
Cutlerywithwooden,horn chinaor
mother -of-pearl han dl es
Plast icite msthat are n ot h eat resis tant
Older cutl ery with glued parts t hat a re n ot
Bonded c utler yitem sor dishes
Pewter or coop erite ms
Crystal gla ss
Steel item ssubj ec tto r usting
Wooden pl atters
Items made fromsynthetic fibres
So me ty pes ofgl as sescan b ecome
dull after a la rg e number of washes
Silv er an d a lumi num p art sha ve a
tendencyto discolourduring washing
Glazed patterns mayfadeifmachine
washed freq ue ntly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishesand itemsofcutlerymustnot lie insideoneanother, orcover each other.
Toavoi dd ama ge to gl asse s, th eymus t not touc h.
Lo ad large i te msw hic h ar e mo stdifficult to c lea nint oth e l owe rbasket.
The u pper bas ket i sdesigned to ho ld m oredeli cate and light erdishwa re such as glasses , coffee
Lo ng blad edkni ve s stored in a n upr igh tposit io nare a p oten tial haza rd!
Lo ng and/ ors harp item so f cutle ry such as carvi ng kniv esmust be p ositi oned
h orizon ta lly in t he upper b asket .
P lease do n ot ove rloa d yo urdishw asher. T his is imp ort ant f org ood r esults a ndfo r
r easonab leconsum pti onof ener gy.
Load h oll owite ms suc has cup s, glasses, p ans etc. With t he opening fac ing dow nwa rds s o that
w a t er c ann o t c o llec t i n the c onta ine r or a dee p ba se.
Usea mild detergentthatisdescribedas'kindtodishes'.Ifnecessary,seekfurther
Forparticularitems,select aprogramwithaslowatemperature aspossible.
Consider buyingutensilswhich are identifiedasdishwasher-proof.
To pr even t da mag e, d o no t t ake gla ssa ndc utl ery ou t of the di shw ashe r i mmed iatel y
aft er the p rogr amm ehas e nde d.
(For b est perf ormance of the di shwasher, fol low the seloading gu ide lines.
Featu res and appeara nce of baske ts and cut ler yba sketsmay vary fr om your m odel.)
Scrape off any larg ea mounts o fleft over fo od. Sof ten remnan ts o fb urnt f ood in pans.
It is no t necess ary torinse t he d ishes u nder running water.
Pl ace obje cts i nthe dis hwasher i n foll owing way:
1.I tem ssuch a scups,g la sses, pots /pans, etc. a refa ced downwa rds.
2.Curved i tems, or ones with reces ses, sh ouldbe l oaded a sla ntso th atwater can run off.
3.All u tensils a re stacked secu rely and can not ti po ver.
4.All utens ils are placed in t he way t hatthe spray ar mscan r otate fr eely during w ashing.
Ve ry sm all it ems s houldn ot b ewashe din the dishwas he r as they c ould ea silyfall out of the basket.
To pr event wa ter drip ping fr omthe uppe rbasket into the lower basket, w e re commend tha tyou
empty the lower ba sk et first an dt he nt he upper ba sket.