Hamilton Retractex BC Steel Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions Manual
3Retractex Manual
Hamilton Warranty
Please refer to the General Terms of Sales (GTS).
Important note
Copyright © 2020 Hamilton Bonaduz AG, Bonaduz Switzerland. All rights reserved.
The reproduction of any part of this document in any form is forbidden without the
express written agreement of Hamilton Bonaduz AG.
Contents of this manual can be modified without previous announcement. Technical
modifications reserved. Greatest possible care was used on the correctness of the
information in this manual. If errors should be discovered nevertheless, Hamilton
Bonaduz AG is pleased to be informed about it. Regardless of this, Hamilton Bonaduz
AG cannot assume liability for any errors in this manual or for their consequences.
5Retractex Manual
1 Safety and protection measures ........................................ 6
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Safety ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Proper use ........................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Hazard areas and residual hazards .................................................................. 7
1.5 Equipment ........................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Safety equipment ............................................................................................. 8
1.7 Staff .................................................................................................................. 8
1.8 Disposal ........................................................................................................... 8
1.9 Symbols and pictograms ................................................................................. 8
1.10 Use in potentially explosive atmospheres ......................................................... 9
1.10.1 Coupling situation ................................................................................10
1.10.2 Maximum process temperature permitted ..........................................10
2 Product description ............................................................11
2.1 Retractex automatic retractable housing .........................................................11
2.2 Process integration .........................................................................................13
3 Delivery ...............................................................................15
3.1 Package contents ...........................................................................................15
3.2 Checking the delivery ......................................................................................15
4 Installation ..........................................................................16
4.1 Preparing the system ......................................................................................16
4.2 Prepare the housing ........................................................................................16
4.3 Install the holder ..............................................................................................16
4.4 Adjust the protection cage ..............................................................................17
4.5 Installing the cleaning pipes ............................................................................18
4.6 Installing the pneumatic tubes ......................................................................... 19
4.7 Installing the sensor ........................................................................................ 20
5 Operation ............................................................................22
5.1 Commissioning the housing ........................................................................... 22
5.2 Automatic operation of the housing ............................................................... 22
6 Servicing .............................................................................23
6.1 Servicing instructions ..................................................................................... 23
6.2 Checking wetted seals ................................................................................... 23
6.3 Removing the sensor ......................................................................................24
6.4 Removing the pneumatic tubes ......................................................................24
6.5 Removing the cleaning chamber with process connection ............................25
6.6 Replacing the wetted sealing ......................................................................... 26
6.6.1 Replace O-rings on cleaning cartridge ................................................27
6.6.2 O-ring replacement on Long insertion tube (LT) on
RETRACTEX C Steel LT / C Plastic LT ................................................28
6.6.3 Replacement seals on Retractex BC Steel / Retractex BC Plastic ..... 29
6.6.4 O-ring replacement on Retractex B M ................................................ 29
6.6.5 O-ring replacement on Retractex C M with flange connection ........... 30
6.7 Removing the insertion rod ............................................................................ 30
6.8 Installing the insertion rod ............................................................................... 32
6.9 Assembling the drive unit and cleaning chamber ........................................... 33
6.10 Function and leak tests .................................................................................. 33
6.11 Replacing the drive unit .................................................................................. 34
6.12 Servicing plan ................................................................................................. 35
6.13 Disposal ......................................................................................................... 35
7 Troubleshooting ................................................................. 36
7.1 Housing does not move from «service» position to «measuring» position...... 36
7.2 Housing does not move from «measuring» position to «service» position...... 36
7.3 Incorrect position reply ....................................................................................37
7.4 No position reply .............................................................................................37
7.5 Frequent contamination of sensor ...................................................................37
7.6 Sensor breaks frequently ............................................................................... 38
7.7 Leakage of process liquid at inspection window ............................................ 38
7.8 Compressed air emitted at inspection window .............................................. 38
8 Technical Specifications ................................................... 39
8.1 Standards ....................................................................................................... 39
8.2 Material properties ......................................................................................... 39
8.3 Cleaning ports ................................................................................................ 40
8.4 Sensors .......................................................................................................... 40
8.5 Pneumatic equipment .................................................................................... 40
8.6 Dimensions .....................................................................................................41
8.7 Ambient conditions .........................................................................................47
8.8 Process conditions Retractex C Steel / C Steel LT / B / BC ............................47
8.9 Process conditions Retractex C Plastic/C Plastic LT ...................................... 48
8.10 Ordering structure Retractex C Steel ............................................................. 49
8.11 Ordering structure Retractex C Steel LT ......................................................... 50
8.12 Ordering structure Retractex C Plastic ............................................................51
8.13 Ordering structure Retractex C Plastic LT .......................................................52
8.14 Ordering structure Retractex B Plastic ........................................................... 53
8.15 Ordering structure Retractex BC Steel ........................................................... 54
8.16 Ordering structure Retractex B ...................................................................... 55
9 Parts and accessories ...................................................... 56
7Retractex Manual
1 Safety and protection measures
1.1 Introduction
These operating instructions are intended for the Retractex retractable housing for application in
biotechnology and chemical industries.
