DVI HDCP input board
The DVI HDCP input board allows the input of DVI single link sources to the p rojector and implements the High-Bandwidth Digital
Content Protection.
The boa rd can be mounted in a free slot of the p rojector ’s input module (NH-12; Galax y NH-12) or will replace the existing DVI input
board (iCon H250/H400/H500; iD H2 50/H500).
The signal of a source connected to the DVI HDCP input board will not be displayed on the DV I output.
The software of the projector automatically detects the new input board at rst start-up and implements it in the source selection
2.2 DVI HDCP input board Kit
In iCo n an d iD p rojectors, this upgrade kit can not be u sed in co mb ination with the SD I/HDSDI upgrad e kit
In iCon and iD projectors, this upgrade kit is n ot applicable o n the following projectors: R9210 500, R9210510,
R9210520 and R921070, which are projectors with o pt
Kit description
The kit contains the following items
DVI HDCP input board
1 image 2-1
xation nut 2 image 2-4
bottom screw 1 image 2-5
front bolt 4 image 2-3
front plate ( NH-12; Galaxy NH-12) 1 image 2-2
side screw 2 image 2-6
packaging 1
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008 5
2. Introduction
Image 2-1
DVI HDCP input board
Image 2-2
Front plate (NH-12; Galaxy NH-12)
Image 2-3
Front bolt
Image 2-4
Fixation nut
Image 2-5
Bottom screw
Image 2-6
Side screw
2.3 Assembling the DVI HDCP input board
Necessary tools
Torx screwdriver T10
How to assemble the DVI HDCP input board?
1. Fix the xation nut to the input board using the bottom screw
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2. Introduction
Image 2-7
Tip: Do not x the front plate to the DVI HDCP input board yet!
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
2. Introduction
8 R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
3. Installation in the NH-12 and in the Galaxy NH-12
In the Galaxy NH-12 the DVI HDCP input board will be mounted in the free slot. In the NH-12 the DVI HDCP
input board can be mounted in one free slot or the other. The procedure is exactly an alog for both free slots.
3.1 Installing an optional input layer
The procedure b elow describes how to ins tall the optional input board in the t op slot, but the proced ure to
install it in the other free slot is equal.
Necessary tools
Torx screwdriver T10
Nut sp anner 5 mm
How to install the optional input layer?
1. Remove the covers (see c oncerning chapters)
- rea r cover
- front cover
2. If there is a blank cov er plate present, remove it by unscrewing both xing screws
Image 3-1
Optional input layer: xing screws of the blank c
over plate
Image 3-2
Optional input layer: xing screws of the blank cover plate
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008 9
3. Installation in the NH-12 and in the Galaxy NH-12
Image 3-3
Optional input layer: cover removed
3. Insert the optional input layer in the input module
4. Push the optional input board to the left side to plug in the board-to-board connec tors to the PMP
Image 3-4
PMP: board-to-board connectors for optional input board
Image 3-5
Optional input layer: plug in the board-to-board connectors
5. Fix the optional input layer to the PMP us ing a xing screw
Image 3-6
Optional input layer: xing side screw
Note: This screw can be reached from the left side of the projector without taking out the input module
6. Fix the front panel to the o pti
onal input layer us ing the front bolts
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3. Installation in the NH-12 and in the Galaxy NH-12
Image 3-7
7. Fix the front panel to the input m odule using the xation screws
Image 3-8
Position of the xing screws
8. Install the covers (see concerning chapters)
- front cover
- rea r cover
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
3. Installation in the NH-12 and in the Galaxy NH-12
12 R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
4. Installation in the iCon H250/H400/H500 and in the iD H250/H500
IN THE ID H25 0/H500
The software version of the p rojectors must be 1.30 or higher. Lower versions do not support this DVI HDCP
input board!
The iCon H400 is replaced by the iCon H500 and will not be mentioned in the procedure. The procedure below
is valid for both models.
In this projector models, the DV I HDCP input board must be put in the place of the ’old’ DVI input board!
Removing the PMP
Removing the input module
Replacing the DVI / D15 input
Installing the D V I H D C P input layer
4.1 Removing the PMP
To install this input upgrade kit, it is not necessary to completely remove the PMP. The input module can be
made accessible b y disconnecting t he PMP partially and just ippi
ng it over.
Necessary tools
Torx screwdriver T10
Nut sp anner 5 mm
How to ip over the PMP?
1. Remove the front screw, xing the upper part of the front panel to the input m odule
Image 4-1
iCon and iD H250/H500: xing screw of the front plate upper part
2. Remove the 6 bolts, xing the upper part of the front panel to the PMP
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
4. Installation in the iCon H250/H400/H500 and in the iD H250/H500
Image 4-2
iCon and iD H250/H500: xing bolts of the front plate upper part
3. Remove the upper part of the front panel
4. Unplug connector J 110 (cable coming from the SBC) O NLY FOR ICON H250/H500
Image 4-3
iCon H250/H500 ONLY: unplug connector J110 on the PMP
5. Remove both xing screws
Image 4-4
iCon H250/H500: PMP xing screws
Image 4-5
iD H250/H500: PMP xing screws
6. Disconnect the PMP from the backplane, by lifting it
7. Flip over the PMP, in order to get access to the input modu le
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008
4. Installation in the iCon H250/H400/H500 and in the iD H250/H500
Image 4-6
PMP ipped over
4.2 Removing the input module
Necessary tools
Phillips screwdriver Ph1 long model
How to remove the input module?
1. Remove the pixel map processor (PM P) Se e the concerning chapter.
2. Loosen the two screws xing the input module (use a long screwdriver).
Image 4-7
Fixing screws of the input box
3. Slightly lift the input m odule and disconnect the power connector
- J419 (6 wires): power from the power box (co
nnector 6)
Image 4-8
4. Lift the input m odule to remov e it
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4. Installation in the iCon H250/H400/H500 and in the iD H250/H500
4.3 Replacing the DVI / D15 input
Necessary tools
Screwdriver Torx T10
nut spa nner 5 mm
How to replace the DVI / D15 input?
1. Remove the input module S ee t he concerning chapter.
2. Remove the side screw
Image 4-9
Side screw xing the DVI / D15 input
3. Remove the front nuts
Image 4-10
Front nuts xing the DVI /D15 input
4. Remove the backplane by pulling it off
R59770246 DVI HDCP INPUT KIT 30/10/2008