Whirlpool LPR 660 User guide

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LP R 660 (W PL 6#)
(PRIMA)( )
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2. A4
3. ,
LPR 660
Dishwasher Features.................................... ...3
AWater Softener...........................................4
Attention before or after loading the Dishwasher
Filtering System.............................................15
Caring for the Dishwasher...............................15
BLoading the Salt into the Softener.................5
CFill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
DFunction of Detergent
Loading the upper Basket.................................9
Loading the Lower Basket...............................10
Cutlery Basket........................................... ...11
Wash Cycle Table...........................................12
Turning on the Appliance...............................13
Change the Programme..................................13
At the End of the Wash Cycle...........................13
Before calling for service.................................23
Technical information.....................................25
Control Panel...................................................3
Water Connection...........................................22
Please carefully read the installation instruction
....17Aesthetic panel's dimensions and installation
Tension adjustment of the door spring 19..............
Connection of drain hoses.......................................19
Dishwasher installation steps..........................20
To review the section on troubleshooting Tips
will help you to solve some common problems
by yourself .
Dear Customer,
Please carefully read this manual before using the
dishwasher, it will help you to use and maintain the
dishwasher properly.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
This manual contains sections on safety Instructions,
Operating Instructions, Installation Instructions and
Troubleshooting Tips, etc.
The manufacturer, following a policy of constant
development and updating of the product, may
make modifications without giving prior notice.
Keep it toreferto it at a later date.
If you can not solve the problems by yourself ,
please ask for the help of professional technicians.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt w hether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away fromthe open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us eo nly det ergent and rins eadditiv es
design ed for an aut oma tic dishwash er.
Ne ver use s oap,laun dr yde terg ent, orhand
wa shi ng det ergent in you r d ishwash er.K eep
these pr oducts out of t he re ach of chi ldren.
During installation,thepowersupply mustnot
be excessively ordangerouslybentorflattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. T he appliance could tip
on or stand on
When lo ad in g i te ms to be washed:
1)Locatesharp itemssothat theyarenot likely
2 Warning: Kni ves and otheru te nsil swi th
sha rpp oin t s mu st be l oaded in th e bask et
w ith their poi ntsd own or p lace din a
When us ingyou rdishw asher, you shoul d
preve ntplast ic items from comin gint oc ontac t
wit ht he he ating element .(This inst ru cti on is onl y
applica ble to m achines w ith a visual h eating
ele ment.)
I fth esuppl y cord i sdam aged, it mus tbe repl aced
by the m an ufactur er or it sse rvice agent ora
si mi larly qual i fie dper son i nor de rt o a void a
hazar d.
Pl ea se dispos e of pack ing mater ial s properl y.
U se the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door tothe washing compartmentwhen
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwasherdetergentsare stronglyalkaline, they
can be ext re m e ly dangerous i f s w a l l ow e d .Avoi d
contact with skin and eyes and keep children away
from the dishw ashe rw hent he d oor isop en.
Check thatthe detergent comparment isempty
aft er com pletio no f th ewash cycl e.
Th e appl ian ceis tob econne cted to t he w at er
mainsusing new hosesets and that oldhose-sets
should n ot be reuse d .
The maximumnumberof place settingstobe
was hed i s 9 .
The maximumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
1Mp a.
The minimumpermissibleinlet water pressureis
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
ment al capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety .
When using your dishwas he r, foll ow the prec aut ions listed below:
Th edoo rshould not be left o pen,
since th is co ul d increase the risk of trippi ng.
D ispo se o f t hedish wa sher pac kagi ngm ater ial c orrectly.
All pa ckaging mate rials ca nbe recy cled.
Pl ast ic parts a rem arked w ith t hes tand ard int ernat i onal abbrevi ations:
PE fo r polyethylene, e .g.s hee t wr apping m ater ial
PS for polystyrene,e.g.paddingmaterial
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opy lene ,e.g. Sa lt fill er
AB S Acrylo nitri leB utad iene St yrene, e.g .Contro l Pa nel .
Pa ckaging materialcouldbedangerousfor children!
Fo rdi spos ing of pa ckage a nd th ea ppliance please goto are cyc ling cen tre. There for e cut
off the powersupplycableand makethe doorclosingdevice unusable.
Cardboard packaging ismanufactured fromrecycledpaperand shouldbe dispos edin the
w ast e paper c ollect ion f or re cy cling .
By en surin gt his pr oduct i s dispo se d of correctly,you wil lhelp pre ven t po tentialn egati ve
con seque nces for the envi ronm ent a nd human h eal th,w hic h could o therw ise be c aused
byinappropriatewaste handling of this product.
