Cutlery with wooden, horn china or
mother -of-pearl han dle s
Plast ic i te ms t hat ar e not h eat resis tant
Older cut lery with glued par ts t hat a re n ot
temperature resistant
Bonded c utlery ite ms or dishes
Pewter or coop er ite ms
Crystal gla ss
Steel items su bject to rusti ng
Wooden p latte rs
Items made from synthetic fibres
So me t ypes of gl as ses c an becom e
dull afte r a large number of washes
Silv er a nd a lumi num par ts ha ve a
tendency to discolour during washing
Glazed patterns may fade if machine
washed freq ue ntly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie inside one another, or cover each other.
To av oid da mage to gl asse s, th ey m ust not t ouc h.
Lo ad large ite ms w hich are most difficul t to c lea n int o the l owe r bask et.
The uppe r bas ket is de sig ned to ho ld mor e delicate and li ghter d ishware such as glasses , coffee
and tea cups
Lo ng bladed kni ve s sto red i n an uprigh t po sition are a p otenti al hazard !
Lo ng and/or s harp item s o f cut lery such as carvi ng kniv es m ust be p ositione d
h orizon ta lly in t he upper b asket.
P lease do not o ve rloa d your di shwashe r. T his is import ant for g ood resu lts a nd fo r
r easonab le consu mpt ion o f en ergy.
Load holl ow ite ms suc h as cup s, gl asses, p ans etc. With t he opening f aci ng dow nwa rd s s o that
w a t er c ann o t c o l l ect i n t he c ont a i n e r or a dee p ba se.
Consider buying utensils which are identified as dishwasher-proof.
Use a mild detergent that is described as 'kind to dishes'. If necessary, seek further
information from the detergent manufacturers.
For part icu lar items, se lect a p ro gr am wit h as low a te mp era ture a s p ossib le.
To pr event dama ge, d o not t ake gla ss a nd c utler y out of the dishw asher i mmed iately
aft er t he p rogr amm e h as e nde d.
(For best per formance of the di shwasher, fol low the se load ing gu ide lines.
Featu res and ap pearance of baske ts and cutler y ba skets may var y from your mod el.)
Scrape off any larg e amount s o f left over fo od. S often rem nants o f burnt food in pans.
It is no t necess ary to ri nse t he d ish es under runni ng water.
Pl ace objects i n the dis hwasher in foll owing wa y:
1.Items su ch a s cups, g la sses, po ts /pa ns, e tc. a re fa ced dow nwa rds.
2.Curved it ems, or ones wit h recess es, shoul d be loade d asla nt s o th at w ater can run off.
3.All u tensils a re st acked secu rely and can not ti p o ver.
4.All u tens ils a re pl aced in t he way t hat the spray ar ms can r otate f reely d urin g wa shin g.
Very sm al l it ems sho uld n ot b e washe d in the dishwas her as th ey c ould ea sily fal l out o f th e basket .
To pre ven t wa ter drippi ng fr om the uppe r ba sket i nto t he lower ba ske t, we rec ommend tha t you
empty the lower basket f irst an d the n the upper ba sket.