
Cutlery withwooden,horn chinaor
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast icite ms t hat are n ot h eat resis tant
Older cut ler yw ith glue d parts t hat aren ot
Bonded cutl er y ite ms or dish es
Pewter or coo per i tems
Crystal glass
Steel items subj ec t t orusti ng
Wooden p latters
Items made fromsynthetic fibres
So mety pes of glasses can b ecome
dull aft era large number of washes
Silv er an d alumi num par ts have a
tendency to discolourduring washing
Glazed patterns may fadeifmachine
washed frequent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishesand itemsof cutlery mustnotlie insideoneanother, orcover eachother.
Toav oidd amage to gl asse s,th eym ust not t ouch.
Lo ad larg eite msw hic h ar e most difficult to clea nin tothe lowe rbasket.
The upper basket isde sig ned to ho ldm ored eli cate and light erdishw are such as gl as ses, coff ee
Lo ng blad edk nives st ored inan uprigh tpos it io nare a p otenti al haza rd !
Lo ng and /or sharp item so f cut lery such as carvi ng kniv esmust be p ositi one d
h orizon ta ll yi n the upp erb asket .
P lease do not ove rload yo ur dishwashe r. T his is imp ort ant forg ood results and f or
r easonab leconsu mpt iono fen ergy.
Load holl owi tems suc h as cups ,gl asse s,p ans etc. With t he ope ning f ac ing dow nwa rdss o that
w a t er c ann o t c o ll ect i n the c ont a i n e r or a de epba se.
Considerbuyingutensilswhichare identifiedasdishwasher-proof.
Usea mild detergentthatisdescribedas 'kindtodishes'.Ifnecessary,seekfurther
information fromthedetergent manufacturers.
Forparticular items,select aprogramwithaslow a temperatureaspossible.
To pr ev en t dama ge, do n ot take gla ssa ndc utl ery out of the dis hwash er immed iat ely
aft er the p r ogram mehas ende d.
(For best per formance ofthe di shwasher,fol low the se loading guide li nes.
Featu res and ap pearance of baske ts and cutler yba sket sm ay vary fr om your mod el.)
Scrape off any larg eamo untso fleft over foo d. Soften r emnants ofb urnt f ood i npa ns.
It is no tnecess ary to r inse thedishes u nder ru nning wat er.
Pl ac e ob je ct s in the dis hwasher in fol lowing wa y:
1.Item ssu ch as cups, glasses, pots /pa ns, e tc. are f aced dow nwards.
2.Curved items, or oneswith recess es, should b eloade da slant s oth at water can run off.
3.All utensils are st acked secu rely andcan not ti po ver.
4.All utensils are placed in t he way t hat the spr ay ar mscan rotate freely during washin g.
Ve ry sm al l it ems should n otb ew ashedi nthe dishwas he r as they c ould ea silyfal lout of the basket.
To pre ven twat er drippi ngfr om the uppe r ba sket i nto the lower basket, w e re commend th atyou
empty the lower ba sk et f irst an dt he nt he upp er ba sket.