Fo rm ored eta iled infor mat iona bou t rec ycli ng o f t hi s pro duct ,please con tac t your loc al
ci tyoffice and your hou seho ldw ast e dis posalse rvi ce.
DISPOSAL :Do no tdispose th is pr oduct as unsor ted municip alwa ste. C ollect ion of such
waste sep arately forspec ial tr eatment i s n eces sary.
To get the best performancefromyourdishwasher, readall
operatinginstructions before using it forthe firsttime.
Ba ck Vi ew
Fr on t view
Po wer light :To co me on w hen Power ON /OFF
buttonis presseddown.
ON/OFF Button :Toturn on/offthe pow ers upply.
Salt and Rins eAid Warning Light: To come on when
the softenerordis penser needs tobe refilled.
Program indicatorlight:when youselect washing
pro gram , the correspond l i ght w ill di spl a y.
Pro gram Ke y -pr es s:To sel ect w ash ing p rogram
whenpress theKey-press.
3in1 in dicat or li ght / 3in1
functionsButton:To selectandshow 3in1
Deterg entDis penser
Ri nse A id Dispenser
Inlet pipe connector
Drain pipeconnector
Low er B aske t
Sp rayA rms
Upp er B ask e t
Sa lt C onta iner
11 12
Tray a ss
Befo re using you rdis hwa sher for the first time:
Th ewat er so ftener must be s et m anu al ly, using the w ater ha rd ness di al.
Th ewat er so ften eris des ign ed to remove min era lsan dsalts from t hew ater, wh ich w ouldh ave
adetrimentalor adverseeffect ontheoperationofthe appliance.Thehigherthe
content of t hese mineral sand sal ts,the harde r your wat er is. T he s ofte ner s hould b e
adju st ed acco rding t o the ha rdness of t he wa ter in you rarea. Your loca lWaterAuthor ity
can adviseyouonthehardnessofthewaterinyourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her isde sig ned to all ow f ora dj ustment i n the am ount of sa lt consumed bas ed onthe ha rdne ss of
thewaterused.This isintended tooptimiseand customisethelevel o f salt consumption.
1. Unscrew thecap fromthesaltcontainer.
2. There is ar ing o nth e containe rwit hana rrow on it ( se e fig ure
ontheside),ifnecessary, rotate thering intheanticlockwise
direction fromthe "-" Settingtowardthe" +"sign, basedon the
hardne sso f the w at er being u se d.
It is recomm end edthat a djust me nts shou ld b e m ade i n
acco rd ance wit h t he f oll owin g sc h em e:
Contact yo ur l ocalwat erbo ardfor inf ormation on the hardness of y our w ater su pply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~3 98~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 4 0 25
60 16
0~1 0
Clar ke
Clark:British degree
fH: French degre e
DH : Ger man degree
dH =1.25 Clarke =1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
Salt consum ption
Aut o nomy
Pl eas e follo w the s teps bel ow f or adjus tmen t in s alt c on sum ptio n.
"+ "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No salt n eed adde d
45~60 80~1 07 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set the wat ersof tener
B. Pou r 1 2 li tre o fwa ter i nside the sa ltco ntainer and then f il l w ithd ish wash er sa lt
C. Fi ll the r i nse aid d ispen s er
D. Fillindetergent
nor mal fo r a s mall amo unt o f water to come out o f t he sa l t co n ta iner.Itis
1.The salt con tainer must onl y be r efilled w hen t he s alt wa rn ing light in t he cont rol pan el comes on.
Depend ing on how w ell t hes alt diss olve s, th esa lt warnin glight may still be on even tho ugh the
salt contai ner is fill ed.
If there is no sa lt w ar ning light i n the con trol p anel(f orso me Mode ls),you c ane st imate when t o f ill
the s alti nto the so ftener by th e cycles t hatthe di shwashe rhas run.
2. I fther ea re spi lls o fthe salt ,a soak or a rap id pro gr ams hould be ru nto remove the excessive sa lt .
Always u se the sal t i ntended for u sewi thdi shwasher.
The sa lt c ontain er i slocat ed ben eath the l ower bas ket and sh ouldb efill edas e xplained in th e
foll ow ing :
Only use salt spe cif icall y desi gne d f ort he use i ndi shwa shers! Every other type of
salt n ot speci ficallyde sig ned fo r theu se in ad ishwas her, espe cially t able salt, wi ll
damage t hew ater sof tener. I n case of d ama ges caused b y t he use o f unsuitab le
salt t he ma nufact ure r doe s notg ive any wa rranty nor is liabl e for any damage scaused.
