Whirlpool ADGI 782 FD, ADGI 792 FD, ADGI 992 FD User guide

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To review the section on troubleshooting Tips
will help you to solve some common problems
by yourself .
Dear Customer,
Please carefully read this manual before using the
dishwasher, it will help you to use and maintain the
dishwasher properly.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
This manual contains sections on safety In structions,
Operating Instructions, Installation Instruc tions and
Troubleshooting Tips, etc.
The manufacturer, following a policy of constant
development and updating of the product, may
make modifications without giving prior notice.
Dishwasher Features.................................... .
A Water Softener..................... ....................
Attention before or after loading the Dishwasher
Baskets............ ............................................
Filtering System.............................................
. ..............................rehsawhsiDehtrofgniraC
B Loading the Salt into the Softener...............
C Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser............. ....... ...
D Functi on of Detergent ...............................
Loading the upper ...............................Basket
Loading the Lower ...............................Basket
Cutlery Basket........................................... ..
Wash Cycle Table...........................................
Turning on the Appliance................................
Change the Programme.............. ....................
At the End of the Wash Cycle...........................
....Please carefully read the installation instruction
. ..............Tension adjustement of the door sping
.......Aesthetic panel’s dimensions and
Connection of drain hoses
Dish washer installation steps ...................................51
About Electricity Connecting .....................................52
Water Connection......................................................53
......................... ........
. ................................ecivresrofgnillacerofeB
.. ...................................noitamrofnilacinhceT
Control Panel.................................................
Keep it to refer to it at a later date.
If you can not solv e the problems by yourself ,
please ask for the help of professional technicians.
......................... ........
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelect ric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand o n the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us eo nly deterge nt and rin se additiv es
design ed for an aut oma tic d ishwasher.
Ne ver u ses oap, l aundr ydeterg ent, or h and
wa shin gdetergent in you rdishwash er. K eep
these produ cts out ofth ere ach ofchildr en.
During installation,thepowersupply mustnot
beexcessively ordangerouslybentorflattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
on or stand on
When lo ad in g ite m s t o b e wa sh ed:
1)Locatesharp itemssothat theyarenot likely
2 Warni ng: Kni ves and other u te nsil swi th
sh a rp p oin t s mu st be loa ded i n t he bask et
w ith their poi ntsd own orp lace din a
When us ing you rdishwasher,you sh ould
preve ntplastic items fro mcomin gint oco ntac t
wit ht heheating el ement.(This inst ru ction is onl y
applica ble to m achines w ith a visual heat in g
ele ment.)
I fth es upply cord i sd amaged, it must be repl aced
by th em anu factur er or it sse rvic eag ent or a
si mi larly qual ifi ed pe rson i norder to a void a
hazar d.
Pl ease d ispos e of pack ing m at erials pr operl y.
U se the di shwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door tothewashing compartment when
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwasherdetergentsare stronglyalkaline,they
can be ext reme ly d anger ous if s wal lowe d.A void
contact with skin and eyes an dkeep child ren awa y
from th e di shwasherwh en t he door isopen.
Check that the detergentcomparment isempty
aft er compl etio nof the wash cycl e.
Th e appl ian ceis to b econne cted to t hewater
mainsusing new hosesets andthatoldhose-sets
should n o t be r eu sed .
The maximumnumberof placesettingstobe
was hed i s9.
The maximumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
1Mpa .
The minimumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
Children should besupervised toensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have be en given supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
When using y our dishw as he r, fol low the p rec aut ions list ed below:
Th e door sh ould not be l efto pen,
since th iscould increase the risk of tr ipping.
D ispo seof t hed is hwas her pack aging m ater ial c orre ctly.
All packagi ng mate rial sca n be r ec ycled.
Pl ast ic parts a rem arked w ithth es tand ard int ernat ional a bbrevi ations:
PE fo r pol yethylen e,e .g. s heet wrappin gm ateria l
PS for polystyrene,e.g.padding material
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g .pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opyl ene, e.g . Salt fill er
AB S Acr ylo nitr ileBu tadiene St yrene, e.g .Co ntro l Pa nel .
Packaging materialcouldbedangerousfor children!
Fo rdisposi ng of pa cka gean d thea ppliance ple ase goto are cycling cen tre. There fore cut
offthe powersupplycableandmakethe doorclosingdeviceunusable.
Cardboardpackaging ismanufactured fromrecycledpaperand shouldbedisposedin the
w aste p aper c ollecti on f or re cy cling .
By en suring t hispr odu cti s disp osed of correctl y, you wil lhelp pre ven tpotent ialn egat ive
con se que nces f or the e nvi ronm ent a nd human h eal th,w hic h cou ldotherw ise be c aused
byinappropriatewastehandling ofthis product.