Hamilton housings are quality products produced in accordance with the latest scientific and
technical knowledge. Follow the instructions given here to ensure maximum safety and durability.
These instructions should be read, understood, and followed by all staff using the device.
Hamilton can assume no responsibility for damage and operational disruptions arising from
failure to observe these instructions.
1.2 Safety
This housing and its parts are built to the current state of technology and are safe to operate.
However, there can be risk to life and limb if they are not operated correctly and appropriately.
The housing is only to be used:
For the intended purpose
In optimum safety and running conditions!
Everyone involved in the operation and maintenance of this housing should carefully read and
follow these operating instructions. Your personal safety may be at stake. Special attention is
needed for the O-rings as their lifetime depends on the application conditions.
The O-rings used are wearing parts. They must be replaced according to the service plan. If the
service plan is not followed leakage might occur.
1.3 Proper use
The Retractex retractable housing is intended to be attached to tanks or tubing. A sensor is in-
serted into the process liquid by the drive unit in order to measure chemical or physical charac-
teristics. The insertion procedure is automatically controlled and cannot be operated manually.
The material of housings and equipment should be chosen based on the process. The
retractable housing should be serviced on a regular basis. Establish a service plan adapted to
your process. Only perform the services described in the operation manual. Modifications to
the housing must be agreed with the manufacturer.
ATTENTION! The manufacturer is not liable for any damages resulting from
improper or inappropriate use.
1.4 Hazard areas and residual hazards
Retractable housings are connected to tanks and tubing that may be under pressure. Leaking of
process liquid only occurs in cases of negligence and improper operation. Prior to commission-
ing and after every servicing, ensure that all seals and connections are complete and in working
order. Never remove the lower and top housing cramp screws during operation of the housing.
Take appropriate protective measures before touching the housing as parts of the retractable
housing may take on the process temperature.
1.5 Equipment
Only use certified and approved accessories and equipment.
Choose materials for seals and O-rings according to process medium and cleaning liquid.
Observe swelling ability and acid and alkaline resistance of seal material.
Choose a suitable sensor and review information in chapter 8 «Technical Specifications».
Pressure air
Filter (40 mm), clean and deoil compressed air. Ensure that the pressure is between 4 and 6 bar.
Cleaning liquid/detergent
Choose cleaning liquid and detergent according to process, housing, and seal material and
dispose in an appropriate way.
9Retractex Manual
1.6 Safety equipment
Position «service»
The retract protection prevents the insertion rod from insertion without sensor into the process
as this would cause a leakage of process liquid. The sensor can only be installed/removed when
the housing is in the «service» position. Driving the housing into measuring position withouth
having a sensor installed is considered as negligence.
Position «measuring»
In the «measuring» position the sensor is immersed in the drive unit. You cannot remove the
sensor. Trying to remove the sensor in the «measuring» position is considered as negligence.
Protection cage
You may adjust the protection cage at the end of the insertion rod in order to protect the sensor
from mechanical impacts.
1.7 Staff
Leave installation and servicing of retractable housing to trained staff.
Protective clothing
The operation staff must wear goggles and suitable protective clothing during commissioning
and servicing works.
Accident prevention regulations
Observe work safety laws and regulations applicable in the operator’s country and at the site of use.
1.8 Disposal
Observe regulations and rules for waste disposal applicable in the operators country
and at the site of use.
1.9 Symbols and pictograms
Pictograms and symbols are used in the operation manual to provide better orientation.
ATTENTION! The safety note with the ATTENTION! signal indicates the risk of
personal danger and high material damage in case of failure to observe the
NOTE: The safety note with the NOTE signal indicates the risk of material damage in
case of failure to observe the instructions.