Only fil lwi ths alt ju stb efo re start ingone o fth eco mp lete wa shingp rogra ms.
This wi llp revent any g rains ofs alt or salty wate r, w hi ch ma yhave b een spi lled,
remain ing on th e bottom o fth e m achi ne f or any p eriod of ti me , whi ch m aycause
c o rr osio n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the RinseAid Dispenser
Th er i nse aid i srel eas edd uri ngthe final ri nse to pr event water f rom for mi ng drop lets o ny our dis he s, whic h can l eav e
spots and s treaks. It also improv esd rying by all owing water t o ro ll off the d ishes. Your di shwasheris des igned to
usel iquidrin seaids. The rin se aiddi spenser isl ocated i nsi de the d oor next to t he detergent di spens er. To fill th e
dispenser,open thecapand pourthe rinseaidintothedispenseruntil thelevel indicatorturnscompletelyblack.
Thevo lume o fthe rins eaid contai ner is about 110ml.
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse aid is aut oma tic ally a dded d uring the l ast ri nse, ensuring thor ough rinsi ng, and spo tan d s treak f ree drying.
Only use branded rinseaidfor dishwasher.Neverfill therinseaiddispenserwithanyo thersubstances
(e.g. Di shw asher cleani ng ag ent, liq uid d eterge nt).Th is would dam age t he app lian ce.
A Remove the lower basket and thenunscrewandremovethecap fromthesaltcontainer.
B Before thefirst wash,fill1lt.ofwater inthe salt container of your machine.
C Place the e nd of t hefun nel (supp lied) in to the hole and intr oduce abou t 1kg ofsal t.
D Af te rf il ling the co ntainer , scr ew th ec apt ightly b ac k clo ckwise.
E Usually, the s alt warni ng li ght will st op being i llumi nat ed with in 2-6 days afte rth es alt c ont ain er ha sbe en fi ll ed wit h
sal t.
F Imm edi at ely a ft erf il lingt he s alt into the sa ltco ntainer, a washin g progr am should be sta rted (Wesu ggest to use t he
soak orrapidprogram).Otherwisethe filter system,pump or other importantpartsof the machinemay bedamaged
bysalty water.This isoutofwarranty.
To op ent he di spens er,t urn the cap to the "op en" ( left )ar row an d l ift it o ut .
Po ur t he ri nse ai d int o th e disp ens er, be ing c aref ul n ot to o verfi ll .
Replace the cap b y inse rt ing i taligned wit h "open" arrow and turnin git to t hecl osed(righ t) arrow.
Adjusting RinseA id Di spenser
The ri nse aid dispe ns er has si x or f ou r s ett ings.Al ways sta rt wi th t hedi spe ns er
set o n"4". I fspots andp oo r dr yin gare a p roblem, increa se t he amoun tof r i nse
aid disp ensedb y removin g the d ispe nser l idan drot ating t he d ial to "5". If t he
dishes s til l ar enot d rying pr operlyo r are show sp ots, a dj ustth e di al to the n ext
highe r lev erun til your dishes a resp ot-f ree. The r ecom mend ed setting is "4".
(Fa ctory value is "4".)
Increase the dose if thereare drops of waterorlimespotsonthe dishes afterwashing.
Reduceitifthere aresticky whitishstainson yourdish es o rabluish film onglassware or
knife blades.
As th eri nse aid d imin ishes,th esiz eof the black do t
ontherinse aidlevel indicator changes, asillustra tedbelow.
1/4full - Should refilltoeliminate spotting
Em pty
Adjust l ever
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth erei s no rins e-ai d warnin g ligh t in t hec ontr olp anel, you can estimate the am ount from the colo ur
ofth eopt ica ll ev elindi cat or C loca ted next to the c ap. When th erin se-a idc onta iner i sfu ll, the wh ole
indicato rwill be dark . As t herinse -aid di minishes, t hesi zeof the dar k dot de crea ses. You sho uld neve rlet
t he rins e ai d l ev el fa ll 1 / 4 f ull.
durin gthe nex twa sh. Don 'tfor gett ore pla cethe cap be for e you clos edis hwa sherd oor.
Clean u p a n y rins e aid sp ill ed while du ri n g f ill i ng w i th a n ab so rbent clot h to av oi d ex ce ssive f oam in g
Deterge nts wi th its chem ical ingr edients a re nece ss ary to re mov e dir t,c rus hdirt an dtrans po rt it o ut of the di shwasher.
Mostof theco mmerci al qualitydetergentsare suitableforthisp urpose.