Fo rmore de ta iled informat iona bout rec ycli ngof t his prod uc t, please con tact your loc al
ci tyof fice and your hou seho ldw aste dis posalser vic e.
DISPOSAL :Do no tdispose th is pr oduct as unsor ted muni cipal waste .Collect ion of such
waste separ ately for spec ial t reatment i s n ecessar y.
To get the best performance from your dishwasher, read all
operating instructions before using it for the first time.
Back View
Front view
Power light: To come on when Power ON/OFF
button is pressed down.
ON/OFF Button: To turn on/off the power supply.
Delay indicator lighrs:To display delay time 3 hours,
or 6 hours, or 9hours.
Salt and Rinse Aid Warning Light: To come on when
the softener or dispenser needs to be refilled.
Program indicator light: when you select washing
program, the correspo nd light will display.
Program Key-press:To sel ect washing program
when press the Key-press.
Delayed Start Button:P ress this button to se t th
delayed hours for wash ing. You can delay the sta rt of
washing up to 3 hours, or 6 hours, or 9 hours.
3in1 indicator light / 3in1
functions Button: To select and show 3in 1
Main Filter
Detergent Dispenser
Cup Shelf
Cutlery Basket
Coarse Filter
Rinse Aid Dispen ser
Inlet pipe connector
Drain pipe conne ctor
Lower Basket
Spray Arms
Upper Basket
Salt Container
11 12
O ff
Tray ass
Be fo re u sing you rdishwashe rfor th efirst time :
Th e wat er so ften ermust be s et m an ually, usin gthe wa terhard ness dia l.
Th e wat ersoften er is des igned to remove min eral sand sa lts f romt hewater, w hich woul dhave
adetrimentalor adverse effect onthe operationofthe appliance.Thehigherthe
content ofth ese mineral sandsal ts,the harde ryour wat er is. T he s ofte ner s hould be
adju sted acco rdi ngt o the ha rdness o ft he wat erin you rarea.Your loca lWaterAut hority
can adviseyou onthehardnessofthewaterinyourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
Th e dishwas her is de signed t oallow for a djus tment in the amo untof sa lt co nsumed bas ed onthe ha rdne ss o f
the waterused.This is intended tooptimiseandcustomisethelevelofsalt consumption.
1. Unscrew the capfromthesaltcontainer.
2. T hereis ar ing o nthe con tainer wi thana rrow o nit (see figure
ontheside), ifnecessary, rotate thering inthe anticlockwise
direction fromth e"-" Setting tow ardthe" +"sign, basedon the
hardne sso f the w at erbeing u se d.
It is rec omm end edt hat a djust me nts shou ld b e made in
acco rd ance wit hthe f oll owin g sc hem e:
Contact yo urlocal wat erboar df orinform ation on the hardne ssof your wat ersupply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
Clar ke
Clark: Britishdegree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degr ee
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
SelectorPosi tion
Salt consumption
Aut o nomy
(cycles/ 1kgs)
Pl eas e fol lo w the s teps bel owf ora djus tmen t in s al t cons um ptio n.
"+ "
the "-" si gn and "+" sign
No sa ltneed added
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set the w ater sof tene r
B. Pour 1 2 li tre o fw ater i nsid ethesal tco ntainer a ndthen f ill with d ishwash er sa lt
C. Fil l the rins e aid d i sp en s er
D. Fillindetergent
nor mal fo r a s mall a mo unt o f w ater t o c om e out o f t he sa l t con ta iner.Itis
1.The salt con tai ne rmust only be refil ledwhen t he sal twarning l ight in the contr olpanel com es on.
Depend ing on how wel l the s alt diss olve s, th es alt warni ng light ma ystill be on even tho ugh the
salt cont ainer is filled .
If the reisno sa ltw arning light i n the con trolpanel (fo rsome Mode ls),you c an estim ate when to f ill
the s alt i nto the so ftene rby th e cycles t hatthe dishw asher has run.
2. If there a re spills o ft he salt ,a soa kor a rap id pro gram s hould be run to remo vet he exce ssiv esa lt.
Always us e the salt int ended for u sew ith di shwasher.
The s alt c ont ain er is l ocated ben eath the l ower bas ket and sh ouldbe f ill edas e xplaine din th e
foll ow ing:
Only us e salt spe cif ically designe dforthe use i nd ishwa shers! Ev ery ot hertype of
salt n ot speci ficallyde sig ned fo r t heu se in ad ishwas her, espe ciallytable salt, will
damage the w ater sof tener. I n case of d amages caused b ythe use o f un suitab le
salt t he ma nuf act ure rdoes notgi ve any wa rranty nor is liable for a ny damage scaused.