1.10 Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
The Retractex housing is approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres of category
1 to 3 (Zone 0 to 2) under the terms of the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU and IECEx scheme.
ATEX approval is attested by the EU type examination certificate TÜV 03 ATEX 7005 X. IECEx
approval is documented in IECEx Certificate of Coformity IECEx TUR 14.0001 X. The conditions
specified in the certificate must be respected (download www.hamiltoncompany.com).
ATEX / IECEx marking
Gas: CE 0035
ll 1/2 G Ex ia llC T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
ll 1/2 D Ex ia lllC T x °C Da/Db
Manufacturer: Hamilton Bonaduz AG, CH-7402 Bonaduz
EC type examination report: TÜV 03 ATEX 7005 X
IECEx certificate of conformity: IECEx TUR 14.0001 X
Other relevant regulations are to be complied with. These include particularly:
Machine directive 2006/42/EC
Other national regulations
In issue 10 of TÜV 03 ATEX 7005 X and in Issue 2 of IECEx TUR 14.0001 X repectively, restrictions
for the use of different versions of RETRACTEX are stated. The materials used for the wetted
part of RETRACTEX, and the geometry of the process connections do limit the use in explosive
atmospheres. These restrictions need to be observed. In case of doubt, contact Hamilton.
The operator of equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres is responsible for ensuring
that all components of the system are certified for that area classification and are compatible
with each other. Thus the sensor which is fitted to the housing must also be approved for the
area in questions.
11Retractex Manual
The Retractex housing may be used with sensors of different types which have a-length of
225 mm and 325 mm and whose ATEX / IECEx approval are certified. Please consider the table
of assignment in the EU type examination certificate resp. IECEx Certificate of Conformity.
ATTENTION! When using sensors from third party manufacturers, the Ex
protection level must be individually determined in each case. Improper use of
sensors or dismantling of the armature or of the sensors may lead to unintended
release of a potentially explosive atmosphere.
1.10.1 Coupling situation
The housing forms an interface between Ex Zone 0 and 1. It is important to realize that only
the immersed part of the housing is certified for Ex Zone 0. The entire remainder of the housing
is in Zone 1.
1.10.2 Maximum process temperature permitted
The maximum process temperature permitted is not limited by the housing itself, but by the sen-
sor that is fitted into the housing. Therefore, referring to the EC type examination certificate of
the sensor, you should check how the maximum allowable process temperature of the relevant
Ex Zone is defined.
ATTENTION! Avoid electrostatic charge. Therefore wipe only with a damp
cloth, especially the drive unit.
ATTENTION! During the movement of the drive unit from the measurement
position to the cleaning position, the cleaning chamber is briefly connected to
the process. Therefore, the cleaning ports must be closed to prevent an explo-
sive mixture emerging from the process.
ATTENTION! An explosive mixture may leak from the inspection window if the
O-rings are not tight. Explanation see chapter 6.2.
2 Product description
2.1 Retractex automatic retractable housing
Fig. 1: Retractable housing
13Retractex Manual
Retractable housings are attached to tanks or tubing by process connection. For compat-
ibility with various processes, the Retractex housing can be fabricated from stainless steel
or plastic. You can further choose between different process and cleaning ports and sealing
Retractex C Steel /C Plastic
Retractex C Steel / C Plastic is a retractable housing made of stainless steel (C Steel) or plastic
(C Plastic) for installation of Ø 12 mm sensors on tanks or pipelines.
For all kinds of Ø 12/225 mm sensors with thread PG13,5 (glass pH, conductivity,
temperature, and other optical sensors)
• Chemicals
Water treatment
Rough processes
Requirement of automated sensor cleaning
Retractex C Steel LT /C Plastic LT
Retractex C Steel LT / C Plastic LT is a retractable housing made of stainless steel (C Steel LT)
or plastic (C Plastic LT) for installation of Ø 12/325 mm sensors on tanks or pipelines, with an
extended immersion length up to 207 mm.
Retractex BC Steel / BC Plastic
Retractex BC Steel / BC Plastic is a retractable housing made of stainless steel (BC Steel) or
plastic (BC Plastic) for installation of Ø 12 mm sensors on tanks or pipelines with a G 1¼"
For all kinds of Ø 12/225 mm sensors with thread PG13,5 (glass pH, conductivity,
temperature, and other optical sensors)
• Chemicals
Water treatment
Rough processes
Retractex B
Retractex B is a retractable housing made of stainless steel for hygienic installation of Ø 12 mm
sensors on tanks or with a G 1¼" connection.
