WARNING: Be cer tain that power is turned off
be fore pro ceed ing.
NOTE: The uni ver sal mount ing plate may not need to
be used in ceil ing in stal la tions. Use the plate if
the con duit box plate does not match the hole
con fig u ra tion in the hous ing.
4. Re move and re tain the two screws from the con duit
box. Ori ent the uni ver sal mount ing plate to the con -
duit box so that the studs align with the mount ing
holes in the fix ture. At tach the plate us ing the
screws re moved from the con duit box.
5. Pull the ac feed wires through the cen ter hole in the
uni ver sal mount ing plate.
6. Re move the ap pro pri ate knock outs from the hous -
ing de pend ing on the mount ing con fig u ra tion.
NOTE: The cover plate does not need to be used in
ceil ing in stal la tions.
7. Place the cover plate over the uni ver sal mount ing
plate as shown in Fig ure 2.
8. Pull the ac feed wires into the hous ing.
9. Se cure the hous ing to the mount ing plate with two
lockwashers and nuts.
10. Using wire con nec tors, con nect the wires from the
wireway to the in com ing ac feed. Con nect black
wire (sup ply) to black, the white wire (neu tral) to
white, and the green wire (ground) to green. Make
sure that the wire con nec tors are se cure and that
no bare wire is ex posed.
11. Re at tach the wireway to the hous ing us ing the two
screws re moved in step 2.
12. To in stall the Exit panel, squeeze the ends of each
tor sion spring to gether and in sert the ends into the
slots in the wireway cover. Slowly re lease the
springs, mak ing sure that they stay in the slots.
Care fully push the panel in place.
13. En er gize the ac cir cuit and en sure that the fix ture
Figure 2
ALKCO where qual ity co mes to light™
1500 Melrose Av e nue, P.O. Box 1389
Frank lin Park, IL 60131-8389
A Di vi sion of JJI Lighting Group, Inc.
075- 0137 5/00