Note: Refer to parts diagram for index numbers found in parenthesis (#):
1. Install two wheels (#37) to the front legs (#47) and two wheels (#37) to the frame base (#32) using four M8 x 20 hex. bolts (#36), washers (#35),
spring washers (#34) and hex. nuts (#33). Install two wheels (#41) to the frame base (#32) using four M8 x 12 hex. bolts (#44), washers (#42)
and spring washers (#43).
2. Attach front legs (#47) to the frame base (#32) using all four hitch pins (#39) and hitch pin clips (#40). On each leg, insert 1 pin through frame
base and front leg at rear hole. The hitch pin serves as a pivot pin and remains in the hole permanently. Insert a second hitch pin in the most
forward hole through the frame base and front leg. This locks the legs in the down position.
3. Insert hitch pin clips (#40) through hitch pins (#39) to secure in place.
4. Attach the main support post (#22) to the frame base (#32) using two M16 x 100 hex. bolts (#28), washers (#45) and hex. nuts (#46).
5. Attach both support straps (#21) to the top of the main support post (#22) using M16 x 110 hex. bolt (#18), washers (#19) and hex. nuts (#20).
6. Connect the support straps (#21) to the frame base (#32) using two M16 x 100 hex. bolts (#38), washers (#30) and hex. nuts (#29).
7. Connect the bottom of the hydraulic ram assembly (#23) to the main support post (#22) using a M16 x 90 hex. bolt (#27), washer (#25), spring
washer (#26), and hex. nut (#24).
8. Connect the boom (#1) to the main support post (#22) using a M16 x 120 hex. bolt (#17), washer (#16) and hex. nut (#15).
9. While another person supports the boom (#1) up attach the top of the hydraulic ram assembly (#23) to the boom with a M16 x 80 hex. bolt (#5),
washer (#4), spring washer (#3) and hex. nut (#2).
10. Slide the boom extension (#9) into the boom (#1) with the slot for the hook and chain assembly (#14) facing down.
11. Install chain and hook assembly (#14) using a M12 x 80 hex. bolt (#13), washer (#12), spring washer (#11) and hex. nut (#10).
12. Install handle assembly (#49) to the rear of the support post (#22) using two M8 x 20 hex. bolts (#52), washers (#51) and spring washers
13. Install all four end caps (#53).
14. Make sure all hardware is tight.
1. Load to be lifted must be securely attached with a sling or chain of adequate size and strength. Before lifting the load, be sure the load cannot
twist or fall.
2. Move crane into position. Legs must be in down position and locked into place. Never use crane with the legs in the upright position.
3. Close hydraulic valve at the base of ram by turning clockwise until tight.
4. Place sling or chain in center of hook.
5. Slowly raise the load to desired height by inserting ram handle and pumping handle.
6. Move load to desired location by rolling crane assembly. Use caution so that load does not swing or rotate.
7. Slowly lower load to desired location by inserting ram handle onto valve at base of the ram and slowly turning counterclockwise. Do not lower
too quickly. Make sure the load is secure once lowered fully.