For all kind of Ø 12/225 mm sensors with thread PG13,5 (glass pH, conductivity,
temperature, and other optical sensors)
• Food
• Pharmaceuticals
Requirement of automated sensor cleaning
Compressed air is supplied via the pneumatic connections onto the drive unit. The drive unit
inserts the insertion rod into the process medium up to the maximal insertion depth. For safety
reasons this is only possible with a sensor installed.
When completely in the final position of the «measuring» position, the control receives a pneu-
matic position signal. In this position the sensor head is immersed in the drive unit and cannot
be removed. The sensor measures the chemical or physical properties of the process liquid.
Cleaning, rinsing and calibration of the sensor is possible while the process is running.
For this purpose the housing must be moved to the «service» position. Another pneumatic
position signal is caused when the final position is reached. In the «service» position the
insertion rod seals the cleaning chamber against the process to prevent leakage of process
liquid. The cleaning liquid is introduced into the cleaning chamber via the cleaning port «IN»
and subsequently drained via the cleaning port «OUT».
2.2 Process integration
The Retractex retractable housing can be operated by the automatic control RetractoControl
Plus. It optimally matches the functions of the holder.
The sensor can be connected to the transmitter while in the retractable housing.
Process control
The external control and the transmitter can be connected to a process control system. The
measuring and cleaning intervals are then controlled automatically according to the measuring
15Retractex Manual
Fig. 2: Process flow
Pressure / Temperature
The choice of the applicable housing is subject to the pressure and temperature conditions of
the process. The retractable housing of stainless steel can be used for a pressure of up to 16
bar and the plastic model up to 10 bar according to the temperature. The process temperature
should be between -10° and 140°C.
ATTENTION! Observe pressure and temperature charts in chapter 8!
Installation position
The operation of the housing is generally possible in any position. The reliability of the measuring
results depends on the properties of the selected sensor.
NOTE: Note, that the passive emptying of the cleaning chamber is not guaranteed in
every installation position.
3 Delivery
3.1 Package contents
The retractable housing is inspected at the factory and delivered ready for installation in a pack-
aging providing optimal protection for the housing.
Package contents:
Retractex housing
Hexagon key (2.5 mm)
4 spare screws M 4 x 8 (DIN 912)
2 spacers for sensors
Operation manual
ATTENTION! Store the housing in the packaging. This ensures optimal
protection until the installation.
3.2 Checking the delivery
Before approving the retractable housing for installation the following should be ensured:
Packaging and device are in apparent good order
The data plate of the retractable housing corresponds to the specifications on the order
NOTE: In case of further inquiries please contact your partner directly.
17Retractex Manual
4 Installation
4.1 Preparing the system
Ensure that:
Sufficient working space for operation of the retractable housing is available
The process is shut off
Tank and tubing are pressure-free, empty and clean
Connection flange and process connection of the retractable housing fit together
The process seal is positioned on the connection flange
There is no potentially explosive atmosphere
4.2 Prepare the housing
The housing must be in the «service» position.
The insertion rod should be completely inserted in the
cleaning chamber.
4.3 Install the holder
Prior to installation, ensure the following:
Fig. 3: «Service» position
The system is prepared (chapter 4.1)
The housing is prepared (chapter 4.2)
How to install the housing:
Position retractable housing on process seal
Tighten process connection
4.4 Adjust the protection cage
A protection cage is fitted to the lower end of the insertion rod and can be adjusted with the flow
direction. The symbol on the drive unit cylinder indicates the position of the opening in the inser-
tion rod. If the symbol is parallel to the flow direction the insertion rod is fully flown through. If the
symbols are perpendicular to the flow the sensor is fully protected from direct flow. The insertion
rod can be adjusted in any intermediate position.
Fig. 4: Protection cage, A = Sensor maximally streamed / B = Sensor minimally streamed
Ensure that:
The process is shut off
Tank and tubing are pressure-free, empty and clean
There is no potentially explosive atmosphere
ATTENTION! Leakage of process liquid occurs when housing cramp is opened
during running process. Burns and cauterization may occur depending on prop-
erties of process liquid. If leakage occurs stop process! Tanks and tubing must
be pressure-free.
