What types of information
does the Validator display?
The Validator displays
three types of messages:
1) Informational messages
just convey information
and are not error messages;
2) warning messages point
out incorrect syntax that
is unlikely to affect the
appearance of the Web page;
and 3) error messages point
out incorrect syntax that is very
likely to affect the appearance
of the Web page.
Each message is marked by
an icon. The informational
message icon looks like ,
the warning message icon
looks like , and the error
message icon looks like .
Does the Web page need to
be open before I can validate
No. You can validate any file.
Click the filename in the Files
panel. Next, click Windows,
Results, and then click the
Validation tab. If you have
previously run a validation,
the Validation Results panel
will be open. To validate the
selected file, you need to click
the Validation button or the
Run Validation button in the
Can I validate more than one
file at a time?
Yes, you can select more than
one file in the Files panel,
using Shift-click or Ctrl-click.
Click Windows, Results, and
the Validation tab. Or you can
click the site name in the Files
panel, then click Windows,
Results, Validation tab, and all
the files in the site will be
3 Click the Split button ( ) to see the code
with line numbers.
The code window opens, showing the
HTML source code.
Setting Up Your Dreamweaver Site
chapter 1
4 Type </head> on line 6 in the code window.
5 Type </html> on line 10.
6 Click .
New Validator results are displayed.
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