D. Function of Detergent
The re ar e 3 s orts of det e rgents
1.Withphosphate andwithchlorine
2.With phosph ate and wit hout chlo rine
3.Wi thout ph osphate and without chlorine
C (R i nse - Ai din d ic ato r)
Amount of Detergent toUse
Proper U se of De terg ent
Use o nly det erge nts pecificall ym ade for the u sein dis hwas hers.K eep your det ergentfr esh and dry.
Don'tputpowdereddetergentinto the dispenseruntilyou'reready towash dishes.
Dishwash erde tergen tis co rr osive! Ta kec are to kee pi t out of reach ofc hildren.
Basedontheir chemicalcomposition,detergentscan besplitintwo basictypes:
The use of normal washingprograms incombinationwith concentrateddetergents
redu ces poll utio na nd is g ood for your dish es ; thes ewash prog ram sare spe cifically mat che d
to t he di rt-di ssol ving pro pert i es of the e nz ymes of the con cent rate ddeterg ent . For this reas on
normal washprogramsinwhichconcentrateddetergentsareused canachievethe same
resultsthatcan otherwiseonlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergenttabletsofdifferent brandsdissolve at differentspeeds. For thisreasonsome
dete rgen tta blet scan not diss olve and dev elop the irful lcle ani ngpo wer dur ing s ho rt
prog ra ms. T herefore plea se use l ong program swh en u sin g d eterg ent t ablets, t o
ensure the com plete re mova l of d et er g e n t re sidual s.
The dispens er m us t b ere fill edbe fore the start of each wash cy cle f ol lowi ngthe instructi ons
provided in t he w ash cycle ta bl e . Your dis hwa sher use sless de terg ent and rins eaid tha n
Conventionaldishwasher.Generally, onlyonetablespoon of detergent is neededfor
anormal washload. Moreheavily soileditems needmoredetergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tj us tbe fore star ting the dish was her, oth erw ise it coul dg e tda mp a nd w ill n ot
di s solv e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Always add th edetergent j us tb efore start ingea chwash cycle.
Only use branded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If the l id i sclose d: press release butt on.T he l id will sp ring open.
conventional,alkalinedetergentswith causticcomponents
l ow a lk aline conc ent rated deter ge nts w it h natural e nzy mes
Normally new pu lverised dete rge nt is with out phos ph ate.T hus the wate rsoften erfu ncti on o f
phosph ate i s not gi ve n. I n t h i s c ase w e recom me nd t o fi l l sa l t i n t h e salt co nta i n er even when
the h ar dness o f wate ris o nl y 6 dH. If dete rg entsw itho ut ph osphate are usedin the case of h ard water
often whi tes pots app ear ond ishes a nd gl asses.I nthis cas epl ease add m ore d eter gent tor each
better r esu l ts . D ete rg en ts w i th o ut chlori n e d o on ly bl e ac h a l it t le. Str o ngand c olo u red sp o t s w i ll no t
bere moved complete ly. I nth isc ase p lease c hoo sea p rog ram with a hi gher tem perature .
I fyou use 3in 1ta ble ts in o ther pro grams, t hea pp liance will not achieve ago odp er fo rma nce.
Only the 3in1 fun ction (for the prog ram :i nt ensi ve/N orm al/E co.) Can be used wit h 3in 1t ablet s.
Fillt hede ter gent disp enserw ithd eter gen t.
Th e marking in d ic ates t h e dosi ng levels , as
i ll us tra ted on t he r igh t:
Th ep lace of main wash cyc ledeterg ent plac ed,
M IN means appr oximatel y2 0go f detergen t.“”
Th ep laceo fpr e-wa shcycle det er ge nt place d,
app roximat ely 5 go f detergen t
Pleaseo bserve t hem anufactur er sdo sing and storage
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
Clos ethelid and press untilit locks in plac e.
I f th e d i shes a r e h eavily so i led, pl ac e an ad dit io nal
detergen tdo sein the pre- was h deterg ent cham be r.Th is d eter gen twill take effe ctdurin g the pre- wash p has e.
Fill in Detergent
Youfi ndin formatio nab out the a mo unto fdet er gent for th esi ngle pr ogram me ont he last p age .
Pl ea sea ware ,tha t accord ing t ot he lev elso iling and the spec ific har dnes sof wat er d iff erence sa re po ssible.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer's recommendations onthe detergentpackaging.
When us ing3in1 c ombination / com pa ct D etergents ,please pa y atten tion to ma kesur ethat
the size of the co mbi natio n det ergent s fits t othe dispe nser so that combin ation
deterge ntscan be ea sily put i nto the d ispense r, and th edispen ser wou ld not b ebroken.