How to adjust the protection cage:
Loosen screws of lower housing cramp
Rotate drive unit and adjust symbol in flow direction
Tighten screws of lower housing cramp
19Retractex Manual
4.5 Installing the cleaning pipes
Cleaning of the sensor is possible while the process is running. This requires supply and drain-
ing of cleaning liquid to the cleaning chamber. If cleaning of the sensor is not desired the clean-
ing ports must be sealed by pegs.
Fig. 5: Cleaning ports
ATTENTION! Cleaning pipes must be installed or cleaning ports «IN» and
«OUT» must be selad by pegs. If the cleaning ports are open, process liquid may
leak out. Depending on the characterization of the process liquid this may cause
burns or cauterization.
ATTENTION! If the process pressure is higher than the cleaning pressure pro-
cess liquid enters the cleaning pipes while the housing is moving to the service
position. A cleaning pipe with valve must be installed at the cleaning ports «I
and «OU.
ATTENTION! If the cleaning liquid pressure exceeds 6 bar housing and sensor
may be damaged. Install a pressure reducer, if necessary.
ATTENTION! Contaminated cleaning liquid can cause damage to the housing.
Install a cleaning pipe with dirt trap at the cleaning port «IN».
How to install the cleaning pipes:
Install valve and dirt trap in the cleaning pipe for the cleaning liquid supply
Attach supply cleaning pipe to the cleaning port «IN»
Install valve in cleaning pipe for drainage of the cleaning liquid
Attach cleaning pipe to the cleaning port «OUT»
Check all connections for tightness
NOTE: To avoid premature contamination of the sensor the pressure of the cleaning
liquid should be at least 1 bar.
4.6 Installing the pneumatic tubes
The Retractex retractable housing is operated with compressed air. The extension of the cylin-
der of the drive unit is fitted with four compressed air connections.
Fig. 6: Pneumatic connections 1 - 4
21Retractex Manual
ATTENTION! Emitted compressed air can cause material or personal damage.
Ensure tightness of pneumatic tubes before supplying compressed air.
ATTENTION! Contaminated compressed air causes damages to the drive unit.
Use filtered (40 nm), water-free and deoiled compressed air.
You will need:
2 pneumatic tubes Ø= 4 mm
2 pneumatic tubes Ø= 6 mm
How to install the pneumatic tubes:
Connection 1: Air supply «measuring» position (black, 6 mm)
Connection 2: Air supply «measuring» position (blue, 6 mm)
Connection 3: Reply «service» position (black, 4 mm)
Connection 4: Reply «service» position (blue, 4 mm)
Use the external control to move the Retractex from the «service» position into the «measurin
position and vice versa.
4.7 Installing the sensor
Sensors used with Retractex retractable housing must have a 12 mm diameter and a con-
nection thread of PG13,5.
The length of the sensor depends on the sensor type and the selected housing.
NOTE: Observe information in chapter 8.4 «Sensors».
Fig. 7: Sensor filled with gel
ATTENTION! Sensors that are too long could be damaged during installation.
Check the sensor length and use delivered spacer if necessary.
Ensure that
The housing is in the «service» position
All seals connected to the sensor are available
The sensor is not longer than the specified length
How to install the sensor:
Insert sensor and tighten
Attach sensor cable
The retractable unit is now ready for operation.
23Retractex Manual
5 Operation
5.1 Commissioning the housing
ATTENTION! Check all seals and connections of the housing before start-
ing the process. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury by leaking process liquid.
Depending on the characterization of the process liquid this may cause burns
or cauterization. Wear goggles and protective clothing.
Prior to the commissioning ensure the following:
Seals are complete and in good working condition
Sensor is installed and tightened
Cleaning ports are sealed with pegs
Cleaning pipes are installed and tight
Pneumatic tubes are installed and tight
Protection cage is adjusted correctly
5.2 Automatic operation of the housing
An external control is required for automatic operation of the retractable housing.
Note the functions of the pneumatic connections.
Connection 1: Air supply «measuring» position, black 6 mm
Connection 2: Air supply «measuring» position, blue 6 mm
Connection 3: Reply «service» position, black 4 mm
Connection 4: Reply «service» position, blue 4 mm
Use the external control to move the retractable holder from the «service» position into the
«measuring» position and vice versa.
6 Servicing
6.1 Servicing instructions
Establish a service plan adapted to your process.
Leave servicing works to qualified staff.
Always wear applicable protective clothes when performing servicing works.
Only perform the service works described in the operation manual.
Constructional modifications must be agreed upon with the manufacturer.