Only fill wi ths alt ju stb efore start ingone o ftheco mp lete wa shingp rogra ms.
This will preve ntanyg rains of s alt or sa lty wate r, wh ich ma y have b een spill ed,
remain ing on th e bottom o fthe machi nefor any p eriod of t ime, which m aycause
c o rr os io n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the RinseAid Dispenser
Th er i nse aid is rel eas edd uring the fin al rin se to pr eve nt water fro m f ormin g dr oplets o ny o ur dis hes, w hic h can l eave
spots andst reaks. It al so improve sd ryi ngby allow ing water t o roll off the d ishes .Your di shwasheris des igned t o
usel iqu id rins ea ids.The r inseaiddi spense r islocated i nside the do or nex t to the det ergentdi spense r. To fill the
dispenser,open thecapand pourthe rinse aidintothedispenseruntil thelevel indicatorturnscompletelyblack.
Thevol umeof t her ins eaid contai ner is abou t110 ml .
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tically a dded d uri ng the l ast ri nse, ensuring thor ough rinsi ng, and spo tan d s treakfree drying.
Only use branded rinseaidfordishwasher. Neverfilltherinse aiddispenserwithanyothersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleani ng ag ent, liq uid d eterge nt) .This would dam age the app lian ce .
A Removethe lower basketand thenunscrewandremovethecapfromthesaltcontainer.
B Before thefirst wash,fill 1lt. ofwater inthe saltcontainer of your machine.
C Place th eend of t hefun nel (su pplied) into the ho le and intr oduce abou t 1kg of sal t .
D Af terf il ling th econt ainer , scr ew the c ap t ightly back clockwise .
E Usu ally, t he salt warni ng li ght wi llstop bei ng il luminat ed with in 2- 6 days afte rthesa lt c o nt ain erha sbe en fi lled wit h
sal t.
F Imm edi at elyaft erf illing t he s alt into th esalt c ontain er, a washin g pr ogram should be sta rted ( Wesu ggest touse t he
soak orrapidprogram).Otherwisethe filter system,pump or otherimportantpartsof themachinemay bedamaged
bysalty water.This isoutof warranty.
To op en th e di spen ser,turn t he cap tothe "o pen" ( left) arr ow an d l ift i t o ut.
Po ur th e ri nse aid int o the dis pen ser, be ing car eful n ot t oo verfi ll .
Replace the cap by inserti ngitaligned with "open" arrowand t urning i ttot he cl osed(right) arrow.
Adjusting RinseA id Dispenser
The r inse aid dis penser has si x or four s ett ings.Al ways star twith t hedispens er
set o n"4". If spots and p oor drying are a proble m, i ncre ase t he amo untofr inse
aid d ispensed b y rem oving the d ispens erlid an drotat ingthe d ial to "5" .If t he
dishes s till are notdr yi ng prope rlyo rare s howspots ,a djustth e di alto the n ext
highe r lever until your dish es a re sp ot-f ree. The recom men ded setting is "4".
(Factory valueis"4".)
Increasethe dose if therearedropsof waterorlimespotsonthedishesafter washing.
Reduce itiftherearesticky whitishstainson your disheso rabluish filmon glasswareor
knife blades.
As th eri nse aid d imin ishe s, th esiz eo f the black do t
ontherinse aidlevel indicator changes, as illustratedbelow.
1/ 4 full- Should refilltoeliminate spotting
Em pty
Adjust lever
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth erei s no rins e-aid war ning ligh t in t hec ontr olp anel, you can est imat ethe am ount f ro m the colo ur
ofthe op tical level indi cat or C loc ated ne xt to the c ap. When th erinse-ai dc ontai ner isfu ll,the wh ole
indicato rwil l be d ark . As the r inse -aid di minish es,th esi zeof the dar k dot de creases. You shou ldneve rlet
t he r ins e ai d lev el f a l l 1 / 4 f ull.
durin gthe nex twa sh. Don' tf orget t oreplac ethe cap be fore you clos edis hwa sher d oor.
Clean u p a n y ri ns e aid spill ed whi le du rin g f illi ngw i th an ab so r be nt c lot h t o av oid ex ce ssi v e f oam in g
Deterge nt s wi th its c hemic al ingred ients a renece ss ary to r emove dirt ,crus hdirt an d trans po rt it o ut of t he di shw as her.
Mostofthecommercialqualitydeterge ntsare suitableforthispurpose.
D. Function of Detergent
The re ar e 3 sorts of dete rge nt s
1.Withphosphate andwithchlorine
2.Withphosph ate and wit hout c hlorine
3.Wi thou tphosph ate and without chlorine
C ( R ins e- Ai d i nd ic at or )
Amount ofDetergenttoUse
Prop erU se o fDe terg ent
Use o nly deterge ntspeci ficallym ade for t heus ein dis hwa shers. Ke ep your det ergentfresh and dry.
