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TDS7000 Series Programmer Online Guide
OLH0140, Version 01.00
Getting Started
This programmer online guide provides you with the information you need to use GPIB commands for
remotely controlling your instrument. With this information, you can write computer programs that will
perform functions such as setting the front-panel controls, taking measurements, performing statistical
calculations, and exporting data for use in other programs, such as spreadsheets.
The programmer guide is divided into the following major topics (books):
• Getting Started. This topic introduces you to the online help and provides basic information about
setting up your instrument for remote control.
• Command Syntax. This topic provides an overview of the command syntax that you will use to
communicate with the instrument and other general information about commands, such as how
commands and queries are constructed, how to enter commands, constructed mnemonics, and
argument types.
• Command Groups. This topic contains all the commands listed in functional groups. Each group
consists of an overview of the commands in that group and a table that lists all the commands and
queries for that group. You can click a command in the listing and a detailed description of the
command will be displayed.
• Status and Events. This topic discusses the status and event reporting system for the GPIB interface.
This system informs you of certain significant events that occur within the instrument. Topics that are
discussed include registers, queues, event handling sequences, synchronization methods, and
messages that the instrument may return, including error messages.
• Miscellaneous. This topic contains miscellaneous information, such as a list of reserved words, a
table of the factory initialization (default) settings, and GPIB interface specifications that may be helpful
when using GPIB commands to remotely control the instrument.
Setting Up Remote Communications
Before setting up your instrument for remote communications, you should familiarize yourself with the
following GPIB requirements:
• A unique device address must be assigned to each device on the bus. No two devices can share the
same device address.
• No more than 15 devices can be connected to any one line.
• One device should be connected for every 6 feet (2 meters) of cable used.
• No more than 65 feet (20 meters) of cable should be used to connect devices to a bus.
• At least two-thirds of the devices on the network should be powered on while using the network.
• Connect the devices on the network in a star or linear configuration. Do not use loop or parallel