Step 1:
Shut Off Water Supply
• Make sure the water (knobs or handle) are completely turned off. This will prevent any water
from leaking out as you work to replace the shower head.
• Lay a blanket or tarp down in the tub or on the shower floor to prevent any shower head bits
from possibly falling down the shower drain, and to protect the tub or shower floor surface from
falling tools or materials.
Step 2:
Remove old Shower Head with Hose
• Use a pair of pliers and grip onto the holder. Using an adjustable wrench to loosen and remove
the shower hose by turning counter clockwise.
• Wrap a cloth around the base of the shower arm, use a pair of pliers and grip onto the cloth.
Using an adjustable wrench, loosen and remove the holder by turning it counter clockwise.
Step 3:
Installation of Holder and Hose
• Use a clean rag to wipe off the screw threads of the shower arm. You could also use an old
toothbrush to get in between the threads and clean out any built-up grime and rust. Remove
any old plumber’s tape from the shower arm’s threads.
• Apply about 2-3 turns of plumber’s tape to the threads of the shower arm, wrapping the tape
tightly in a clockwise direction and making sure that it is embedding in the threads properly. Be
sure to press the tape into the grooves of the threads.
• Place the new shower head holder onto the shower arm and twist it clockwise by hand to secure
it into place. Wrap the base of the shower arm with a cloth and wrap the holder with a cloth.
• Use the pliers to grip onto the cloth and hold the shower arm in place. Use the adjustable
wrench to clamp onto the cloth and turn the holder clockwise until tight.
Make sure the water hose inlet is pointing down when tight.
• Verify that there is a black o-ring in the end of the sprayer hose that attaches to the holder. Screw
the shower hose (hex nut) onto the holder by turning it clockwise. Wrap a cloth around the shower
head holder, use the adjustable wrench to clamp onto the cloth, then wrap a cloth around the fitting
of the sprayer hose and use the adjustable wrench to tighten the sprayer hose.