Don'tputpowdereddetergent into thedispenseruntilyou'reready towash dishes.
Dishwash erdetergen tis co rrosi ve!Take c are to kee pi t out of r each ofc hildren.
Basedontheir chemicalcomposition, detergentscan besplitintwo basictypes:
Theuseof normal washingprogramsincombinationwith concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is g ood for your dish es ; thes ewa shp ro gr am sare spe cifically mat che d
to th e di rt- diss olvin g pro pert ies o f t hee nzyme s of the conce nt rated deterg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programsinwhichconcentrateddetergentsareused canachievethe same
resultsthatcanotherwiseonlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergenttabletsofdifferent brandsdissolve atdifferentspeeds. Forthisreasonsome
dete rgent ta blet sca nnot dissolve and dev el op the irfu ll cle anin gpower dur ing s hort
prog ra ms.There fore plea se u sel ong program swh enu sin gd eterg ent t ablets, t o
ensure the c omplete r e moval of det er g e n t residu als.
Th e dispens er m ust be re fille dbef ore the star t of e ach was hcy cle f ollowing the inst ructi ons
provided i nthe w ash cycletable . Your dis hwa sher use sless de terg ent and rins eaid tha n
Conventionaldishwasher.Generally, onlyone tablespoon of detergent isneededfor
anormal washload. Moreheavily soileditemsneedmore detergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tjus t before st ar ting the dis h washer, othe rwis e it coul dge t da mp a nd w ill n ot
di s solv e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Always a dd the d etergent just before start ing ea chwash cycl e.
Only usebranded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If th el id is cl osed: pr essrelease butt on.T helid will sp ri ng open.
l ow a lk aline c onc ent rat ed deterge nts with nat ur a l e nzy mes
Normally ne wpul ver ised dete rgent is with out phospha te.T hus the wate rso ftener fu nction o f
phosphate i s not given. I n th i s c a se w e r e com me nd t o f i ll sa l t in th e salt co nt a in er e ven whe n
the h ardness o f water is o nly 6 d H. I f dete rgen tsw itho ut phosp hate are use din the caseof hard water
often wh itespots app ear ond ishe sa nd gl asses. I n this cas eplease add mo redeter gent to r each
better r esul ts . D ete rgen ts wit h o ut chl orine d o on ly bleac h a littl e. Stro ng and c ol o u red sp o ts wi ll not
bere mo ved complete ly. I nth isca sepleas echoos ea p rogram with a hi gher tem perature .
fyouuse 3i n1 ta blets in o ther pro grams, t he appliance wil l not ac hieve a go odp erfo rmance.
Only the 3in1 function (for the prog ram :int ensi ve/ Norm al/E co.) Ca n be used wit h 3in1ta blet s.
Fillthe d etergent disp ens erw ith d eter gen t.
Th e m ark ing in d icates th e dos ing l e vel s , as
i ll us tra ted o n t he r ight:
Th ep lace o fmain wash cyc ledeterg ent placed ,
M IN me ans appr oximate ly2 0go fdetergen t.“”
Th ep la ceo f pr e-wash c ycle det er gent p lace d,
ap proximat ely 5 go f detergen t
Pleaseo bse rvethem anu fa ct urer sdo sing and storage
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
Close the lid and press untilit locksin place.
I f t h e di shes are heavily so i l ed, plac e an ad diti o nal
detergen tdo sei n the pre- wash det erg ent cha mbe r. Th isdet er gent will take effe ctdurin g the pre -wa shphas e.
Fill in Detergent
You f indin form atio nabout the a mo unt o fdet ergent forth esi ngle pro gramme onthe last p age .
Pl eas ea ware, tha t accord ing t othe lev elso iling and the specific hardnes sof wa terd iff erence sa repossibl e.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer's recommendationsonthe detergentpackaging.
When us ing 3in1 combi nation / co mpact D etergents ,pleas epay attention t o make s ure th at
the size of the combi nation detergents fits to t hedispe nser so th atcombinat ion
deterge ntsc anbe ea silyput i ntothe d ispe nser, and the d ispen ser wou ldnot b eb roken.
Your dis hwa sher h as a 3in1 f unctio nw hich needs n osal ta ndrin se aid bu ta 3In1 tabl et.
This dishwasher c om esw itha 3in 1 tablet containe ras an a cce ssor y.
1.Thefigure below showshowtohangthe 3in1 tabletcontaineron theupperbasket.
2. Rot atet he up perspra yeran dch ange the locat ion o f the conta iner to e nsure the uppe rsp rayer i sn ot
obstructedby the 3in1 tabletcontainer.Refertothe figurebelow forreference.
