Exhaust air diffuser EYMA-2 & Air intake device DYMA-1 - Installation instructions
FläktGroup DC_10126GB 20211129_R2 Specifications are subject to alteration without notice.
The construction, dimensions and function of the exhaust air diffuser
EYMA and the air intake device DYMA are detailed in Technical data
The installation of these devices as well as the penetrating duct are the
responsibility of the ventilation contractor. The building contractor is re-
sponsible for enclosing the penetrating duct in a ”flue” made of building
material and for making it waterproof.
Below are examples of how the penetration can be implemented. Be-
cause each case is unique, the examples cannot be exhaustive. Fläkt
Group cannot accept responsibility for the implementation of individual
The devices can be fixed to, for example, a BYMA penetration piece
with or without thermal/sound insulation or a ”flue” made of building
material, or directly to the end of a duct. The size and weight of the
device must be observed when determining the method of installation.
Sizes ≤ 040, 050 - 063 and 080 - 125 could be considered as bound-
ary sizes. As standard, devices of size 040 or smaller are installed us-
ing a Veloduct fitting, while larger devices are installed using a flange.
Moreover, the ductwork must be equipped, below the air terminal
device, with a waterproof chamber for collecting any water that may
enter the duct. From the bottom of the chamber, the water must be
drained into the sewer through a trap.
(to be observed when designing the construction of the penetration)
ØDs ØE ØG nMaterial Q
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kpl) (mm) (kg)
050 506 560 12 12 6 x 50 3.5
063 636 690 12 12 6 x 50 5.1
080 806 860 12 16 6 x 50 6.3
100 1008 1070 15 16 6 x 50 9.5
125 1258 1320 15 20 6 x 50 11.7
Size 020 025 031 040 050 063 080 100 125
EYMA-2 5 7 11 16 31 50 83 145 258
DYMA-1 710 13 19 36 56 95 178 285
The installation and secure attachment of the penetrating duct and the
air terminal device are the responsibility of the ventilation contractor.
The building contractor is responsible for making the holes required in
the structures, for supporting structures, for enclosing the penetrating
duct in a ”flue” as well as for ”flue” flashing and waterproofing.
The responsibilities shall be defined in contract documents, for exam-
ple as shown below, and any changes shall be subject to agreement
at site meetings.
HVAC designer:
- Size of the penetration, distance from the roof surface.
- Method of implementing the penetration, duct joints, duct sizes.
- Thermal/sound insulation required for ducts and the penetration,
space required for the insulation materials.
- Mechanical strength requirements for the penetration.
- Removal of water that may enter the duct
HVAC contractor:
- On-site implementation of the penetrating duct according to the
ventilation plan.
- Installing the air terminal device
Structural designer:
- Supporting structure constructions, structural drawings.
- Attachment of supporting structures to structural frames.
- Surface finishes, waterproofing
Building contractor:
- Making the holes required in the structures.
- Constructing the supporting structures according to the selected
method of installation (ventilation plan, structural drawings).
- Surface finishes required for the supporting structures, boards.
- Flashing and waterproofing required for the supporting structures
and penetration pieces
ØG - n pcs