Tubing and tanks must be pressure-free, empty and clean before disconnecting the housing
from the process.
Ensure that there is no potentially explosive atmosphere.
6.2 Checking wetted seals
The retractable housing is fitted with an inspection window situated between the lower hous-
ing cramps. This inpection window has the purpose to dedect leakage as early as possible.
Therefore check regulary the window for leakage. If process media is leaking out of the window,
replace the O-rings in contact with the media immediately. See instructions in chapter 6.6 how
to replace the O-rings.
Fig. 8: Inspection window on lower housing cramp
25Retractex Manual
ATTENTION! Process liquid is leaking out ot the inspection window! Risk de-
pending on process liquid property! Replace wetted seals. Observe instructions
in chapter 6.6.
6.3 Removing the sensor
How to remove the sensor:
Move holder to «service» position
Remove sensor cable
Remove PG connector cable gland
Remove sensor
NOTE: If the sensor is broken the O-rings in contact with the media may be dam-
aged. In this case always replace the O-rings. See instructions in chapter 6.6 for O-ring
6.4 Removing the pneumatic tubes
How to remove all four pneumatic tubes:
Move the housing to «service» position
Stop compressed air supply
Push down plastic ring «A» on pneumatic connection
At the same time pull pipe «B» (Fig. 9)
Fig. 9: Removing the pneumatic tubes
6.5 Removing the cleaning chamber with process connection
ATTENTION! System is under pressure. Process liquid will leak when housing
is improperly disconnected from the process. Tubing or tanks must be pressure-
free, empty, clean and without potentially explosive atmosphere.
How to remove the cleaning chamber:
Move holder to «service» position
Switch off compressed air supply
Remove pneumatic tubes (chapter 6.4)
Remove sensor (chapter 6.3)
Loosen process connection
Remove process seals and housing
Remove lower housing cramps (Fig. 1)
Disconnect cleaning chamber with process connection « from drive unit «D»
Remove cleaning cartridge «B» from insertion rod «C»
27Retractex Manual
Fig. 10: Removing the cleaning chamber and process connection
A = Cleaning chamber with process connection, B = Cleaning cartridge, C = Insertion rod, D = Drive unit
6.6 Replacing the wetted sealing
ATTENTION! System is under pressure. Process liquid will leak when hous-
ing is disconnected from process in an inappropriate way. Ensure that system
is pressure-free before replacing the sealing. Drain and clean tubing or tanks.
Ensure that there is no potentially explosive atmosphere.
ATTENTION! Emitted compressed air can cause material damage or personal
injury. Switch off compressed air supply before removing the pneumatic tubes.
Install the seals chosen appropriately for the housing and the process.
Only use original parts.
How to replace the seals:
Remove cleaning chamber with process connection (chapter 6.5)
Remove and replace outer O-ring «A», and inner O-ring «B» on insertion rod
Ø in [mm]
A: 18.72 x 2.62
B: 10.77 x 2.62
Fig. 11: O-rings on insertion rod, B is left out
6.6.1 Replace O-rings on cleaning cartridge
(only applicable for Retractex C Steel and Retractex C Plastic)
Remove and replace O-rings «D» on cleaning cartridge.
Ø in [mm]
D: 21.95 x 1.78
Fig. 12: O-ring on cleaning cartridge
Remove PTFE scraper «E» on cleaning chamber
Remove and replace O-ring «F»
29Retractex Manual
Position PTFE scraper «E» on O-ring «F»
Ø in [mm]
E: 19 x 6 x 1
Ø in [mm]
F: 21.89 x 2.62
Fig. 13: O-rings/scraper on cleaning chamber
Replace the PTFE scraper as follows:
6.6.2 O-ring replacement on Long insertion tube (LT) on
RETRACTEX C Steel LT / C Plastic LT
Separated cleaning chamber: Remove and replace O-ring «G».
Ø in [mm]
G: 30 x 1.5
Fig. 14: Cleaning chamber C Steel LT / C Plastic LT
6.6.3 Replacement seals on Retractex BC Steel /
Retractex BC Plastic
Clean the chamber of the Retractex BC M, exchange O-ring «H» and «I». Then change the
scraper ring «J».
Ø in [mm]
J: 18 x 6 x 1
Ø in [mm]
H: 21.95 x 1.78
I: 18.77 x 1.78
Fig. 15: Cleaning chamber BC Steel / BC Plastic
6.6.4 O-ring replacement on Retractex B M
Cleaning chamber Retractex B without PTFE scraper, exchange O-ring «H» and «I».