3.Put the 3in1tablet intothecontainer ,thenstart the 3in1 program.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
rbe stperfo rmance oft he d ish wa sher, f oll ow the selo ading gu ideline s.Feat ures an d
appea rance of ba skets and cut ler ybasket smay va ry from yo ur m odel.
Attention before or after Loadingthe Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off an y lar geamou nts of leftov er foo d. Soft enr emnants of b urnt fo od in p ans .
It isn otnecess ar yto rinse the dis hes un der running wat er.
Plac eobject s int hedishwash erin follo wing wa y:
1.Item ss uch as c ups, gl asses, p ots/pan s, etc. ar efaced downw ards.
2.Curved i tem s,o r on eswith r ece sses, s hould b el oaded as la ntso that water can r unoff.
3.All utensils are stackedsecurelyandcan not tipover.
4.All uten sils ar eplace di n t he wa ytha t t he spray a rms can rota te fre ely d ur ingw ash ing.
Ve ry sma ll item s shou ldnot be w ashed in the d ishwash eras t hey c ould easi lyfall ou tofth eb askets.
Bowl M Bow l L() ()
Dessert plate
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The u p pe r r ac k i s desi g n ed to hold more del ic a t e and l ighter dishw are such as glas ses, c offee
and t ea c up a nd sauc ers, as well as p lates ,small b owl sand sh allow pa ns( as lo ng a st he yar e
not too d irty).
Po sition the dish esand c ookware so t hat they do n ot g et m ovedby the spray of wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Th e height o fthe up per b ask et ca nbe a djuste din order to create m ore space for l arge u te nsils
both for theupper/lowerbasket.Theheightof the upperbasketcanbeadjusted byplacingthe
wheels on di fferent h eight of the r ail s.Long items , ser ving cu tlery, salad se rver sa nd kn ives
should be pl aced o n the sh elf so t hatthey d o not o bstr uct t herota tion o f the s pray a rms.
Th e shelf ca nb e fold ed b ack or b eremoved w hen not requ ired for use.
Loadingthe LowerBasket
Werecommendthatyouplace largeitems whicharemostdifficultto cleanintothelower basket:
pots,pans,lids,servingdishes andbowls, ass hownin thefigureto theright.
I t ispr efe rabl e to place ser ving dis hes and li ds onthe s ide o f the ra cksin ord ert o avoi dblocking
Pots, servingbowls,etc.must always beplaced topdown.
D eep pots sh ould beslant edt o allo ww ater t of lowout.
Th eb otto m baske t fe ature f old down ti nerows soth at la rger or m ore pots an dp ans c an b elo aded .
1. Cutlery basket
2. Dessert plate s
3. Soup plates
4. Dinner plates
5. Oval platter
6. Saucer
Cutlery Basket
Fo rwashing in th ed ishw ashe rt he fol lowing c utler y/di shes
Cutle rywith w ooden, h orn china or
mothe r-of-pe arlha ndles
Plas tic item s that a renot h eat re sistan t
Older c utlery w ith gl ued p arts that ar e not
Pewte r or c ooper i tems
Steel ite mssubj ectto r usting
Items madefrom synthetic fibres
Do n otput i nitems that are d irtyof cig arette a sh,c and lewax,l acquer or p aint.
If you b uy new d ishes please mak esure th at they are su itable for d ishwashe rs.
Somety pes ofg lass es can b ecome
dullaftera largenumberofwashes
Si lver and alu minu m pa rt s have a
tendenc yt o discolou rdu ri ng was hin g
Glazed pa ttern s m a y f ad e i f ma c hin e
was he d fr equently
Pleas e do not overl o ad your dishwa s he r.Th er e is onl y s pa ce for 9 st an dard d i s hes. Do no t
us ed ish that is no tsui tab lefo rdish wa shers .T his i simporta ntf org ood resu ltsand fo r
B efore lo ading the dis hes, you sho uld:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte n re mna nts of bu rnt f ood in p ans
Dishesandcutlery mustnotimpedetherotationof thesprayarms
Lo ad holl ow i tems suc has cup s,g lass es, p ans etc .with the ope ning do wnwa rds s ot hat
w ater can not colle ctin the con tain eror a deep b ase
Are of limitedsuitability
Loading cutlerya nddishes
Whenloadingthe dishesand cutlery, pleasenote:
Cutlery s hould be pl aced in the cutl eryba sket with th eh andles at the bottom .If the r ack has si de b askets, the
spoons s hould b elo adeds ep ara tely into the ap pr opri ate slot s, es peci ally l ong ute nsils sho uld be pl aced in t he
horizont al po sition at th efron tof the u ppe rba sket a sshow nin the pi cture.