Your dishwas her h as a 3i n1fu nct ionw hich needs no sal tand rin se aidb uta 3In1 t ab let.
This dishwas her c om esw itha 3in 1 tablet co nt ainer as ana cce ssory.
1.The figure below showshow to hangthe3in1 tabletcontaineron theupperbasket.
2. Rot ateth eup pers pra yer an dch ange the locat ion o f the conta ine r to e nsure the upper s prayer isn ot
obstructedby the 3in 1 tabletcontainer.Refertothe figurebelow forreference.
3.Put the 3in1 tablet intothecontainer ,then startthe 3in1pro gram.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
For b est pe rforma nce of t h edish washe r,f ollow t he se lo ading gu ideline s.F eatures an d
appea rance of bask ets and cutl er y b askets may va ry f rom yo ur m odel.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off any large a mounts o fleftov er fo od. Soft enr emnants of b urnt fo od in p ans .
It is n ot ne cessary to r inse the dis hes under running wat er.
Plac eobj ects int he di shw ash erin f ollowing wa y:
1.I te mss uch asc ups, glass es, p ots/pan s, etc. a re f aced downw ards.
2.C urved item s,o r ones w ith r ecesses, sho uld b el oaded asla ntso that wa te r can r un of f.
3.All utensils are stacked securely andcan not tipover.
4.All uten sils are pl ac edi n the wa ytha t t he spr ayar ms can rota te fr eely d ur ingw ashi ng.
Ve rysma llite ms should no t be washed in t hed ishw ash era sthe ycoul d easi ly fa ll ou t of th eb aske ts.
Bowl M Bowl L() ()
Glasse s
Dessert plate
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The u p pe r r ac k i s desi g n ed to hold m ore del icat e and l ighter d ishw are suc h as gl as ses, c offee
and tea cup and sauc ers, as w ell as pl ates ,s mall bowls an dsha ll owpa ns(a slo ng a st he yar e
not too d irty).
Pos ition the dishes and c ookware so t hat t hey do n ot g et m ovedby the spray of wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting theUpperBasket
Th eheight o ft he up per b ask etca nbe adj usted in order to create mo re space for l arge u tensils
bothfor theupper/lowerbasket.Theheight of the upperbasketcanbeadjusted byplacingthe
wheels on di fferen t h eigh tof the r ails. Lo ng item s, ser vi ng cu tlery, salad se rve r sa nd kn ives
should be pl aced o n the shel fso t hatthe yd o not o bstr uct t herot ati on o f th espr ay a rms.
Th eshe lfca nb e fold edb ac k or b erem ovedw he n not re quired for us e.
Loading the Lower Basket
Werecommendthatyouplace largeitems whicharemostdifficultto cleanintothelower basket:
pots, pans,lid s,servingdishes andbowls, asshownin thefigureto theright.
I t is p refe rabl e to pl ac e serving dis hes and lids ont hes ide o f the ra c ksi n order t o avo idb locking
Pots, servingbowls, etc. must alwaysbeplacedtop down.
D eep pot sshould bes lan tedto allow w ater tof low o ut .
Th eb otto mb aske t feature f ol d dow ntin er ows soth at l arger orm ore pot sandp ans c anbe lo aded .
1. Cutlery basket
2. Dessert plates
3. Soup plates
4. Dinner plates
5. Oval platter
6. Saucer
Cutlery Basket
Fo r washing in th edi shwashe rthe f ol lowing cutl ery/di shes
Cutle ryw ith w ooden, hor n chi na or
mothe r-of-pe arlha ndles
Plas tic items that ar en oth eatre sistan t
Older c utlery w ith gl ued p arts that are not
Pewte r or c ooper it ems
Steel i te mssubj ectto r usting
Items made from syntheticfibres
Do not p utin it ems that are d irty o f cigar ette a sh,c andle wax, l acq uer or p aint.
If you b uy new d ishes please mak esur et hat they ar e su itable for d ishwashe rs.