Ø in [mm]
H: 21.95 x 1.78
I: 18.77 x 1.78
Fig. 16: Cleaning chamber B
31Retractex Manual
6.6.5 O-ring replacement on Retractex C M with flange
Loosen flange screws (a)
Release flange from rinsing chamber and echange O-ring K
Remount flange to rinsing chamber
Ø in [mm]
K: 29,82 x 2,62
Fig. 17: Cleaning chamber C Steel / C Plastic
6.7 Removing the insertion rod
ATTENTION! System is under pressure. Process liquid will leak when housing is
disconnected from process. Ensure that system is pressure-free before removing
the insertion rod. Drain and clean tubing or tanks.
ATTENTION! Emitted compressed air can cause material damage or personal
injury. Switch off compressed air supply before removing the pneumatic tubes.
How to remove the insertion rod from the drive unit:
Remove cleaning chamber and process connection (chapter 6.5)
Remove outer O-ring on insertion rod (Fig. 12 «A»)
Remove top housing cramps
Completely pull off cylinder «D» from cylinder extension «A» (Fig. 18)
Fig. 18: Removing the cylinder
A = Cylinder extension, B = Piston, C = Insertion rod, D = Cylinder
Loosen screws «E» and remove pins «F» (Fig. 19).
Fig. 19: Removing the fixing elements
E = 2 x M4 x 8, F = 2 x pins
Remove insertion rod «C» from piston «B».
33Retractex Manual
If the golden pins (G) fall out of the Drive Unit, insert them back into the dedicated holes. The
pins can be inserted in either direction. We recommend to put them in with the o-ring to the
outside (see picture).
Fig. 20: Drive Unit
6.8 Installing the insertion rod
The descriptions refer to Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 in chapter 6.7 «Removing the insertion rod».
How to assemble the insertion rod and the drive unit:
Adjust grooves in insertion rod «C» to piston «B» and put together
Insert pins «F»
Tighten screws «E»
Grease inside wall of cylinder «D»
Slide cylinder «D» over insertion rod «C»
Adjust cylinder «D’s» pin to cylinder extension «As» hole
Squeeze until cylinder snaps into place, releasing the air pressure
Bring top housing cramp in position and tighten screws
Insert O-rings at insertion rod (Fig. 11 «A» and «B»)
6.9 Assembling the drive unit and cleaning chamber
Ensure that all seals are installed and in good working condition. Insertion rod and drive unit are
assembled (chapter 6.8).
How to install the cleaning chamber:
Insert cleaning cartridge in cleaning chamber until it snaps into place.
Insert drive unit with insertion rod.
Press both components tightly together.
Adjust drive unit until it snaps into place in the cleaning chamber.
Adjust protection cage (chapter 4.4).
Bring lower housing cramp in position and tighten.
The housing can now be reinstalled in the process.
Also observe the following instructions in chapter 4:
chapter 4.3 «Installing the housing»
chapter 4.4 «Adjusting the protection cage»
chapter 4.5 «Cleaning pipes»
chapter 4.6 «Installing the pneumatic tubes»
chapter 4.7 «Installing the sensor»
6.10 Function and leak tests
A function and leak test must be carried out after each disassembly of the insertion tube and
the rinsing chamber and after changing O-rings. This is done as follows:
Function test
To do a simple function test insert the assembly tool into the sensor thread and push the inser-
tion tube into the «measuring» position and pull it back out again. Repeat this several times and
watch out for unusual resistance or sounds.
Leak Test
A simple leak test can be carried out by introducing a sensor into the housing. Close the outlet
35Retractex Manual
of the rinsing chamber tightly and apply an air pressure of maximum 4 bar to the rinsing cham-
ber inlet. Insert the housing vertically to about 2 cm above the rinsing chamber in clear water
and check that there are no air bubbles released.
ATTENTION! Ingress of moisture into cylinder can cause material damage. Do
not insert the whole housing into the water as water can get into the pneumatic
connections and lead to irreparable damage.
Carry out the leak test in the rinsing position as well as in the measuring position. Make sure
that the rinsing chamber is pressure-free when manually moving between the rinsing and
measuring positions.
