Cutlery with wooden, horn china or
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast ic ite ms that are n ot h eat resist ant
Older cut lery w ith glue d parts t hat a re not
temperature resistant
Bonded c utler y ite ms or dishes
Pewter or coop er ite ms
Crystal gl ass
Steel items su bject to rusti ng
Wooden pl atters
Items made from synthetic fibres
So me types of gl as ses c an b ecome
dull afte r a larg e number of washes
Silv er an d a lumi num part s ha ve a
tendency to discolour during washing
Glazed patterns may fade if machine
washed frequently
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie inside one another, or cover each other.
To av oid d ama ge to gl asse s, th ey m ust not touc h.
Lo ad large ite ms w hich ar e most diffi cul t to c lea n in to the lower bask et.
The u pper bas ket is de signed to ho ld mor e d eli cate and light er dishwa re suc h as glas ses , coffee
and tea cups
Lo ng blad ed k nives st ored in an upr igh t positio n are a p otential haza rd!
Lo ng and/ or sharp items o f cut le ry such as carvi ng kniv es must be p ositi oned
h orizon ta lly i n the upper b asket .
P lease do not ove rloa d yo ur dishw asher. T his is importan t for g ood resu lts a nd f or
r easonab le consum ption o f en ergy.
Load h oll ow i tems suc h as cup s, gl asses , pans etc. With the openi ng facing downwards s o that
w a t er c ann o t c o l l ect in the c ont a i n e r or a dee p ba se.
Consider buying utensils which are identified as dishwasher-proof.
Use a mild detergent that is described as 'kind to dishes'. If necessary, seek further
information from the detergent manufacturers.
For partic ular item s, select a pro gram w ith as lo w a te mpera ture as po ssible.
To prev ent damage, do no t take gla ss a nd cutlery out of the di shwasher immediatel y
aft er t he p rogr amm e has e nde d.
(For b est perfor mance of t he di shwasher, follow the se load ing gu ide lines.
Featu res and appear ance of baske ts and cutler y ba skets may vary fr om your mod el.)
Scrape off any la rg e a mounts o f left over food. S often remnan ts o f b urnt food in pa ns.
It i s not necess ary to ri nse t he d ish es u nder running water.
Pl ace ob jects i n the dis hwasher i n followi ng way :
1.Items su ch as cups, g la sses, pots /pans, e tc. a re fa ced downwards.
2.Curved i tems, or ones wi th recess es, sh ould be l oaded asla nt so th at water can run off.
3.All u tens ils are st acked secu rely and can not tip ov er.
4.All u tensils a re placed in t he way t hat the spray arms can rotate f reely during wa shin g.
Very small it ems s hould n ot be w ashe d i n the di shwasher as they c ould eas ily f all out o f the basket.
To pre vent water dr ip ping fr om t he uppe r basket into the lower basket, w e rec omme nd tha t you
empty the lowe r basket first an d the n t he upper bask et.