Alwa ysload s harp u tensi ls wi th the s harp
poin t down!
1 2 3456 7
1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do not l e ave any item e xten d thro ugh bot t om.
Knivesandotherutensilswithsharp points
mustbe l oaded in th eba sket with the irpoi nt s
dow nor plac ed i n an hor izon tal p osit ion .
Itisdangeroustoopenthedoor whenwashing, becausethe hot watermaybe scaldedtoyou.The doorshouldnot be
Meaning: need to fill rinse into th e Rinse-Aid Dispenser.
( )
*En50242: This program is the test cycle, the r inse-aid dispenser
setting is recommended to be set to position 6.
EN 50242
5/2 2g
For normally soiled loads,
such as , p lates,glasses
and lightly soiled pan s.
Stan dard daily cycle.
For the heaviest soiled loads,
such as pots, pans, ca sserole
dishes and dishe s that have
been sitting with dried food
on them for a while.
A shorter wash for lightly
soiled loads that do not
need drying.
Pre -wash
For lightly soiled loads,
such as glasses, crystal and
fine ch ina.
Pre-wash (50°C)
Wash (60°C)
Rinse (70°C)
Wash (40°C)
Rinse (70°C)
Wash (50°C)
Rinse (60°C)
Wash (40°C)
Rinse (45°C)
For lightly soiled loads,such
as plates,glasses,bowls and
lightl y soiled pans.
Wash (45°C)
Rinse (60°C)
To rin se dishes that you
plan to wash later that day.
g51 g51
For normally soiled loads,
such as , plates, glasses
and lightly soiled pans.
standard daily cycle.
For lightly soiled loads,such
as plates,glasses,bowls and
lightly soiled pan s.
For the heaviest soiled loads,
such as pots, pans, casserole
dishes and dishes that have
been sitting with dried food
on them for a while.
Pre-wash (60°C)
Wash (70°C)
Rinse (70°C)
Wash (50°C)
Rinse (70°C)
Wash (45°C)
e (70°C)
128 0.8
Premi se:
1. Acycl ethat is und erway can on lybe mo dified if it has only been runn ing
for a sho rttime .Otherwi se, the deter gent may h ave alrea dy b een r ele ased,
and t he appli ance m ay have alr eadydra inedthe wash water.If th is is t hecase,
the deter gen t dispens er must be r efilled ( see the s ect ion en titled " Lo ading the
2. Pre sscurrentprog. Button moretha n3 secondsto canceltheprogram ,
then you can chan ge the p rogram t o the des ired cy cle sett ing(s eet he sec tion
entitl ed " St arting a washcyc le.. . " ).
3. Pre ss o ne of ot her s prog. B utton mor ethan 3 s econds to cancel theruni ng progr am ,
transla sethe progr am w hich you p ress.
4. Pre ss t he di splay button mo re tha n 3 seconds to re- edit d isp lay t ime .
It is dangeroustoopenthedo or w hen washing,becausethe hot watermay scald you.
When t he working c yc l e h as f ini s hed , the bu z zer of th e d ish was h e r w ill s ound f or 8 seconds, then stop . Tu r n o ff
t he a pp li a n ce using t he ON/ OFF b utt on, sh ut o f f the wate r s upply an d open t he do or of th e di sh washer.
Waitfor afew minutesbefore unloadingthedishwashertoavoidhandlingthedishes andutensilswhilethey
are still hotandm ore sus ceptible tobr eak age .The yw ill al sod rybetter.
Openthedoor carefully.
H ot d ishesare sensi tive to kn ocks. The di shes shou ld there fore be a llow edto co ol d ownarou nd 15 mi nutes
befor eremovi ng from the appli anc e.
O pen t he dish was her' sdoor, leave it aj ar and w ait a few m inutes bef ore r emov ing the dis hes. In this way they
w ill be cooler an d the dryi ng wi ll be i mproved.
Unloadingthe dishwasher
It is n ormal that th edishwashe ris wet i nside.
Empt ythelow er b asketfirst a nd then t heupper one .Th iswill av oid wate rdrippin gf ro mthe uppe r Bas ket on to
the dishes in t helower on e.
TurningOn theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot toAdd a Dish?
Startinga cycle wa sh
1 Drawout the lowerandupper basket,loadthe dishesand pushthemback.
It is com mende d to lo adt he lo wer bask et f irst, then the upper o ne(s eet he sectio ne ntit led
Loading the Dishwasher ).
2 P our in the de t e rgen t (see t h e se ct ion ent i tl e d Sal t, De t e rg ent an d Ri ns eA id ) .
3 Inse rt the plu gin tot he so cket .The pow er s upplyis 220 -240 VAC /50 HZ ,the spe cific atio n of t he
socket is 10A 25 0VAC . M ake sure that the wa tersuppl yis turne don tof ull p ressure.