Somety pes ofg las ses c an b ecome
dullaftera large numberofwashes
Si l ver and a l u mi nu m pa rts hav e a
tendenc yto discolou rdu ri ng w ashin g
Glazed pa tt er n s ma y f a d e if mac h in e
was he d fr equen t ly
Pl eas e d o not ov er l o ad your di shwa she r. Th er e is on ly space for 9 stan dard di s hes. Do no t
us ed ish t hat isno tsu itable fo rdis hwashers .T his i s im portant f orgo od resu lts and fo r
B efore lo adi ng the dishes , you sh ould:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte nre mnants of bu rntf ood in pa ns
Dishesandcutlerymustnotimpedetherotationof thesprayarms
Lo ad holl ow i tems suc has cup s,g lass es, p ans etc. with the ope ning do wnwards s ot hat
w ater can not colle cti n t he con tain ero ra d eep b ase
Are of limitedsuitability
Loading cutleryand dishes
Whe nloadingthe dishes andcutlery, pleasenote :
Cutlery sh ould be place din t hecutl eryb asket with th ehan dles a tthe bottom. I f the r ack ha sside b askets ,the
spoons sh ould be loade ds eparat ely into the ap pr opri ate slot s,es peciall yl on g utensi ls should be pl ace di nt he
horizont al po sition at the front of t he u ppe rbasket a ss how nin the pi cture.
Alwa yslo adsh arp u tensils w ith the s harp
poin t dow n!
1 2 3456 7
1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do not l e av e any item e x tend thro ugh bot tom .
Knivesand other utensilswithsharp points
mustbe loaded in th eba sket with the irpoi nt s
dow nor plac ed i n an hor izon t al p osit ion.
Itisdangerousto openthedoorwhenwashing, becausethe hotwatermaybe scaldedtoyou.Thedoorshouldnot be
Me ani ng: ne ed to f ill r in se i n to t he Ri nse-A id Di sp ens e r.
*En50242: Thi sprog ram is the tes tcycle, ther inse-a iddispenser
se tt ing i s re com me nde d to be set to p os it ion 6 .
Intensi ve
F o r no rm ally soile d l oads ,
such a s , pla tes, g l as ses
a nd lightly so iled pans.
Standar d da ily cycle.
po t s
F o r th e heaviest soil ed l oads ,
such a s pots , pans, c ass erole
dishesand dishe sthat have
onthemfor a while.
soiled l oad st hat d ono t
need dr yi n g.
Pre -w ash
Pre -w as h 50
Wash (60 )
Rinse ( 70 )
Pre- wa sh
Wash (5 0 )
Rinse (60 )
Dryi ng
Was h ( 40 )
Rinse (45 )
0.8 1
13 .0
Ec o.
22 g
F o r l i g htl y s oiled lo a ds,such
as p lates,glasses,bowls and
lightlysoiled pans.
Pre- wa sh
Wash (4 5 )
Rinse (60 )
7. 0
Torinse d ishesthat you
plantowash later that da y.
Pre -wash
Expr ess
15 g15 g
Da ily
Ec o.
For norm ally soiled l oads,
such as ,plat es , gla sses
and lig htly soil edpan s.
standarddaily cy cle .
For lightl yso iled loads,such
as plat es,gla sses,b owls and
lightl ysoiledpan s.
such as p ots, p ans, casse rol e
dishes and dish es t hat h ave
been s itting wit hd rie dfood
onthem for a wh ile.
Pre-wash 60
Was h (70 )
Rinse (70 )
Pr e- wa sh
Was h (50 )
Rinse (70 )
Pr e- wa sh
Was h (45 )
Rinse (70 )
Dry ing
14 8
12 8
12 . 7
12 . 7
Premi se:
1. Acycl e tha tis und erway can on ly be mo dified if it has on ly been runn in g
for a sho rttime . Other wise, the detergen t may h ave alrea dy b een released ,
and the appl iance m ay have alrea dy dra inedt he w ash water. If th is is t hec ase,
the dete rgent di spenser must be r efil led( se ethe s ection en titled " Lo ading the
Detergent " ).
2. Presscurrentprog.Button more than3 secondsto canceltheprogram ,
then you can chan ge the pr ogr am t othe d es ire dc ycle s et ting ( see t he sec tion
entitl ed " Star ting a washc ycle. . . " ).
3. P re ss one of others pr og.B utton mo rethan 3 s econd sto cancel the r uning pr ogram ,
transla sethe progr am whi ch y ou pr ess.
4. P re ss t he display butt on more than 3 seco nds to re-e dit d isplay t ime .
It is dan geroustoopenthedo or w hen washing, becausethe hot water may scald you.
When t he working c yc le has fi nis hed, the b u z zer of th e d i shw as h e r w i l l s ound f or 8 secon ds, t hen st op . T u rn o ff
t he a pplian ce using t he ON/ OFF b ut ton, shut o f f t he wa ter s upply a n d o pen the d o or of th e di sh was her.
Waitfor afew minutesbeforeunloadingthedishwashertoavoidhandlingthedishes andutensilswhilethey
are still hot and m ore suscep tible to b reakage. The yw ill al sod ry better.
Openthedoor carefully.