6.11 Replacing the drive unit
ATTENTION! System is under pressure. Process liquid will leak when the
housing is disconnected from process in an inappropriate way. Ensure that
system is pressure-free before replacing the drive unit. Drain and clean tubing
or tanks. Ensure that there is no potentially explosive atmosphere.
ATTENTION! Emitted compressed air can cause material damage or personal
injury. Switch off compressed air supply before removing the pneumatic tubes.
The new drive unit can now be installed:
Prior to installation, remove cleaning chamber with process connection (chapter 6.5)
Remove insertion rod (chapter 6.8)
Clean and dispose of cylinder, cylinder extension, pivot, housing cramps, if required
How to install the new drive unit:
Put the drive unit with insertion rod into the cleaning chamber
Assemble the drive unit and cleaning chamber
Bring lower housing cramp in position and tighten
6.12 Servicing plan
Carry out the servicing works in the recommended intervals.
Checking wetted seals (chapter 6.2)
Checking process connection
Checking cleaning pipes
Checking pneumatic connections
Checking and tighten screws of top and lower housing cramps
Once a year
Replacing wetted seals (chapter 6.6)
Removing and inspect insertion rod (chapter 6.7)
Every 3 years
Replacing drive unit (chapter 6.11)
6.13 Disposal
Ensure that the housing is free from hazardous and toxic substances. Depending on your
material the individual components must be disposed separately. Observe regulations and rules
for waste disposal applicable in the operator’s country and at the site of use.
The packaging is made of cardboard and can be disposed with the waste paper.
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7 Troubleshooting
Refer to the instructions and warnings in the specified chapters.
7.1 Housing does not move from «service» position to
«measuring» position
Possible reason Action
No compressed air Check pneumatic tubes (chapter 6.4, chapter 4.6)
Pressure too low Pressure must be between 4 and 6bar (chapter 8.5)
No sensor Installing the sensor (chapter 4.7)
Loose sensor Tighten sensor (chapter 4.7)
7.2 Housing does not move from «measuring» position to
«service» position
Possible reason Measure
No compressed air Checking pneumatic tubes (chapter 6.4, chapter 4.6)
Pressure too low Pressure must be between 4 and 6 bar (chapter 8.5)
Insertion rod or protection cage Preparing the system (chapter 4.1)
blocked Housing remains in «measuring» position
Removing the cleaning chamber with
process connection (chapter 6.5)
Removing insertion rod (chapter 6.7)
7.3 Incorrect position reply
Possible reason Action
Pneumatic tubes are connected
incorrectly Check pneumatic tubes (chapter 6.4, chapter 4.6)
7.4 No position reply
Possible reason Measure
No compressed air Checking pneumatic tubes (chapter 6.4, chapter 4.6)
Pressure too low Pressure must be between 4 and 6bar (chapter 8.5)
Drive unit defect Replacing the drive unit (chapter 6.11)
7.5 Frequent contamination of sensor
Possible reason Measure
Cleaning pipes incorrectly connected Check cleaning pipes (chapter 4.5)
Cleaning liquid pressure too low Raise cleaning pressure.
Cleaning chamber is blocked Pressure must be between 1 and 4bar (chapter 8.3)
Cleaning liquid not adequate Choose adequate cleaning liquid
Cleaning period too short Extend cleaning period
Cleaning interval too long Reduce cleaning interval
39Retractex Manual
7.6 Sensor breaks frequently
Possible reason Measure
Sensor too long Choose adequate sensor (chapter 4.7)
Seals on sensor are missing Inserting seals on sensor (chapter 4.7)
Process liquid contains solids Adjusting the protection cage (chapter 4.4)
7.7 Leakage of process liquid at inspection window
Possible reason Measure
Wetted seals are defect Replacing the wetted sealing (chapter 6.6)
7.8 Compressed air emitted at inspection window
Possible reason Measure
Drive unit defect Replacing the drive unitit (chapter 6.11)
8 Technical Specifications
8.1 Standards
These housings are built in respect to pressure equipment directive.
8.2 Material properties
Wetted components
Retractex stainless steel plastic seals
C Steel 1.4404, 2.4602 EPDM / FPM / FFKM
C Steel LT 1.4404, 2.4602 EPDM / FPM / FFKM
B 1.4404 EPDM / FDA / FPM
BC Steel 1.4404, 2.4602 EPDM / FKM / FFKM
Drive unit
Retractex cylinder cylinder extension seals
All types 1.4404 PA66 GF30 EPDM
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Hamilton Retractex BC Steel Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions Manual

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