Ope nthe door,p ress the ON/OFF butt on, a ndt heON/OFF l ight will turn on.
Press th eprogra mbutton to a sired w ash c ycle .an d close th ed oor .Afte r 3 se con ds, the mach ine will work.
Aforgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent cup opens.
Load the forgotten dishe s.
Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arms stop working,you can open the door
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
2. Tur n off the water tap!
1.Switc ho ffthe di shwa she r by pres sing the ON/ OFF bu tton .
Th eb uzze rof the d ishwasher m oos for 8se con ds, o nly i nth is ca seth ep rogramm eha sen ded .
Switch OfftheDishwasher
The fil ter prev ent sl ar ger remn ant sof food or o ther objects from gett ing insi deth epu m.
Theresidues mayblockthefilter, inthiscasethey mustbe removed.
The fi lter system c onsi sts of a coar se fi lter, a flat (Main f ilte r)
A n da mi c ro fi lt e r( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped inthisfilter arepulverizedby a
specia ljet onthe l owe r spr ay a rma ndw ashe dd own t od rain.
Larg er i tems, s uc h as pie c es of bones or glas s, tha t coul d bl o ck
thedrainaretrappedin the coarse filter.To removetheitems
caugh t by the fil ter, gen tly s queeze the t ap o ntheto p of this
Thisfilter holdssoiland foodresiduesinthe sumpareaand
preventsitfrombeingredepositonthe dishes duringwashcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Thefilter efficiently
For best p erfo rmance and res ults, t he filte rmustbe cle aned re gula rly. t hisreaso n, i t i sa goo di dea to
r emo ve t helar ger foo dparticl estr app edin the filte raft ere ach was hcyc leby rin sing the s em icirc ula r filte rand
c up u nderrunnin gwat er. To r emove th efil ter d evic e,pull t hec up ha ndle in t he u pwa rdd irection.
re mo vesf oodparti cle sfromth ewa shwate r, all owin git t obe rec ycle dd uring t he cycl e.
T he di sh washer mus t n e ver be used w i t hout the filters.
Imp ro per repl ace mentof the f ilter may red uce the perform anc elevel o fthe applian ce
anddamage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn t hefilter in ant i-cl ockwise d irect io n,
t hen li f t it up.
St ep 2 lift the Ma in fil te rup
Step 3 lifttheF inefilter up
When following this proced ure fro m step 1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.
Th e cont rol p anel can be clea ned by u si ng a lig htly dam pen edcloth .
Aft ercle aning, m ake sureto dry it tho roug hly.
For the exte rior, use ag ood app li anc e po lis h wax .
Neveruse s harp obj ects, sco ur ing pa ds or har sh c lean ers ona ny part o ft he dis hwa sher.
ProtectAgainst Freezing
1.Cutoff the electricalpowerto thedishwasher.
2.Turnoff th ewat er su ppl yand disco nnect the wat erinlet pi pe from the w ater valve.
3.Drainthewater fromthe inletpipeandwatervalve.(Useapantocatch thewater)
4.Reconnect the water i nl etpipe t othe wa ter val ve.
5.Remove the filte rat the bott omo f the tub and use a spong et o soak up wate r in t hesump.
pl ease take fros tprot ectio n meas uresonthe di shw asher in wi nter.Every fter washi ngc ycles,
pl ease oper ateas f ollow s
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Inspec t the filters fo rblo ckin ga ftere ver ytim ethe di shwa sher ha sbeen us ed.
- By uns crewing the c oar sefil ter, you can rem ove t he filter syst em . Re movean yfoo dremna nts and
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
CleaningThe Door
To c lean th e c o a rs e fil ter and t he fi n e fi l t e r, us e a cleani n g brush . Reasse mble th e filter par t s as sho wn i n t h e fi gur es
on th e la st p age a nd r eins ert t he e ntire assem bly in the dis hwa sher,po s itio ning i tin i tss eat and pres sing dow nwa rds.
Theentirefilter assembly shouldbe cleanedonce a week.
Whencleaning the filters, don'tknock on them. Otherwise, thefilterscould be
To clean th ee dge ar oundthe door,you sho ulduse o nly a soft wa rm, dam pcloth.
To avoid pene trat iono f wa te rin to the d oorlock and el ectr ica lco mponen ts,do not
usea spray cle aner of any ki nd.
Never u se a spr ay c leaner t ocl ean t he door panel as it m ay dam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asiveag ent so r som epa per towels s hou ldnot be u sed b ecau seof th eri skof
sc r a t c hi ng o r l eav ing s p ots on the st ain less stee l s ur fa ce.