H ot d ishes are sensitive t okno cks. The di shes should ther efore bea llowedt oco ol d ownarou nd 15 minutes
befor eremovi ngfrom the app liance.
O pen t he dish was her's door, leave it aj ar and w ai t a few mi nutes bef or er emov ing t he dishes. In this way they
w il lbe cooler and the dryin g wi ll b eim proved.
Unloadingthe dishwasher
It is n or mal t hatth edishw ashe ris wet insid e.
Empt ythe low er b asket f irst an d then the up peron e.T hi swi llav oi d wate rdri pp ing f ro m t he uppe r Basket on to
the di shes in t helower on e.
Turning On theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot toAdd a Dish?
Startinga cycle wash
1 Drawout thelowerandupperbasket, loadthe dishesand pushthemback.
It is com men ded to lo adt helo wer bask et f irst, then the upper o ne (s ee t he sectio ne ntit le d
Loading the Dishwasher ).
2 P our in t he de te rgen t ( see th e se ct ion e ntitle d Sa l t, De te rg ent and Ri ns eA id ).
3 I nse rt the pl ug in tot he s ocket. The power s uppl yi s 220 -240 VAC /50 HZ ,the specific ation of t he
socket i s 10A 25 0VA C. M ake sure tha tt he water s upp lyis turne don to f ull p ressure.
Ope nthe doo r, p ress the ON/OFF butt on,a nd t he O N/O FFl i ght will turn on.
Press t hepro gra mbu tton to a sired wa sh cycle . and clo seth ed oor.After 3se conds, the mach ine will work .
Aforgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent cup opens.
Load the forgotten dishes.
Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arms stop working,you can open the door
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
2. Tur n of f the water ta p!
1.Switc ho ffth edis hwashe r by p ressing the ON/OFF button.
Th eb uzze rof the d ishwasher m oo s for 8se con ds,o nly in th isca se th ep rogramm eha sen ded .
Switch Off theDishwasher
The filter pre ventsl ar ger remnant sof food or ot her objects f rom gett ing i nsi de th epu m.
Theresidues may blockthefilter, inthiscasethey mustbe removed.
The filter system c on sists of a coar se filter,a flat (Main f il ter )
A n da mi c ro fi lt e r( F i ne fi lte r) .
Food and soil particlestrapped inthis filterarepulverizedby a
specia l jet ont hel owe r spr aya rma ndw ashe dd own tod rain.
Lar g er i tems, s uc h as pie c es of bo ne s or glas s, t ha t coul d b lo ck
the drainaretrappedin the coarse filter.To removetheitems
caugh t by the fil ter,gen tly s que eze the tap on th et op of this
Thisfilter holds soilandfoodresiduesinthe sumpareaand
preventsitfrom beingredepositonthe dishes duringwashcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Thefilter efficiently
For b est p er formance and res ults, the f il ter must b e cleane dre gul arly. t his r easo n, it i sa goo dide ato
r em ove t hela rger food par ticl estr app edin the filte raft ere ach wash cyc leby rin sing the s emicirc ula r filte ran d
c up u nderru nnin gwa ter. To re mo veth efil terd evice ,pull th ec up handle in t heupwa rddirect ion.
re mo vesf ood part icle s fro mt hewa shw ate r, al lowing it t obe recycle dd ur ing t he cycl e.
T he di sh was her mus t n e ver be used wit hout the filters.
Imp ro per repl ac ement of the f ilter may re duce the perform anc elevel o fthe applian ce
and damage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filter i n ant i-clo ckwis edirect ion,
t hen li ft it up.
St ep 2 lif t the Main fil te rup
Step 3 lifttheFinefilter up
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from S tep 3 to Step 1, the f ilter system will be installed.
The cont ro lp ane l can be clea ned by u si nga lig htly dam penedc loth.
Af ter cl eaning, m ake sureto dry it t horoug hly.
For the exteri or, us e a good app li anc e po li s h wax .
Neveru sesharp objects, sco ur ing pads o rh arsh c lean ers ona ny part o fthe dis hw asher.
ProtectAgain st Freezing
1.Cutoff theelectricalpower tothe dishwasher.
2.Turn off the wat ersu ppl y an ddisco nnect the wat erinl etpipe from the wate rvalve.
3.Drain thewater fromthe inletpipe andwatervalve. (Use apan tocatchthewater)
4.Reconnect the water i nl et pipe t othe wa ter val ve.
5.Remove t he f ilter at the bott omof the tub and use a sponge to soak up water in the s ump.
pl ease t ake fros tprot ectio n m easures ont he dishw asher in wint er. Ev ery fter wa shingc ycle s,
pl ease op erate as follow s
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Ins pect the filter sfor blo ckin ga ftere very time t he dis hwa sher has been u sed.
