
Cutlery withwooden,horn china or
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast icite msthat aren otheat resist ant
Older cut lery w ith glued par tst hat arenot
Bonded c utl er y i te m sor di shes
Pewter or coo per items
Crystal gla ss
Steel items subject torust ing
Wooden p latters
Items madefromsyntheticfibres
So me types of g lasses can b ecome
dull afte ra larg enumber of w ashes
Silv er an d a lumi num par ts have a
tendencyto discolourduring washing
Glazed patterns mayfadeif machine
washed frequently
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishesanditemsofcutlerymustnotlie insideoneanother, orcovereach other.
Toavoi dd amag e to gl asse s,th eym ust not touc h.
Lo ad large ite msw hic h ar e most difficult to c lea nint oth e l owe rbask et.
The u pper basket i sdesig ned to ho ld m ored eli cate and lighter d ishwa re such as glasses ,coffee
Lo ng blad edkni ves stored inan upright positio nare a p otenti al hazard!
Lo ng and/ ors harp itemso f cut lery such as carvi ng kniv esmust bepositi oned
h orizon ta lly i n the upper b aske t.
P lease do not ove rload yo ur di shwashe r. T his is importan t for g ood r esults a ndfo r
r easonab leconsu mpti ono f en ergy.
Load holl owi tems such as cup s,glasses, pans etc. With the openi ng f aci ng downwa rds s o that
w a t er c ann o t c o l l ect in the c ont a i n e r or a dee p base.
Considerbuyingutensilswhich are identifiedas dishwasher-proof.
Usea mild detergentthatisdescribedas 'kindtodishes'.Ifnecessary,seek further
Forparticular items,selectaprogramwithaslowatemperatureaspossible.
To pr even t da ma ge, d o n ot take gla ssandc utl ery out of the di shwas he r i mmed iatel y
aft er the p rog ramm ehas ende d.
(For b est perf ormance ofthe dishwasher, f ollow the seload ingguide lines.
Featu res and appeara nce of baske ts and cutler yba sket smay vary from y our m odel.)
Scrape off any larg ea mounts of le ft over fo od. S often r emnants ofbur ntfood in pa ns.
It isnot necess ary tor inse thed ishes under running water.
Pl ace ob jects in t he dis hwasher i nfollowi ng wa y:
1.I tem ssuch a scups, g lasses, pots /pa ns,e tc. a re faced dow nwards.
2.Curved i tems, or ones withreces ses,shoul dbe l oadedasla nts oth atwate r can runoff.
3.All u tensils a restacked secur ely and can not ti pov er.
4.All u tensils a re placed in t he way that t hespray arms can rotat efreely d ur ingwa shin g.
Very sm all it ems s hould n otbe w ashed i n the dish washer as they c ould eas il yfall outof the basket.
To prevent water dripping f rom the uppe rbasket into the lower baske t, w e rec omme nd tha tyou
empty the lowe rbasket first an dthe nthe upper ba sket.