Cleaning the SprayArms
It is nece ssary to clean the sp ra yarms re gularly in order to
remove the a ccumulation of s cale from the hard water
and t hus preve nt blocki ng of spr ay arm j ets and b earings.
We Sug gest to poke t heb locked spray arm j ets wit ha nee dle
to e nsure good w ashing effect.
I f y ou r dishwa she r cann ot w ork be cau se o f the i c e, ple a se c onta ct p ro fess ional serv ice p er so ns.
Theinstallationof thepipes
and electrical equipments
should bedonebyprofessionals.
Electrical Shoc kHazard
Di sc onne ct e l ectri cal p o we r be fore
electrical shock.
Theinstallationpositionofdishwashershouldbe near theexisting inletand drainhosesand
Onesideofthecabinet sinkshouldbe chosen tofacilitatethe connection of drain hoses of
Installation preparation
Note: please check theaccompanying installation accessories(hookfor aestheticpanel
Itisrecommend thatyourunawashcycle withthe
dish washer e mpt yan dthe nre mov ethe pl ugf rom the
socket, t urn offth ewa te r supp ly and l eave the door of
t he a pp li an c e s l i ght ly op en. T h is wil l hel p th e door
withinth eappliance.
If th e applian cemust be move d, t ryto keep i tin the
verticalposition. Ifabsolutelynecessary,itcanbe
positi oned on its back .
dishwasher is f oodth atre mainstr appe di n the seals .
Periodic cleaning with a d amp sponge wi llpreve ntthis
f r o m oc curr ing.
Af ter ever ywash, t urn offt hew ater supp ly to the
applia nce and l eave t he doo rslightl yop en sot hat
m oistu rean dodou rs a ren ottra ppe dinside .
Befo re cleaning or p erformi ng mainten ance, always
remove the p lug fr omthe socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
donotuse solventsor abrasivecleaningproducts.
O nly use a cloth with w arm so apy wate r.
To re m ov e sp ots o r s t ain s f rom the sur face oft he
interi or,usea clothdampened withwaterana little
v inega r, o ra c lean ingpro duct mad es peci fical lyf or
After EveryWash
Remove thePlug
No Solvents orAbrasive Cleaning
Mov ing t heAp plia nce
WhennotinUse foraLongTime
(Unit: mm)
Door of
Minimum space of 50mm
90 °
90 °
450 mm
Space between cabinet
bottom and floor
Electrical, drain and
water supply line
Please carefullyreadtheinstallation instruction.
Illustrations ofcabinetdimensionsandinstallationpositionof the dishwasher
Prepar ations should b emade b efore movi ng the dishwas her to th eins tallatio nplace.
C hoo se a pl ac enear th es ink to fac ilitate the ins talla tion ofin letand d rain hoses (s ee f igure 1) .
If dishwas her is install ed a tthe corner o fthecab inet ,the re sh ouldbe some sp ace (illustrat ed in f igure 2 )
w hen the door is o pened.
Minimumspace when
the door is opened
couldbeprocessed accordingtothefigure 3
beprocessed in accordance
withthe illustrated dimensions
Aesthetic panel's dimensions and installation
cabinetand the
outer dooraligned
Installationof aestheticpanel
【】Figure 4a
Installthehook onthe aestheticwoodenpanel andput the hookinto the slotof theouterdoor of
dishwasher(seefigure4a).Afterpositioning ofthepanel ,fixthepanelonto theouterdoor by
sc rews and bo lt s(See f igu re 4 b) .
Installationof aesthetic
. g e t bac k the c o ver
Outer door of
Aesthetic panel
Hook for aesthetic panel
4X18 screw
Spacer for aesthetic panel
Hop hook
St4 countersunk
head screw
Lower hook
Tension adjustment
ofthe door spring
Tensionadjustment of the door spring
Connection of drainhoses
The doorsprings are setat the factoryto thepropertension forthe outer door.Ifaesthetic
woodenpanel are installed, youwill have to adjustthe doorspringtension. Rotate the adjusting
Doorspring tensionis correct when
the d oor r em ain shori z ontal in t he
fully opened positio n yet rises
toa close withthe slightlift of a
Insert thedrainhoseintoa drainpipewitha minimumdiameterof 4cm,orlet it
runintothesink,makingsuretoavoidbendingorcrimpingit.Usethespe ial
pla stic su ppor t that come swi th th e ap plianc e (f igure 6 ).The f ree an d of t he h ose
mustbe at a heightbetween400and 1000mm andmust notbe immersed in water
toavoid the backflow of it.ATTENTION:The special plastichosesupport must be
solidly fastened to the wall to prevent the drainhosefrommoving andallowing water
tospill outsidethe drain.