- By uns crewing t he c oar sefi lter, you can rem ove t he filter syst em . Re mov ea nyfoo dre mna nts and
clean thefilters underrunningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
CleaningThe Door
To c lean t h e c o a rs e f ilter and the fi n e filte r , use a cl eanin g brus h . Re as se mble t he fil t er par ts as shown i n th e fi gur es
on t h elas t p age a nd r eins ert t he e ntire ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, po sitio nin g i ti n i tss eat and pres sing dow nwa rds .
Theentire filter assembly shouldbe cleanedoncea week.
Whencleaning thefilters, don't knock onthem. Otherwise, thefilters could be
contorted andtheperformanceofthe dishwashercouldbedecreased.
To cle an th ee dge around t hedoor, you shoul duse only a soft warm, d am p cl oth.
To avoi dpene trati ono f wa terin tot hedoor lock and el ectrical componen ts,d onot
usea spray cle aner of any kind.
Never u sea spr ay c leaner t oc lean t he door pan el as i tm ay dam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asive ag ent so r some pa pe r towels s hou ld not b euse dbecau seo fth eri sko f
sc r a t c hing or l eav in g spot s on t he st ainles s steel s urfa ce.
Cleaning the SprayArms
It is necessar y to cl ean th espray a rm s re gularly in order to
remove th ea ccumulat ion of s cale f rom t hehard wat er
and thus pr event blocki ng of spr ay ar mjet sand bear ings.
We Suggest to poke the b locked spr ay arm j ets with a needl e
to e nsure good washi ng effect.
I f you r dishwashe r cann ot w or k beca u s e o f the ic e, ple a se contact pr ofe ss ional se r v i ce per sons.
Theinstallationof thepipes
and electrical equipments
should bedone by professionals.
Electrical Shoc kHazard
Di sc onne ct e lect ri cal p o we r be fore
Theinstallationposition ofdishwasher shouldbe nearthe existing inletand drainhosesand
power cord.
Oneside ofthe cabinetsink shouldbe chosen to facilitatethe connectionof drain hoses of
Installation preparation
Note: please checktheaccompanying installation accessories(hookfor aestheticpanel
Itisrecommendthatyourun awashcycle withthe
dish washer e mptyan dt he nre move th eplu gfr omthe
socket, turn o ff th ewa te r supply and le ave the door of
t he app l ia n c e s l ightl y open. T h i s wil l hel p t h e doo r
sealsto lastlongerandprevent odoursfromforming
withi ntheapplian ce.
If the app lian cemust be mo ved,tr yto keep i tin the
positi oned on its back.
dishwasher i sfoo dthat r emain str appedin the seals .
Periodic clea ni ng with a d amp sponge will prev ent t his
f r o m oc curr ing.
Aft er ever ywa sh, turn off t hew ater supp ly t o th e
applia nce and leave th e doo rslight lyop en soth at
m oisturea nd odou rs a reno ttra ppe din side.
Befo re cleani ng or p erforming ma inten ance, always
remove the plug fr om t he socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
donot usesolventsor abrasivecle aningproducts.
O nly use a c lo th w ith w arm so apy wat er.
To rem ov e s pots o r st ains from the sur f ace of t he
interi or, use a cloth da mpened withwa ter a na little
v ineg ar, o ra c leaning pro duct mad es p eci fically f or
After EveryWash
Remove the Plug
No SolventsorAbrasive Cleaning
Mov ing theAp pli ance
Whennot inUse foraLongTime
(Unit: mm)
Door of
Minimum space of 50mm
90 °
90 °
450 mm
Space between cabinet
bottom and floor
Electrical, drain and
water supply line
Pleasecarefullyread theinstallation instruction.
Illustrationsof cabinetdimensionsandinstallationposition of the dishwasher
Prepar ations shou ldb em ade b efore m oving the dish was her toth eins tallatio npla ce.
C hoo sea plac enear the si nk to fac ilitate the ins tall ation of i nl et a nd d rain hos es(s ee f igure 1).
If dishwas her isinstall ed a tthe corner o f th ecab in et ,th eresh ouldb e som esp ace (i llustrat ed in f igure 2 )
w hen the door is o pened.
Minimumspace when
the door is opened
Cabinet dimensions
couldbe processed according tothe figure 3
Theaestheticpanel should
beprocessed in accordance
withthe illustrated dimensions
Aesthetic panel's dimensionsand installation
ofdishwasher and
outer dooraligned